
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Scouting around 02/28/2021

            You may wonder what I have been scouting for, well, I have scouted the entire property here at the Ford Homestead, and it seems as if I will need to remove a lot of dead vegetation. My favorite spouse wants to put out the easter decorations but wants me to clear the dead vegetation prior to her start. I guess I should ask where she would place these easter decorations and then I could butcher those areas first.

            I think there was another scouting event this past Saturday. Our grandson who was a Cub Scout, and two friends, are now Boy Scouts! His father David is a scout leader. Alex is the scout in the center of the following photo.


            Well, today is Sunday and we have no real plans for the day. Our son Patrick and his wife Karla were here yesterday for a visit. I have a photo of Patrick and his 50th birthday cookie.


May your day be blessed!

Senior soon to be vegetation butcher, Don the Ford

Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday again 02/26/2021

            My spouse went outside and removed a few of the remaining small Christmas decorations which I didn't even know were there. We then reviewed the damage done by the freezing weather. There are many things that I need to remove and or trim as soon as the rain leaves, and if the CEO will give me permission.

            My spouse of over half a century and I plan to venture forth from the homestead today. We have a couple things to pickup and I think she has some stores that she wants to go to, you know, "Shopping"! Now that she has the brace off her wrist, she is back into shopping (AKA spending money).


            Topic change:

            As you may know, I do read the bible daily, and I at times have deep thoughts about what I am reading. The following is one of my thoughts.

            I modified the following statement a little. The word, "Thy," is changed to, "Your".

            Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

            When considering that part of the Lord's prayer, the angels in heaven are subject to Gods will, but is seems as if they can choose to go against his will. Humans can make their own choices, but suffer the consequences when going against his will.

            I think we here on earth are an experiment to see how we, humans, would progress when allowed to make decisions on our own. If one considers items in the bible, one might come to the conclusion, "The Lords will is often in effect here on earth".

            When mankind does not do what the Lord wants, he intercedes. Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses and the Egyptians, and many other events. Humans chose what they wanted to do, and the consequences followed.


            It is now coffee time, I got to go!

Mask up, wash down, stay away!


Senior person who may think too much, Don the Ford


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Doing good! 02/25/2021

            My spouse went to the doctor yesterday and the doc said she could take the brace off! 😊 He did say take it easy with the hand and wrist for about 2 weeks. No heavy lifting for a while! The doctor did not tell her that she could not back hand me with her right hand, darn it!

            They have some very pleasant staff at this medical office, we actually enjoy visiting there. The lady who came to the waiting room to get us ask my first wife, "Did you have to bring him with you again?" So hurtful was the comment that I forgot to cry and I laughed. 😊

            When we were leaving, the young lady who asked us the questions and took our temp on the way in, was still there, so I asked if she needed to ask me those questions and take my temp to get me out of there, and she said, "No".

            She then surprised me with a question, "Are you a preacher"? I said, "I am not a preacher, why did you ask". She said, "You act like a preacher". I then stated, "I am not a preacher, but I have been ordained". She then said, "That is your calling!"

            Let's adjust the topic to birds. For some unknown reason, I have noticed that we have a lot of Crows in the neighborhood this year. When one steps outside one hears them calling to one another, especially during the morning hours.

            We also have a mockingbird here at the homestead who seems too not be afraid of me. She or he does not fly away when I walk outside. As I am reviewing the camera monitor, I often see this mockingbird on top of the swing set. I have now determined why he / she is there each morning. He / she is there to remove the moths from the wall near the night light. I guess the moths are his / her breakfast. 😐

            I have two projects in mind for today, will either actually be accomplished, who knows? Earlier this week I brought a small generator from the shed to the garage for some maintenance. The generator made it into the garage, that is when my focus changed. I began to clean and properly position some items. I did make some needed room, I did sweep the floor, I did not do any maintenance to the small generator. Don't ask, I have two generators, one small one large.

            The second project would be, spray some weed killer on the weeds that are popping up in the yard. I need to read the instructions to see if there is a temperature requirement and how long before or after rain it can be used. We may get some rain today.

            Did I say, the other day when I was supposed to be doing maintenance on the small generator, that I came up with an idea for a work bench and shelving in the back of the garage. I have started drawing some ideas on paper and did a little measuring. I would like to move the large generator to the garage and it would be placed into this area. I don't stay focused on uninteresting or non-challenging projects for too long.

Non focus allows for more projects!

