
Monday, August 31, 2020

Sunday a fun day 08/31/2020

            Sunday was the Fun day here at the fords Homestead. Yes, it had cooled down to 101 degrees but that was still warm enough to keep this ole senior retired person, inside the house most of the time. I did get out late in the afternoon and water the plants out back, we need to get rain soon.

            I had never watched a movie about the hobbits before, but this past Sunday I watched one. Those movies seem to last forever. When that movie was over, the ole movie Ben Hur came on and I sat there and watched that ole movie. A fun day Sunday!

            Now there was one thing that occurred yesterday which I considered as really good, and that was, my favorite spouse made us a Quiche for supper! I had to ask Alexa how to spell quiche, I had no idea. Alexa tells me many things such as, how hot was it in Waco Texas yesterday. It is nice to have a helper “ALEXA”, who you do not need to pay.


            I ordered a couple items yesterday (one of those items was a mirror for the bike) as I sat there at the Ford’s ole desk, and at the same time, I enjoyed the two movies. I now know I have earned one dollar off my next order due to the fact, I approved having two items in one box and receiving it a day later. They could have just said thank you!


            Today I will call a couple people to see if I can get some bids on replacing the Ford’s ole driveway. There are two problems that I see in replacing the driveway. One, my favorite spouse would again have garage sales. We have not had sales due to the broken driveway and the possibility someone might trip and get hurt. Two, seniors who are retired and have to pick up aluminum cans from the highways just to pay their bills, do not have the funding to pay these extraordinary fees.

            Wow, it would be nice to have money like real people again!

            I need to get outside and put some varnish on a couple scrap wood items before it gets too hot to be outside.


Think about me, and you will have a good day!


Senior coffee connoisseur and fairly nice ole person, Don the Ford

Sunday, August 30, 2020

May be fixed 08/30/2020

            Well, it is Sunday, and it will be warm again today. It was 107 yesterday and they are saying it will cool down to 103 today. I have a jacket available for the cool weather.


            I did get to ride the bike yesterday, only a couple blocks and the seat was ok. This morning, before it became too hot, I rode the bike again. This time, I rode a little over a mile, and the seat did ok. I may still want to purchase a new seat, you know, a bit larger, making the sitting time more comfortable.


            I have a photo that may not be interesting to you, but I like it.

            Just a cloud with the sun behind it, or is there more? There seems to be a spot in the bright sun light. Could it be a bird, it is very high up in the sky, could it be a UFO? You decide.


May your bike seat, fit your…!

Senior scrap wood artist, if there is such a thing, Don the Ford

Saturday, August 29, 2020

How do they move 08/29/2020

            Due to the fact, there is nothing on TV, most of the time, that a senior citizen such as me would want to see, especially on Friday evenings, I had begun to consider a couple topics.

            The room was dark, and very quiet. I had just undressed and lay down on the soft bed, as I was making myself comfortable, I noticed a small amount of light coming from the TV room. In this almost total darkness, one can allow their mind to wonder throughout the universe.

            I began to consider gravity. The effect of gravity in outer space is negligible, so I considered, “If a device with a human in it on earth, suddenly went from zero to 300 mph, there would be a force 6 times normal gravity”. My question is, “If that same device with a human in it was in outer space, and suddenly went from zero to 300mph, would the effect on the body be the same as on earth?”

            With my mind still in outer space I thought about propulsion of space ships. On earth, airplanes move due to the propeller pushing and pulling through air, or a jet engine pushing and pulling through air. In other words, the propeller or jet has something to push against, “AIR!” In outer space there is no air, so what does the rocket push against? 

            Speaking of rockets, do the rocket engines need oxygen to burn the fuel, or is the rocket fuel just a continuous explosion?


            Now you see that even without TV, one’s evening in a darken room while laying in bed can be interesting. Get your mind out of the gutter, senior citizens do not think that way, at least not all the time.


            Today is Saturday, wow. What to do on this Saturday? Heck it was 106 here yesterday, I did not sit outside with a cold drink yesterday, it was too hot! It is supposed to be close to that again today, senior citizens do not like to be forced to stay inside.

            We may try eating lunch at a restaurant in the big city of “WACO” today. We always take disinfectant wipes with us; we clean the table when we sit down. We clean our hands after touching a menu. Yes, the silverware gets a cleaning also.


Stay cool, stay safe, be nice!


