
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow 02.25.15

                In an effort to keep up with the northern states (Yankees), the Great State of Texas has allowed it to snow in Hewitt, Texas.                   See documentary Photos;
The street and side walk are dangerously covered.
Flowers that are blooming, now freezing in the snow.
Looking south and uphill, we can see the dangerous snow covered roadways, which are causing many people to not be able to get to the stores or gas station to get essentials, such as the lottery tickets, some scratch offs, a coke and all the other necessities that make life worth living.
How long will we be forced to stay at home? 
As you can see, Boston has nothing on Hewitt!
Why does Texas want to keep up with the northern states?
Don Ford

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Formula 02.24.15

                It didn’t happen as predicted, and that isn’t bad.
                The predictions were all for freezing rain and of course slippery roads. All the schools and some businesses had delayed their opening by a couple hours this morning.
                I was looking at the weather radar on TV, while the weather people were predicting all that bad weather. I could see that the freezing rain had all moved to the east, where it should be, but the professionals were still warning us of what was to come.
                This morning, I popped up out of bed to see who was right, me or the prognosticators. Well, I am here to tell you, “I was right again”. Being right all the time is almost as much of a curse as the well-known, “Ford food curse”.
                What, you haven’t heard of the, “Ford food curse”? If you haven’t heard of the curse then you have never ate at the same table with any of the Fords.
Let me tell you about the, “Ford food curse”. It is very simple, all Fords and anyone eating with them, are subject to getting food on their clothing during a meal of snack. The curse does not go away with age, in fact it might get worse.
Back to the topic of this article, “formula”. Maybe I should have titled the article in the plural, “Formulas. The studying I have been doing on the subject of amateur radio, (ham radio) has numerous formulas that involve higher levels of math. Let me show you one of the easiest formulas I have worked with;                            V peak = 1.414 x V rms                                  this formula is used to calculate the peak voltage of a sinusoidal waveform.  I find that I must read carefully, as, there can be additional step/s with an additional number or letter.  
Learning and relearning the electronics of ham radio is as much of a challenge as learning Spanish.
Learning can be fun, when you are not forced into it.
Try it, you may like it!
Don Ford

Monday, February 23, 2015

Younguns... 02.23.15

                For those of you not from the south eastern part of Missouri, that word “younguns” has the same meaning as, “young ones” referring to young people.
                Now that I have finished my teaching duties, I will expand on the subject.
                This morning, as I was preparing to face the day, I noticed it was raining in Hewitt, Texas. The temp was 30 degrees with a prediction of lower temperatures as the day progressed. In other words 30 was the high for the day. The rain is also predicted to continue through the day. Now that you have the weather picture clearly implanted in your mind, I will attempt to proceed with the story.
                I should like to note, I did mow the yard this weekend, as the winter grass and weeds were getting to high to ignore. Yes, I did bring the riding mower out of winter storage to facilitate the mowing opportunities. (Facilitate, to simplify, I saved you having to look it up to see if I used the word properly, didn’t I. I know you, I read you like a cheap blog article. Speaking of cheap blog articles, let’s get back to mine.)
                This morning, as I was dutifully taking the trash out to the curb, I observed the neighbor lady walking from her driveway down the street to their SUV, which they park unnecessarily close to our driveway. She was bundled up as if it were below zero outside. She opened the door and started the SUV. I, wrongly assumed that she was going to drive the older SUV today rather than driving her new red pickup, due to the possible icing which may occur later.
                After starting the vehicle she closed the door and walked back to her new red pickup which she got into and drove off. I now understand what she was doing. Her son, who is in his second year of college drives the older SUV, and she wanted to warm it up for him. All the vehicles including mine which are parked outside were covered with ice.
                As Gabi and I were leaving the house, about 10 minutes after the neighbor had started the SUV for her son, I observed this second year college student pouring water on the ice on the side windows in an attempt to remove the ice.
                Warm water will usually remove thin sheets of ice but the water has a tendency to re-freeze in all the cracks around the windows and doors.
                I am thinking the student may have more trouble opening the windows or doors after the water re-freezes into ice.
                I guess, most people in Texas don’t have ice scrapers, I do!
Weather or not, have a good day!   
            It was a play on words, even though I am not good at spelling, I do know how to spell whether.
Don Ford