Senior retired person with projects, to do as only I can do them, Don the Ford

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Doctor visit today 02/24/2021

            My first wife goes to the doctor today, we hope he says, she can get rid of the arm brace. With the brace on, it is difficult for her to do most things with her right hand, even hard to write.

            It was 61 degrees this morning when I popped out of bed. The weeds have started growing in the yard, I guess I will get to work in the yard now that winter is temporarily gone.

            In a couple weeks the time will change, which I think is dumb. 😐

            In a couple weeks we will get our second virus shot, I think that is good. 😊

            Change; I changed some of my morning activities, and I like the change. 😊


            Commentary: the so-called news has noted that the new cases of reported virus seem to be going down. They report this as being due to the shots and wearing the masks. I agree to that, but they did not explain the complete scenario.    

            I believe there have been millions of cases of the virus, that have gone, and go, unreported. These cases of the virus along with masks and shots, are getting the population closer to the so-called, "herd immunity", and are bringing the new rate of the virus down!


                        Shots + Masks + Virus = herd immunity! Prove me wrong!


May your day be filled with kindness!


Senior person who is going to get a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Need to change 02/23/2021

            If one was inquisitive, (look it up if you don't know what it means) they might have asked after reading the title line, "What needs to be changed"? Since no one asked, I will change the subject and not elaborate as to what needs to be changed.

            My first wife and I went to a couple three stores yesterday, she bought several items, some of which we needed, some were just for snacking.

            My favorite spouse did not allow me to butcher the rose bushes yesterday, saying wait until we are sure the frost is over. It is supposed to be close to 80 degrees today, I think the frost is over. Even though I can't address the rose bushes, there are other bushes I can and will address. Outside working is better than inside sitting.

            There was a bunch of thistles in the ditch behind the Ford's Homestead. I failed to venture forth and cut them down. The recent low temps of 1 degree, did the work for me, they are all dead. Yes, they will come back but for now they are dead.

            I have one bird homestead (AKA bird house) that is on a post about 5 feet above the ground. When I put it there, I was not sure if a bird would nest n it, that close to the ground. They are! 😊

            I picked Alex up from school yesterday and Tres was happy. I have a photo of happiness!



            The sign at the door of the store states, "Mask required", which means, properly wearing the mask, and that is not wearing it under your chin, with that ugly nose and mouth showing. Some genius' wear them incorrectly, they do not care about you and me! Those people are the north end of a south bound donkey (AKA Jack Ass)!


Don't be a genius, protect others!

Senior soon to be yard worker when it gets a little warmer today, Don the Ford


Monday, February 22, 2021

A new week! 02/22/2021

            Is it a new week? As an ole senior person who is prisoner, I mean afraid, I mean can’t afford to leave his homestead, it is difficult to know what day it is.

            Now in truth, it was 75 degrees here yesterday, and I was outside enjoying the warm weather. As I was trying to enjoy some time outside, I noticed that the snow and ice had not totally went away. Photo to follow.



            My favorite spouse cooked a pork roast Sunday, and it was good! There was a problem in the process of preparing. I was allowed to peel the potatoes. My spouse has one of those potato peelers that supposedly help keep you from wasting potatoes during the peeling process. Well, I cut my finger tip with the peeler.

            Would you believe I needed 17 stitches? Would you believe I needed 5 stitches? Ok, I needed a band aid, but my finger did bleed a little. I still was required to wash the dishes later that day. Thankfully, I did have a rubber glove to keep this severe injury dry during the dish washing process!

            I have been feeding the bird on the Ford’s ole table during the bad weather. I do have a photo of the white wing doves having their breakfast.


            The photo was taken from a monitor, so it isn’t up to my usual professional quality.

            I plan to trim some of the rose bushes in the front yard today, I think my first wife is going to allow me to go to the store with her. Wow something to do outside the house!

Bad weather over, focus on virus again!

Senior retired person who might be outside of the home today, Don the Ford

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday morning post 02/21/2021

            I have nothing to write about this morning. The ice and snow are mostly gone, so there is no need to right, I mean write about something that is gone. There is a bunch of water in the back yard, due mostly, or should I say totally, from the melting snow and ice. My wife of more than half a century is not happy that the water is there, as Tres will undoubtedly get mud on his feet, and then want to bring it into the homestead.

            It is possible that Tres will take me for a walk today, we did go for a very short walk yesterday. When we went out to get the paper this morning the weather was warm enough that I did not need or wear a jacket. 😊

            If I can get my boots on later today, I may attempt to connect the hose, and water the flowers in the hot house. Yes, I did give them some water the other day, but possibly not enough.

