
Friday, July 31, 2020

What is it 07.31.20

               Yesterday after I had worked my tail off, riding on the fords ole mower, I came inside for some rest and relaxation. I was able to drag my ole body in here to the ole desk where I opened the drawer looking for something, and finding something else. What was I looking for, I don’t know? What did I find I do know! I have a photo of a small digital device that has photos stored on it. I got this device at least 10 years ago. Photo to follow


               I don’t know how many photos are on the unit, but there are several. One can click through them or they will rotate automatically. I use to carry it with me when I travelled, I could see the grand kids’ photos when I was out of town. 

               As I have previously noted I did mow the back 40 yesterday. It looks fairly good. Photo to follow.


               Tres seems to be doing good, he is a royal pain in the neck, he wants our attention all the time.


Be nice to someone, you will feel good!


Senior finder of lost items, and manicurist of lawns, Don the Ford

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Oatmeal raisin cookie 07.30.2020

              As the title line may suggest, I may want to provide input as to how much I like an, “Oatmeal raisin cookie”. As cookies go, the oatmeal raisin cookie is, “The leader of the pack”! If you are old enough, you should know that leader of the pack is taken from an ole time rock and roll song. If you are not familiar with that reference then, stop reading now!

              Now that we have reduced the number of reading public to just those who are knowledgeable and learned, in other words, “you”, I will continue with my comment on Oatmeal raisin cookies. I have always liked the oatmeal raisin cookies. They must never be hard and crisp, forcing one to dip them in ether coffee or milk, before eating.  When they are soft, one can enjoy them with, or without a beverage.

              In the olden days when I traveled a lot, I found a coffee shop in the Portland Organ air port that had one of the best Oatmeal raisin cookies I had ever eaten. The cookies were large, possibly 6 to 7 inches in diameter, and they were soft. They had a secret ingredient, it was coconut. Every time I flew in or out, I would head for the coffee shop and get a cup of coffee with a cookie!

              One of the last times I was traveling through Portland, I went to the coffee shop and no cookies. The cookie was what made those trips enjoyable. I guess, “All good things must come to and end”! 


              Tres is doing better, we went for a short walk and returning home I gave him a couple treats. He expects treats any time we go for a walk or a ride in a car. He is now under the desk causing me to not be able to get close to the key board.

              Last evening, actually it was early this morning when I went to bed the Tres came into the bed room and jumped on the bed. He is not supposed to be running or jumping. We are supposed to keep him on a lead, control him, until he gets the staples out. My favorite wife and I were trying to decide how we could get a 95-pound dog off the bed. We could not easily or safely remove him from the bed, so I just said, “Tres come”, and he jumped off the bed. No injuries were detected!


              Well, I guess that is it for now, I need to get up and move arounds some or I will fall asleep. I need to mow the back yard, maybe that would keep me awake.


May your day be filled with soft oatmeal raisin cookies!


Senior relater of uninteresting stories, just ask my first wife, Don the Ford

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Update 07.29.2020

               I will provide a short update about The Ford’s ole Pot Hound, “Tres”! He is now eating and drinking water, that seems to be a good sign. I have a photo of the Tres under my feet, I mean under my desk, which makes it difficult for me to sit here and enter data. Click to review.


               As the observant reader can see, the Tres has a bandage on his belly which covers the scar and the staples. The staples will need to be removed in about 10 days, Tres will not like that. We have again put the cone shaped plastic color on Tres and he did not like it. We may need to use this but for right now we are not.

               Subject change; as I had informed you yesterday, I helped a friend get his lawn mower out of the ditch. Today as I was walking I decided to get a photo of the ditch where the riding mower was. It is difficult to see, but there was only about one foot of extra ditch bank to drive on as I attempted to back in between the wood fence and the ditch. Photo to follow


 Where my friend went off into the ditch was about a five foot drop, it is not straight down but the mower could have easily turned over as it slipped off the edge. He was not hurt!


The virus isn’t the only danger!

Senior pickup backer upper, and all around nice guy, Don the Ford


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Friend 07.28.2020

              Tres was up most of the night. We tried to put the big plastic neck cone on him, and he did not take to it. He was drugged up and acted as if he wasn’t sure where he was. He would not lay down. He would stand there and being almost asleep, he would sway and almost fall down. We finally got him to lay down, as long as one of us would stay there with him. We were both up with him all night, we would take a nap while the other watched the Tres. A very tiresome night.

