
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Holiday? 08.31.14

                It is the last day of August and winter is on its way. That being said, I of course, am completely correct. Winter is on its way, but for us here in the lone star state, it will be a few months away.
                The sun is moving more to the south each day, which causes my rocking chair shade to not be available as soon as it should be. When winter arrives, I am happy to have the sun shunning from the southern hemisphere, as it shines on the rocking chair which is totally appreciated during the winter months.
                I have been looking for some instructions for a hand held radio (walkie talkie) and during the search I found an old digital camera. It is the second digital camera that I have owned (we have owned 4 other cameras since this one was retired). I put it on a charger and it still works. The screen on the back is very small by today’s standards, only about 1 inch by 1.25 inch. There were some photos in the camera, a couple were of Tejas.
                I took a couple more photos and I will place them in this article.
Above is a plant that I have been working on for several years. Cross breeding these plants is a hobby and I have finally accomplished my goal. This is my version of the “spider plant” (that statement was made up, my spouse of 45 years bought the plant).
I used the old camera to take the photo and as you can see it works fairly well. 
                Again the old camera takes a good photo.
If you are not retired, I hope you enjoy your holiday away from work. Those of us retired people we never have a day away from work, even if it is a holiday.
                No, I did not find the instructions I was looking for.
I hope your instructions are clear.
Don Ford

Friday, August 29, 2014

It rained 08.29.14

                We have a holiday this Monday and the weather man is calling for rain. We were surprised this morning with a nice short rain, we got about 2/10th of an inch.
                I had climbed out of bed a little early this morning and went through the normal morning routines. At some point I turned the TV on and they were saying we might get some rain. The radar was indicating rain very near, “The Ford Homestead”. I being somewhat inquisitive, proceeded outside to look at the sky.
                Pleasantly surprised was I, when I felt the ever so light, misty rain on my delicate skin. It was nice and cool so I decided to take my walk before the rain arrived. Walking stick in hand I started down the street. I was in front of the neighbor’s house when I could hear the large rain drops hitting the leaves on the tree.
                Being the delicate flower that I am, I returned to the garage where I stood inside and watched it rain. I did not get to walk, but the rain helped me get over the disappointment.
                Now there was a special event this morning as the rain was quitting. There were two rainbows in the sky at the same time. The two rainbows may have been Mother Nature’s way of saying, she was sorry for cutting my morning constitutional short.
You may need to look closely to see the second rainbow which is on the right side of the photo.
 Click on the photo to see it better.
Look to the right of the tower for the second rainbow.
This photo from a slightly different point of view.
Do you think there would be a pot of gold at the end of both rainbows?
Another question, is there gold at both ends of a rainbow or just one end?
If it is just at one end, what do you get when you go to the other end?
I hope you fine the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.
Don Ford

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What have I been doing? 08.28.14

                That is a good question. It has been odd not needing to consider where the grand kids are and what they are doing. It is totally different and I do miss them.
                I put a 2 meter radio in the pickup on Tuesday. What is a 2 meter radio, you ask. I will explain. It is a radio used by, “Amateur Radio Operators” (AKA Hams). The term 2 meter refers to the wave length of the radio signal. It is also known as a VHF radio (Very High Frequency) and is probably the most popular amateur radio frequency.
                No I did not have the money to purchase a radio, I went to the shed and got one of my old radios and put it in the truck. I think that radio is about 23 years old.
                I was not happy with the power cord for that radio so I decided to build a new cord. I purchased the plug from Radio Shack and began to work on it. I pulled down a tool box that I knew had some radio supplies in it. I turned on the fan and began to work.
                This project should have taken about 20 minutes, but it took about two hours. You might say I changed my plan of attack several times. I had several short pieces of wire and tape along with other general trash on the floor, which I voluntarily swept up, prior to my spouse of 45 years return home.  The power cord worked as expected.
                This morning I decided to put a 2 meter radio on my desk even though I do not have a 2 meter base antenna. I do have an antenna that will allow me to monitor radio traffic but not transmit. You guessed it, I went back to the shed and got another radio and brought it to the house.
                I have not been active in the amateur radio hobby for a long time, so I will need to listen and learn. Maybe I will even read some to see what is new.
                I need to climb the short tower and take down the broken part of an old 2 meter antenna. When I get it down I will then order a new 2 meter antenna to put up on the short tower.
                I have no desire to climb the tall tower, it is about 12 feet taller than the short tower but it seems much scarier.
I hope your day is most excellent!
Don Ford            KJ5OD

