
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sunday a day of rest 05/30/2021

            Our day of rest may include lunch at a restaurant. We learned last night that Patrick and Karla are coming up today. we are going to call David and see if he and his family can meet us for lunch. There will be 4 or 8 of us for lunch. 


            Early one morning, I reached for a Kleenex, and when I started to pull it from the box, the entire box began to lift up. Obviously, the box was almost empty and very lite, and this is not unusual.

            What was unusual about that situation is, the thought that came to my mind. “An object at rest, will remain at rest unless a greater force acts on it.”  Now I am not a smart person, so why did that thought come to mind? It is odd, how a senior retired person’s ole mind works. We can’t remember where we put the car keys, but a thought like that, pops into a senior’s head. 


            My first spouse has now put 7 quarts of black berries in the freezer.

            I will stop entering data now, so I can have a day of rest.


Consider the reason for Memorial Day!


Thanks to all vets!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Jack and Jill 05/29/2021

            Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after.

            That is the way I heard, and learned the rhyme. I now know that there are other versions, with additional lines. (Look it up.)

            First of all, was Jack a king or something like that? It states he had a crown! If he was a king, why would he be going up the hill? Didn't he have any servants to fetch the pail of water?

            Why did Jack fall down, did Jill trip him? The statement says, he fell down and broke his crown, it doesn't state that he was hurt, and it also states Jill came tumbling after him. Why did Jill tumble after him, did he trip her to get revenge for her tripping him?

            Were they playing some kind of game, or was Jill, Jack's girl friend?

            What were they doing on the ground, and how long were they on the ground?

            Was it day or night?

            Ok, so both of them were on the ground, when did they get up?

            Did they ever get the pail of water? 

            I got you to start thinking, you are welcome!

            Let's change the subject matter; I understand that you wanted to see the table and chairs that my favorite wife has painted. The table has no top, in the photo there is a white octagon behind the red table, that is a top I made some time ago when the glass top broke. My present wife has ordered a new glass top for the table.



            My first wife has a new umbrella for the table and it will be installed when the new top gets here. The above was written on Friday morning, the following photo was taken Friday afternoon.


            I guess I should say, it rained this afternoon. We received almost 3.5 inches of rain in about 3.5 hours, and as you might see in the photo, our back yard was flooded. The back yard drains toward our house, the rain from the roof deposits in the back yard, and a neighbor's back yard drains into our yard. Yes, our yard drains into the other neighbors back yard. One of the 4 x4 post that I am using for the #3 berry patch, was floating during the heaviest part of the rain. 


            My favorite spouse was in town when the storm was heading this way. I called her and told her of the coming storm, and I asked her to not drive in the storm. She drove in the storm, saying it wasn't raining when I left the store. She noted that she drove in some deep water and there was some hail hitting her van.

            Today is Saturday and it isn't raining, right now. I have no idea what we will do today, but I hope we can get out of the house for a while. The back 40 is mostly drained now, but I will need to have boots on when I check for the rain-washed black berries today.

            The birds were attempting to get food from the round bird feeders, so I went out and put bird food on the back patio. It took about two hours before they would return to eat. They are feasting now. 😊


Happy birds, Happy Fords!

Senior retired person who needs a few days of warm sun shine, Don the Ford

Friday, May 28, 2021

What did we do 05/28/2021?

            Actually, we did almost nothing yesterday. It wasn’t raining so we just went outside and enjoyed the weather. My favorite wife painted the table and 4 chairs that are on the patio. She then went to a flower bed and pulled the weeds out, and then planted some flowers. She also thinned out the Four O’clocks, (Four O’clocks are flowers).

            I manicured the front yard, and then went to the back 40 and repeated that process. I found it interesting that Dr. Steve mowed on Wednesday and started it all, then I mowed yesterday along with the other Steve next door, Bill across the street, Juan on the corner, and Walkie who lives behind me across the ditch. Did we all know it was going to rain today, are were we just trying to keep up with the neighbors?

            Let’s display some photos. I may narrate. We now have 3 or 4 quarts of blackberries picked and put away, more to come.


            Below a rose just for you, may your day be filled with roses.



            Below we see a wild flower in the grass before I mowed it.



            The following flowers are Four O’clocks. I got them from my sister Wilda who lived in Missouri, many years ago. Basically, they require no special attention, other than some water in the summer. The birds will spread them and they come back every year. The photo is blurry, I took it while I was mowing, and I did not hold the phone still enough.


            Our positive thought is, “we are glad we got all the work done yesterday”, this rain is kind of annoying but we are happy that we, “Goter dun”!


Thank positive, you can do it!


