
Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023

            I assume this will be my last posting, for this month. This is one of those times when I truly have little or nothing to present to you. All I have to talk about today is, the walk that Tres and I took this morning. It was an early morning walk which required a flash light. The walk was nice and quiet and there was no breeze at all. The temp was cool at 70 but a little breeze would have been nice. I just noticed that I did not have my new glasses on, wow I can see now! Also, I have noticed how much clearer the screen on the cell phone is when I have my new glasses on.

            I do have something to talk about. The moon was up and bright as we were walking. They call this moon a blue moon although it isn’t blue but it was closer to earth which made it seem larger. The moon was also very bright, there were no clouds in the sky so I could see the moon during the entire walk.  

            During the walk Tres did focus on a couple animals, most were cats, but there was one that was near the area where we had observed the possum yesterday. I could see the animal but I could not make out what it was so I activated the flash light (that is I turned it on). The animal was a rabbit and it was standing straight up on its back legs. I shined the spot light on the rabbit and it did not move until I turned the light off.

            We made it back home safely and as we walked on to our driveway; I got my last view of the big bright blue moon.

            I have no real plans for the day, we are supposed to have someone come and look at the Ford’s ole stove. Since today is Thursday, we usually get to go out for a little supper, that is if we have any money to pay for a small meal.   

            Changing topics: I have heard the statement, “An idle mind is a devil's workshop”. When I think about this I wonder if having little or nothing productive to do is a part of the cause for all the violence that goes on. Someone at home, maybe in his parents’ basement, on the computer all day and he had access to a gun. Maybe in his mind he can see himself as an avenger. If he took the gun out and shot at people, he would be something special. He would be involved, people would know of him, his name would be on all the news programs.

            There are a lot of people who have nothing to keep them focused on life and doing good. How do we get people involved in life? This may be a good thing for each of us to consider, and maybe each of us can find a way to help someone.

            I guess that is it for now, I need to get outside and water the potted plants. We hope each of you have a good and prosperous day, please stay safe and let’s pray for rain.

The dog walker!

Senior ole person who needs to get going, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August 30, 2023

            How did your day start?

Since you did not answer, I will tell you, how “my” day started. it was a cool morning with a temp of 70 degrees, the Tres and I as usual, went for a walk. As we walked there were dogs on one side of the street barking from their pins, at Tres and I, while on the other side of the street there was a kitten leaning against the back tire of a car, watching Tres and I. The kitten did not seem to be afraid of us even though it stayed close to the tire of the vehicle.

            Tres and I were able to make it to the end of the street and started back down the street. Again, some dogs were barking at us, while other dogs were barking at the barking dogs. The kitten had gotten braver, as it was now sitting about 6 feet away from the vehicle and in the center of the sidewalk. Arriving back home I jumped into the Ford’s ole Chevy and headed off to the Chevy place wanting to get an oil change and air filters.

            The Chevy place was busy and said, I could leave the vehicle there and they might be able to work it in. I had never needed an appointment there in the past, but I had not been there in a year or so, I guess things change.

            Did anything odd happen yesterday? Well, I had left a little early to get Gabi from school, as I wanted to get a good parking place. I found a good parking place and had been there a few minutes, when I was informed that I did not need to pick Gabi up from school, she had other plans. I left the good parking space and headed for home.

            That afternoon about 5:10pm as I had just made my adult drink and placed it next to the chair where I thought I would sit; I received a phone call asking if I could get the Alex from school as the football practice would be over around 5:30. I then put my adult beverage, not even a sip had been taken, in the refrigerator and headed over to the school. It was almost 6:00 when I arrived home and some of the ice had melted in the drink, but I ingested it anyway. Now my first wife had been sitting outside with the Tres while I was picking up and delivering Alex.

            I do have my new glasses on and they are trifocal, that means there are three different areas to view through, top for distance, middle for computer screen, bottom for reading things like the books. They seem to be working as they are supposed to. I have had trifocals in the past so I know how to use them, I just need to get use to having glasses again.             