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First day at school 2014

                Monday was Alex’s first day at school, (pre –K day care) and Tuesday was Gabi’s first day in the second grade.

Photos by “Ms. Donna”;

Alex has his father’s fake smile. He enjoyed his first day at school.


Miss Gabi, being very independent, did not want her grandpa to walk her to class.

This is the first time in a long time that we have not had one or both of the grand kids here on a weekday (excluding vacations) it feels a little lonely.


Today, I have been allowed to take my first wife’s vehicle to get the oil changed.  I will be heading to a friend’s house to, “hopefully”, install a printer.

We are back and the printer was successfully installed. I corrected a few other things with the PC.

On a different subject:

The other day as my spouse of 45 years and I were picking aluminum cans up from the streets of Hewitt, (we pick up aluminum cans to make extra money) I noticed a sign in the window of a business that read, “Coin Laundry”. I don’t believe I have ever been in this building.

This, “coin laundry” is across the street from the police station. The city of Hewitt is building a new police station which will also house the fire department and other city functions. Yes it is a complete waste of money and it is my understanding, the city manager is building this to amplify his self-image.

I have always thought that laundering money was illegal, so why would they laundry money, and why coins, across the street from city hall.

It is an odd world…


I hope your first day is nice, and the rest are better. 


Don Ford

Friday, August 22, 2014

Nature 08.22.14

Multiple layers of color in this beautiful photo of nature in action. Your photographer is pleased
to receive any accolades that you want to bestow upon him.
In the next photo we see nature as it is meant to be. The old grill is rusted and the wheel has broken off.
The nature as it is meant to be, is the spider waiting on lunch.
Have a natural day.
Don Ford

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Old memories, New memories 08.19.14

                I know that at least one reader of this blog will admit to being 50 years old or older. For that one person I would like to go back to a time when you and I were kids. We played cowboys and Indians. Everyone had their own cap gun and some of us had caps to shoot in the guns. It wasn’t illegal in those day to play like you killed your friend or play like you got killed by a friend.
There were no rich people in the neighborhood I lived in, and they were not extremely poor. I can remember my dad got paid every two weeks and every week we would go to the grocery store on Friday evening. Occasionally my parents would by a carton of sodas. Yes there were six sodas in a carton but they did not refer to it as, a six pack. 
We were not allowed to go get a soda and drink it, there had to be a reason like, mom had made a bowl of popcorn. We (my brother and I) were not given a whole soda, we were given half a soda in a glass with ice.
There was a tire swing in the neighbor’s tree. It was just an old car tire tied to a tree limb with a big rope that had been used to tie up barges on the Mississippi river. The tree this tire swing was in grew at the end of their drive way next to their house. This swing was one of our favorite places to hang out, pun intended.
The drive ways to everyone’s house was gravel and dirt. We use to play with toy cars in the dirt and gravel of the drive ways. We couldn’t help but get dirty but I don’t remember taking baths except on Saturday night. Just because I don’t remember the baths doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
                At the very back of our yards there was and old alley way that was no longer used. There were several trees that we could climb in and I remember the brave thing to do was to climb in one tree and then crawl across a limb from one tree to the other. No one ever fell out of either tree.
                There was also a tall wild cherry tree and if you climbed to the top you could see the bridge that crossed the Mississippi river which was a couple miles away.
                Behind our house my dad had a garden. It seemed as if he planted some of everything in the garden but what I remember most was the tomatoes.
                I remember going out to the garden and finding a ripe tomato. This tomato would be a dark red, smooth skinned, firm to the touch and just a little bigger than a hand full.
                When I would find this perfect tomato I would carefully pull it from the vine. I would look it over carefully to be sure there was no bad spots or worm holes, and then I would begin to wipe it off on my shirt.
Carefully wiping the tomato on ones shirt, would remove any dirt. It was now ready to be eaten. I can still remember taking a bite from the fresh tomato, it was warm and the juice would usually run down my chin and onto my hands. The only part that wasn’t eaten was where the tomato attached to the vine.
I guess the above description was a long way of saying my grandkids may have a similar memory now.
This morning Alex and I were out at the garden picking peppers. As we walked around the garden spot there were several green tomatoes on the vines. Then we saw it, there was one red tomato way down deep at the bottom of one vine. Alex tried to get it but could not reach it, so I went after it.
This tomato brought back childhood memories of eating a fresh tomato right from the garden. I decided to let the grandkids have this tomato. I did take it into the house and showed my present wife. I washed it and we cut it in half. We cut the stem out and I went outside and offered it to the kids. Each ate their half and they had tomato juice on their face hands and arms.
They used the garden hose to clean up.                      
Hopefully this will be one of those memories they will have, of eating a ripe tomato out of the grandparent’s garden, long after I am gone.
May all your tomatoes be fresh from the garden, warm and juicy!
(Stop drooling, someone will not understand that you are thinking of tomatoes and want to put you in a home.) 
Don Ford

