
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ouch, ouch 05.31.2022

            If you observed the title line, you may understand that I have again been visiting the 3 black berry beds. As I attempt to pick a berry, I often say ouch! Another happening while harvesting the berries, as I reach into the bush to get a berry, I of course, have to get my arm out of the bush, and most often the bush has my shirt.

            Topic swap: I did fly the flag yesterday and after putting the flag up I noticed that there was a flag shadow on one of the Fords ole security cameras. So, I took a photo of the monitor as I sat at the Ford’s ole desk.

           Sunday afternoon my favorite wife and I were washing the dog when a neighbor came over. We asked her to take a seat, as we needed to rinse the Tres, and then we could talk. Dog wash and rinse finished; we had a nice long conversation with our friend. She has lived here in the neighborhood almost as long as we have.

            Yesterday, my first wife cooked a brisket for our noon meal, and it will also be appreciated as leftover meals. You just can’t go wrong when you have brisket!

            Another subject: I had a 25% off coupon at the harbor store, but I didn’t know if I wanted to drive down there, it would take a gallon of gas ($4.04). There is only one thing that I could think of that I would like to have, and at 25% off it would still cost too much!

            I did go, I did not get that one thing that I thought I wanted, I did get a package of 50 shop towels, they were 25% off. While at the harbor store I noticed a fire extinguisher that was improperly placed. It was about 6 feet above the ground. Even some ole retired person knows that is wrong. I did not point it out to them, even though I should have. 

            Flowers in bloom; allow me to present some blooms for your enjoyment.



            For that one person who actually reads and reviews the photos on my posting, yes, the yellow blooms have been in a previous posting. They are still impressing me, so I put them back in again. The pink blooms are from a plant we call Four O’clocks. I got the seed from my sister who lived in Missouri, many years ago. They come up voluntarily every year, and the birds have a tendency to spread them to various locations. 

            I guess that is it for now, I need to prepare to take Molly to the vet this morning. Charlie has not come back.


Share a smile today!

Senior ole retired person who has no schedule, Don the Ford

Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day 05.30.2022

Be thankful for all those who served,

and those who gave their lives,

for you and I!



Don Ford

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Team effort 05.29.2022

            In today’s article, I plan to explain why a team effort is most often better than a lone worker. But before I get into today’s sermon, I will respond to that one person’s question, and we all know who he is, “have I made any other improvements to the ole hot house?” the short answer is “Nope”.

            I will provide a photo which shows that I am using the hot house for a storage area right now. There are flowerpots, a couple tools and other items which are temporarily stored there.


            What? Oh, I forgot that was in there. Yes, it is a pillow, and yes, some ole retired person may be forced, I mean allowed to spend the night out there, if he doesn’t complete his chores as instructed. As I understand it, sleeping out there isn’t that bad, except for the mosquitoes!

            Let’s get to a better subject, teamwork! Now I am not stating that all work should be performed by a team, as some work turns out better when only one person is doing it. As an example, when I mow the yard, I do it alone. The work turns out the way that I want it. That is not to say that a comment from someone would not allow me to improve the process.

            When I am working on a scrap wood project, I do it alone, but I at times get input prior to or during the work period.

            When a team works together, the work will likely be completed much quicker. When there is more than one person working, it is probable that ideas are shared, providing a safer, faster, and more efficient method of the work.

            Heck, most of the time, having someone close that you can communicate with, or to provide assistance to a team member, is a major benefit.

            Topic alteration: this morning before sitting down to write this article, I pulled weeds in an area of the new jasmine plants. I also have run the sprinkler system, and I was instructed that I need to water the potted plants in the back yard. 

            Yesterday, I did mow and trim the front yard, and wouldn’t you know it, a couple of the neighbors were mowing their yards at the same time. I guess we are all on the same schedule.

            Nothing planned for today, except we will probably wash the dog.

Teamwork, or alone?

Senior retired person who prefers a mattress, Don the Ford

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Berry picker 05.28.2022

            I did get outside before the sun got too high in the sky this morning, and I was able to pick a few black berries. There is a bunch of red berries, and they will soon be black. Yep, the thorns are everywhere, and they seem to like to attach themselves to my hand or arm when I am attempting to pick them.

            The sun was coming up this morning as Tres and I staggered out to get the newspaper. The sun was in our eyes, and it was shining on the front of the homestead, so I took a photo.

            I did get the back 40 mowed and trimmed yesterday, I will likely mow the front yard today, if my ole body can stand the exhausting work. Seldom any rest for retired people.

            Now I have two other photos taken by me, here at the Ford’s homestead. First allow me to explain, “Mine is larger than my favorite wife’s is”! What is the Don talking about, you may ask, he is talking about sun flowers?