Senior way out thinker, but with few answers, Don the Ford


Friday, August 28, 2020

Bike ride 08/28/2020

            I did go for a bike ride after this morning’s dog walk, with the Tres. Tres does not like it when I get on that bike and ride off. He doesn’t like being alone. Bike photo to follow.

            Donna had tried the bike but said it is too heavy. It is heavy when compared to a real bike. She notes a real bike would be good for her.

            This morning’s ride could have been better. The seat had been raised due to my long legs. As I rode it worked its way back down. Then it surprised me, and the seat would not stay level as I attempted to peddle. The last part of the ride there was no pedaling, I sat as still as possible and let the electric motor do the work.

            Going to tighten the seat and if that don’t work, I will get a new seat.  


            Heading out to the garage, I have some sawing to do. I did some planing yesterday on some scrap wood and I need to do some cutting today before it gets to 103.


May your Friday be safe and happy!


Senior biker, Don the Ford

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Woman driver 08/27/2020

            What a morning for a walk! The Tres and I saw a couple rabbits this morning as we strolled up the Avenue, and yes it is an Avenue, not a street (Oklahoma Avenue).

            As usual, the sun was not yet up during the biggest portion of this morning’s walk. I thought of those so-called citizens in our neighborhood, who litter the streets with their grass clippings and some of them also rake leaves into the street. Those of us who are real citizens, do not do that, as it affects the appearance and value of the entire neighborhood.

            Back when I was a puppy, let’s say 65 years ago when we lived in Missouri, everyone would rake the fall leaves into the street along and against the curb. Then they would set them on fire. Heck I can remember people setting their dead brown grass in their yard on fire, getting ready for the spring grass to grow.

            There is a couple who live up the street and they foster dogs, mostly the big white hairy dogs. They have a tendency to take a dog out in the street in front of their house and brush them, removing lots of hair and leaving all that hair in the street. That is littering.

            Allow me to change topics.

            When the Tres and I walk, we walk facing traffic. This morning as we were walking there was a vehicle coming our way. At first it was moving over to the other side of the street, seemingly allowing us a safe area to walk. Then, this mini van began coming back to our side of the street, it appeared to be heading toward us. About 100 feet away the van went back to the other side of the street and stopped where there were some kids waiting.

            We walked by this van with a female driver, as they loaded kids into the van. Tres and I was at least 200 feet away when we heard a sound as if a vehicle had hit a vehicle. I turned and looked back when I saw what appeared to me as the van attempting to turn in the street. It seemed to have hit the curb making the noise. I hope it did not hit the vehicle that was parked there, if it did, it did not stop. The female driver went past us fairly quick, and she was laughing loud enough that I could hear her.

            Was this female person a poor driver, did she not like German Shepard dogs, or maybe she did not like ole white people. Whichever, she is someone I do not want to share the road with. 


May all drivers be safe drivers!

         Ole lives matter! At least they matter to us ole people!


Senior neighborhood watcher, or just nosey grandpa, Don the Ford

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Scrap wood project 08/26/2020

            I have started another scrap wood project and have a photo, which I will share with you.


            It is a cross and it is on a wood base. As I see this cross, it can be used on the wood base as seen, or off the base in a flower bed, using a piece of rebar to make it stand up.

            I have a photo of me with a Cuban cigar in hand. If I was rich, I would have one of these cigars every week. I would not want one every day, but once in a while would be nice.


            I had informed the reading public that we had purchased a bike and it was defective, so we returned it. I had not heard anything from the vendor so I sent a note. They replied yesterday morning saying, “The bike should be delivered Tuesday, 08/25/2020”. I checked the tracking number and supposedly the bike was out for delivery at 9:59am, Tuesday morning.

            I waited all day, prepared to get started putting it together. Finally, I decided to give up and get a shower. As I was drying off, my favorite wife alerted me to the fact that the UPS truck just went down the street. I jumped into some clothes as UPS delivered to the neighbor. The driver enters the vehicle as I walked out the front door. The vehicle started and I pointed at our driveway, then I walked to the driveway.

            He unloaded the carton, which in my opinion looked as if it had been kicked around. He set the carton near the garage door and asked what my name was. He then wrote my name on his device, in other words, I did not sign for this bike and I did not sign for the first bike.

            I guess I will need to attempt to put it together today, that is after I check the seral number, making sure it is not the bike I returned to them.