              He is doing better today although he isn’t eating or drinking yet. The vet called to see how he was doing and she suggested something made from chicken, my present spouse went to the store an purchased some. Tres liked the chicken that My favorite wife went an purchased, he even licked the juice that was in the can. Now if he would start drinking, we may need to force him to drink. 

              New subject: I just learned that my word program will read aloud to me. My word program is 2019 edition, go to Review, and click on read aloud, nice now I can find my typing and grammar errors.

              A subject change;

              I have recently wondered what the word “friend” actually means. As we all know, during these times of isolation we are told to stay in contact with friends and family, if nothing more than a phone call.

              As I have thought about this I wonder, are neighbors’ friends, just because they live close? The neighbor says hello when they see you out in the yard, does that make them a friend or maybe they are just friendly. In the past, I have commented about being friends with someone who works under your supervision. You should be friendly with all staff, but Do not be friends with staff!

              A friend, who lives down the street from me came to the door today and needed my help. He had run his riding mower off in a ditch and could not get it out. I took the Fords ole Chevy down to his house and I had to back the pickup between a fence and the top of the ditch, about 50 feet along the ditch. There was about 1 foot of room before my wheels would have went off into the ditch. We did get the mower pulled out without any damage.  Larry and I have been friends for many years.

              Being friends, and being friendly, are two different things!


Masks make us appear not so ugly!


Senior silly grandpa and masker, Don the Ford  

Monday, July 27, 2020

Need an operation 07.27.2020

              Our dog Tres has again stopped eating. This happened one time before, and at that time the doctor gave us some medicine and said if that don’t work, they would do some X-rays and consider operating. Well the first time the medicine seemed to work so no operation. This time we had a different doctor at the same clinic and she did the x-rays. They found something that is blocking an intestine. She said it was not in the colon, and she seemed to think that was good.  

              They are going to operate to remove the blockage. Depending on how he does and how much cutting they have to do, Tres may be able to come home this evening.

              Tres has a tendency to chew on just about anything, so he may have swallowed something that he shouldn’t have. This will be expensive for a retired person on a fixed income. Possibly my Favorite wife might be able to work a few extra hours each evening picking up the aluminum cans, that way I will not need to put out any extra effort.


              Not much else going on, and if there were others things going on, we couldn’t afford it. We may be on our way to the poor house due to this operation, but if we were to get ten donations of $500,00 minimums, we would be able to stay here in the Ford’s Homestead.

              That is all for now, I need to go for a walk to get some exercise.


              I am back and it is now late afternoon. We are supposed to go pick up the Tres at the Vet. They found that his intestines were blocked with something like clay, they could not say what it was, but he must have eaten it. They said that he could not even pass gas, in other words, he could not even fart.

              I have been told they got it cleaned out, and they stapled him shut. We are to pick him up this evening and he will have one of those funnel type things on his neck for two weeks! He isn’t going to like that. There is additional medicine that we will need to give him.

              He is going to be a big baby until he is ok.


Keep me safe, wear that mask!


Senior person on a fixed income who needs to pay the vet, Don the Ford

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Scrap wood butcher 07.25.2020

               I have decided since I had nothing to do, I would attempt to make more room for junk, I mean necessary equipment in the Ford’s ole garage. I decided to make an additional shelf which would increase the storage area, and in the process I might toss out some items that are not essential to the operation of the Ford’s ole Garage.

               Let us first visit the area that is in need of improvement.


               As one might see, there have been shelves that were placed on the ole work bench area in the past. I have hoped to reuse some or all of them. What, why is there a sign stating motor cycle parking only? That should be an easy question to answer, I use to park my motorcycle there. Now can we get back to the shelf?

               I have taken some scrap wood and made a shelf to sit on the work bench, photo to follow. It is upside down on a bench. I might try to apply some paint prior to installation.


               The work bench cleaned off and ready for placement of the new scrap wood shelf.


               With the scrap wood shelf installed and item place, there is a little more room.


               Not a lot of difference, but it gave me something to do during my imprisonment, I mean social distancing.

               What? Yes I have a container with gloves in it and one with rags.


Freedom will come, eventually!