            We have some sun flowers growing here at the homestead, and we did not plant them. My first wife’s sun flower is in a flower bed and it is short and thin, photo to follow.

            One may have noticed, that the little sun flower is blooming. Now I want to provide you with a photo of the sun flower that is growing in the #2 black berry bed. This sun flower is over 6 foot tall, and has not yet begun to bloom. One may also notice that one of the black berries is hanging on to the sun flower. These black berries not only want to attach themselves to me when I am attempting to pick them, they also will attach to anything that grows or gets close to them.

            Well, I guess I will shut down now, it is coffee time.

Be careful, have fun!

Senior retired person who has one bigger than his wife’s, Don the Ford

Friday, May 27, 2022

Plan for the day 05.27.2022

            I have a plan for the day and it is; leave the homestead and get a cup of coffee and a breakfast burrito, return home and eat the burrito. Water the flowers in pots, check the black berry vines for ripe black berries, mow the back 40, get a drink of water and take a ten-minute break, trim the back 40.

            By the time I finish trimming the back 40, it will be lunch time. I hope I will be able to drag my ole body back into the homestead and have leftovers for lunch. These leftovers came from our supper last evening at a local restaurant.

            Theme change; I have a photo of a pecan on the Ford’s ole pecan tree.

            It may be difficult to see, but there is one pecan on the tree, and it is from last year. Yep, one that the squirrels either did not want, or could not get to. The pecan is in the center of the photo.

            I have another photo that you will not be interested in, but since this is my journal, aka blog posting, I will insert the photos that got my detention. In the following photo I could see a new moon in the morning sky as the sun was rising this morning. You may not be able to see it in the photo, but it is near the center.


            Well, I need to get the coffee and burrito, hope we all have a good day!

Work not rest not!

Senior retired person who can rest as good as anyone, Don the Ford

Thursday, May 26, 2022

New or no schedule 05.26.2022

            Today is the last day of school in our district, and I do not get to take the kids to, or from school today. Wow, who knew this ole person would have a day to do nothing. Having extra time, since I have nothing to do, I will attempt to put a couple photos in this posting, you are welcome!

            First, let's see some grass. Nope, not the kind of grass you smoke, my neighbor and good friend, is a retired drug cop. The recent rains have helped the Ford’s grass grow, maybe more than I want. Growing thick and fast means, this ole senior retired person has to mow and trim grass and weeds more often than he wants.

            Yes, there is an angel at the tree, and yes, I had to get downlow to take the above photo.

            This bug, worm, leach or whatever it is, was found on the front walkway this morning. I had to get down close to get the photo. After I took the photo, the leach asked if he could take a photo of me. I of course said yes, the photo was taken by the leach, while I was bending over just above him. I know you enjoy photos of me, I can send you an 8X10 photo for a small fee! 

            What, oh, the item in my pocket is the control for the Tres’ shock collar. When we go out front to get the paper, I put the collar on him to keep him from chasing any of the cats down the street.

            I do need to check the berry beds for any ripe berries this morning.

            The weather has caused one of my ole antennas to come loose. It is an inverted V antenna, that is a wire antenna, and it is just hanging from the tower. I would like to have that tower taken down. Nope, I do not climb them anymore.

            With the recent rains, I will likely have things to do tomorrow, AKA mowing!

            Topic swap; need or want? This ole person (I am talking about myself; I don’t want others to think I am referring to them) some times wants to purchase an item which he says he needs. He has reasons for needing / wanting the item. If he needs the item then he should purchase it. If he wants the item, but does not need it, should he purchase it? That is my conundrum.

Be there for them!

Senior retired person who knows what a conundrum is, Don the Ford


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Solar powered 05.25.2022

            As you may have seen, the title line is solar powered. Now before we get to that topic, allow me to comment on the weather. It rained and stormed last night.

            Now to the title line, solar powered, it came to me yesterday evening as I was unwilling to watch TV, (cause there was nothing on TV, that I wanted to watch), that on other planets, “the beings”, are very different from us earthlings.

            In truth, I was considering what heaven will be like. Now I assume each person has their own idea of what heaven will be like. As for me, I think it will be very beautiful, and very advanced, when compared to what we have known here on earth. Think about this, God has been around forever, do you think he gets from one place to another in a car or airplane, I don’t think so!

            Considering the above, I also wondered how beings from other planets will look. I am sure that beings on other planets will be a lot different from humans. Then it came to me, we here on earth breathe air, what about beings on planets that do not breathe air, how do they survive? Yep, you got it, solar power.