            Tomorrow, we have someone coming to look at the Ford’s ole electric stove and we have no idea what time he will arrive.

            Well, I guess I will close for now, have a good day, stay safe and pray for rain!

Rain, rain, don’t go away,

Don’t wait to come some other day,

little Donnie don’t need to play!

Senior ole person who needs a cup even if it is homemade, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

August 29, 2023

            Tres took me for a walk this morning and we both noticed that there was no breeze. When I say no breeze, we did not see any tree leaves or other plants moving, it was as if the wind had died! Now the temp was about 70 but the humidity felt like 100%.

            Speaking of walking, I have failed to inform you about yesterday’s walk. When the Tres and I arrived at the end of the 300 block, my walking partner, that is the Tres, began looking across the street. Maybe I should say he was staring across the street, so naturally, I looked to see what he was seeing. I saw nothing at first, but then it happened, an opossum came out of one yard and ran across the street into another yard and disappeared behind that house. We have lots of possums in the area.

            The sprinkler system ran this morning, so it made the watering of the flowers in pots a lot easier, as some of them get watered by the sprinklers. I think the rain may have helped as I have a pretty bloom on one of the flowers.

            Swap topics: I got a message from the post office that I have a package coming from amazon. I don’t know what it is, I hope I did not order something accidently.

            Yesterday afternoon about 5:00pm (aka happy time):

            My favorite wife and I went outside to enjoy the fact that the temp was below 100. I think it was 98 when we went out and we still positioned the fans to provide a good breeze. We had sat there maybe 5 minutes then we heard the neighbors air conditioner make a loud noise and shut off. I looked at my wife and she pointed at the fans and said, they have stopped too.

            It was at that time that I became aware that we had no electric power. I got up out of my ole chair and opened the door to the office and it was dark, yep, we were without power. I got on the cell phone and called the neighbor across the street to see if they had power, they did. Then my wife got a call from the lady a couple houses down the street asking if we had power. It seems as if the power on our side of the street was off, but across the street they had power.

            It did not take long for the neighbor whose air conditioner went off, to come over and ask if we had power. Since we did not, and he did not, we gave him a chair and he stayed. We learned that he was having some medical problems and would need surgery. He went into some detail, but I will not go there.

            While we were talking his granddaughter came over, she had been waiting on him in the front yard. She pulled up a chair and began talking. I should note that she is very smart, and she talks about anything, she is 8 years old and in the third grade.

            Then our neighbors who live across the street, and still have power, came over to sit with us. Topics of conversations were varied and enjoyable. As we sat there, we observed the big truck from the power company drive slowly down the street.

            Possibly 15 minutes or so had passed when the next-door neighbor’s wife arrived home, and she came over. We were able to get an additional chair and the conversations continued. At some point in the event (close to 6:00) the power came back on, the fans started, and our visitors all began to abandon us. My favorite wife and I stayed out for a while longer, enjoying the nice weather.

            Well, now that I have made you tired from reading, I will say, “that is it for now, we hope your power stays on, and you have a safe and fun day.”

Black out enjoyed!

Senior ole person who needs to do something or take a nap, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, August 28, 2023

August 28, 2023

            What’s new they asked? Maybe the question should be. “what’s old”, then I could comment on past events. Past events, let's see, do I have anything that I want to share with you? Maybe I have a photo that could be viewed by some of you. They say a photo is worth 1,000 words, this photo is worth about 16 words.

            Tres and Molly laying in the floor, making it almost impossible to walk through the area.  

            Let’s see if there is anything else I could share with the reading public. We had some wind yesterday and I picked up some debris out of the front yard, there will be a photo in a moment, but I also picked up the Poopa-Loopa from the back 40 yesterday. Now I do not have a photo of the Poopa-Loopa, but I have a photo of a piece of the debris.

            The dry and hot weather seems to have reduced the size of the acorns considerably.

            Now I am sure something else happened yesterday but what was it? Oh, I remember now, my favorite wife and I left the homestead, and she went to Wally world while I got gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy. Returning home we sat outside for a while, hoping it would start raining, and then force us to go inside. The wind blew like crazy, and all kinds of stuff was flying around in the air, so we decided to leave the normal sitting area and go to the front porch. 