Friday, February 20, 2015

Learning? 02.20.15

                “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, but can you teach an old man new things?
                I have been trying to learn some Spanish and have picked up on a couple new words.
 ¿"No puedes enseñar un perro viejo nuevos trucos", pero puedes enseñarle cosas nuevas a un anciano?
He intentado aprender algo de español y han recogido en un par de palabras nuevo.
                The problem for this old dog trying to learn a new language is, the program will present me with new words, but I have no idea what an individual word means. I can usually understand what the idea of the comment is, but I want to know what each word means.
                As you can see above, I have found a way to translate what a particular word means.
                Using the Word program, I can type a word or an entire page, then have it translated into Spanish.  That way, this old dog can learn the meaning of Spanish words.
These translations or from Spain Spanish not necessarily the Mexico Spanish. I can also go on line and fine the translation of words.
I think old men can be taught new things but not quickly.
                I am also trying to update my knowledge of Amateur (ham) radio practices. It has been several years since I have been involved and I need a refresher. I have started studying for the Extra class license (I have an advanced license now, next to the highest license which is Extra). Upgrading my license would not provide me with much additional spectrum and is not my goal. I just want to be able to talk with other hams while understanding the conversation.
                It is nap time, I must go now…
Have a good day.
Don Ford

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Unusual 02.18.15

                Yes you may be correct, many of my articles are unusual. Before we get into this unusual tale I want to comment on the weather. It has been cold the last two days with rain on Monday and just cold on Tuesday (30 degrees this morning).
                I have spoken with my brother and sister yesterday and they both tell me of the nice weather they are having in south eastern Missouri. They received almost 12 inches of snow on Monday with the possibility of snow flurries on Tuesday.  The 31 degrees doesn’t sound too bad, does it?
                Now let’s get to this dark and unusual tale. It all started about 20 years ago when I planted the Red Oak Trees in the front yard. Throughout the years I have worked diligently trying to remove the acorns from the yard and flower beds.
                In all these many years I have not seen anything like it. It was so unusual that I had to stop what I was doing, and take a second look.
                To be totally honest I not only took a second look but I took a photo (to follow). Everyone who has seen this phenomenon (that may be the first time in my life that I have typed the word phenomenon, ok technically it is not typing, it is word processing, I don’t know why you are such a stickler for details) has commented as to how unusual it is. 
                I wanted to go online and try to determine whether this phenomenon is common in other areas, but I am reluctant too.
The other day I received a notice from the blog posting site stating that I may have been in a copy right infringement situation, on one of my postings. In that posting titled, “Matter vs Antimatter” I had use a paragraph from some scientists, (which I proved to be completely inaccurate) and that was the infringement. So if I go on line and research this phenomenon, I may again be an infringer (I like that word, infringer).    
               Ok, enough history, let’s get to the meat of this story. You are now seeing a photo, professionally taken by yours truly, “Maestro Ford”, which shows this phenomenon in all its true color and glory. Out of all the millions of acorns I have extracted from my yard, this is the first that I have seen that was black in color. The Spanish word for black is “negro”. Yes I am still attempting to learn some Spanish. I like the Spanish word for red, it is “rojo”. 
I am not sure if this manifestation occurs often, or if I have a one of a kind black acorn. If you are interested in purchasing this phenomenon I will be taking bids through the end of this month. Please make your bids in $25.00 increments.
May all your phenomenon’s be valuable!
Don Ford 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chest #003 02.17.15

                I was asked to consider making a chest similar to #001 which was given to the granddaughter. I have agreed to attempt to make a chest #003. 

                Attempting to reduce the details of this build, let’s say, “I learned several things that I will, and will not do, in future builds”.

In the first photo we see the wood needed to build the wooden chest. Yes there is a short board leaning against the chair that was cut prior to the photo being taken. No it did not hurt the truck to lean the boards against it.

In photo two I have rough cut (not to exact size) the lumber into the correct number of boards for each part of the unit (AKA chest). Several of these boards will need 45 degree cuts, which will be done later.

In the third (3rd) photo we see, “The Master Wood Butcher”, Rev. Ford, standing at his saw, on a 70 degree winter day.       Yes this Texas winter weather is difficult for senior citizens!

Next step is to temporarily assemble the unit using clamps, this process allows me to be sure it will all go together. 