            My plan is to take several photos as I open and unpack the bike. Then, if I need to repack it and send it back, I will have photos showing me how it should be packed. 

            Well I need to get started.


Be nice to someone, you will feel good!


Senior bike assembly person and silly grandpa, Don the Ford


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Red light 08/25/2020

            In the olden days, in this setting, olden days means when I was a puppy, or possibly 60 plus years ago. Wow, how can I remember things from the olden days, and can’t remember what I had for supper last night (it was spaghetti and it was good).

            As Tres was taking me for our pre sunrise morning walk, we saw a school bus. School is open for business, but that is not what I wanted to comment on.

            Down the street a little further I observed a house with the light over the garage door on. Not unusual you say. That is correct, it is not unusual. What seems a little odd is the color of the light, it is red! I should also point out; this home also has a red light over the front door!

            Now, in days past, a red light at a door meant prostitution. Hopefully you know what a prostitute is, I can’t explain everything.

            I did not google what a red light means now days, you can google it if you want to, I am sticking with the olden day’s definition.

            Now, kind of following the same subject, there is another house on this same street that has a green light over their front door. What would the green light mean? It might mean, go on by, we are full up right now.

            Wow, I just thought what if some one has a yellow light over their door, could it mean wait a minute some one is leaving?

            Oh no, I just thought, what does it mean if you have a white light over your door?

            Wow, I should not have brought this subject up! 


Topic change; I started a different scrap wood project yesterday. If it turns out to be something that someone other than me might like I will post a photo at a later date. If it turns out less than desirable, you will never see a photo.


Subject change; as I sit here entering these words into the ole computer, I have the TV next to me on. Every morning they run the same commercials, and these commercials in total last 4 to 5 minutes. As soon as I hear the first commercial, I turn the sound off. In a 30-minute TV program almost half the time is commercials!


What light is over your door?

Senior dog walker and light observer, Don the Ford

Monday, August 24, 2020

Jump start or 08/24/2020

            As the Tres and I were walking this morning we saw some interesting things, two of which I shall report on. First, as we neared the intersection that divided 200 and 300 block of the street, we, meaning Tres and I, both saw a person with a hooded sweat shirt on. Now the sun was not yet at sunrise, and there is a subject with a winter looking hooded sweat shirt on. Do you think these people who wear hoodie sweatshirts ever sweat?

            I had a flash light in one hand, a large dog on a lead, and a club, I mean a walking stick in the other hand. The hooded person walked out of sight as we approached the intersection. Arriving at the intersection I looked down the street in the direction that the Hood was walking, but he was not in sight! He either was hiding, or he may have run down the street. I began to look all around and had the walking stick at the ready.

            We walked two blocks, turned around and walked back. We did not see the hoodie again until, we returned to the same intersection. There he was with the winter hoodie on, and he had shorts on, good combination. Hot and sweaty on top, cool and refreshed on bottom. He quickly disappeared in a drive way behind a house.

            This hoodie wearer may not have been a hoodlum but…


            Second, there is a neighbor who parks a large service truck in front of his house each night. This morning, the vehicle’s battery was dead. He was attempting to jumpstart the vehicle as we walked by. I said, if it is a standard transmission you could start it by rolling down the street. He said, I wish it was standard, this one is automatic, the old truck was standard.

            Now that most vehicles are automatic, many people have no idea how to use a standard transmission. Heck, in the olden days you paid more to get a vehicle with an automatic transmission, now days, you pay more for standard!


            I need to find something to do today. I mowed the front yard yesterday (Sunday). I know one of the sprinkler heads needs to be repaired, not fun work. Maybe if I try, I can come up with a new scrap wood project. Yes, I have an idea, but I just need to get the desire to stop sitting and doing nothing.


May your chores be interesting!


Senior non-workaholic but wanting to do something, Don the Ford

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday is here 08/22/2020

            Yes, Saturday is here. I lay in bed this morning thinking to myself, what day is it? For us senior people, it is sometimes difficult to determine what day it is. My outstanding cognizance told me it is Saturday.

            Back in the olden days (pre-March 2020) waking up and thinking it is Saturday would be a positive situation. We would get up and after sitting around watching the so-called news on TV, drinking a few cups of coffee and watching some old black and white movies, maybe Tarzan, we would get dressed and leave the homestead.