            Well, the wind, thunder, and lightning were getting worse, so we then proceeded into the house. Tres was with us, and he doesn’t like thunder. After a while it began to rain so not having seen rain for well over 60 days, I decided to take a photo as soon as it started. heck we had no idea how long it might last. 

            We did accumulate almost ½ inch of rain, and we are thankful. Yes, we are hoping for and praying for additional rain. Will I need to water the flowerpots today, nope, not all of them, but those under the car port did not get the rain so they will need to be watered. The #2 black berry bed got twice as much water as the other two beds. The #2 bed is next to the shed and the shed roof drains onto the #2 bed, so they got the direct almost ½ inch of rain, and the extra water that came off the roof.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a real nice day and yes, you do need to stay safe!

It rained, and it cooled off!

Senior person who needs to do something but I don’t remember what, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27, 2023

            Well, we bought two bags of popcorn from the boy scouts and the popcorn is good but a little expensive. We talked with Alex and a couple of the other boy scouts before we paid the price, then we headed off to get some lunch. Lunch was good and after eating we had nothing to do so we headed back home. And I did a lot of sitting on Sat all day (aka Saturday)

            Actually, I did get outside later in the afternoon and sprayed for ants and bugs along the shaded front of the house. I will do the back of the house when the sun isn’t shining on it.

The sprinkler system ran early yesterday morning, and I also ran the sprinklers later in the afternoon one section at a time, for 6 minutes per area. I try to run the sprinklers in shaded areas when the sun is off the grass.

We did sit outside yesterday afternoon, even though it was 107 degrees. A friend did come over and sit with us, we had some lively conversations.

Due to the fact that today is Sunday, I had decided to take Tres for a very short walk, just down the street and back, then get in here at the keyboard. A neighbor came out in the front yard so we stopped and talked for a while. Now I am back in the so-called office.

Fiction or fact?

Allow me to provide some background information which I observed on the so-called news this morning. A lady had a stroke about 18 years ago. This lady has been unable to speak since the stroke occurred. The doctors and scientist have been working with artificial intelligence (aka A I) to create a way for this lady to be able to talk to others. They have implanted a device in her head that connects to a computer via wires, which now allows her brain to send signals to the computer and the computer turns those signals into spoken words.

The doctors and scientists are now working on finding a way to have this system work without being connected to the computer, in other words, wireless transfer of info from the brain to the computer. 

Why did I provide you with that information, allow me to explain. I wrote a story a few years ago about scientists who could communicate with computers using devices that were attached to or on their bodies, like special glasses and watches, but they wanted to be able to communicate with computers without special devices. In other words, communicate with the computer just through the thought process. In my story, there is a way to communicate with the computer using only thoughts. 

It seems as if my fictional story of a few years ago is turning out to be fact. Now that part of the story seems to be fact, will the rest of the story be fact too?


Ok, that is all for now, we are going to wash the dog. We hope you have a good day and please stay safe.

Fiction turns to fact?

Senior ole person who needs to get the dog shampoo out, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26, 2023

            It is a normal morning here at the Ford homestead, Tres and I have walked, the blackberry beds and flower pots have been watered, and I have had my morning breakfast sandwich. Tres is laying under the desk as usual, and I have little room for my feet. I assume it is his way of knowing where I am at all times. 

            Yesterday was also a normal day, I picked Dave up from work and I got Alex from school. It was 109 while I was waiting on Alex, and yes, I sat there with the motor off and the windows down. As I sat there enjoying the heat and a nice breeze, a dust devil popped up. I could see the dust and leaves blowing in a big circle, kind of like a small tornado, as it came across the parking lot. It went right over my vehicle and the wind was so strong it blew the handicapped sticker out of the truck.