Senior scrap wood butcher, and silly grandpa, Don the Ford





Friday, July 24, 2020

Virus is close 07.24.2020

               Tres took me for a walk this morning, we got our 30 minutes of walking in. Returning to the homestead all hot and sweaty, I went outside to the first black berry patch and did some trimming of this year’s limbs. When the branches that have berries stop bearing, they die. One does not have to remove the old branches, but if you don’t they will be there to stick you next year when you are harvesting, and they do not bare the following year.

               I also pulled some of the weeds (aka grass) that was growing in the patch. As I removed the grass I found several new black berry plants popping up. I had watered the patch yesterday which makes pulling the weeds much easier.

Subject change: yesterday I noticed that my neighbor was mowing his lawn with his electric mower. I did not hear him, as the mower is almost silent. I decided to show him my new string trimer which is electric. He stopped mowing and I walked toward him, as he was on his side of the driveway. As I approached he coughed a couple times and I jokingly asked, “Do you have the virus?” He said, “I did have the virus a couple weeks ago, and I have been re-exposed to it again”! He noted that for two weeks he confined himself in one bed room, he could not smell or taste anything. After the virus had passed he and his spouse took some time and went to the coast for a little vacation.

               Upon returning he was again exposed to the virus. A family member had contracted the virus and exposed the family. He said he was again out of work for two weeks just the be sure he does not get it again. He probably will not get it again but they do not know for sure.

               You and I need to be very careful. A friend, a family member, or you, could get the virus and expose many others before they know they have it!

         We all need to be careful. We need to assume others have the virus, and wash our hands often, wear the mask, stay away from others as much as possible. 


               I don’t have any real plans for today, I do need to go to the teller machine and see if I can get a couple dollars. I have an idea for another project so I guess I could go out into the heat of the garage and do some wood scrapping.


May all your associates be healthy!


Senior, black berry branch cutter, with stickers in his arms, Don the Ford


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Nice day or. 07.23.2020

               This morning the Tres and I went for a walk. We walked for a little over 30 minutes and the Tres was not pulling on the lead, he was tired. We saw a rabbit, a cat, and of course squirrels during the walk.

               I was surprised to see that someone mows their yard in a similar manner to my patented process. As I walked past this front yard I could see that this person was mowing in straight lines which were on an angle when compared to the curb. Mowing in different directions helps keep from getting ruts in the yard.

               Now there is no wrong way to mow, I have a friend who mows with a riding mower. His yard is not square so he follows the curves through the entire yard. There is nothing wrong with that way of mowing, other than it does not look skilled. I assume he is more concerned with getting done and not with a manicured look.

               Slight topic change; last evening as I was laying on the ford’s ole bed I thought about communicating. Each time we communicate with someone, we have the opportunity to be encouraging or not. If you are encouraging to the other person it will be uplifting to you.

               I can sit here and tell you how to make someone feel bad but that is not where we need to be. If you take a second before you begin the conversation and remind yourself, I want to be uplifting and positive, that will start you off on the right foot.

               In most situations a smile is appropriate, even if the conversation is via a phone. Your voice and attitude can be affected by a smile on your face, even if you are faking it.

               Listen and do not interrupt. Most of us have similar stories or situations to what the other person is explaining, we should wait until they have finished and then decide if we should share our story.  Ask quick questions, then listen.

               Have good eye contact with the other person.         

               When you are a good listener, you will be thought of as a good communicator. 

To communicate professionally, learn body language!

It is real coffee time, got to go!

Communicate with a friend or family today!

Senior retired person who doesn’t have an electric bike, Don the Ford




Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Discussions reviewed 07.22.2020

               My doctor’s appointment was 8:20 and I arrived at 8:10. There were two employees outside the building, stationed there to ask a bunch of questions, and take one’s temp. They also will not allow anyone in, if they don’t have an appointment. I started out by joking with them saying, “I was here last week and I answered all the questions yes,” (all the answers must be no). They laughed, and went ahead and asked me the questions, I did answer them with no. They did not take my temperature!

               Once inside the building, the lady at the desk ask all the usual questions, and I responded as a senior person with, “I am too old to remember how old I am”, we both laughed. She noted, “Your co-pay is X dollars”. I pulled cash money out of my ole pocket and tried to hand it to her. She asked, “Do you have a credit card”? I said, “Yes, I have a credit card”, then I asked, “Why don’t you want cash”? The nice lady replied, “They have asked us to not take cash if we can get a credit card, they don’t want us to handle more than what we just have to, due to the virus”. I used the card, the card device was on the counter, so she did not touch my card.