Monday, August 18, 2014

Morning walk 08.18.14

                As I was walking this morning my nimble mind began to process information. My extraordinary brain does not need to function for at least an hour after I get up. I do the same thing every morning and I do not need to use my large brain to have a cup of coffee.
                When I begin to walk each morning, I have four basic gates. A gate is basically the speed I am walking. This should not be confused with a five gated horse which basically has five speeds and different ways to move. I have ridden a five gated horse and it is fun.
                Stride-ology is the science of walking or striding. We study stride-ology here at, “The Ford Homestead”, and have several graduates.
If you are interested in the science of Stride-ology let me know. We have one opening in our class, “Stride-ology 101”, which begins September 1st
                During my morning stroll I typically begin at my slowest pace (this pace is called meandering). This allows my elderly body to adjust to movement. The few muscles I have left in my body needs to be warmed up properly before increasing the pace.
                I also meditate during this, “meandering pace”, considering the many blessings I have had and hoping I can be a blessing to someone today.
                After about five minutes I increase the pace to what is known as, “rapid step pace”, this will increase my heart rate and increase my breathing rate. This is the speed I want to walk at, for about 20 minutes, in order to accomplish my goal.
When walking at “rapid step pace” I occasionally begin to breathe through my mouth. At this point I will slow my pace slightly to what is known as, “quick step pace”. As soon as the breathing rate is back to no mouth breathing I again pick up the speed to the “rapid step pace”.
When I have completed my walking at, “the rapid pace”, I slow down to what is known as, “normal pace”. Normal pace is the speed that I would walk in a mall going from one store to another. There is no increased heart rate when walking at the normal pace, and it is my cool down speed prior to returning to the Homestead.
                On a different subject; I was sitting at my desk trying to type into this computer when Alex approached me. He noted that he wanted to play a game on my computer. I explained that I was using the computer and he would need to wait. Alex then explained that I could take my computer into the front room and he could play his game on the other computer.
                Smart kid, I started the old PC for him to play his game on and I was banished to the front room.
Almost 2.5 inches of rain fell in Hewitt yesterday. I had only asked for half to three fourths inch of rain, I got more than I expected. We needed the rain as the ground was very dry. At one point there was about 3 inches of water standing in the back yard and the flower beds had an inch or so of water standing in them. This morning when I jumped out of bed I went to the back door to see if it had rained more overnight. To my surprise there was no standing water anywhere. The ground was like a dry sponge and had soaked up all the water.
I hope your stride is not too slow.
Don Ford

From a magnificent imagination.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Blue Saturday 08.16.14