Senior retired persons from all the work we did, Don and Donna the Fords!



Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wow, different 05/26/2021

            Wow, today I did not turn the computer on until 8:30. I usually turn it on as soon as I get dressed. NO, my wife doesn't have to help me get dressed, she just enjoys helping me! 😐

            This morning I went out and picked the black berries. I got several today, and I have now began only picking those that are from 75%, to totally black. 50% or less I leave there to ripen, even though I can bring them into the Homestead and they will ripen sitting on the kitchen counter. I will go back this afternoon and the 50% group will be mostly totally black. 😊

            It isn't raining this morning, and we had a mostly dry day yesterday. I will attempt to manicure the lawn today, both front and back. I need to change the oil in the riding mower, and I need an oil filter for the mower. Darn, I might need to go to town.

            My first wife plans on painting some patio furniture today, I hope that I do not interfere with her painting, as it will be done on the back 40, and as I said, I plan to mow the back 40.  😐

I did go to the cleaners and drop off some shirts and pants this morning, I stopped by the coffee house and got a free cup, then I went by the teller machine and would you believe, I procured $10.00 which will be split between my favorite wife and I for next week's allowance. 😐

            I was allowed to sit outside yesterday afternoon and have an adult beverage. During that time I noticed that the pecan tree was starting to produce pecans, you will need to look closely at the photo to see the small cons as they attempt to begin life. 


            I need to get started on the yard work or I will never get done, C U L.  😊


Smile and you will be happy!


Senior retired person on a fixed income who works too hard, Don the Ford

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The watcher 05/26/2021

            I am not commenting on the watchers from the bible. Yes, there are comments about watchers in the bible! Maybe you should read the book, you might learn something!   

            Tres and I were walking down the street when we observed a female neighbor who lives at the end of the avenue, and yes, we live on an avenue, it is not known as a street!

            Tres and I knew, this female subject usually leaves her residence at 15 minutes before the hour, and today she was leaving at 26 minutes before the hour. We assumed that something had changed in the female's life, so we stopped her and noted that she was leaving early. She replied in a friendly manner, "I need to stop at a store on the way to work". We wished her a good day and she went on her way. 

            This same female subject returns to her home each afternoon at 15 minutes after the hour. Often, I am outside and I wave to her as she drives down the avenue.

            Do I know everyone schedule who live on our block, no, but I do keep and eye on things that go on in the neighborhood?

            The other morning Tres and I were sitting outside and we observed that a neighbor's garage door was open, and no one was home. Yep, all the vehicles were gone. I was about half way done with my cup, when that neighbor drove up in his vehicle. He got out of his vehicle, he then shut the garage door, and then he got into the company vehicle and drove away.

            You don't need to be a know it all, just be a little observant. I have been asked to keep an eye on some of the neighbors' homes when they were away. I just check the doors and windows and if any or opened or broken into, I would call the police. The police can go inside and check a house, that isn't a part of watching someone's home.

            New issue; There is a commercial on TV presented by a car insurance company where the driver leaves an item on top of the vehicle and drives away. Well, that happened in real life yesterday.

            I was parked as the first vehicle in line to pick up Alex from school. There is a parking lot for those who work at the school and visitors, near where I was parked. A male subject came out of the school and walked to a car about 100 feet away from where I was parked. He walked up to the vehicle and placed a large insulated drink holder onto the vehicle. He then opened the front door and placed some items inside. He then opened the back door, removed his jacket and placed it in the back seat. He then got into the vehicle.

            I was observing him, and I hoped he would miss his drink and get out to get it off the top of the car. I saw the lights come on, so I knew he had started the motor, he then put on the sun glasses and the vehicle began to move.

            I jumped out of the Ford's ole Chevy and ran toward him waving my hands. He saw me and stopped. I walked up to the vehicle as he rolled down his window. I removed the drink holder from the top of the vehicle and he said thank you, my grand kids gave me this and I would have been in trouble if I damaged it. It was a Baylor insulated drink holder.

            My good deed for the day done, I strolled back to my vehicle. 😊


Being observant, isn't always being nosy!


Senior nosy person who is also observant, Don the Ford

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Snail it to the wall 05/25/2021

            When someone says "You nailed it", they mean you got something right! Actually, I use screws more than nails, so I guess someone might say to me, "You screwed it", does that mean I put something together, or, I messed something up?                   Maybe both.

            What did you just say? You know we all hear you!

         Tres and I just returned from a 30-minute walk. We were lucky as it was not raining during the walk but it is raining again now. I did get some black berries off #1 and #2 berry beds. I did take a photo when I was out in the back 40, of something I found to be kind of amazing to me. I will put the photo at the bottom of this posting.