I did do some work yesterday, as I cleaned part of the office. I would say it is half way done. I know what you are thinking, why didn’t he clean the entire office at one time. First off, it is none of your business why I do or do not do something, but being the nice guy that I am, I will attempt to enlighten you all. I am old and I do what I want when I want to, that is unless my favorite wife tells me to do something, then I do it right away! 

            Yesterday my internet supplier was not supplying for a while. The TV, house phone and anything that used wi-fi was off for better than an hour. Luckly I was able to use the TV with an antenna, and the cell phone worked. 

            Even though it was extremely hot yesterday (109), my first wife and I did sit outside for a while, wishing it would rain.

            Alex’s scout troop will be selling popcorn at one of the local stores today, so we will need to drop by and purchase some popcorn. Heck while we are out and about maybe we can get a sandwich for lunch.

            Do you know what an in-law is, if so, do you know what an out-law is?     

In-law, that is a relative by marriage. Out-law, that may be a relative by marriage.

Well, I guess I need to stop for now, we hope you have a safe day with lots of fun.

Are you an In or out law?

Senior ole person who hopes everyone has a good day, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25, 2023

            We are now back at Friday again, where did the week go? I do have a couple things to do today, now let us see if I do any of them. As I was watering the flowers this morning, I discovered a small bloom that I just knew you would want to see, photo to follow.

            Dog walking this morning; I do wish that all these people who have dogs would keep their dog at home until after sun rise. In doing so, that would allow this ole senior person to have a complete walk, without being interrupted by those other dog owners. I know they walk their dogs early just to interfere with me and Tres.

            Did the Don mow the front yard yesterday morning? Yes, he did. The Don’s yard man Alex has football practice after school each day and this Saturday he will be out attempting to sell popcorn for the boy scouts. That means Alex is unavailable to help his ole grandpa do yard work. The Don will need to remember to pick Alex up after school today, this will be the first time this year.

            I wonder did The Don get to go out for supper yesterday with his favorite wife? Yes, they went to the George restaurant and enjoyed the food and service. When they returned home, they did sit outside for a while in the sweltering 107-degree temp, and there was no breeze. If it weren’t for the Ford’s ole fans, the Fords would likely have perished in the heat. 

            There were clouds over head during our outing yesterday and I have a photo of a cloud.

            Now if we could get enough of these clouds together, we might get some needed rain. For that one person in the reading public who is observant, by that I mean, if one has an imagination, one might see a profile of a person or maybe a demon on the cloud. 

            I did write about the penny yesterday, the lady that has asked me about those pennies does not read my blogs, so she has not yet been notified that it is me, the penny distributer.

            Well, I need to get started doing nothing, so we hope you have a good day, and try to be safe.

Rain cloud or person cloud?

Senior person who would like a cup of coffee, even if it is homemade, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 24, 2023

            Allow me to start with, I am already tired of the political crap, and yes, I called it crap, which is on the so-called news all the time. Now let me apologize for presenting my distasteful comment, and hopefully the rest of this posting may be more casually presented.

            I did go to the teller machine and get our $5.00 stipend this morning. While I was driving there, I observed a large person walking with a dog. My first thought was this large person was getting some exercise in an attempt to become a normal sized person, that is until I observed the smoke coming from her mouth, and the cigarette in her hand.

            I did also get a cup of real coffee, and it took way to long in the drive through to get a cup.

            Topic of the day, “Penny pincher”.

            Yesterday afternoon friends from across the street came over and sat outside in the heat (103) with my favorite wife and I. There were many topics, but one was a question from the lady friend, directed at me, “are you the one who drops the pennies on the street?

            Allow me to provide some back ground for this question. Over the last few years as this lady friend and another lady friend from down the street go for their morning walks, they would often find a penny here and there on the street. They have at different times ask me if I put the pennies on the street. Now I have never told them that I did not put them there, but I never admitted that I did put them there.

            I am now admitting that I did and do drop pennies on the street in various locations and I had started doing that a long time back, hoping that anyone finding the penny would have good luck.

            More back ground to this story. When my present wife and I first got married we were on a tight budget, and anytime we found a heads-up penny we considered that to be good luck. If we needed to purchase something, we believe that the penny we found was a sign that we would be able to purchase the item we needed. For us the penny was a sign of good luck.

