
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Christmas decorations 01/31/2021

            On Saturday, instead of resting, I ventured forth from the Homestead and went to the ole Ford’s Shed. I then removed a bunch of totes and a few cartons. Some of the totes and cartons had fall decorations, while others had Christmas decorations. There were a couple totes with Easter decorations.

            I then went to the Ford’s ole garage and started removing the plastic people that were from the nativity scene. There was also a Santa and his wife and some other odd pieces. I took all these plastic pieces out to the shed and properly positioned them in the back corner. Then I put all the fall decorations back in the shed, properly positioned so My favorite wife can allow me to get to them next fall. Yes, the Easter items are positioned for easy access in the near future.

            I have an area that I can access without moving a bunch of totes in the other back corner of the shed. This is where the Christmas decorations that are still in the garage will be placed. My favorite wife usually re-boxes them, and then I am allowed to move them to the shed. With her broken wrist bone, she can’t do much, (could she be faking the injury) so I will attempt to package the rest of the Christmas items in the near future.

            The weather was nice, it was 81 degrees and windy Saturday, which allowed me to get out of the Homestead and do some work. The Ford’s ole garage has some additional room in it now, when the rest of the decorations are removed, we may be able to walk around in the garage. 


            Topic change; we received a package from a very nice neighbor Saturday. The door bell rang and there was a pretty sack sitting at the front door. I brought the sack inside and there were chocolate chip cookies, they were still warm, and also there was vanilla ice cream, the ice cream was still cold. What an unexpected good tasting snack from a neighbor! We are lucky to have such good neighbors! 

            The Bible says, love your neighbor as yourself, I suggest that we all do that, and also, we should, pray for your neighbors as you do for yourself! In these times, we can all use and provide a prayer, a blessing, some kindness!  Each of us can give, and or receive a prayer, a blessing, some kindness, from, or to, neighbors and family! Don’t just think about it, do it!


            Enough from reverend Ford, I need a cup of coffee, got to go!


Love is needed for all!


Senior decoration re-positioner and coffee drinker, Don the Ford

Saturday, January 30, 2021

It was full 01/30/2021

            Was it full, or was I full of it? With a question like that, I can assume most of the reading public has decided that I am full of it, and you could be correct. But this ole senior person is not the subject of that title line. Thursday evening and Friday morning, this ole person ventured out of the Ford Homestead. I had two goals in mind.

            Thursday evening my goal was to take garbage out to the trash container after I had washed the pots and pans from our evening banquet. Banquet sounds better than scraps that I was able to pull together kind of like a meal.

            Friday morning my goal was to let Tres check out the front yard, and then get the newspaper and bring it in for my favorite spouse.

            Now you might understand why this ole person ventured outside the homestead. As I was outside both evening and morning, I was able to get a photo of the full moon. Now I know you don’t care about my views of the full moon, and that is ok. I put these postings together for my own enjoyment. If you like them, that is just an extra benefit of my presentations. I took a couple photos but they are not as good as seeing the moon in real life.



Evening; above photo almost appeared as a fire in the tree between two neighbors’ homes.



            Morning; above, a spooky looking cloud hiding the full moon.

Look not, see not, learn not!

Senior dramatist who also includes the occasional photo, Don the Ford

Friday, January 29, 2021

I had not thought 01/29/2021

            I was reading the Bible yesterday when I read a passage that I have read several times before, but it caught my attention this time. In Mark 14:25 there is a comment that Jesus made, “Truly I say to you, I shall never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God”. Now I assume he is stating that he would not drink wine until he was in heaven.

            I have never thought about heaven having plants and other types of food. I had always heard it said, Heaven will have streets of gold. In my mind, there would be buildings as in a small town, and the streets were Gold, my thoughts of heaven never went past that. But now considering that comment, if they have fruit of the vine, they have vines. I now assume, angels will need to eat. So, if they have vines, and other plants that can be eaten, they would likely have dirt, kinda like earth.