Blue Saturday      
                The weather guy said this Saturday would be a good day to stay inside. He was right.
                For some unknown reason I decided to ignore the weather guys advice and went outside. I had a short sleeved pullover shirt and blue jeans on. I decided to put boots on along with gloves, and a long sleeved shirt over the pull over shirt. I then placed a helmet on my head, pulled down the sun shade and the face shield.
                All the above was in preparation to go sit outside in the Texas sun for about 3 hours.
                You guessed it, I was going to ride the motorcycle.
                As I left the house I checked the outside temp (the motorcycle has a digital readout of the outside temp) and it was 93o. That is kinda hot for 9:45 in the morning.
I had decided to ride the same route as my last Saturday ride but I would add the road that goes through Mother Neff State Park.
                I had ridden for a little over an hour when I noticed the livestock were all smarter them me. There were cattle, horses or goats in various fields and every one of them were standing or laying in the shade of trees. They knew what to do when it gets hot, but not me, I was sitting in the direct sunlight dehydrating.
                I think it was the livestock that helped me realize riding a motorcycle in the sun today was a dumb idea.
                Being somewhat irritated, I noticed someone in a blue pickup driving too close behind me. It was a little country road and it could be difficult to pass on this curvy road. I decided to pick up the pace until I got to a straight stretch, in order to keep the fellow from attempting to pass on a curve.
                It was just a couple minutes until I found a straight part of the road and I slowed down allowing the truck to pass.
Riding at my own slower pace (60 mph and less) I again began to think about the heat. I checked the rear view mirror and what did I see, there were two cars behind me and one was blue. I decided to increase the speed again rather than allow them to get too close behind me. They followed me until I went through Mosheim, TX where the blue car turned right. 
About another mile or so I turned right and I was heading for highway 6. There were no cars on this road and other than the excessive heat it was a good ride.
I checked the temp again as I was arriving at the Bunk House and it was 97o at 11:40. I parked the motorcycle in the only shade there was and entered the building.
Lunch (a chopped brisket sandwich, cold slaw, tooth picks and tea) was good, the air conditioning was better.
The ride home would be as direct as possible in order to get out of the excessive heat. The speed limit on Hwy 6 is 75 most of the way.
Many riders and non-riders believe there is a wind chill index when riding a motorcycle. These untrained people believe that it feels cooler when riding do to the air flow. This is true on days when the temp is 70o or less.
On days when the temp is 95 and above there is a, “wind friction index”. The, “wind friction index” states; “for every 10 mph over 20 mph, the temperature increases by 2o. This increase in temperature is due to the friction of the air rubbing against the rider.
If the outside temp is 95 and the motorcycle is moving at 50 mph the temp on the rider will be 101o.  That is 2o for every 10 mph over 20 mph which is 6o + 95o = 101o.
I wanted to explain this formula so you would understand how hot it was, on this senior person, during the ride home.
As I left the Bunk House I again checked the outside temp and it was 99o. I was riding at 75 mph which meant that the outside temp on me, the rider, was 110o due to the “wind friction index”. 
The ride from the bunk house to home will take close to 40 minutes at 110o. If that wasn’t bad enough I looked in the rear view mirror and there was one of the ugliest powder blue jeeps I have ever seen. This ugly jeep followed me all the way back to Lake Waco, where I allowed him to pass.
There was no one at our house when I arrived home so I took a nap.
The End
Have a most excellent day!
Don Ford
<        ·         This story is absolutely true, parts may be from a vivid imagination. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