         Subject switch; I asked my favorite wife to get a couple items next time she goes to town. We will need some food for the dog and some snail killer. We have snails everywhere. The other day I shut a door and heard a crushing sound. I then opened the door, and there was a snail that had been crushed. We need to get rid of the snails.



            I find it hard to believe that these snails (arrows point at them) will climb on these thorny black berry bushes. I get stuck just looking at the bush's, and these snails climb on them as if they don't get stuck. 

            Yesterday, when I picked up Alex after school, he asked if I was going to pickup Gabi. I said yes. Alex said good, it gives us time to talk. I do enjoy talking with Alex, he tells me things about computer games and I tell him things about the olden days. Something I like, Alex remembers the stories I tell him. 😊

            Today, basically the same as yesterday. Someday it may stop raining! 😊

May your ole stories be interesting!

Senior grandpa who likes to tell ole stories, he has no new stories, Don the Ford

Monday, May 24, 2021

Yep, it is still raining 05/24/2021


            I do not need to say anything else, as it is still raining, but I will say more! 😐

            To get to the black berries, one needs to wear a rain suit and rubber boots, in an effort to stay dry while traversing that back 40. We are getting berries but if the sun would shine, we would most likely get many more.

            No, I can't work on the #3 bed yet, it will be several days after the rain subsides, before the mud returns to dirt.

            I need to put the trash container out at the curb side, but it is raining too hard for this sweet ole person to get out in the rein! Heck, we all know that sugar melts in the rain.

            We did go to the restaurant yesterday morning with the grand kids and we had a good time! The restaurant was full, with people waiting to get in. We both (me and my present wife) would rather have only 50% capacity at the restaurant, as we enjoyed not sitting too close to others. We aren't concerned so much about the virus, as we have had our shots, we just enjoyed the extra distance between tables.

            Before no one asks, the food was good during this visit! 😊


            Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day, ole Donnie wants to play! 😐 😊


           I just checked the security cameras and it appears that the rain has subsided for a while, I need to get the trash container out.



Sun shine and happiness for you!

Senior retired person with a rain suit and boots, Don the Ford

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday is here 05/23/2021

            So-called is a word I use when referring to the so-called news. The people they have presenting it, the ways they present it, does not meet my expectations! Did you notice how this ole person did not slam the so-called news with negative words. I am being positive when I say the so-called isn’t worth watching.

            I try to not watch any national so-called news, and in the so-called local news, I try and only watch the weather.

            I have seen or heard all the commercials at least a hundred times, and commercials are part of the problem. I / we have the TV on too much (that is our fault). Heck, while I am attempting to enlighten the reading public, the darn TV is almost always on. While I am entering data on my computer the darn TV distracts me.

            I have begun turning the TV off. Have you ever tried to turn the TV off while you are in the room? Try it and see what happens. It is difficult when you are alone, it may be impossible when some one is in the room with you.

            Back in the olden days, many people kept the radio on all day. Now it is the TV.

            Topic change: we are hoping to go to the barrow for breakfast with the grand kids this morning. The last couple times we were at the barrow, the food was just ok, hopefully today it will be better than ok.

            I need to stop messing around with this computer and get a cup of coffee. T T U L


Sunday let’s hope it is, Sun Day!


Senior retired person, trying to be positive about the negative, Don the Ford.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Happy Saturday 05/22/2021

            Why should anyone be happy because it is Saturday? Maybe, because we are going to have the grandkids here this afternoon and evening. My first wife will be making some homemade chicken noodle soup, for the kids, and me! 😊

            My favorite wife and I went to town yesterday, she purchased some new flowers and I got two black berries. They say they are thornless, but they have stickers all over them. I thought the stickers indicated they were berries with thorns. I may have bought something I did not want.

            I have the top soil and some potting soil to be used if the ground ever dries out. Heck in a couple weeks I will be talking about the need for rain. As one might see, ole senior people are never satisfied, or, they just like to comment on everything. 😐 😊


            A couple neighbors who like to start things and make it difficult for us ole seniors here in the neighborhood, started it. What were they doing, she asked with a puzzled look on her face? These neighbors were outside mowing their yards, which means the rest of us neighbors who feel the need to keep up, would need to mow, he answered with a frown!

            Yesterday, I mowed the front and back yards, and my present wife planted flowers that she had purchased. She also planted additional flowers that were donated to her by a neighbor. Yep, we accept donations!   😊


            Other good news, we learned yesterday that our son Patrick got a promotion, I don't know what is new title is, but he seems happy! 😊      Extra responsibilities!