            I have always thought of heaven being an area that was just floating in open space, and that all the beings were spiritual, not with bodies like humans or other beings. Now I am assuming that heaven is a place like a planet.

            Heaven could be in a different dimension, and if so, heaven could be a planet in that dimension. So, when a human spirit leaves its body, it could go to a different dimension known as heaven with plants, animals and good ole dirt. You can think about it, but it does not matter where heaven is, as long as one goes there!

            Wow, reading the bible has a tendency to cause me to consider new ideas!


            Topic change; how are things going at the Ford Homestead? I guess that depends on how one looks at it. If the Don had to cook supper, would you consider that a good thing, or a bad thing? I did fix supper last evening, note. I did not say I cooked it, I fixed it. MY favorite wife gave me instructions and I followed them; she is still not feeling very good. I fixed chili last evening and it wasn’t too bad. Donna told me what to put in the pan. The ingredients were easy but there was also salt, pepper, and chili powder. I asked how much seasoning should I put in the chili, and she said put some in and taste it. Keep doing that until it tastes right.

            Wow, I was trusted to make chili taste like chili! Ok, before all of you start asking, it tasted pretty dog gone good. No, I did not put ground up dog in the pot, it was ground up beef.

                        With proper instructions, most things are possible!

 Mask up, stay back, wash down!

Senior chief cook and bottle washer, Don the Ford

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Habits are hard to 01/28/2012

            I have learned that some habits are hard to break. When you have done the same thing at the same time every day for a period of time, you no longer even think about it you just do it. Lately, I have been trying to break a few habits, and I have had some success at a couple.

            Example, each morning I would get into the ole office by 7:00 and turn the TV on to a certain news channel. Some time back I decided I wanted to stop listening to the so-called news, you know, that presidential crap. I still come in here and turn on the computer. I now tell Alexa to turn the XM radio on 60s music. Ole 60s music is much better than the news crap, and I can enter data into the ole computer while the music is playing. Ole music has a positive effect on me! 😊

            I eat something for lunch every day at 11:00am. I am never hungry at 11:00, it is just the habit that I eat lunch then.

            When I want to stop an ole habit, or start a new habit, I try and make a plan. Often, an ole habit is replaced with a new habit.

            Habits are different from addictions, and stopping an addiction is much more difficult than changing a habit. When I gave up nicotine, I was in a bad mood for some time. I did at times want to hurt someone. I am truly happy that I stopped the nicotine many years ago, but I do know I could be drawn back into the addiction.

            Topic change: I have stated that I was never told to hire a person of a certain sex, color, or race, but I now remember there was a time that I was told to hire a certain person.

            We were looking for a new supervisor, the title in today's world would now be a department manager. We had interviewed a few candidates and HR was helping with the interviews. There was one candidate that I wanted to hire, but the HR person told me I would not get that person passed the president of the company, I should take the other candidate. I gave in and took the other candidate.

            I should have stood my ground and fought for the right candidate. That person we hired was a mistake, he was not a people person. He stayed about a year and finally quit. That was the only time I was told to hire someone. 😐

            Additional topic; as I sat here after reading from the bible, it came to me that some homemade tamales might be good for supper. I was able to drag my ole body out of my chair, and stagger into the TV room, where my favorite wife was situated. I calmly looked at her lovely face and asked, "were you thinking about tamales for supper", to which she replied, "yes I was"! Wow, it has only been 52 years and we are finally thinking a like. I went to the freezer and procured a package of homemade tamales. They will be thawed out by supper time.

I am glad you are a good person!

Senior retired use to be good guy and tamale eater, Don the Ford

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Rich and politicians 01/27/2021

            I called my medical provider yesterday asking, when would we be getting the vaccination. She said she didn’t know, but they would contact us, but she didn’t know when.