When I verified that it would fit together, I proceeded to final sanding, assembly, staining and varnishing.

                Below in photo four, we see the final product.

In photo five, we see the unit with the top open. I did manufacture a tray for this Chest and found that the allowances I made for the spring loaded lid assists, were incorrect. The tray would not fit. 



Master Wood Butcher, Don Ford


Yes, each unit is signed by the artist, AKA Master Wood Butcher”, numbered and dated.


For detailed information about building one of these units, along with what not to do, contact me at, “The Ford Homestead”.



No computers 02.17.15

                This posting was to be posted on the 13 but I missed it.
Do you know how good life can be without a computer?  I do!
Wednesday afternoon about 3:00pm, Alex wanted to go out and swing. This is a normal request from him, and as we all know, I am the swinger.
                Alex swings about 5 minutes and during the swinging session he talks continuously, explaining how the world works and many other topics.
                On this particular day after swinging, we decided to go look at the garden spot. We both sat on the ground near the fence and surprisingly we found 4 pecans. Now there is no pecan tree in that area, so we decided that squirrel’s must have carried them to the area. Yes, we did crack one open and shared it. The con (as Alex and I refer to them) was good.
                We each had a small orange, the type that are easy to peel. We sat there on the ground peeling the oranges. Alex noted that we did not need to take the orange peels to the trash can, we could toss them on the compost pile. It is difficult to explain how nice and peaceful it is, sitting on the ground eating and orange with your grandson.
                Charlie tried to come to where we were sitting but each time he would approach us, the neighbors dogs would come running and barking at the fence. I asked Alex where we could go sit so Charlie could sit with us. He suggested the other side of the shed. We found a shady spot next to the tree trunk, where I leaned back against the tree.
                Alex and I sat on the ground discussing many things. We looked at some rocks, found a couple snail shells, one shell that appeared to be some type of sea shell. There were rollie pollies bugs, ants, a stink bug and worm holes in the ground.
We found a bear tooth which provided several minutes of discussion (it was a white smooth rock that did look somewhat like a tooth).
I took some selfies and texted them from my camera to the computer, so they are very small, but should provide some verification of our time in the back yard.
As you may be able to see, Charlie was able to get comfortable in a shady spot. We just sat on the ground and talked about what we were finding, a memorial moment for me!
                Kids don’t need computers and video games, the outdoors are just as interesting.
Enjoy your time with others!
Don Ford

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Gardening 101 02.16.15

            Possibly the name of this article should be, “early gardening 101”. 
            This year it has been decided, that we will double the size of the garden but put the same number of plants as last year. This is being done in an effort to allow enough room so I can actually get in and around the plants to keep the weeds out.
            This past Saturday the weather was perfect to do anything outside, so I decided to see if the tiller would run. My tiller is at least 25 years old and I believe it is closer to 30 years old. Naturally, at the beginning of each year I hope and pray that it will run again.
            I cleaned the plug, checked the oil and put some gas in it. I pulled the rope a few times in an effort to get gas into the carburetor. The choke will not stay in the choking position by its self, so I have created a device that will hold it in the choked position, which allows me to constipate concentrate on pulling the rope. This invention is a wooden clothes pin which I skillfully altered and it will hold the choke closed. One good thing about this device, it can be clipped on the spark plug wire when not in use.
            I pulled the rope several times and I was at the point of becoming disappointed with the tiller or asking for divine intervention. I decided on the latter. I took a minute to rest and then I pulled the rope again. The old tiller sprang to life, WOW!
            After a couple minutes of running it was time to see if the tiller was going to till. Into the garden with the tiller I went. I tilled over everything twice and I am amazed at all the big roots I dug up. I then began the hard work of raking the grass and weeds out of the area.
            In the photo below, you can see a hansom senior citizen who is apparently raking the grass and weeds from the garden (I got two trash bags full).
This photo is a selfie, I set the camera on a lawn chair, adjusted the timer and pushed the button. Then I sprinted to the garden spot grabbed a rake and pretended to be working (this statement is all true except for the sprinting part).
            I have temporarily removed the timbers from around the garden, which was necessary for the expansion, it also made it easier to turn the tiller.
            The part that was used as garden last year was much easier to till than the part that still had grass on it.
            I noticed that the solar panels need to be cleaned, they are covered with dust. If it would rain more often this dust might be washed away. 
            The bird house on the pole is no longer there. I decided that it was damaged and should to be removed. 
The second photo was taken the next day. The garden spot that was 8 X 16 is now 16 X 16.
            The soon to be garden, will set idle for about a month. If the weather cooperates, the next time I till the garden should be in about 30 days, time to plant.
I hope spring comes early for us all!
Don Ford

