Well, I guess I might say, The Don has been thinking again. The title line has noted that there may be some lack of communication. Please allow the all-knowing Don to elaborate on his thoughts about communications.
Yesterday, my favorite wife, along with my favorite granddaughter, my favorite grandson, and our son David, went out to celebrate his coming birthday, by having lunch. The food was good, but that is not the subject of this commentary. We all enjoyed talking with each other. There were discussions about many subjects. There were no cell phones in sight.
During our time at the table, all communications was person to person. Topics ranged from olden days, dreams, wasps, bow and arrows, guns, and yes even a computer game was discussed. Later, after the enjoyable time at the table with family, I began thinking about the fact that many people no longer take the time to have person to person communications.
In the olden days, before everyone had TVs, they would all sit at the table for the meal. During the meal, there were always person to person discussions about various topics. It was a family time, real person to person communication.
Then, with the TV came the TV trays. Some of you may not be old enough to remember the TV trays, but you could take your food to the TV room and eat while watching TV. That was the beginning of the end of person-to-person communications.
My wife and I enjoy sitting outside in the afternoon for 30 minutes to an hour, weather permitting, and talking about things. There is no TV to distract us, but there are squirrels and birds that sometimes get our attention. This is person to person communication. If we stay inside due to weather, we do not have the same face to face discussions.
When my wife and I go to the restaurant for supper, we have the face-to-face discussions (takes the place of sitting outside at home talking). We often talk about those people who are at a table, sitting across from each other, and they have their cell phones out looking and or texting rather than face to face conversations at the table. I did see a person holding her cell phone in front of her and talking with someone via the phone, I assume she could see the other person using the phone, while the other person across from her at the table was eating.
OK, here is the point of all this. Take time to have person to person communications, without distractions like a TV, or cell phone. Also, I suggest this communication be from 30 to 60 minutes. A 5-minute discussion might help, but you will not cover all the needed topics.
Take the time to be with family, you will learn a lot!
Person to person!
Senior retired person who needs a break, Don the Ford
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