            Why are the politicians and rich people getting their vaccinees and us ole people being left out? I guess if they leave the ole people out, we may get the virus and pass away, and then they don’t need to put up with old people!           That was a negative comment, I apologize, I would like to be more positive! 

            A fellow who use to ride his motorcycle in the group I rode with, died Monday night. I was told he went to bed and passed away in his sleep. He did have a lot of medical problems and the virus was evidently too much for him.   I pray for his family!

            Those of you who use to ride with our group, you can email me and I will give you his name.

            I did get outside and pick-up sticks from the yards yesterday, and also some dog poop. The Tres was working with me, and when I would try to pick up a stick, he would try to get it before me. I assume he was trying to help, but maybe, he was just being a pain in the back side.

            We went for a walk yesterday and a fellow said, “Tres was a good-looking dog”. I asked if I was good looking, and he said, “NO! He did say he like my route 66 cap! He obviously needed glasses, because I am good looking, for an ole senior person!


            We should all try to be positive as much as possible. Call your friends and family members, communication with others not only has a positive effect on us ole people, it helps the younger group also. Heck, even a text message or an email can help somewhat. 


            May your day be filled with good health and happiness!


Stay safe, be nice, give love!


Hang in there, we will get through this, sooner or later, Don the Ford

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What a day! 01/26/2021

            It was a typical Monday, or was it? Let us see if I can reveal a few factoids. Now please allow me to tell that one person what a factoid is. Factoid is usually defined as an insignificant or trivial fact.

            I was sitting on the Fords ole recliner considering everything, that I was not going to do that day, when the phone rang. My favorite spouse answered the phone. Phone calls are almost always not for me, so I usually do not attempt to answer them, even though, I do believe I am allowed to do so.

            The call was from Alex’s school saying, they could not contact his parents and he had an upset stomach. I went to his school and brought him home. Alex went to the bed room and started doing his homework. Later he came into the front room where I was sitting. He sat there a few minutes and then he asked, is this what you do all day? He meant; do you sit around doing nothing. I said yep, unless the grass needs to be mowed or if there is some work to do outside. Alex said, “BORING”!  It is pretty bad when your almost 11-year-old grandson tells you, what you do is BORING!  Later, Alex and I took Tres for a walk, Alex was no longer sick.

            My wife of more than 50 years was coughing a lot, and finally she decided to go to the doctor. She got a shot and some additional medicine. Wow, all congested and also has a broken right wrist, not a good situation.

            That afternoon we learned that our daughter in law tested positive for the virus. That is bad in many ways. She has a new job and now she and the family will be quarantined for I assume 10 days. 

            It did not rain yesterday, and we did have temperatures in the low 70s, that was nice!

            Last night while I was laying in bed I had a thought. In the morning I would go to the Mexican food place and get a couple burritos, one for me and one for my favorite spouse.

            I just returned with said burritos, and have eaten one half of mine. They are so large that all one needs is half, and the second half can be available for lunch. The hot sauce is so good, and hot!

            Well, as you can see, there is nothing happening at the Ford homestead, and as Alex put it, “BORING”!


May your day not be BORING!


Senior person with a full belly and still bored, Don the Ford

Monday, January 25, 2021

Comfortable at home 01/25/2021

            In today’s somewhat informative posting, I plan to insert some photos. One photo is cute, one is ok, one is not cute. Let’s see if you real people, can determine which is the cute photo.

            But before we get into the photos, allow me to tell you how great Sunday was. It wasn’t! We had fog here at the Ford homestead all day yesterday. Everything was wet yesterday and Tres and I did not want to go outside. All we wanted to do was just lay around and eat.

            I posted a photo of the Tres on face book yesterday, and received a few comments about it. I am including that photo in this posting. Tres may be spoiled.


            As I previously stated, all we wanted to do was lay around and eat, he shows it.

            I did venture out to put some trash in the container yesterday, when I saw three worms on the driveway in some water. The temp was about 60 and I wondered why they were coming out of the ground. Note, all three worms were alive, and different.