            Consider if you will, a being whose body is able to absorb sun light, and the sun light to them is like air is to us. Now I did not say they did not have air on the planet, as they have vegetation, and vegetation provide them with food and makes air, but they do not need air to survive. 

            I do wonder, when the sun is not shining, can these beings move, are the able to store some energy in their bodies which would allow them to move on a cloudy day?

            What? You think I am crazy! I am not crazy; I am silly grandpa!

            I can see that no one is interested in aliens, so I will change the topic. School is out tomorrow, and today is the last day for me to take and retrieve the grand kids for this school year, their mother will deliver and pick them up tomorrow.

            Since no one asked, we had a smidgen over two inches of rain here at the Fords homestead last evening. Since it was storming and the possibility of hail being present, I took the Ford’s ole Chevy to the neighbors and park it under the metal cover. It is nice to have good neighbors!

            Well, I need to get ready to make the last scheduled delivery of the grand kids, hope you have a good day.

Enjoy the cool day!

Senior retired person who might get a breakfast burrito this morning, Don the Ford

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Nothing doing 05.24.2022

            Good morning to some of you, and good afternoon to the rest of you. I have to say I did not do a lot of anything yesterday. I took Alex to school, and on the way back I did stop and get a burrito for me and my favorite wife. Today I am having cereal for my morning meal.

            I did mow the front yard yesterday morning after picking up the sticks a second time. Not all these sticks come from our trees. The neighbor’s tree is tall and a good wind will provide part of our yard with some litter. Mowing the front yard involved moving those two big flower pots, and being an ole senior person that is not easy. Even though I may not enjoy all the work I do, I am still happy that I am able to do it!  

            Later in the day I picked David up at work, and since he had some OT, I was not able to take him to his home before going to get the Alex and the Gabi from their schools. David and I were allowed to sit in the car for the better part of an hour waiting on Alex to get out. Yes, I could get in line later, and then I would wait back there as the line of cars move very slow when picking up the kids.

            After getting the Alex we drove over to the high school to get Gabi. The traffic getting to the high school is crazy, and then being in line takes a while. We did finally get the Fords delivered to their home, and this Ford made it to his home.

            Some of us ole people like to be on schedule each day. Being on schedule for me means, I do not need to think too much. Some ole brains can get over heated when they are required to think! The rest of this week my schedule is not normal, I hope my ole brain can stay cool.

            Thursday of this week is the last day of school.

            We were supposed to have gotten rain last evening, we did not. We are supposed to have rain today and tonight with possible storms, we want and need the rain, not the storms.

            Well, it is coffee time, I need to go.


Stay on schedule!

Senior ole retired person who is off his rocker, I mean schedule, Don the Ford

Monday, May 23, 2022

I found them 05.23.2022

            Let us see how Sunday went for the Fords. For some reason, maybe I was hungry, I suggested to my present spouse, maybe we should go to the cracker store for breakfast. Oddly enough, my first wife agreed with me.

            After a shower and shave I got dressed, heck, I put some slacks and a nice shirt on. I usually were jeans and a pull over shirt, but since it was Sunday and people might look at me, I dressed a little better.

            After getting dressed, I place a pair of shorts on the bed, as I had decided to work in the shed after returning from breakfast. This Sunday was cool, and if you are going to spend any time in the shed, you want it to be a cool day, and you need to dress appropriately. Shorts is the key item in this story.

            We went to the cracker store where we were greeted and seated by a stranger. Our server was also a stranger, in fact, we did not see any one we knew during the time at the restaurant. We did see one manager, and we did not know her.

            In days gone by, we would go to the cracker place, and we knew, or was at least familiar with, most of the staff. That is no longer the setting. It use to seem almost like a family setting, it is now like being in a strange town and not knowing anyone.

            The service was slow, even though they were not crowded, the food was mostly warm, not hot, so it was less that a fun experience.   

            Returning from the less than desirable experience, I proceeded to get things ready so I could work in the shed. I had purchased a shelf which I wanted to put in the shed, in hopes of consolidating some of the items I have. I worked in the shed, first removing items from the shed and then placing the shelf.

            I should note that the shelf had 4 shelves and stood a little under 6 foot tall. My plan was to set it next to a tool box, and I hoped it would fit under the shelves which are attached to the wall.

            To make a short story longer, it did not go as I had hoped. Instead of having one rack with 4 shelves, I now have two racks with 2 shelves each. I will attempt to post a photo, of the two empty racks.

            I was able to get the items back into the shed, and I have a little better organization, heck I have several cases of tools and items, where I noted on the outside what was on the inside. That makes it easier when looking for something. During this readjusting, I found some things that I was possibly going to need to purchase, but I already had them.