            If it ever dries up out back, I will need to trim the bushes. Wouldn't you know it, my first chance to be outside and I will be required to work.

            I am sure you would enjoy seeing a photo which I took. Yes, this photo is a selfie.


                                    Here is looking at you! Ok I am not looking at you, I am looking at something interesting.


            As stated earlier, I have nothing to write about today, so I am going to get a cup of coffee and do nothing the rest of the day. 😐


Don't go to the store, they are out of everything!


Senior retired person, snow out of thoughts, virus in our thoughts, Don the Ford

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Newspaper 02/20/2021

            We received a newspaper yesterday and today, but still no post office deliveries. The streets are looking better, I assume the post person may make a delivery today. I am assuming that mail may have piled up at the offices, and the little trucks may be filled to the top. 😊

            We here at the Ford homestead hope to venture to a couple stores today. We don't expect to get all the things we need, but possibly a few things so these two ole senior persons might survive these extreme times. 😐

            When the Tres went to get the paper this morning, I noticed some ice on one of my favorite wife's yard decorations. Photo to follow.


            The word welcome may seem less than inviting when one looks at the ice. Can we say the Ford's offer a cold welcome? 😊

            I cleared the Ford's ole, still kind of new, driveway yesterday, of ice and snow. It was a bunch of work for an ole retired person, but it did give me something to do.

            During the latter part of the work period, I decided to take a break and get a cup of coffee. I needed a place to sit and rest while enjoying the caffeine fix. All the chairs outside were covered with ice and snow.

            We here at the Ford's homestead have a wheel chair, so I procured it, and took it to the drive way where I had been working. I sat there in the wheel chair drinking my coffee. A couple neighbors drove by and waved at me but did not stop to help an ole person in a wheel chair.

            Yep, I am silly grandpa, heck if you can't have fun don't do it! 😊

            A topic change; I have a photo of Charlie, our cat, showing the proper way to live through this cold weather.


            Charlie said, "Stay inside and take long naps!"


Staying safe, has more meanings now!


Senior person who is going to try to go to the store today, Don the Ford


Friday, February 19, 2021

Work and get tired 02/19/2021

            With nothing else to do yesterday, I decided to take my ole senior body outside to attempt to water the flowers in the hot house. First the door to the hot house was frozen shut, I chipped some ice and got the door open. The flowers looked very bad. I normally water the flowers on Thursdays, and last Thursday we were having bad weather, so I did not water that day. I could not use the hose yesterday as it was not only frozen, it was laying under the snow and ice. Yes, I left the hose laying in the yard before the storm came.

            I carried three buckets of water out to the hot house and gave the flowers water. With the heat lamp on even in this very cold weather the temp was 50 degrees inside.

            I did have some rubber boots to keep the ole feet dry. The boots were used in the past when I would get caught in a rain while riding the motorcycle.

            I also cleared the ice off the side walk, but there is now a foot of snow and ice at the curb where I pushed all the ice. If you could get to the walk, it seems safe to walk on.

            I also cleared more ice from the area around the ole pickup, I think we could get into the truck now without walking on ice. No, we aren’t going anywhere, I just needed something to do to keep me from going completely nuts.

            What? Yes, I am tired. Ole people get tired when they work! 


            Political comment:

            Politicians should become leaders!

            Leaders should do the job for the good of all citizens!

            Leaders should forget their political affiliation when doing their job!


            The grand kids will be here today as school is out. Dave and Claire are both going to work today. If it gets to the high 30s maybe even 40 today, that should help get rid of some ice and snow.

            It was the virus, then no electric, now no water, soon it will be the virus again.

                        Yes, we have water but many don’t.


Be nice to someone today!

Senior ole person who would like to get out of the house, Don the Ford

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Nope not yet 02/18/2021

            Nope not yet means, we are not allowed to venture forth from the Fords homestead. We do have a list of things we will attempt to purchase if and when we get to leave the prison, I mean home. Now that I think about it, the stores when open, probably have little or no merchandise due to the possibility of few or no deliveries. We still have some peanut butter so I guess we will not starve.

            I need to get out to the hot house and water the flowers. The hose is frozen, so I can’t use it, I guess this ole person will be able to carry several buckets of water out to the house. Reaching the flowers in the back of the house will not be easy.