            If they came out of the ground to get away from the water, they didn’t get away.

            This morning as Tres and I went out to relieve ourselves, I mean Tres relieved himself, I didn’t, the storm had just passed over head and there were some interesting clouds.


            The photo is not as interesting as these clouds were in real life. The sun is now shining, we are supposed to have a nice sunny and dryer day.

            My favorite wife still can’t use the hand very much, which allows me to learn new tasks like washing clothes. Donna is congested and it don’t seem to want to go away. 


We all need a little prayer!


Senior dog walker who may get to walk the dog today, Don the Ford

Reading the bible 01/25/2021

            Personally, I am not much of a reader. I have never been into reading as words often go into my head incorrectly. Yep, I have told you all this before and will likely tell you again. Words like saw might go into my head as was. I often read a sentence and think what did that mean. Re-reading the sentence once or twice I then usually see my mistake. I have always learned by listening and seeing. Most people see a list and start reading from top down, I start at the bottom and go up. Road signs with the names of upcoming roads or towns, I start from the bottom and go up.

            Ok, history out of the way, I do enjoy reading the bible. I read the bible daily, and I still need to read certain passages more then once to understand. Often times when I am reading the bible, my mind begins to interpret what I read, I have a tendency to consider statements using an ole person’s brain.         

            In the bible it states, all things are possible if you believe. When reading we see where Jesus and his disciples were healing people from any and all illness. Dead people were brought back to life. Also, when reading we learn there were people who were not with Jesus, who were also healing people. Now my question is this, is the ability to heal a person, or cause a miracle of any type to occur, built into each person, since God created man in His own image? It may be built into our bodies to cause miracles to occur, if we believe. 

            Take a minute to consider, there is a statement in the bible to the effect, if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you could tell a mountain to move, and it would move.

            Did the followers of Jesus, seeing Jesus preform these miracles, and listening to his teaching, develop the faith needed, to activate what was already in them, to perform miracles, or was it given to them from God? If it isn’t built into each of us, then how did the other people, not followers of Jesus heal people?

            Do you have the faith of a mustard seed? Something to think about.

            Maybe it is just a silly Grandpa with silly ideas, maybe not.


            Take time to read the bible, and think about what you have read, there are some unusual stories in that book.




Silly senior person who has unusual ideas, Don the Ford

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday morning posting 01/24/2021

            Today is Saturday, I have nothing to write about this morning. The weather is wet and very uninviting. Tres doesn't want to take me for a walk. The black and white movie is kinda boring, but it is better than the so-called news.

            My favorite wife and I will go to the Wal store today, we need a couple items.

            We went to the "H" grocery store yesterday and got some cat food. We were looking for some vitamin D with calcium, per the doctor's instructions. Evidently ole people need them to have strong bones, or to repair ole broken bones.

            I guess we will need to come up with something for lunch. I would like a Reuben sandwich, if I can find one that is good, and that I can pick up and take home. Wait a minute, that would cost money and we are retired and on a fixed income. I guess food remains out of the question for today.

            There is a black and white Tarzan movie on, this Tarzan talks like an educated person, and his scream is not the one that the later Tarzan used. It is also the same Tarzan movie that was on lats week. Boring! Tarzan is over now, maybe something better will come on. 😐 😊

            Tres and I did get out for a walk between the damp periods of weather Saturday.


Sunday is now here: Well, the weather hasn't changed, it is still damp and very foggy. This morning when the Tres and I went out to get the paper, he did not take the time to visit the entire front yard, he went to the paper, grabbed it, then headed for the door.

            Be nice to others, keep your friends and family in mind, offer a prayer for others!

Nothing to write about!