            I also questioned myself as to why I have three shovels, all three are the same type. Above we see items placed on, or in the racks.

            Now back to the real topic of this posting, “I found them”. Finishing my work, I returned to the homestead. I had walked into the bed room and I noticed that the shorts that I had placed on the bed early this morning, were gone. I assumed that my favorite wife had put them in the dirty clothes box. They were not in the dirty clothes box, but I did find them! I had them on! Yep, returning from the breakfast meal I changed into the shorts, and went to work in the shed.

            I was laughing like the Silly Grandpa I am, when I told my wife I could not find the shorts I had on. She agrees that I am silly!

Silly Grandpa!

Senior retired person who can’t find what he has on, Don the Ford


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Forced or allowed 05.23.2022

            Is there a difference between, forced or allowed? As an example, we were sitting outside yesterday afternoon, talking with neighbors, just before the high winds began to blow, when My wife of over half a century noted that the two flowers, in very heavy flowerpots, foto to follow, needed to be moved into the garage.


            As you may be able to see, the two flowerpots, with flowers in them, are large and heavy. Now was the Don forced, or allowed to move them? We are going to say he was allowed to move them, and in doing so, he will be allowed to continue to have meals at the Ford’s homestead.

            What? Yes, it was just the two pots in the foreground (that means to the front of the photo) not the cement pot, my favorite wife was afraid that the strong wind might blow them over. Yes, I have a close up of the flower that is blooming in the blue pot.

            The wind blew like crazy yesterday, and it rained here at the homestead very hard. There was some hail in the rain, I have not checked the Ford’s ole Chevy for any damage, but we did get a little over one inch of rain yesterday.

            Well, I need to go, my wife is allowing me to take her to the cracker store for breakfast this morning. This is the first time going on a Sunday in a long time.

Hope you are allowed!


Senior person who is ready for breakfast, Don the Ford


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Fire in the sky 05.21.2022

            This morning, as I staggered out to the front yard, following the Tres, I noticed the sky was on fire. While the Tres was getting the newspaper, I took a photo of the sky fire.


            Now that I think about it, it may have been the sun rising in the east.

            Reverting to yesterday; I was allowed to help my favorite wife replant a flower. This is the flower that has been setting on the red scrap table, which was recently constructed by the Senior Scrapper Himself! I do have a photo of the completed replanting, the flower is in a new and larger pot, but it is still on the red scrap table.

            I should note that our project supervisor wanted to be in the photo. He is a good supervisor, but he does like to have his photo taken.

            I have been wanting to add some shelves to the Fords ole shed, in an effort to organize some of the smaller crap, I mean necessary equipment. After checking prices online, which were from $50.00 to $200, I will likely need to build the shelves myself. That would mean I would need to pay for good wood. I guess I will compare the cost of the needed wood, and then decide how to approach the project. Thought, maybe I could just get rid of some of the necessary equipment (aka crap). Maybe I could have a driveway sell!

            I could present a photo of the recently mowed back 40, but I doubt that anyone would want to see the results of an ole senior person’s labor.

           If I had a couple goats, I would not need to mow the back 40, they could keep it mowed for me. Then in the fall we could bar-B-cue the goats and have a block party!

            I really do not have anything to present from yesterday, all I did was take kids to school and bring them home again. I was able to get a nap or two during the day, I guess that counts as something.

            Now that I think of it, I worked on some wires that should make it possible for me to air up the tires of the Ford’s ole riding mower, by using the battery as power, for a 12-volt air compressor. I have not yet tried it but being the electronic genius that I am, I do believe it will work. When I try it, if it doesn’t work, you will never know, cause I will not enlighten you, the public.

            Our neighbors have a garage sell going on today. In all actuality, it is a drive way sell. There is a lot more traffic on this dead-end street, which we the residence of the area do not like.


Enjoy the day!

Senior ole person who may need to purchase some new wood, Don the Ford



Friday, May 20, 2022

Early morning 05.20.2022

            It is early morning here in Texas, and the Don has already been outside working. Yep, the Don was outside before 6:30 this morning watering flowers in flower pots. The sprinklers ran this morning, but these plants are in pots hanging on the front porch. It is good that I am allowed to get outside early morning and work.

            Today is an early day, even after the morning gets past. Now I will attempt to explain to that one person, and we know who you are, that the grand kids get out of school at 12:30 today, and that is an early departure. Also, David, the grand kids’ dad, gets off early on Friday and since his vehicle is in disrepair, I will pick him up. Now, will I be able to schedule all these pickups without forgetting one or more of them? We all know how ole retired people forget things!