What a tangled web we weave... 08.15.14

                Today is August 15th, and I made it through yesterday (my birthday) without any incidents.  The day was basically a normal day except I received several calls from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday.
                For those of you who sent gifts and money, I would like to say thank you. To that one person who sent can goods as a gift, we appreciate the thought and this will allow my wife of 45 years to have a break from picking up cans and road kill.
                For those procrastinators, gifts and money will still be accepted through the end of the month.
                My surprise birthday party was appreciated. This surprise birthday party is the, “only birthday party” that I can recall through my entire life. Before you ask, there was a birthday cake and I did receive gifts. The big gift was a new bicycle. I believe I was 10 years old at this surprise party. 
                At my present age, (a little over 40 years old) a surprise party could be fatal.
On a different subject: as I was completing my morning walk, I noticed an artful design off to my left. Even though I was hot and sweaty I decided to get a closer look. There was a web that went from a tree limb about ten feet above the ground down to the ground. I assumed there would be a large garden spider on the web. (Garden spider is what we called extra-large yellow and black spiders in the olden days).
                The spider was actually a small dime sized spider. I sprayed the web with a mist of water so it could be photographed better.
It is amazing all the things one can see if they are just observant of things around them.
                On a totally different subject, my present spouse asked if I could make something for her. She had a pattern that I used and I must say I made this thing look better than the pattern.
What is it?
It is supposed to be a deer. It will be painted or stained in some manner and then decorated for Christmas. My first wife said I may be allowed to install a red light for the nose.
I hope you have a very nice weekend.
Don Ford

Monday, August 11, 2014

Is He / She Perfect? 08.11.14

                Have you ever thought about having the perfect spouse? This article will provide the reader (you) with information about the perfect spouse.
                This morning as I was beginning my morning constitutional, I was thinking about how good my life has been and all the many blessings I have had over the years. I was also thinking about how hot and humid it was and the fact that there was no wind.
                Back to the subject at hand, “The Perfect Spouse”.
Do I have the, “perfect spouse”?
Am I the, “perfect spouse”?
I understand that many of you will find it difficult to believe that I, may not be, “the perfect Spouse”. If I am not, “the perfect spouse”, does he / she exist?
                Certain facts need to be established at the beginning of this article such as;
The qualities of the perfect spouse, is totally different for a male, as compared to a female.
The description of the perfect spouse varies, and is in the eyes of the beholder.
                Since I am a male, I will not attempt to provide a female description of the perfect spouse, but I will offer some male points of view. 
                A perfect spouse listens to what you have to say, does not interrupt, and occasionally asks for more information.
                A perfect spouse has no opinions on anything.
                A perfect spouse does not enjoy shopping, who only goes to the store for items needed for the house like food and toilet paper.
                A perfect spouse does not have any favorite TV shows, and only watches what you like.
                A perfect spouse believes her husband needs a night out with the boys.
                A perfect spouse has all meals ready when the husband is ready to eat.
                A perfect spouse dresses for her husband at all times.
                A perfect spouse wants to make her spouse happy at all costs.
I could continue with how the perfect spouse acts or responds to her husband’s wishes and desires, but I think you get the idea. 
                As we contemplate this perfect spouse, a thought comes to mind. This perfect spouse puts her husband’s desires, wishes and feelings ahead of her own. Instead of a perfect spouse, we may have been describing a servant. By servant I do not mean a paid employee, I am referring to a forced servant like those we see on TV where they do everything for the King or Queen.
Another thought comes to mind, having the perfect spouse would be very tiresome. Never having the occasional disagreement, never hearing a different opinion from yours, would be very unstimulating. 
                For those of you who do not have the perfect spouse, you should be happy. Your life is much more stimulating than mine, and filled with lively discussions. When your spouse interrupts you, be happy.
I am here to say, it is dull when your every desire is met without question.  
Work toward perfection in your work not in a spouse.
Don Ford
** All the above facts are true and correct, some text may be fictional.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I Got the Itch 08.07.14