Now I am sure there are some among you who are of the opinion that there is no such thing as good luck, and maybe you are right. Maybe it is not good luck, maybe it is something called belief! In the bible Mark 9:23, there is a statement, “all things are possible to him who believes”!

So, as we see it, finding a penny heads up was good luck to us, because we believe that whatever it was that we needed, we would get. Believing would cause us to work toward getting the item we needed, “all things are possible to him who believes”!

Believe in God and all things are possible!

Well, I guess that is the sermon for the day, we hope you have a day filled with good luck, and part of that is staying safe. Please pray for rain.

Believe not, get not!

Senior ole person who believes, and who needs a bite to eat for lunch, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

August 23, 2023

            Well, it is the start of another day and as usual I have things to do and I don’t want to do them. I do know, if I do one thing and get it done then it can inspire me to do a second task.

            This morning Tres and I started walking in the dark, and I did have a flash light in hand. We did not need the flash light on the way home, even though the sun was not yet up. Yes, I got the flower pots watered before coming in here to work on this posting. I did warm a breakfast sandwich in the microwave which I have now ingested.

            That just caused me to think, I haven’t had a real cup of coffee for several days now, wow what is wrong with me?

            I did have lunch yesterday with a few of the men who were in our bible study class last year. There were 6 men there and we all ate lunch and talked about many topics. Baylor basketball and football popped up a few times. Our next bible study starts on 9-11, that is September 11, 2023. We will all be in new different groups which allows us to get to know others.

            I got an email a couple weeks ago from a person who said they have put viruses on all our devices that work with email and they wanted money. I deleted that message and did not send them money. Well, I got another message today saying, since a I have ignored the previous message, I need to send them $750 or else. I deleted the second email. Heck this computer I have isn’t worth $750, so why would I pay.

            My first wife is going to allow me to go to the store with her today. I have pointed out that I do not shop, and if she were to injure her leg and not be able to walk (aka shop), then the shopping would fall to me, so I need to learn how. Wish me luck, ok wish her luck!

            Well, I will stop for now, you may have noticed that I have been keeping the posting shorter, that is due to criticism from readers. We hope you have a good day, please stay safe and please pray for a wide area rain in Central Texas.

Senior shopper?

This ole senior person might learn something today, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 22, 2023

            Hello to one and all, we hope your day is proceeding even better than expected. Not a lot going on here at the Ford homestead, I have walked the dog, or maybe he walked me, I have watered the potted plants, and I have some water being deposited at the trunk of the pecan tree. We only hit 107 yesterday and it may be only 105 today.

            Speaking of 107, when I went to pick up Gabi at school yesterday I found and open parking spot with the sun behind me. I know that one person wants to know why I comment about the sun being behind me, I don’t want the sun shining on me through the wind shield or side glasses. In other words, a little less heat. The parking spot had a sign that stated, “for the midway teacher of the month”. As I looked at it, school hasn’t been open for a month yet, so they can’t have a teacher of the month.

            There was a vehicle next to me and they had the motor running the entire time we sat there, and I was there for 30 minutes. Personally, I try to not let my vehicle idle that long. So, there I sat with the 107 temp, and also the heat from this person’s motor, so I rolled up the windows on that side of the truck to keep their motor heat out. I did have my little battery powered fan with me and that helped.

            There are probably 150 to 200 cars there waiting to pick up kids, and I bet most of them let their motors idle all the time they were there, can we say air pollution?

            Topic swap; I do need to change the air filter in the air conditioner, and maybe check for some ants in the front yard. There are areas in the front yard that need to be mowed, but our yard man is in school, and has football practice after school, yep in the heat!

            Some of the men who were in our recent bible study group, will be getting together for lunch today, yes, I plan to go even though it is a long way into Waco, probably 5 or 6 miles. This will be the last lunch before the next bible study session begins, and one never knows how many will be there. At the first lunch there was 11 men present, and at the second there was 5 or 6. I have no idea how many or who will be there this time.