            Yesterday morning, in an attempt to beat the heat, I ventured forth to the back 40 and headed for the #3 berry bed. The #3 bed has wooden 4X4s as a wall around the bed, and several months ago I took more of the scrap 4X4s and place them on top of the other 4X4s, making the wall taller. I had never secured them to the lower 4X4s, so I decided that I would do that yesterday.

            This securing of the 4X4s required drilling of holes in the wood, which would be used to drive the rebar through. The rebar would secure the top 4X4s to the bottom 4X4s. Now as for the rebar, I had to use a hack saw to cut the rebar to the proper length (about 9 inches). I have some photos.


            The above photos show my outdoor work bench, and the fact that I cut rebar and wood.


            Above, the first shows the 4X4s side by side, in prep for the upcoming work. The second photo is of the completed project from the back side. The scrapper was at it again!

            Yesterday afternoon, I picked up the Alex at school and dropped him off at his home and then returned to the homestead. I was allowed to wash up a little bit, and then we headed out for supper. After supper I was allowed to take my wife’s ole van and put gas in it. It cost $60.51 to fill the tank, and the tank was not empty. Then we headed for home.

            Arriving at home, I was allowed to go out in the back 40 and mow. It takes about one hour using the riding mower to mow the back 40. Our neighbor was also mowing his yard. His mower was stirring up a lot of dust, and that dust was blowing my direction. I don’t think it was intentional, but it was irritating.

            Only after the mower was put away, was I allowed to have an adult beverage. Finally, a minute to rest, it is rough being a retired ole senior person who is required, I mean, “allowed”, to work around the homestead.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, be safe and have fun today.


Try it, it helps!

            What helps, a smile, a kind word and a thank you!

Senior ole retired person who now has a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Perfect stranger 05.19.2022

            Before we get into the perfect stranger comments, allow me to say, I went to the eye doctor yesterday, they did dilate my eyes, and I did not like it. Everything is ok now!

            I have been thinking about the term “Perfect stranger”. Who or what is the perfect stranger, the Don asked? Now the term seemed to me to be misused. Consider for a moment, have you ever used the term. “He or She is a perfect stranger”? Let us assume that you have used the term, what was you thinking when you said, perfect stranger? Possibly you were referring to someone who walked up to you and asked a question such as, can you tell me how to get to…

            This person was someone you had never met, and you have no idea who he / she was. Does that make them a perfect stranger?

            Now I often start conversations with people whom I have never met, and obviously do not know, so does that make me the perfect stranger? Wow, I might be the perfect stranger, as yesterday while waiting to see the doctor, I started a conversation with a man whom I did not know, and his daughter whom I did not know. It turns out that he was 90 years old and he knew where Cape Girardeau Mo. is, as he was originally from Illinois’.

            As we consider, I don’t think the Don is the perfect stranger. I would think that the Don would be the normal stranger, normal being the acceptable term. As I understand it from reading the bible, we are not perfect, although we can be strangers.

            So, I suggest that in the future, we change the word perfect to normal, when referring to strangers. I don’t know why they don’t come to me before they decide on proper wording!

            I will be available later today if anyone needs more clarification.

            Topic change; we need to re-plant one flower today; it needs to be put into a larger pot. Unfortunately, I watered the flower yesterday, which means it will have wet dirt, and that usually makes it more difficult to transplant. You know, it gets your hands dirtier!

            Well, I better get ready to take the kids to school, so have a good day.

Perfect nope, normal yes!

Senior retired normal silly grandpa, Don the Ford

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Doctor’s Visit 05.18.2022

            Yep. I have a scheduled visit with the eye doctor today, which was originally scheduled for December 13th.  That visit was changed due to, "the doctor is not available". They rescheduled and the next visit was canceled due to, "ice on the roads". Now it is almost a year later, and I have my 6 months visit scheduled.

            I need to get the kids to school on time this morning, and hope that the traffic is lite so I can get to the doctor's office on time. One thing I do not like is having my eyes dilated. I am one of those people who take a long time to get back to normal. I have even sat in the homestead with sun glasses on, due to the eyes being dilated.

            Topic change; I guess I need to get some bird seed, there are doves and other birds at the feeder and on the ground around the feeder, looking for food.

            Subject change; I had the sprinkler people here at the homestead to review and repair a couple sprinklers yesterday. They did the review, and repair, and I was told the price. I suggested a discount if I paid in cash, and I received said discount.

            Well, I guess that is all for now, hope you have a nice day!


Always ask for a discount!

                        The worst that could happen is they say no.

Senior person who always asks for a discount, Don the Ford