            I got up this morning which I assume does not make everyone happy, but it made me happy.
            I usually take a brisk walk for about 30 minutes early each morning but this morning I decided to forgo the brisk exercise. Instead of exercise I decided to pull weeds from the back flower bed knowing that I would be on my knees and getting up and back down repeatedly, which is exercise for a senior person.
            Now I have heard my spouse of 45 years, comment over the last couple weeks that she was going to pull these weeds. I know that if I pull these weeds it would enhance my chances of getting more good meals.
            Now I assume some of you may be thinking, “He doesn’t need more food”. Food is not the focal point of this article, so let’s get back to the topic at hand. 
            I found that I am doing a good job of watering the plants, the dirt was moist which made it easier to pull the weeds out of the ground. The moist earth has a tendency to stick to my soft lily white hands. At one point I was actually laying on the ground on my side reaching under some vining flowers to get at the weeds, and that is when it happened; I got the tickle or itch.
I have noticed, anytime my hands are dirty or wet, something will begin to tickle or itch. For years, as soon as I begin to do anything where my hands have something on them, I will get the tickle or itch.  I had thought about the possibility of a small bug or ant, crawling up the leg of my shorts.
I would have to say I did a fairly good job of pulling the weeds but I am sure that in about two weeks it should be done again. Even though it looks good now, I am sure there will be more weeds sprouting in a week or two.
After I had completed the job I told my first wife that she was welcome. She thought for a minute and then begrudgingly said, “Thanks”.  It is bad when others don’t show appreciation, for all the chores that I do, without being reminded.
On another subject; as I was working in the back yard I noticed two men walking in the ditch behind my house. I have kept the weeds cut in my portion of the ditch, as a matter of fact I keep it mowed and there is some nice Bermuda grass growing there.
These two men are city employees. I walked back to talk with them. They told me they are planning to do some work in the ditch and hopefully when they are finished the rest of the ditch will look somewhat like mine. They intend to not only cut weeds but also improve the drainage.
            What was itching? My nose was itching, it happens every time my hands or wet or dirty.
Saturday lunch            08.09.14
            Friday evening (08/08/14) I had suggested to my present wife that I would like to have lunch at the, “Sea Island Shrimp House” but it is too hot to ride down there.
            The closest Sea Island is in Selma, TX which is kind of a suburb of San Antonio, which is about a 3 hour ride or drive from, “The Ford Homestead”.  
            I was surprised when she suggested taking her vehicle. I noted that we would need to leave about 9:30, to which she made a frowny face.
            Saturday morning arrived and as I was having a cup of coffee, my spouse asked if we were going to the Sea Island. I begrudgingly (J) agreed and noted that I would put some bottled water in a small cooler for the trip.
            I was dressed and ready to go so I walked out to put the supplies in the vehicle. That is when I noticed the front and back glass needed to be cleaned. I washed the front windshield and I noticed it didn’t appear clean, so I washed it a second time and it still didn’t look clean. I realized that I needed to clean the inside of the windshield, darn it!
            It is needless to say, so I will say it anyway, I was now hot and sweaty. I know what some of you are thinking, “He is always hot”, and you are correct, but this hot was from heat and not my exceptional good looks. 
            We were able to get on the road about 9:10am and we headed south. I knew the route I wanted to take, which included the toll road around Austin, TX. I wanted to get back on I-35 on the south side of Austin but I missed the turn off. At some point I realized we were still on the toll road, it may have been when I went through one of the pay stations.
            You don’t need to stop and pay, they will send you a bill in the mail. We were headed for Seguin, TX which is in the right direction but not exactly where we wanted to be. We found an exit from the toll road which took us to San Marcos, TX. We knew that San Marcos was on I-35 so we took that exit. All went well except for the last mile which was bumper to bumper traffic and if took about 15 minutes to get through the area.
            We finally made it to the interstate and headed for the restaurant. The GPS was talking to us as we drove.
            We arrived at the Sea Island about 12:20 which it just about on time. Lunch was great, the ice tea was very good. After about a 30 minute lunch break we were on the road again.
            We took the loop 1604 around San Antonio to highway 16 then started back to the north eventually stopping in Fredericksburg, TX. This town is a tourist trap with a lot of stores for the tourist to spend money in.
            My spouse of 45 years shopped for about 90 minutes, during which time I observed people, mostly women.
One such female caught my attention. This female’s head was shaved on the sides with a Mohawk type haircut. She had a pony tail that was about 6 inches long and her hair was purple. She had a blue dress on and a large portion of her lungs were showing. She was with a man and as they walked past I heard her say, “I don’t know what those people were thinking”.
I smiled and had the same thought about her.
After shopping we began the trip for home. We had decided to find a place to eat and set our sights on, “The Blue Bonnet Café” which is in Marble Falls TX.
Arriving at the café we stood in line for about 15 minutes before being seated. The food was good and when we were refreshed, we again started for home. The rest of the drive was more or less boring. We did see many deer along the road (alive) as the sun began to set. 
            We arrived home about 9:30 pm, a full 12 hours after the start of the trip.
            It was a good outing.
I hope your hands are clean when the itch comes.   
Don Ford