            Most Saturdays, a little before noon, we would head into the big city (Waco) and we usually went to the same restaurant for the noon meal. As we enjoyed each other’s company, my favorite wife and I would often evaluate the other dining public as they arrived. One of my favorite appraisals was the female subjects who wore the pants with holes in them. I do not like those pants even when they are on a young good-looking female, but they are even more degrading on an older female subject. 

            We would enjoy our food and at that time we did not know it, but we were enjoying being out of the homestead being close to others.

            When we would leave the restaurant, we would often have some where to stop before heading for home. Possibly my favorite wife would need to go somewhere, or rarely; I would need to go to the Harbor store. Again, we would be near others even though we did not know them. You do not need to know the people you are around; it is just the social feeling one receives in a herd situation.

            After eating and visiting a store or two we would head for home. Heading for home did not, at that time, make one feel as if they were being kept separated from real people. Heck, in the olden days on a Saturday (pre-March 2020) we would occasionally get visitors from family or friends.

            We didn’t even know how good we had it in the olden days (pre-March 2020)!


            Yep, it is Saturday, August 22, 2020 and we have no plans to leave the homestead for food. A sandwich and a can of soup here at the Homestead will be ok, at least one can survive on soup and sandwich. We are not expecting to have a visit from anyone.           So Sad!

            Did I make you feel sorry for me and my present spouse? That wasn’t the original thought behind this short summary, the original idea was just to say, “Things have changed!”


            I have actually made plans to get in the Ford’s ole Chevy, and drive out to Clifton Texas. My plan is to get a sandwich and an order of tooth picks, along with a tea, at the Bunkhouse. The tooth picks are not sticks that you pick your teeth with, they are small pieces of peppers and onions that are deep fried and you eat them with some good ole ranch dressing. I will either stop at a park or eat on the way home. I do like their food, but the real reason for going is to get out of the Homestead for an hour or so. Heck, I might even take a different route home just to have different scenery. 

            My spouse of 5 decades had suggested that we might want to go to our son David’s house to see the work Claire has done. Wow, a possible visitation of the Fords from the Fords!

            Well I guess that is it for now, hope you have a good day!


May staying home not seem like confinement!


Senior planner of Saturday events, and eater of food, Don the Ford

Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday is here 08/21/2020

            Friday is here, he thought, as he tried to drag his ole body out of the bed. Will I be able to make it to the toilet without help? It is rough when one gets old.

            Actually, it happened like this. It was 4:00am and I knew that because the clock in the front room had just chimed four times. The Tres had been moving around in the bath room, that is where he normally sleeps. Then it happened, the door to the bed room opened and Tres went into the front room. Yes, he can open the door. I assumed he wanted a drink of water, but I was wrong. He came back and begin bumping his nose against my back, I knew that meant he wanted or needed to go outside. So, at 4:00am I crawled out of bed and went to the back door with Tres. As I opened the door, I could hear other dogs barking. Now I knew, he didn’t need to go, he wanted to see what was all the barking about. 

            I let him stay outside for a few minutes and then called him back in. I returned to the Ford’s ole bed as I usually get up at 5:00. Charlie was on the bed, my favorite wife was on the bed, and now Tres was on the bed. Tres was laying on the covers, so I had to lay there uncovered.

            To make a short story longer, I got up, made coffee, let the cats out, put food in the cats bowl, got Tres meds ready and gave them to him, went into the front room and acted as if I was watching the so-called news!

            After an appropriate amount of time passed, Tres convinced me to put some clothes on, and he would take me for a walk. Don’t ask, yes, we did get the news paper before we went for a walk.

            It was dark enough that I carried a flash light this morning. We have a new neighbor and I did get to talk with him for a few minutes and welcome him to the neighborhood. He was outside watering the lawn.

            As the Tres and I walked we observed a man open the door to his pickup. I knew he had seen us so when we got close, I said, “Good Morning”, to which he did not respond. He appeared to be putting something in the seat as he had not yet entered the vehicle. We were now even with him, but we were on the opposite side of the street, so I again offered a Good Morning, to which he kind of looked an us and said, “YA”, to which I laughed. He must have been in a bad mood.

            We walked on with out further incident and no other greetings.