Senior retired person who needs coffee, Don the Ford

Friday, January 22, 2021

Its Friday again 01/22/2021

            Let’s see, did anything unusual happen today? Well, I did go to the ole work place and pick up a retiree order. You don’t need to ask what I had ordered; I will inform you, and the reading public. I ordered a door mat for outside the back door. It is all rubber, about an inch thick, has many holes to let water get away, and it has been placed by the back door. I thought that it might give Tres a drier place to lay after rain. The old door mat was something like carpet and it stayed wet for a while after a rain.

            I took My present wife to the doctor today to see if they would need to do surgery. You know, as we were driving there, I noticed a bunch of people driving pickups like mine. The Colorado has become a very popular truck. When I first got mine, I would occasionally see someone in a Colorado, now everyone has one. I guess being a popular ole senior person, which I am, everyone wants to imitate me, and drive the same type vehicle!

            I had decided I would go into the doctor’s office with my spouse of more than half a decade, as she was somewhat nervous. She said she did not want to be operated on, she did not want to be in a hospital, and I agreed with her.

            They did some additional X rays today on my favorite wife’s wrist, and the doctor explained where her wrist is broken.

            The surgery is scheduled for, wait a minute, he said they would not need to do any surgery, she will need to wear a brace for up to 6 weeks. They provided her with a different brace, and she says it is more comfortable. She does have to go back in two weeks for a checkup.

            Donna and I are both thankful and happy that she will not need surgery. Prayers answered again! 

            We had another neighbor who had the virus. They had been exposed by a friend, they both lost the sense of smell and taste. They were quarantined for 10 days at their house, and seem to be doing ok now.

            I guess that is it for now, I might need a nap.


Hope your day goes as well as ours!


Senior retired person who needs to run the vacuum, Don the Ford

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Rock and Roll 01/21/2021

            Nope, I haven't been thinking about the olden days when we all loved Rock and Roll! The title line is just to get your attention, and remind me of what I want to write about.

            First, please allow me to comment on one of our neighbors. My injured wife and I went to the grocery store on Tuesday, were we ran into a neighbor. She noticed Donna's brace and asked what happened. We explained to the neighbor what had happened, and then we continued shopping. Yesterday, this neighbor brought us food for supper. 😊 It is a chicken dish which looks very nice! Wow, we will not need to go without food! 😊 We have some really nice neighbors! 😊

    Later, the neighbor's three children made paper hearts, they colored them, and brought the hearts to Donna. Hanna, the oldest girl said she wished she had hurt her arm instead of Donna getting hurt! 

            Now, let's get to the rock. As Tres and I walked a few days ago, I had noticed a rock that seemed a little odd to me, but I did not pick it up. Today, as we walked, I again saw this rock, and I picked it up and brought it to the Ford's Homestead. I do have a photo of said rock.


            This rock has a round dent, and in the dent four little bumps. It looks as if at one time there may have been something in the rock that has since decayed and left the dent. Thoughts?

            I was supposed to pick up the grand kids at school yesterday, but their dad got off work early and he picked them up. I get a shot at getting them today, and I also go to the dentist.

            Friday, my favorite wife goes to a doctor again with her arm, she will likely get a cast this time, replacing the brace. I have learned how to vacuum the carpets and make the bed, now that she hurt her arm. Wow, this senior person is learning to do new things!

                        Great neighbors are all around the Ford Homestead!

Love your neighbor as yourself!


Senior person who is very lucky, Don the Ford

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

My opinion 01/20/2021

            Are senior person often opinionated? Well, some of the senior population are not, but this one ole fellow, me, is!

            As you may know, I have a tendency to get up early, and sit in the Ford’s ole recliner with a cup of coffee watching the so-called local news. Yesterday morning as I sat there, coffee in hand, the same commercial was presented multiple times. Obviously, they were trying to get the viewing public to want their product.

            My idea is this; all commercials need to be presented live, and we, the viewing public, need to be able to respond with any comments or thoughts, during the live commercial. Yes, as they are presenting, we should be able to tell them we think the commercial sucks, they are full of crap, we don’t like your presentation and we will not purchase the product. There could be positive comments from some, but I kind of doubt it.