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What in the World? 08.06.14

                What kind of a world is it when a senior citizen on a fixed income goes to get his hair cut and…
                The day started for me as most days do with a visit to the throne room. After a few relaxing moments I go to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal, then back into the living room to watch the so called news.
                I could do the weather reports during the month of August.  Hot and dry today, tomorrow and for the next few weeks.
                After about 15 minutes of the TV news, I make a cup of coffee and sit back in the recliner to enjoy the moment. It is about then that I remember I have an appointment at the District Attorney’s office. They are not investigating me, they do need a statement from me about a fire that resulted in two deaths, over a quarter century ago.
                I decided I had better get going on my morning walk. I was actually about 20 minutes later than normal, starting the walk. The walk was basically the same as every morning but it seemed as if it was warmer than usual.
                During the morning constitutional the perspiration was literally dripping off my hair down the back of my neck. This is a good indicator that I need a haircut. I made the decision to get my hair cut today. 
                After cooling down, following the morning walk, I headed to the shower. After a thorough body cleaning and some clean clothes, I left the house at 9:00am and drove to the haircut place. I don’t know what to call the shop, it is not a barber shop. Maybe it is a hair dresser.
                Cut it short please, was my request to the lady with the clippers. This lady did exactly as I requested. When finished she asked if she had cut the top shore enough. I looked into the mirror and my hair was more than short enough.
                We walked to the checkout counter (they give us senior citizens a one dollar cut on price) when she punched something into the computer / cash register. She then announced that my hair cut is free. Surprised but happy, I said thank you and gave her a nice tip. 
I hope your day is better than mine and mine has been good.
Don Ford

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Assume 08.05.14

                One of the many things they try to teach managers is to not assume. There are many reasons why one should not assume but the one I remember the most was, “when you assume you make an, “ass out of you and me” ass/u/me”.
                One should not assume in daily life but we I still do. My pickup truck began to shift in a manner which caused me to think the transmission was going out.
                When I was driving through town it would up shift normally as long as I was giving it some gas. As soon as I took my foot off the gas it would shift (I don’t know if it was up shifting or down shifting) but it was like someone dropped a bowling ball from about ten feet up, down onto my transmission. The truck would literally shake from the shifting.
                The shifting concern had been going on for a couple weeks, but since I don’t drive the truck very much it did not seem urgent. Also I was “assuming” that it would cost an arm and leg and as we all know being on a fixed income, I was not in a hurry to take it in.
                I spoke to my neighbor who is a “maestro” of mechanics (he paid me to say that). I told him I thought my transmission was going out due to the way it was shifting. He commented that I could be right but it might be something else.
                About 3 days ago I was going somewhere in the pickup and when I came to a stop sign it died. Unusual I thought, as I restarted the motor. At that point I noticed that the check engine light was on. Now what, I thought. It was then I noticed that almost every time the transmission shifted it was as if the tranny was about to fall out. I was wondering if I would make it back home.
                I called Dunn Brake and Tire (a well know repair shop) and asked if they thought they could fix it. I was told that they would take a look and if they couldn’t fix it, they would recommend a transmission repair shop.
                They checked it out and replaced something called, “throttle position sensor”.  I asked if that was going to help with the shifting problem. I was told that the mechanic said he thought it would. The sensor cost $45.00 which made me happy.
                As I drove the truck home I was trying to make the truck shift abnormally, but it would not. I drove it again this morning to the eye doctor and it shifts as it should.
                Yes I had my eyes checked today and as usual they dilated them. I have some sun glasses that I can put over my regular glasses but things are still very bright after dilation. My eyes are still dilated and it is difficult to see the words as I type.
                Our lesson for today, which I need to learn or memorize is;
                It is better to not ass/u/me.
Don Ford