               I then said, “It will not be too long until we all have a government debit / credit card, then there will be no cash”. She said, “We need to keep the cash, or we will not be able to have things like garage sales. She went on to say, “The government will know everything we buy or sale if we don’t have cash, they will know all about us”!

               I replied, “It is coming, and if you are religious, you know about the Mark of the Beast.  The debit / credit system will be the Mark of the Beast”! She looked as if she was trying to digest what I had said.

               I was called to go to the doctor’s exam room, I did not get to enlighten the nice lady any more. The doctor froze some spots on my arms, one spot on my head and one spot on my leg.



Wear the mask, don’t make me sick!


Senior dog walker and exercising enthusiast, Don the Ford 


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Yesterday today 07.21.2020

               I am sitting here in front of the ole computer (Monday) because I will not have much time tomorrow (Tuesday). Heck I need to be at the doctor’s office at 8:20 Tuesday and then when I get home I will probably begin mowing.

               I did get the neighbors front yard and part of their back yard mowed Monday. The weather has been dry so the grass is growing a little slower that it has been, I have set the sprinkler to water three times weekly until we get some additional rain. 

               My favorite spouse and I went to the license bureau today, she needed to update her handicapped sticker. It took her almost an hour to get everything taken care of, I waited in the car, but we now have them through July 2024.

               I have a photo of something red, no I have two photos of something red. The first is a bloom that is on the bush next to my ole rocker on the driveway.


The next photo is of a flying dragon, or maybe a flying fish, you decide.


Then the second red thing is in the following photo. Click to enhance.


               I have a new hat, and all you can see is the bag hanging on the door. You are supposed to see my cap! The bag is from the olden days when I was a real person, and the company gave the managers a bag with our name on it. I use that bag to carry my Government sponsored computer. Now what do you think of the hat?

               Ok, I give up, I will just go to bed. Good Night!


May your cap be appreciated!


Senior person whose feelings are hurt, and with tears in my eyes,

I put my cap to rest for the evening, Don the Ford



Monday, July 20, 2020

Changed again 07.20.2020

               Although it is difficult to believe, Don the Ford has changed again. No not his underwear, he can’t afford underwear! You know, he has always been an advocate for all senior persons to not be required to change. Possibly, he has changed his mind. (There was a comment he had made, in a previous posting about him having a slight schedule change, if you were to read these wonderful posts you would be much more aware!)

               Yesterday (Sunday) after eating the evening repast (6:00 to 6:30pm), I normally kick back and watch TV until I fall asleep. Instead of taking it easy, I made a slight change and went outside and washed the Ford’s ole Chevy. There was shade on the Ford’s ole drive way which made the grueling task less exhausting.

               After the wash and rinse, I pulled the hose to the back yard where I provided necessary hydration for both black berry patches.

               This morning after popping out of bed, I marched into the Ford’s ole kitchen for a cup of real coffee. I provided food and water for the Dog and cats, then headed for the Ford’s ole recliner were I watched the so-called news, on a different channel, wow another change!


I have enjoyed a change in my schedule, or am I finding ways to change my incarceration.

It may be both, I will keep trying to find ways to enjoy the time I have!


               I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning with a dermatologist, I guess I had too much sun when I was a young person.

               I normally mow on Tuesday, I also need to mow the neighbor’s front yard this week, as they will be home this Friday. I don’t know if I want to do their yard today or later in the week. I have a new string trimmer that I get to try out. Wait a minute, I made that sound like trying out the trimmer would be fun, it isn’t fun, it is still work, even though it is new!

               Wow, that is another change for me, a new string trimmer!


Try CHANGE, you might like it!


Senior retired change-ologist, on a fixed income, with a new string trimer, Don the Ford


Sunday, July 19, 2020

What a Saturday 07.19.2020

               Not a lot going on Saturday, I did get to haul off the limbs that were on the trailer, that have been there since March. I went over to Dave’s house and we loaded a bunch of stuff that they had. The pickup and the trailer was loaded. The nice thing was, we did not have to unload the items, the city employees and the garbage company employees did the unloading.