            Change of topic: I noticed that our neighbor’s wife had been driving their pickup, she usually drove the van, and their van had not been seen by me for a couple days. I had also noticed Thursday morning when the Tres and I were walking, that there were packages on their front porch. I decided if I did not see them by Thursday afternoon, I would call them to see if they were out of town.

            I called the wife of the neighbor, as I do not have his phone number, and she said her and the kids were in Arkansas visiting friends. She went on to say, her husband was in Alaska fishing. She said she had sent a text message to my wife, we never got it, I assume she sent it to the house phone and not a cell phone.

            Anyway, I have procured the 5 packages from their front porch, and I have obtained their mail from the mail box. I must be a good neighbor!


            Subject change; I did get out back and water the blackberries this morning before the sun was baring down on them, and I was able to pull a bunch of grass out of the patch. Less grass, more water will reach the black berries.

            Having done all that work, I allowed myself to leave the Ford Homestead and go to the teller machine to get a couple dollars for this week’s expenses. Then I traveled on to the star coffee place for a cup. When I place my order, they ask for my name. If I say Don, they never get it right. I have started saying names that they can understand, such as today my name is Fred.


            Well that is it for today, I hope your day is safe and productive.


Don’t let your mask down, stay safe!


Senior, name maker upper, weed puller, and all-round good neighbor, Don the Ford

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Nice unexpected day 08/20/2020

            As the Tres got me dressed to go for his morning walk, I was assuming we would be sweating upon return to the homestead. Tres put his lead on my hand an pulled me out of the house, and that is when it hit me. The temp was a freezing cool 64 degrees! When I use to ride motor cycles, if it was below 70 degrees, I thought it was jacket weather, no jacket needed while walking today. How could this be? Can it be this nice in Texas mid-summer? Yes, it can!

            Tres said he really enjoyed taking me for a walk this morning, and we both arrived at home not sweating!             What a day for a stroll.

            That all being said, the fact is, that social distancing is not being followed here in the Ford’s ole homestead. Last night as I was sleeping our cat Charlie snuck into our bed. I had no idea that he was there when I rolled over. Heck, he was only 2 feet away from me, and that isn’t social distancing. I turned my back on Charlie and went back to sleep. I woke up again as the clock struck 4:00am, and I started to roll over when I learned that Charlie had changed position, he was now laying against me, not social distancing. If I were to have moved, he would have fell off the side of the bed. Why can’t I get some respect and space in my own Homestead?


            A friend commented on my last posting noting; it seemed as if I had cleaned and straightened up the work bench area recently, and now I am doing it again. He was correct. I have a tendency to put my tools away but leave scrap pieces of wood, notes, and things I have made just laying around. The work bench area looks better, again!

            Change in topic; My favorite spouse is going to lunch with some friends to celebrate a birthday, I don’t get to go. I guess I will be social distancing today, as I stay home by myself. We do have some leftovers for my poor ole lunch.

            It is difficult for poor ole lonely retired people to have a good time at home alone. Possibly I will take a nap and forget the tears that are flowing like a river from my eyes.

            In truth, my favorite wife said I could go along. I declined the offer, knowing I would not enjoy listening to the lady’s discussions (aka gossip).


May all gossip be interesting!


Senior retired person who gets no respect from Charlie, Don the Ford  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Clean up organize 08/19/2020

            With nothing to do, I have decided to try” to clean and organize the work bench area in the Ford’s ole garage. I did say try as it is very difficult for me to toss out things that might be needed at some point in the future. You know what I mean, there is a piece of wire 2 feet long and you roll it up and save it just in case.

            I will attempt to toss some of the scrap wood pieces that are in a box. Wish me good luck!


            Tres and I went for a walk this morning and made it back home by 7:00am. The weather outside is actually nice this morning with temps in the lo 70s, and a slight breeze. Walking before the sun rises is nice.


            I got to get going, have a good day!


Don’t let up, stay defensive, mask up!


Senior dog defecation picker-upper and scrap tosser, Don the Ford

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Going back 08/18/2020

            I received a return label for the bike and I attached it to the carton. The note that came with it stated, when we see the tracking number of the carton indicating it is on its way back to us, we will send you a new bike.

            I attached the label to the carton and tried to find UPS phone number. All I could find was the UPS stores in our area. I tried two of them and was put on hold by both stores several times. I then decided to call my ex-employer to see if they could give me a phone number. When I explained that I have the return label on the carton I was told I could bring it out there and UPS would pick it up from there. Problem solved.