Monday, August 4, 2014

Responding to... 08.04.14

                There was a comment from a Professor and a good friend. His comment was in response to the last posting comparing memorizing to learning. He suggested that the next posting contemplate, “Does a tree make a sound when it falls if no one was there to hear it.
                I would be happy to clear this quandary up, while explaining it in terms that everyone will understand.  
                First I would like to show you a few berries that were picked this morning and eaten by the grand kids.
The largest was 1.5 inches.
Below is a photo of the second flower bed that I reworked.
You are correct if you are thinking that I did an excellent job and it was hard work for this senior citizen.
I took my truck to the shop this morning for some repair and the lady that brought me home referred to our house as being colorful. I guess the red paint does stand out a little.
Back to the original thought, “Does a tree make a sound when it falls if no one was there to hear it.” I believe I will be able to explain this, in enough detail that all discussion on the subject will stop.
What do I mean by ending all discussions? I mean worldwide debate on this topic will stop after I have provided the enlightenment.
The answer is, “yes the tree makes a sound when it falls, even when there is no one to hear it”. How did I come to that answer?
I and a few helpers from, “The Ford Homestead” went to the woods outside of town. We picked a day that was windy. We found a thirty foot tall tree and using an ax we cut it to a point that it was ready to fall. We positioned two tape recorders near the tree and we walked away. We sat on top a hill where we could see the top of the tree but could not hear it if it fell.
It took several hours for the wind to cause the tree to fall. When we saw the top of the tree go down we walked back to the site. Both tape recorders recorded the sound of the tree falling. That is proof that even though a person is not there to hear the sounds of a tree falling, it still makes a sound. Recording are the proof.
If you would like the written documentation and a CD of the sounds, please send $50.00 to, “The Ford Homestead Tree Falling Sounds”.  Allow 4 to 6 years for delivery.  
May today be better than the best day of your life, but not as good as tomorrow. 
Don Ford
All the information in this article is true, even though some things may not have happened as presented. Truth like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Learning or Memorizing 08.03.14

If learning and memorizing are the same, why aren’t there, “schools of higher memorization”?
                It may be difficult for you to even come close to understanding how this magnificent brain in my thickly skulled head works, heck I don’t even understand it myself.
                Yesterday a question popped into my head. I am not sure if the questioned manifested itself when I was trying, “unsuccessfully to take a nap”, or while I was, “on my knees in the front yard pulling weeds from the flower beds”.
You may be wondering why I couldn’t take a nap. I think it was because I had drank too much tea at the Bunk House at lunch? We had ridden for a couple hours and stopped that the Bunk House for lunch, where I consumed several glasses of ice tea and took one to go.
Why was I on my knees pulling weeds on a Saturday afternoon? As stated earlier, I could not sleep so I needed something to do, and since the weather was cooperating, “temps was in the mid to upper 80s”, I was order, it was suggested that I should work in the yard.
     1+1=2    2+2=4    4+4=8              did we learn these facts or memorize them? 
I am of the opinion that we memorized them. 
Is learning the same as memorizing?
When you memorize something it is stored in your memory and can be accessed later.
When you learn something it is stored in your memory and can be accessed later. 
Could it be that, Learning is the process of using the information that you have memorized.
                An example might be; in shop class you were told, “Measure twice cut once”. You stored this in your memory (memorizing). At a later time when you are doing a wood working project you recall what you had memorized, “measure twice cut once”, and when you have used the memorized process, it could be said, “you have learned it”. 
In summary:
When you can apply or use what you have memorized, you have at that time learned it.
I hope you learn many things today.
Don Ford