         With nothing to do today, I guess I will just sit here depressed with tears in my eyes! Wait a minute, Popeye the sailor cartoon just came on, everything is good! 😊


Be happy, watch a cartoon!

                  Chicken if you don't!


Senior retired person who likes the ole movies, and cartoons, Don the Ford

Friday, May 21, 2021

Ole people turn gray 05/21/2021

            As one might see, the title line notes that ole people turn gray. Even though that may be a true statement, I am not talking about ole people’s hair! I don’t care about ole people’s hair!

            Speaking of ole people, my favorite spouse and I left the homestead for a few minutes yesterday, and during this outing I was allowed to stop at a local nursery. (Nursery is a place where people purchase plants, not a place where they place ole people.) I thought I should define nursery for that one person, and we all know who you are, I did not want anyone to get the wrong idea there.

            While my favorite spouse was inside, I observed a lady who use to work at HWI / DIB. Her name is Janie, and she was pushing a dust mop. Possibly I should note that her daughter owns this nursery. My wife spoke to Janie and they both came out to the Truck where I had been left, all alone, and the windows were not rolled down.

            I popped out of the truck and went over to greet Janie. Janie looks very good and we talked about some ole times. It was good to see her, and we consider her a good friend!

            We hired Janie as the janitorial service for HWI back when we first started there. Janie was still working at the warehouse when I retired.           

            Let’s see if I have another topic to present to the public:

            I was able to put the three screws in the neighbor’s mail box yesterday, and they are holding. In truth, I think it took longer to walk from the homestead to her house, than it took to insert the screws.

            Now to my positive topic for the day; “Gray alien”. I have decided that I want a gray alien, for my hopefully soon to be, if it ever dries out, #3 berry patch. I did see on TV the other day and advertisement for cement yard ornaments, in which they had a gray alien. I want to put the Gray in my new #3 black berry patch, or maybe in the #1 patch.

            Why do I want this alien, cause! I don’t need to provide you with any other reason other than, “Cause”! Ok, let me provide a little more input, I happen to think it would be neat to have the little Gray standing there inside the black berry stickers.

            I plan to make a pattern of the gray, hopefully my first wife will help me do that, then put the pattern on wood, and cut out the body of the wood, and paint it gray. If this ever comes to fruition, you will see the creation. Otherwise…  

Smile at least twice today!

Senior retired person who needs a cup, and I will try to smile at least twice, Don the Ford

Thursday, May 20, 2021

It is Thursday and 05/20/2021

            Yep, it is Thursday and guess what, "It isn't raining!"             Nice, two days without rain, heck, I might even go outside for a few minutes today. 😊

            I had a good day yesterday, even though I found I had made an error. OK, it wasn't an error, let's say it was a, "Failure to consider!" 

            Now you want to know what is the difference between error, and failure to consider. How do I splane that to you Lucy? Yesterday, I decided to get my plans for an additional rack for storage, for the Ford's ole Garage, and see what I need in the way of wood. As I reviewed the plans, I noticed that I would not be able to use the work bench due to the shelf above it. The shelf would be too low, keeping me from being able to see, and effectively access the work bench. Without that shelf in the rack, the storage would be reduced by 50%.

            I made some changes to the plans. There will be no work bench incorporated in the project, and in truth, the new plan gives us more storage. Failure to consider has turned into a positive situation. 😊                   Also, I will save some money! 😊

            If you will allow, I will alter the subject matter.

            A neighbor / friend has a damaged mail box. We looked at it yesterday, and plan to go and try to repair it this morning. Actually, I think 3 long screws will fix the problem, as long as the wood is not rotted. I plan to use a clamp to hold the wood in place while inserting the screws. If all goes well the entire project should take maybe 5 minutes. Another neighbor / friend has offered to assist me if needed.

            Just another positive thing to help me be happier and to help a neighbor / friend. 😊

            Love your neighbor as yourself!      We have good neighbors! 😊

            Another topic change; we are getting a few black berries each day; I do believe when the sun starts shining again, we will get lots of berries. 😊


May your neighbors be as good as ours!

                                                Smile 😊 more!

Senior retired person who is acting as a repair person today, Don the Ford

            I didn't even get to the Gray Alien, maybe next time.            

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

It isn’t raining right now 05/19/2021

            Over the last few days of off and on rain, we have received a little over 1.5 inches of rain. They say we have more coming. This morning the sun is shining, 😊 but we are told that there will be more rain later today and the next few days.

            There are some things I would like to do outside, but I will need to wait until the rain has stopped and the ground dries up before starting. We have gotten a few black berries during the rain, if the sun were to shine for a while, we will have many more black berries.