            Well, I guess I should stop for now and see if I can find something else to do before lunch. We hope you have a good day, please be safe and also pray for rain.

What does rain feel like?

Senior ole person who needs many things, especially rain, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!


Monday, August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023

            Yesterday was Sunday, and it was also sun day, as the sun was shining and we reached a record temperature for the day of 110 degrees. Here at the Ford homestead, we would appreciate temperatures at normal. Heck the 90s sound great when compared to what we have had, and could we have some rain? 

            My favorite wife and I did go to town yesterday, we got a few items from the Wally world and then we went into Waco to see about getting me a pair of glasses. I understand they mark up the prices of furniture and vehicles by 2, 3 and 4 hundred percent. I think they mark up the price of glasses even more! We had a 50 % off coupon and it was still a ridicules price.

            Leaving the overly priced eye glasses place we wanted to get something to eat, and we knew it would need to be either free, or cheap, after what we were charged for the glasses. We were able to scrape together enough for a cheap sandwich, and then we headed for home. It was so hot that we did little until about 5:00pm, when we ventured outside for a break from the TV. I did run the sprinkler systems for a few minutes as we sat outside, in the areas that had shade. Yes, the entire system ran before sun rise that morning.

            Today, aka Monday: we have gone through the normal schedule for the morning hours. Now during the morning walk with Tres there was a fellow who lives a couple houses away up the street, and he was getting into his work vehicle. I, being a good neighbor said, “Morning,” as we walked past him, he said nothing and got into his vehicle. This is the same person who has his personal pickup truck parked on the street and the blue rag is laying on the street below his front door, and it has been there for a couple weeks. Let’s see, is not friendly and litters

            Well, there are things I should do today, but I am not sure I will do any of them. We hope you have a good day, stay cool and be safe.

Neighborly greeting?

Senior ole person who needs a cup of homemade coffee, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023

            Ok, let’s see if I have anything to say. I have been told that I often start my blog out by saying I have nothing to write about, or that it is a short posting, and then it becomes long. Today I say, “I do not know how long this article will be”, so I suggest that if you are short on time, you should stop reading now.          

            WOW, everyone but you stopped reading, I am glad you are still here, it kind of hurts when everyone leaves and I only have you, “Thank You”!

            Yesterday our family did go out to lunch together, and I think we all enjoyed the food, the service and the conversations. Gabi had a chicken sandwich that was so big she had to cut it in half and then still had trouble eating it, (she took half of it home). Alex had a T-Bone steak, and he had some difficulty cutting it, so it finally was picked up and eaten by hand, photo to follow.


            Patrick and Karla came to the house after lunch, and we sit around and talked about everything and everyone.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside for about an hour with the fans blowing on us, and while we were out there, I was running various parts of the sprinkler system. Basically, if an area was in the shade, I ran the sprinklers for that area.

Now that is the end of the story for yesterday, and I have nothing for today. was it short enough? Have a good day, stay safe, and pray for rain.

IS Shorter better?

Senior ole person who needs a break, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

August 19, 2023

            Good morning to you, but to the others who may read this, I just say morning. Well, we had another do-nothing day, so I will provide some information about doing nothing.

            First, yesterday:  Tres and I did go for a walk and there was an unusual situation that occurred. We were in the 200 block and were enjoying our walk when I noticed a multicolored cat laying in a dust pile. This cat appeared to be young, and he or she did not move as we were approaching the yard, he or she was in. Normally, Tres is the first to see any animal, then I see where he is looking, and I see the animal. Well, yesterday I saw the cat and he did not see it, the cat lay very still as we approached, and we walked past, Tres did not notice the cat.

            Today as we walked past the same house, the same cat was out there but this time she had four kittens with her. 