            I also learned that a fork lift operator had hit a 4-inch water pipe. These pipes have water for the fire sprinkler system, and are under pressure. That happened a couple times during my years at the center and it is a big mess.

            First, someone had to turn the water to that system off, to keep it from pouring water onto the floor.

            Second, you need a bunch of staff members to clean up the water including buckets and wet dry vacuums. 

            Third, the water in those pipes has been sitting in the pipes for a long time, and it stinks.

            Ninth, merchandise gets damaged and or has to be moved out to clean up and then moved back, time consuming effort.

            Fifteenth, all the staff you are using to clean up and move merchandise are not doing their normal work! Probably means OT!

            Well we had a nice day yesterday; the temp was high 80s and low 90s. There was a bunch of clouds which help keep it cool. One of the neighbors mowed their yard today, and today is my normal mow day. I did not mow. It is so dry and the grass doesn’t need me mowing it until it begins to get healthy and grow. I haven’t mowed the back 40 for two weeks now.

            My favorite spouse and I went to the big city (Waco) today, to get some dog food.

            I need to go out in the garage and toss out a bunch of scrap wood I have been keeping. I look at some of the smaller pieces and think, there should be something I can do with them, but they for the most part just sit there in the way. I can create more scrap wood pieces.

            Last short note: I lit my last cigar from Cuba the other day, I puffed on about half of it. I liked it and thought I would go on line to see about purchasing more. A box of 25 was on sale for $499.00. Being on a fixed income, I will not be partaking in those cigars!

Thank you for being a friend!

Senior retired person with out a bike and no cigars, Don the Ford

Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday afternoon 08.17.2020

            What have I done today, as usual nothing but sit around? The Tres and I did go for an early morning walk, I carried a flash light as it was not day light yet.

            I did go to the wally world store early this morning to purchase some tape. I needed the tape to secure the electric bike back into the carton.

            While at the store I ask an employee, who was on her hands and knees stocking a shelf, where the tape was. She very rudely said around the corner across from the candy. She did not look up at me and sounded as if she was in one bad mood.

            I found the tape and then went to the dog food area to get some treats for our pot hound. I did notice as I passed other so-called employees, none of them made eye contact and none seem to be happy. Now it was about 7:30 so they may not have been a wake.

            The lady at check-out was very friendly!

            I did get to go to the star coffee place for a cup, and then headed for home. Yes, it had coffee in the cup.

            Arriving back at the homestead I was getting ready to begin the process of dismantling the bike, when I noticed a problem. Even when the bike was shifted into first gear according to the shift lever, the bike chain would only go to second gear. So, there is another problem with the bike.

            I carefully dismantled the bike, to the point that it was dismantled when it arrived here. Then I tried to understand how to put it back in the box. A couple parts were understandable and I got them in correctly, the rest went by guess. Would you believe, I used a big hammer to get a couple items in?

            My favorite spouse came out and help me get a couple areas taped. Then I finished taping the bottom and ends of the carton. The bike and carton weigh 70 pounds!

            The carton had been laying on its side, so I stood it up and went to work on the top. I have a couple photos which may help you understand my efforts.


            You might wonder why the clamps. I wanted to get the top as close as possible before taping. In other words, I wanted it to be very tight.

            I have a secret that I will tell only you, don’t tell anyone else, I used super glue on the plastic straps. I had cut the plastic strap when I opened the carton and I knew the plastic strap would help hold the carton closed, so I tried the super glue. I put tape over it so I don’t know if it helped or not.

            When or if they send another bike, I will open the box, take a photo, and then take other photos as I remove each item. I will not cut the box open, just incase I have to send it back too.

            Later I took a nap then went out and watered the black berries.

            Now I am typing this boring message, which you do not need to read.


            It is now 3:00 so I will need to get to reading. Hope you have more to do then this ole man.


Be kind to ole people!


Senior carton packer, Don the Ford




Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lunch out with 08.16.2020

            Saturday my favorite wife and I along with Patrick and Karla went out to lunch. We went to a Mexican restaurant as I wanted some fajitas. They were very slow at everything from bringing the drinks to bringing the food. I assume they have minimal staff doing the work. We were there over 1.5 hours.