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine 2015 02.11.15

                                                Would you believe that,
my spouse of 45 years 10 months, would give me flowers, I find it hard to believe too.
Don Ford

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Howdy 02.10.15

                I would like to wish you a positive and bright good day.
All is well here at, “The Ford Homestead”, I have been working my fingers to the bone. Ok that is not a true statement, although my fingers do have bones in them, the bones are not yet exposed.
                There are many projects at, “The Ford Homestead” which need to be done, but mostly I have put most of my attention toward a wood working project.
                As you may know, we had a small garden last year. It was a fun garden, giving us something to do and allowing the grand kids to help plant it and occasionally they would help harvest the crops. 
                The small size of the garden did not allow for much weeding. Thus, I have decided to enlarge the garden. This year I plan to double the size of tilled ground but plant the same number of plants. This should allow enough room to properly care for the plants.
                I have marked off the area that I want to use for the garden and have sprayed grass killer on the grass in an effort to kill all the grass and the roots prior to tilling. That should make it much easier to till the area.
                If I can teach Alex what a weed is, he will keep the garden weed free. This boy is a workaholic.
                Speaking of yard work, I still need to pick up acorns from the flower beds and yard. That is a daunting task that I am not looking forward too.  Then I need to trim several limbs from the trees. I want to remove all the limbs that are over the roof of our house and the neighbors drive way.
                It seems as if there is too much work for an elderly citizen. As you may know, being on a fixed income, I am unable to pay to have this work done. If you want to donate, please identify all donations for; “The General Labor Fund at The Ford Homestead”. These non-tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated.   
                Different subject:
                This morning I proceeded out of the house and walked to the end of the drive way. There I was greeted by a sky that was just starting to lighten somewhat. It was about an hour prior to sunrise and every bird seemed to be singing.
Although I have listened to the birds many times just prior to sunrise, today bird chirping seemed to be unusually clear and loud. As I pondered the reasoning for the enormous number of birds participating in the morning sing along, it came to me. They think that it is springtime due to the extra warm days we have been having.
Heck, I have been thinking spring is here with these 70 and 80 degree days, why wouldn’t the birds think the same thing.
Our gato (cat) Charlie thinks it is spring time. Yesterday evening just about dark he was close to the back door which had been opened to allow some fresh air into the house, when I noticed he was playing with something. I tried to get him to come in but he would not. I assumed he had a cricket or other bug that he was playing with.  I later learned he had caught another grass snake. I think that is five snakes he has caught in the short time he has lived here.
Night before last I heard a hoot owl off in the distance. It was 2:00 am and I was in my warm and cozy bed. The owl may have been not only looking for food, he / she may have been calling for a mate.  The owl would let out with three hoots, wait a second then again three hoots. I don’t know how long the hooting went on, I went back to dream world (that is, I went to sleep, for anyone that did not know what dream world was).
                I need to get outside and get started on my wood working project, I would like to get most of it completed while the weather is warm, so please excuse me, as I get up from in front of this computer, and go to work. 
I hope your day is filled with exciting new fun experiences.
Don Ford