            A new era in commercials, were we the public, can let them know, as they present, what we think!


            We have now learned that Donna has two fractures in her arm. She isn’t happy.


Not a lot of anything else going on today, I have said I was not going to watch the stuff on TV today. I will be happy when it is all over.


Be safe, have a nice day!


Senior retired person who needs to learn how to do house work, Don the Ford

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Its Braced up! 01/19/2021

            Let's see if we can make some amount of sense out of the title line. Did I need to brace up that bird house I put out back Sunday, was it that loose, am I not able to put things together in a tight safe manner?

            Nope, I properly installed all three of those bird houses. It is braced up applies to my favorite wife's wrist. Yep, we took her to the doctor Monday morning. The doc said the X-ray did not seem to show any broken bones, but the X-ray tech would need to review them to be sure.



My favorite wife will need to wear the brace for 4 to 6 weeks. She can't do much with the hurt hand, and it is her right hand, yes, she is right-handed. I now have to do all the work!

            I am driving my favorite wife a little crazy, when I offer to help with almost anything she is doing. We may starve to death, as I do not cook. We have had food from the local burger place yesterday and my spouse said she don't want more "Fast food"!

            It was 69 degrees outside yesterday, Tres took me for a walk, it was a little windy, but a most excellent walk. I need to stop writing now and take a short nap before I begin reading. I usually read for about an hour each day, and if I don't rest my ole senior eyes before I start, I will begin getting sleepy during the reading.

            Tuesday: well, it is today and it appears that we will be getting some rain over the next few days. Yesterday afternoon my favorite wife and I sat outside, after I finished reading, in the warm sun light trying to absorb some vitamin D, we are on a fixed income so free, "D", is good! We enjoyed the peaceful warm afternoon outside of the house.

            As I sit here creating this wonderful Blog posting, my cameras are showing a nice rain falling. Even though we had all the rain a couple weeks ago and the unusual snow, we need this rain. This rain will help get the coffee grounds into the ground around our black berries.


            Well, I assume that is it for today. In tomorrow's post I plan to present my new proposal for all TV commercials. You will not want to miss tomorrow posting!

May you be healthy and happy!

Senior helper to his favorite wife, divorce is possible, Don the Ford

Monday, January 18, 2021

What did I do? 01/18/2021

            The title line asks, ‘What did I do’, meaning what did I do yesterday, and yesterday was Sunday. The answer is, “Not much”. 

            The weather was warm yesterday, with lots of sun shine. Tres took me for a walk, which we both enjoyed.

            I took some time and sat outside in the sun drinking a cup of coffee.

            I hung some bird houses, hopefully providing a few new residences for some of the flying population. Before anyone asks, I have not made any new bird houses lately, these were houses that I had made to give away, but since no one comes around, I was unable to give them away.

            I decided to take a short ride on the Ford’s ole new bike, and I went up and down the street a few times. I discovered a neighbor and his wife sitting outside in the sun. I stopped and ask how they were doing, to which they replied, we are in a 10-day self-quarantine. They said they had been exposed to someone with the virus. I was in the street a safe 30 feet away from them, we did talk for a while. They both said they are filling ok, he said he can’t smell or taste anything.

            My favorite wife and I were out in the back 40 reviewing the property Sunday afternoon. As we were heading back into the house my spouse tripped over a cement block on the patio, fell and bumped her head, along with hurting her wrist. She says other than her wrist hurting everything else is normal.

            School is out today due to Martin Luther King Day. We need to decide on our new schedule of taking the grandkids to and or from school. We haven’t done that for quite a while, but now that their mother has a job, we will be available as a, “Pickup and delivery service”. Wow, we are needed again!

            That is the news from the Ford’s Homestead.


Smile, you will feel good!