               I returned home and was able to back the trailer in, in a single try. Am I the world’s best trailer backer upper?

               Getting the trailer re-positioned in the back 40, I came to the house to see what my favorite wife wanted to do for lunch. She suggested we could try the cracker restaurant, if it wasn’t too crowded. I suggested the Bunk House but she did not want to drive that far. The restaurant was not crowded and we ate there.

               Returning home I took a well-deserved nap. Awakening from the sleep, I bounced out of the Fords ole recliner and ran to the back 40 where I moved some of the scrap lumber to the trailer and some next to the hot house. This will make it a little easier to mow, and I have the wood separated so I can get to anything I want, without moving other scrap lumber.



               As you can see the Ford’s ole trailer now has scrap lumber on it. After all the work I returned to the main building at the homestead to watch the Three Stooges. The cable company has stopped showing them so I watched them via antenna. 

               Subject change, as I sat outside the other afternoon (it was happy hour) I noticed the people were still working at the house across the street. I have seen them carry in sheet rock, so I assume they were replacing walls or ceiling before the new owners move in.  There was this one heavy set fellow, with his pants hanging down, the butt portion was at his knees. He may have been their best worker, but had I have been in charge of that group, he would have worn his pants pulled up or he would not have been a part of the team.

               A heavy guy, walking in and out of their trailer, continually pulling at his pants is not a pretty picture to a retired ole senior person. Heck I almost couldn’t finish my adult beverage. Just kidding I finished the beverage without any problems.

               Topic change; I straightened up in the garage this morning (Sunday), took some items to the shed, cut some of the dead black berry bushes out, washed out the bed of the pickup. If I would have had some shade, I would have washed the entire ole pickup. Now I am inside cooling off.

               This week I have moved away from my normal schedule. Usually a schedule change is more or less disrupting, but I have enjoyed doing some things differently. Now I have not changed everything, I still get my naps and eat at the same times but I don’t feel that I need to watch the so called news as much, I haven’t felt the need to sit here at the computer at the same time every day. A little change is good for you.


Thought of the day.          It is said, a pitcher is worth a thousand words.

                                             Is there a word that is worth a thousand pictures?


Don’t change, I am sure you are ok?


Senior change artists, and often a revered procrastinator, Don the Ford


Friday, July 17, 2020

Birthday past 07.17.2020

               My favorite wife’s birthday is over, she is now old enough to have an adult beverage. Donna received many cards and gifts from friends and family. Yes, I did give her a gift! Do you think I want to starve to death? If I did not provide a nice gift I would never get a meal again! Among the gifts were a couple bouquets of flowers, we have photos. Click to enjoy.


Subject change; Tres and I went for a walk very early this morning. The sun had not came up yet, so we took off up the road. This morning there was no clouds in the sky so if we would have waited until daylight, the sun would have been shining on us, making it even hotter than it was. My ole shirt was wet from perspiration do to the early morning exercise.

               Subject change; I need to get the Ford’s ole trailer out of the back 40 so I can take it out to the dump site tomorrow. I might finally get it unloaded, it has only been 5 months since I loaded it.

               Subject change; the neighbors are supposed to be home next Friday, I will try to get their yard mowed one more time before they get home. I am not mowing their back yard as I can’t get my ole riding mower into their back yard, and that is too much exercise for a senior yard manicurist!  


               That is it for now, I need a cup of real coffee.


Let’s do our part to stop the virus!

Wash your hands, wear the mask, keep your distance!


Senior walker of the dog, and generously perspiring retired person, Don the Ford  


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Nick names 07.16.2020

               For some reason, I began to think about nick names. I remember having had two nick names over the years. The first was “Henry”, it was given to me by a man name Jim Furr. Jim lived down the road from us and he work with my dad at the cement plant. Jim always had horses, ponies or donkeys and I would go to his place and ride them. Jim and his wife did not have kids.

               My other nick name is kind of odd, and I acquired it during a Boy Scout outing. As I remember there was several boys in the vehicle, the scout master was driving, and we were heading for home. One of the boys asked me a question and I answered with “This many”, and I flashed my fingers several times indicating a lot. For some reason he asked again and this time I said “Dis-meny”, and flashed my fingers. I can’t remember why, but they kept asking me how many and I would say Dis-meny. The next day at school someone called me Dis-meny, and the nick name stuck.