            Back to yesterday, I did water the flowers in pots and the black berry beds, and I worked on yesterday’s blog posting. About 10:00 my favorite wife headed to town, and I decided to go and get some drugs. Maybe I should say, I went to the pharmacy to get my prescription. While there I asked about getting the shingles shots. Now my doctor suggested I should get the two shots, but she said that the second dose often causes a person to feel bad for a while. I asked the pharmacist and he said there seems to be more problems with the second shot if it is taken two months after the first, but if taken 3 or 4 months after the first the effects are usually not as bad.  He asked if I want to take the first shot while I was there, and I said no thanks. 

            I got a cup of coffee from the Star coffee place and started for home and that is when Dave called for a ride, so I altered my route and picked him up at work.

            Back at home I had a quick lunch and a short nap then I ventured out front to identify the sprinkler heads that needed some grass removal. I ran each of the systems for 2 minutes and during those runs I placed a flag next to each head. Then I got the string trimmer and trimmed around the areas where the flags were located. I have a photo of a trimmed area, it isn’t very good, but you might get the idea.

            The sprinklers run on Saturday morning so we will see if there is any better distribution of water.

            I did go and sit in the parking area at the high school to get Gabi and Brice. It was 107 degrees, and I had the windows rolled down sitting there in the heat for 30 minutes. There was a slight breeze, and it wasn’t too bad, the sun was behind my vehicle. I got the kids home safe and returned to our homestead, where we sit outside in the heat for about an hour. Time away from the TV is good, for some reason I was relating some ole childhood memories to my favorite wife.

            Speaking of ole memories, in the olden days my best friend was Steve, and he drove a 71 Chevy two door hard top with a hopped up 409 cubic inch motor. I drove a 73 Chevy two door hard top with a stock 409 cubic inch motor. Steves vehicle was set up for drag racing, mine was for street driving. One night I had gone to the movies and had parked my car in the parking lot. After the movie I came out and my car was gone. Steves car was there so I knew he had taken my car, so I got in his car and headed out to get a hamburger. This situation happened a couple times, when Steve wanted to go somewhere that was several miles away, because my ole Chevy was geared for road driving and his was geared for drag racing. Also, his keys worked in my car and mine in his car. Friends who trusted friends!

            I did not clean the office yesterday, maybe I will get to that this weekend. I might attach the trailer to the Fords ole Chevy and take the limbs out to the dump site, that is if I am in the mood to work. I had thought my first wife and I would go to see about getting me some glasses today, but I remembered that Patrick and Karla will be coming up, and we will likely go out to lunch, along with Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex. 

            Well, I guess that is about it for now, we hope your day is enjoyable, cool and safe

Lunch for the bunch!

Senior ole retired person with nothing to do, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, August 18, 2023

August 18, 2023

            Allow me to get started on the blog today, as I did not get started yesterday. I did go to the eye doctor and while there, I learned that he was going to retire in a couple months.

            Now yesterday started out nice, the temp was 70, yep it was cool outside. I was able to water the flower pots before heading to the doctor’s office, I had a 7:40 appointment. They dilate my eyes for the exam so for most of the rest of the day, things are too bright for this ole person, so I stayed inside and much of the time I had sun glasses on inside the house.

            In the afternoon I had some ole bread that I took outside and tossed across the fence for the birds to eat. Tres goes with me and he usually gets at least one piece of the bread. Now I have noted that the temp that morning was 70, well it was now 109 degrees. It was literally like walking into an oven!

            I went to get the Gabi from school and I found a parking place with my back to the sun. The thermometer in the vehicle was showing 109, and I was determined to not run the motor with the air on for the 30 minutes while I waited. All was well until this person parked beside me, and he let his motor run. The heat from his running motor was coming in my open windows. I shut the windows on that side of the vehicle which blocked the heat from his motor but it also blocks the flow of air in the Ford’s ole Chevy. I did take a fan with me and was able to survive using the fan and drinking my cold root beer.

            Arriving back at home I quickly changed shirts and my favorite wife and I headed out to supper. This time we went to the cracker store. Food was good and service was also good. When we arrived back at home it was still 109 so we decided to not sit outside.