            I have a photo to share with you, even though Charlie has not given me permission to use the photo. In the photo we see Charlie relaxing on top of the Ford's ole van in the garage.


            Nothing else to present to you, the most intelligent group of reading public! Only the best people read these articles, you are one of the best!


Smile a lot today, it helps you and me!


Senior retired person who will try to smile at least once today, Don the Ford

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Wow 05/18/2021

            Monday morning the Tres and I decided to go out into the garage and sit, we wanted to watch the rain, and enjoy a cup of coffee. I opened the garage door and moved my chair close to the door so I could see part of the neighborhood, watch the rain, and not get wet.

            This rain reminded me of those Missouri rains, the kind of rain that came all day. This rain was light, there was a slight breeze, and the coffee was good. We sat there enjoying the quiet time.               No, I had not been put in time out! This was my idea, and Tres' agreed; we were relaxing! I can't believe you would ask that question!

            As we sat there, enjoying the light rain, and the quiet morning. I heard a little thunder way off in the distance, and I thought about the statement, "If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be hit by lightning, go inside". We stayed outside enjoying the light rain, that thunder was way off.

            Suddenly, the sky lit up, we did not see any lightening, but the low clouds just turned almost white for a second, then we heard the thunder, and it was right on top of us, super loud. It scared both Tres and me, and we immediately headed indoors. That was too close for comfort. That was the only close and loud thunder that I heard.

            The joy of a nice slow rain was disturbed by dangerous lightening. 

            Let us see if we can go to a different topic: all the rain we have had, has as usual, left the back 40 with a lot of water. I procured my rubber boots and went out to check on the black berries. The first berry I saw, was red and mostly black. Photo to follow.


            I did not pick that berry, it will be ready tomorrow, if the birds don't get it. I did pick two other black berries, photo to follow. The tomato was there to give you some idea of berry size.


                                    It is now starting; the berry harvest is at hand! 😊

            I want to go to another subject if you have the time. Oh, that one person didn't have the time, and has stopped reading. We all know who that one reader is, it is ok, not everyone has the ability to enjoy these wonderful articles.

            This morning both of my hands at where my thumbs attach, were hurting. I have some tape that I put on both hands. I know this must be in my head but as soon as I applied the tape the pain went away. Now you are probably right, the relief of the pain was in my head. Guess what, I don't care, if the tape stopped the pain, or if it was all in my head, the pain was, and is, gone!


            The above was all from Monday!

Today is Tuesday and it is early morning. It is not raining, at least not raining right now. Gabi, my favorite granddaughter will be here at the Homestead today. She is off school today due to the testing; they get a day off between test, or something like that. 

            It is coffee time; I need to go get a cup!


Be happy if you don't have allergies!


Senior retired person who is ready to collect the black berries, Don the Ford

Monday, May 17, 2021

Sit on the porch 05/17/2021

            It was a rainy Sunday afternoon; the Tres and I decided to get a cup of coffee and go sit on the front porch. We sat there enjoying the coffee and observing the light rain as it fell. I became aware of a bird that was making a lot of noise in a tree a little distance away. I then thought of the bird houses that hang on the porch and I was sitting almost under one of the houses. Tres suggested that we should go back into the homestead and allow the birds to go to their house. Always be aware of your surroundings.

            We went back inside and observed the birds returning to their home. It also began raining very hard, so we were glad that the birds and us were inside.

            My favorite spouse has some steaks to cook for supper, but the rain could be a problem. We are hoping for a break in the rain around supper time so I can get the grill out long enough to grill the steaks. I guess I can move the van out of the garage and set the grill near the open garage door if the rain don't stop.

            As I was sitting at the ole desk looking at the security cameras, I became aware of a shining! This shining was coming from a flower bed in the back 40. What was this? Could this be another way for a spirit to make itself known? Remember the rocking chair incident? The photo was taken from a security camera.


            If the above photo isn't enough, I have another photo of what appears to be a foot print on our driveway. Why are all these things showing up at the Ford Homestead?


            Please allow me to alter the subject somewhat. I have another photo; it is of a pocket knife which I have had for at least 25 years. On the knife there is a photo of Ross Perot, as I understand it, he ran for president in 1992 and 1996. Collectors of this type memorabilia, may contact me with their bids. All bids must be in cash!


            Let us go back to a previous topic; The steaks were cooked on the grill; the rain had let up Sunday afternoon, allowing my favorite wife to complete the process. We had a very nice supper! 😊


Enjoy the rain, avoid the floods!

Senior retired person who will sit around today and do very little, Don the Ford