               Slight change in subject matter.

               I walked out of the Ford’s ole garage the other day and I saw a fellow standing at the corner, he had a skate board. He was a heavy looking fellow, and he did not look like a kid, although at a distance I could not tell his age. He would step on the skate board and then off. He never tried to push the skate board with one foot like most riders do. He kind of bounced on the board and it would move some. I noticed he had something in his hand. After a few bounces and messing with what he had in his hand the skate board began to move. It was battery powered, he started slow and picked up speed as he rode out of sight.

               Why couldn’t I have had one of them when I was a kid? Heck I would like to have an adult electric scooter or electric bike right now!   Why?     Because they sound like fun.

               Just think, I could go bike riding, you know to get exercise, and if there was too much exercise, I could push a button and the electric bike would take over. I have seen a bunch of them when they show the streets in New York. Maybe you all could get together and get me one!

               Maybe I could get a Government Sponsored electric bike, although the electric scooter is less expensive, but the bike would be better for a senior person who will have a birthday next month! Ole senior people are not like real people, we don’t have nice things!

               Change of topic, Tres and I have already went for a walk and about half way through the walk he stopped pulling and stopped smelling of everything. I think he just got tired.

               I have the fan running her at the desk in an attempt to cool off. 

               My first wife’s birthday is today and she will have lunch with some friends. She sold the china cabinet and table with the chairs yesterday. We can now get her vehicle back into the garage.                NO, I did not get any of the money from the sale.

               I may need to go into the city today as my bottle is running low. They have a drive through so I will not need to go inside. I need some wooden shims, I guess I could go to the Home store to get them. I would go to the DIB store but it is across town.

               What? Why I want some wood shims is none of your business! I can’t understand why you need to know everything. What do you use wood shims for, you shim something up. I need to shim something up.    


Shim not and it will be loose!


Senior shim-less person who needs and electric bike, Don the Ford


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday 07.15.2020

               As the blood dripped from his hand, he wondered how long it would be until the authorities would arrive! Why had she came at him with the gun, she seemed as if she had gone off her rocker! Will he be thought of as a murderer, or will he be thought of as defending himself. Should I take this gun and…


               What a way to start the morning. We only had enough cheerios for half a bowl, I may starve to death. Last night my favorite wife who has a birthday tomorrow, made a cherry cheese cake. Supper was good but the cheese cake topped it off!


               My wife has sold the china cabinet and table and they are supposed to pick them up today. I will be glad when they are out of the garage.


               I have a photo of the Tres as he was trying to get my attention. I don’t know what he wanted, but he looks so pitiful.  Click to enhance.



               I need to go for a walk with the Tres, we need our exercise before it gets hot.

Stay safe wash your hands, mask up!


Senior person with an imagination, Don the Ford               

                 The first paragraph was to get your attention.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Gloves 07.14.2020

               Before I begin my ranting, I mean before I begin to enlighten you, the reading public, I would like to expound on my morning.

               I bounced out of bed and quickly went for a cup of coffee. As I sat on the Ford’s ole recliner I decided to mow the yard early this morning, in an attempt to beat the heat. The heat was kind of hot yesterday at 103 here in Hewitt. As I was getting ready this morning it came to me, if I was a real person, you know a wealthy person, I could have an electric string trimer and an electric mower. With electric equipment that operate very quietly, I could start at 6:30 or 7:00am.

               Before that one person asks, there is a noise ordinance here in Hewitt and people are supposed to wait until 8:00am or later, before they start making noise in the neighborhoods. I guess some people sleep later than ole people do.

               I did get the front yard mowed twice, I trimmed everything in front of the Homestead, and I did get the back 40 mowed. When I finished mowing I showered and then went and got sandwiches for me and my wife for lunch.


               This is where I begin ranting, you are allowed to stop reading now.


I have seen some people wear the latex gloves in an effort to seem as if they are keeping all the things they touch clean, free of germs.

As a past first responder, we wore gloves in an effort to first protect ourselves. If the person we were working on had some communicable ailment we wanted to keep their blood and body fluids away from us. Second was to protect the patient. We even had a special way to take the gloves off and proper disposal, to help avoid contaminating ourselves.

Another thing, where do they keep the gloves? It is my belief that most latex gloves may be clean, while in their box, but not sterile.