            Today’s happenings: After the Tres and I had cone for our walk, which was a little later than usual, I proceeded to enter the watering stage of my morning duties (aka water the flower pots) and I was out at the #2 berry bed when I heard a phone ringing. Now I should note that we have our new house phones and there is one located in the garage. Well, the garage door was open and I could hear it ringing out in the back 40, nice!

            Around that same time, I noticed a neighbor from down the street driving past our house, that means it was 8:45am. This neighbor lady heads out to work at 15 minutes to nine each work day. Now I wonder, is it good or not that I know her schedule?

            Back to the new phone, we seem to have one problem, I do not understand how to set up a voice mail box, heck maybe it doesn’t have a voice mail box. Maybe I will be able to find it in the instructions.

            I have a couple things I need and or want to do today, one is run the sprinkler system and flag the sprinkler heads. Some of the grass is taller than the heads, so I need to clear the grass away from a few heads.

            I also need to go get a prescription and maybe I can get a cup of real coffee while I am out. I also need to clean the office area and that is a lot of work.

            Wow, who knew I had so much to do. Well, I guess I should get started, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe.

Too much work!

Senior ole person who might get half of the things done, Don the Ford   


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

August 16, 2023

            Well, here I am again attempting to provide the reading public more personal information about my daily activities, or the fact that I have no daily activities.

            For some unknown reason I woke up a few minutes early this morning, and having nothing better to do, I got out of bed. Now I would like to infer that I hopped out of bed, but ole senior people don’t do a lot of hopping. Going through my normal morning routine I was dressed, Tres and I went out front, but it was too early to go for a walk, it was still dark.

I decided to beat the school traffic and go to the star coffee place for a cup of coffee. During this early morning adventure, I also got gas for the Ford’s ole Chevy.

            Back at the homestead I completed ingesting the cup of real coffee, and then decided to go outside and water the plants out back. That took some time as I also watered the black berry beds. Work completed I came inside and warmed up a breakfast sandwich which I have been eating as I am attempting to enter data into this ole computer.

            I just thought I have a photo of a bug that I found lying on the Fords ole driveway. We think it might be a baby Dragon Fly!

            I did get Gaby and her boyfriend home from school safely yesterday; Alex has football practice after school, so I don’t need to retrieve him.

            I think Tres and I may go for a walk after this posting, it is remarkably cool outside this morning, 70 degrees! Walking the dog just caused me to think about being outside and a photo I took. The photo was taken the other day and it is of a cloud. I know, I do find a lot of clouds interesting, but this one you might also find interesting.

            Could that cloud be a covering for a giant spaceship? You decide.

            If we were to get a bunch of those clouds at the same time, we might get some needed rain. If you are a person who prays, pray for rain here in drought-stricken parts of Texas!

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have an exceptionally good day, and please stay safe.

Ole time watering boy!

Senior ole person who needs to get Tres out for a walk, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 15, 2023

            Well, I guess I was able to get through another birthday, I am 38 years old again, for the 38th time. I stated in yesterday’s post that I got a free cup of coffee from the star coffee place, now I have to wait another year to get another free cup for my birthday.

            I did very little yesterday, the things I did were on yesterday’s post. What have I done today, I have done the usual things, and I sprayed some wasps, and swept some bird poop off the driveway.

            It was 107 degrees yesterday, so we sat outside for a while yesterday afternoon, waiting on the cold front that was coming our way. They said today the temp should only get up to 99 degrees today and tomorrow, so we should break the 100 plus temperature streak.  

            School starts today and I am sure that traffic is crazy. It will take a few days before everyone gets use to the new schedules, but the traffic will not get better until school is out for next summer.

            Tres and I did go for an early morning walk today, the temp is in the mid-70s. the walk would have been longer, but there was a female person walking her dog and coming in our direction. Tres and I turned and started for home. I do not like to meet other people walking their dogs, and she was walking on the wrong side of the street (we should walk facing traffic).

            I guess I will take a break for now, we hope you all have a good day, and please be careful driving in the school traffic, that is another way of saying, “be safe”!

Wasp eradicator!

Senior ole person who needs a cup even if it is homemade, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!