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lost and Found 02.07.15

               Today I want to relate a true story about an item that became lost. The name and addresses of this family will be kept confidential.
               A family has two cats, and these cats eat dry cat food. It has become a daily ritual that the husband would feed the male cat, while the wife was responsible for feeding the female cat.
               A Spanish word for cat is, “Gato”. Yes I am still trying to learn Spanish and I guess a few words have stuck in my head.  
               On a certain day the wife had purchased some grocery items along with a bag of dry cat food. The cat food was sorely needed as they had just enough food to get both cats through the day but would have none for the next day. 
               The wife arrived home with the grocery items and the husband was given the task to carry them inside the home. The wife handed the husband a plastic bag that had a bag of cat food in it, all the husband need to do was to carry it into the house.
At this same time there was a grandson telling his father that he wanted to stay at his Papaw’s house for a while and his Papaw will bring him home, “when the big hand on the clock gets to the top” (4:00pm).
The husband was involved in a couple conversations and he was attempting to carry the groceries into the house. For this senior citizen husband, talking and walking could be confusing, so talking and carrying groceries must have been more confusing.
All seemed well until the next morning. The hansom senior citizen husband always arose from the bed early, made a light but nourishing breakfast for himself, let the outdoor cat in the house and made breakfast for the cat, “el gato”.
Being a very observant elderly husband, he immediately noticed that the cat food was not where it should be. This fine man, even before he sat down to his own nourishing breakfast, began to search for the cat food. Where could his wife have placed the cat food? The Husband of many years searched, and re-searched the same search area several times, (it is said, a sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, and this older husband was searching the same area over and over, expecting to find the bag of food)
Finally the senior citizen husband gave up and decided to eat his own lite, and nourishing breakfast. He would wait for his wife to get out of bed and then he would ask her very politely, where she had placed the cat food.
It seemed to the husband that several hours had passed before his wife came in the living room. Knowing that his wife was not a morning person, and being a kind and thoughtful husband, he waited for the right moment to ask, “Where the heck did you put the cat food?
The response was quick and somewhat brutal, “I gave it to you to bring in the house, you had it, where did you put it?
It was at this point that the husband decided he should take another look for the cat food. The wife searched all the same places that the husband had looked including the garage. The kind and considerate husband, explained that he had previously looked in the garage and had even gone outside, thinking the bag may have been left on the drive way.
As they were standing in the garage at the door that came from the garage into the small but efficient office area, debating the possibilities, this fine upstanding husband of many years, began to access his memory, (which is not always easy for elder statesmen), when he remembered that he had, in the past, misplaced his car keys.
The memory of this hansom, long time husband was working at full speed now! It was like a flash of light had hit him!    BANG”
When he had misplaced his truck keys they were found,    on the coat hook that is located on the door, going from the garage to the small, but efficient office. Slowly the husband turned and announced quietly to his lovely wife, “I found the cat food, the bag is hanging on the hook on the door.”
If there is a lesson to be learned in all this it might be, don’t take short cuts, see all tasks through to the end, even if it is as simple as putting your car keys or the cat food in the same place each time you have finished using them.
          Names, dates and locations have been left out of this detailed account, in an effort to protect the husband and wife from embarrassment.
Don Ford

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Got the winter blues? 02.04.15

                As I sat here facing my computer monitor, coffee in one hand, Banana Bread in the other, I began to consider that my northern friends (yes I have friends and some live in the north) may be having some problems remembering what warm summer days and scenes are like. 
                I thought I should provide some photos that hopefully will provide a warm spot in their memory.

    Also, I thought I would remind you of the 100 degree heat when these photo were taken.
Think warm thoughts and forget the white stuff that may be on the ground.
Don Ford

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What's in a word 02.03.15

                As I was taking my granddaughter to school, I was, as usual, acting silly. At a stop sign I allowed my hand to configure itself, as if it was a monster’s hand and was attempting to attack my face. I turned my eyes toward my hand and I made a face as I screamed in fear. I then looked back at Gabi and she was grinning and shaking her head. 
                I asked Gabi if she thinks I am silly, to which she replied, “Yes”. I said, “Good, I like to be silly”.
                Later, I was thinking about what I remember about my grandpa on mom’s side of the family. I remember he sat in a rocking chair near the potbellied stove and that he had lots of hair growing out of his ears. I never met the grand parents on Dad’s side of the family.
                I hope the grandkids remember Donna and me as being different, silly is ok, doing things with them. The garden last year was for the most part for the grandkids, in an effort for them to have memories.
                I was talking to my present wife this morning about the grandkids and what their memories of us might be. I suggested that Alex, when he was 40 years old might be talking with friends and he might say, “My Papaw was a swinger”.
Now that statement might get someone’s attention, and I must say, he would be correct.  Recently Alex explained to my first wife that, “she was the cooker and that Papaw is the swinger”.
To explain, Donna makes all the food including ice cream cones (cooker), and Papaw pushes him in the swing (swinger).
Even the little things we do, may turn out to be great memories for someone.  
Don Ford