If someone put on new sterile gloves, and touched nothing after putting the gloves on or before handling your food, or administering some medication, then their gloves would be clean. If they have handled anything while wearing the gloves then they are no longer clean and never sterile.   

Have you ever seen a box of sterile gloves? I have not! Those we see in the doctor’s office and dentist’s office are clean, but not sterile,

When a fast food worker handles one order with the gloves on, then handles money or anything else, then handles the next order with the same gloves, the gloves are not clean. In those situations the gloves become unclean, and basically it is the same as handling things bare handed.

I am not against the latex gloves, heck I have a box here at my desk, they are clean but not sterile.

Just because someone has gloves, does not make them any cleaner that their bare hands. 

Heck I might be wrong, are am I right?


Wash your hands then put the gloves on!


Senior lawn manicurist and glove-ologist, Don the Ford  




Monday, July 13, 2020

I saw something 07.13.2020

            As I was motivating over the hill, I saw Maybelline in a Coup Deville. No that isn’t it, let’s see;

            As I was walking up the street,

            With my great dog Tres on a leash,

            We passed a car with ugly seats.

            The seats were covered but not with sheets,

            There were skeleton heads on both the seats…

            Well, anyway, we were walking up the street, you know an early morning exercise for me, and a fun walk for the Tres. When we walked past a parked vehicle I did see the front seats had seat covers with skeletons on them. I initially thought some people are very odd, putting seat covers like that on their seats. That is a senior persons view of what seems stupid to him!

            Then I thought back over one hundred years ago, back when I was a teenager. I had a 57 Chevy, it was a two door sedan, 6 cylinder motor, and a standard transmission. I purchased a plastic skeleton head, it had red lights in its eyes. I placed the skeleton head in the back window facing the rear of the vehicle. I connected them to my break lights. When I applied the brakes the eyes would light up. I thought I was very cool!

What we see as silly now, may not have seemed silly in the olden days!

            Heck, I had installed a seat belt on the driver’s seat only, in that Chevy.


            Yesterday, I mowed around the neighbors back porch and trimmed the weeds. Then my spouse of over 5 decades and I went to the Barrel Restaurant. Last week there were few people there, this week there were too many people there.

            We had lunch and it was good, but we have decided we will probably not go back during times when you have to wait to be seated. Standing in the shopping area with all those people waiting to be seated, does not seem to be safe to us.


Crowds are not safe, stay away!

Senior skeleton head installer and masquerader. Don the Ford        

                                                “Mask er rader”


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday post 07.12.2020

               I have nothing in mind to discuss today. You should feel lucky when the Don has nothing to write about. That means you can enjoy your Sunday without feeling as if you should read the Fords rantings.

               I guess I could enlighten that one person, who feels they have nothing better to do than read my posts, as to what I did yesterday. I brought the Ford’s ole riding mower to the garage where I checked a few things out. I then moved the mower to the front yard where I washed it. I think that may have been the first time I have ever really washed the mower. I have sprayed water on it to remove dust in the past but I can’t remember ever using a wash cloth to clean it.

               Wash cloth! When I wrote that word a thought came to mind. I was raise to say, “Wash rag”! We used a wash rag to wash our face and to wash dishes. I guess maybe at some point rags were used to wash things with, so the term just hung on. We actually had wash cloths, but still referred to them as rags.

               Hate! That is another term I used to mean more than one thing. If I did not like something I hated it. Many of the things that I did not like or enjoy, I would say I hate it. I learned not to say hate all the time when I was talking with some people at work and I noted that I hate that. I was asked why I hated it, and what could be done to change my mind. I then understood I should use dislike, do not enjoy, that is not my favorite, and so on!


               OK, you’re right, I should get back to what I did yesterday. After cleaning the mower I road it over to the neighbors and started mowing their front yard. They are on vacation and I want to help keep their yard looking good. As soon as I started another neighbor came over and brought his weed eater. Darrel did all the trimming as I mowed. It is good to have neighbors that are willing to help. I had not ask Darrel to help, he just volunteered. Neighbors who are willing to help others, what could be better.


               Not sure what we will do today. We like to go to the barrow restaurant for brunch, but with the rise of the virus we may just call in and order, go get it, and eat here at the Homestead.


Think safety for yourself, and others!


Senior mower washer, who has good friends, Don the Ford