            On the way home I stopped by the booze shop to see if they had a bottle for me. We pulled up to the drive through window and the lady opened the window, she did not ask what I wanted, but how many. I said one and she walked away. There was a discussion that I might should have bought two. When the lady returned, I asked if she could get me two bottles which she did. I offered her a couple dollars for a tip and she refused saying, “You are a good customer”! She knew what I wanted, with out me asking, I must be a good Customer!

            When we arrived back at home, we found that David was there. He had brought a computer over for Patrick to look at. We all had some interesting conversations, including some political discussions. Basically, those of us present, had much of the same opinions.

            It was 106 yesterday and when we walked outside it was literally like entering and oven.

            I had some communications with a friend via text messaging. I guess neither of us thought about picking up the phone and calling. 

            All in all, a good day.


            Today it is supposed to be hot again, and tonight a cold front is coming through. We might get a chance at rain, and the temp might get down into the upper 90s next week. I have set up a sprinkler out back this morning prior to sunrise. It has been moved twice, and now the sprinklers in the flower beds are running. It is super dry due to this extreme heat. 


Mask not, wash not, live not!


Senior connoisseur of good food, Don the Ford

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Send it back              08.15.2020

            Thanks to everyone who wished this senior person happy birthday. It was a good day except for the heat and something I ordered.

            I ordered a bike for my wife. We received it yesterday. We had decided to get a bike we could both ride for a while, and then, if we liked it, we would get a second bike.

            I put it together even though the instructions were not very good. I did watch a video showing how to put it together which helped. I can tell you the video helped, but there were differences in the equipment on the bikes.

            Once put together, I was attempting to learn about the controls. My favorite wife came out and as I was attempting to show her the way it shifted gears, when the chain came off. I put it back on, and it keeps coming off. We also noticed the back-wheel wobbles some.

             I contacted the company through Amazon and they said they will send me a return authorization. They indicated they will send a new bike.

            That means I will need to take the bike apart and put it back in the box. A bunch of work!


May your day be filled with items that work!


Senior bike assembler, Don the Ford


Friday, August 14, 2020

Birds in Hewitt 08.14.2020

              As the Tres and I walked yesterday morning, prior to official sunrise, I observed what appeared to be a couple large birds “doing it” in this person’s front yard. As we proceeded up the street the birds stopped flapping their wings and I could see the bird on top was a hawk. He was not a large hawk, possibly a red tail hawk. I could hear other birds in the trees making a lot of noise. Suddenly the hawk flew away and he had a smaller bird in his claws.  Could not tell if it was a baby bird or if it was just a small bird.

              I have a happier bird story. I had written in the past about a white wing dove who was nesting in a tree near the black berries. In that posting, there was a photo of the dove on her nest. I was surveying the back 40 yesterday when I noticed a dove on that same nest. Do they re-use the same nest, or is it another bird using that nest? If you know that answer you are allowed to tell me.

              Yesterday, it was the first time!              Literally, it was the first time I had heard those words!        Now my favorite spouse said those words to me, and I gave her a big hug!      I think it was the first time anyone, not just my spouse of over 5 decades, had ever said those words to me!               Feeling that good for the first time, wow!

              This morning, after Tres and I had our morning constitutional, my present spouse and I took the time to see if we could remove a piece of tape from the Tres belly. It has been there since the operation, it was several inches away from the main incision, and it seemed to be stuck in some hair. Upon further observation we determined that Tres still had staples in him! We called the vet, they said bring him over. I took him to the vet and they did remove the tape and the staples. They didn’t even say sorry, we missed those staples.

              Today (Friday) is this senior retired person who is on a fixed income’s birthday. Now that I am legally old enough to have an adult beverage, I might drive into the city later today and again attempt to get a bottle.

              Speaking of adult beverage, when I was stationed in Fort Lewis Washington, I was 20 years old. I was old enough to learn to kill, but not old enough to have an adult beverage.

              I need to go out to the DIB center and pick up a retiree order. Before that one person asks, I am the retiree!

              What?  Oh, I didn’t tell you what the word was, sorry, I thought I had enlightened you. Here is how this all played out. The Tres had taken me for a walk, I was hot and sweaty, and I had another project to do outside in the morning heat. I said to my first wife, “I am going to do the other project before I take a shower”, to which she replied, “You are smart”! I can’t remember anyone ever saying, I was smart. I did give her a big hug!

May your day be fill with nice comments!

Senior sweaty person who is now considered as smart, Don the Ford