Senior person who needs lots of smiles, Don the Ford

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hot house was hot 01/17/2021

            It was a little chilly yesterday, but I was required to leave the Ford’s Homestead and head out to the ole Hot house. Yep, it was time to water the flowers, in fact, I was a day late. It was about 50 degrees outside when I opened the door to the hot house, and that is when the heat burst out at me, it was almost 90 degrees inside. Some of the flowers are blooming and I have a photo.


            Yes, the hot house is small, but it works well for a few flowers, and they no longer are kept in the Ford’s ole garage during the winter months.

            I also have a selfie which I have added to this wonderful posting. In the following photo we see a senior person with a face mask, oh yes, he also has head phones on. These head phones were purchased for him by his favorite wife!



            These head phones reduce noise, so one can mow or do other noisy work while protecting ones hearing, and yet they are Bluetooth accessible. I can listen to music from my phone through these head phones, and I can answer a phone call. Not bad as they cost $20. Now before that one person asks, and we all know who you are, I have a mask on while outside due to the Mountain Cedar, which is very high, and my allergies are also high!  

            David borrowed my truck and trailer and hauled off 5 trailer loads of limbs Saturday. Other good news, Claire, got a job! I am sure our prayers helped; and she is a very good worker!

We are Blessed!

Senior retired person Don the Ford

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Visual learner 01/16/2021

            I get irritated when watching the so-called news, when they show the same thing, time after time. Now this applies to one channel repeating the same so-called news, every 30 minutes, or each time the so-called news comes on.

            Having little to do at certain times of the day, an ole senior person may watch the so-called news on one channel, and then turn to the next channel and see the same videos again.

            This ole senior, who has almost given up watching any news, has given this some consideration. I become irritated when I see a mob breaking into a building, I see those who participate in the crime, and I hear the commentary. After watching and listening to said news video, I have the information in mind.

            Why would I want or need to see this again? I don't want to see or hear this again!


            Hear is what I have determined; I, being a visual and or audio learner, receive all the information the first time I see or hear an event. Presenting the same video again, whether on the same channel or a different channel, to me is like watching the same boring commercial over and over. I know what they are doing and why.

            I have a couple assumptions:

First, non-visual / audio learners will not get all the information from the first view, thus repeating each time the news comes on during the day, may allow them to receive more of the so-called news. 

Second, the so-called reporters, aren't really reporting, they are just re-showing a video that someone has given them.

            I believe that everyone who was involved in the break in at the capital, should be caught, and receive an appropriate punishment for their part in the crime, but I do not need to or want to continue seeing the same videos over and over!

                        The above is from the point of view of the visual learner!


My allergies were very high yesterday, and again today, the mountain cedar is back and I am wearing a mask inside the house to reduce the sneezes.

Look not, learn not!

Senior allergy sufferer, and unhappy with most repeats, but not all, Don the Ford

Friday, January 15, 2021

What? Is it Friday again? 01/15/2021

            How the heck does the week go by with out me knowing? I need a schedule; you know something to do a couple times a week so I can remember which day it is.


     Ok smarty, tell me how I took this selfie! You might have noticed that this ole senior person has been misusing a mask. Senior people don't know how to use a mask, no wonder we are more apt to get the virus, and maybe have a wreck, if we drive with the mask placed wrong. Actually, if you are a retired senior person who likes or needs to take a nap after lunch, the miss use of a face mask works fairly well. Note; the darker the mask the less light that gets in.


         When one looks at the above photo, one might think it is a potato, but it isn't. would you believe, it is a dinosaur egg. What kind of dinosaur is it, could it be a Raptor egg? I found it while Tres and I was walking after a heavy rain. I guess the rain washed it out to the street where I found it.

            What? Yes, it is petrified, for that one-person, petrified means, it has turned to stone, or maybe, scared to death. The egg is about 1.5 inches long. It isn't big, and that is why I believe it is from a Raptor!

            Cooked eggs are good, petrified are too hard to eat!


Mask up, nap safely! 😊


Senior nap authority, and unscheduled person, Don the Ford