            Weather permitting, I will later in the day when the temp has warmed up to almost 32 degrees, I will again attempt to clear the ice from the walk. I had earlier cleared the snow but the last ice storm left a nice ice sheet. Tres was sliding around on it this morning when he went out to get the paper. No, he did not get a paper as we have not had a paper delivery this week. As you may also know, if you have read previous posts, we have not had a delivery from the Postal people either.

            We know the streets are still slick, Dave and his family came over here for baths last night, (their power was off) and even though they were driving cautiously, they still slid on the streets. If you do get out and drive, go slow and be careful.

            There were a couple kids sliding down the street in front of our home, using a kayak. I guess they did not have a sled.


Virus or weather, which is worse?


Senior soon to be flower water person, hopefully, Don the Ford 


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Postal carriers 02/17/2021

            I have a quotation I would like to present to you during this wonderfully cool and snowy weather, "Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds"! do you have any idea what that means, or better yet, whom it is in reference too. It refers to the mail man and mail woman!

            We haven't seen ours for two days now, although I do not blame them. Getting out and driving when you don't have to is not a good idea. Maybe they need to take the snow, sleet, and hail out of the saying.

            Suggestion, "Rain shall not keep the post person from their appointed rounds, unless it is very heavy, then they can stay home and still get paid."

            Now let us look at photos; this first photo is of some odd-looking snow, on the Ford's ole swing. Each board has its snow piled up, with gaps in between the boards. The second photo shows that everything is larger in Texas. Yes, that icicle is as large as a tree, yep it is cold!


           The super large icicle photo is from a security camera, I am not allowed to go outside. 

            Today is Wednesday, February 17, 2021; we had a little freezing rain last night and early this morning, about ¼ inch of new ice. The roads were covered with snow yesterday, but they were drivable, now they have an additional covering of ice, STAY AT HOME DON'T DRIVE!

            We are supposed to get above freezing tomorrow. 😊

            I have not heard much about the virus during this cold period. Someone said when talking about the virus, it can't get much worse. They had not considered this freezing temps and power outages, it is worse! Now a safe distance can also mean, a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.

Pray that this cold goes away soon!


Senior confined to the homestead due to the ice, Don the Ford

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Let’s see, what happened 02/16/2021

            Yesterday, I called the cell phone provider and after thirty minutes on the phone with them they said, they would send me a new SD card for my phone, and they said Donnas phone needs to be replaced. Neither were working while I was on the phone with them.

            A little later both phones began working again. I now think the problem was with the rolling power outages.

            A neighbor brought us some cookies. Her kids suggested they should make some for, "Mister Don". She also came over and checked with Donna to see if we need anything from the grocery store. We have had other neighbors offer to get items from the store for us. Good neighbors! 😊

            The frozen faucet may be ok. I put the heater under the sink, and put a better insulation on the faucet. Later I noticed water dripping from the faucet, I thought that probably isn't good. I removed the insulation and the drip was coming from the nozzle. I turned the knob and water stopped, I again turned the knob and it ran ok, not frozen anymore. I turned the knob off and made sure it was tightly off, then I rewrapped the faucet. I think we may have been very lucky and do not have a break in the line.

            I cut up chicken, carrots, celery, onion and put them all in a pot, my favorite wife was supervising. Chicken noodle soup for supper.  😊

            I cleaned the side walk off but it is still slick due to the ice on the cement.



            We also have a few killer icicles hanging over the side walk. You'll shoot your eye out!


            Today Tuesday; you know it is bad when Walmart closes its store! 😐

            It got down to 1-degree last night, that is cold even for the northern friends. We are just trying to stay warm and not get out an drive. We have been blessed, we have not lost power, and we pray that we do not. We are also praying that everyone gets there power back and that they do not need to get out in this nasty cold weather.


Hang in there this will get better, I hope!


Senior retired cold person who is not going anywhere today, Don the Ford

Monday, February 15, 2021

Snow came 02/15/2021

            We are once again forced to stay confined in the Fords Homestead. There is ice on the roads from yesterday and snow that came late yesterday afternoon and last night, not good.

            We have no Wi-Fi which means no TV and no internet. What, no emails, really! My cell phone is not working, I can turn it on but can’t make a call or send a text. The house phone is not working since it is from the same provider as the internet. We are forced to sit here and communicate with each other. Wow, I didn’t even know we could do that.

            Basically, we can not communicate with anyone outside of our house. Can’t make an emergency call, that is not good.

            We have a frozen water pipe. Yep, I went to get some water from the kitchen sink and no cold water. We do have hot water. The cold water is attached to the faucet out back. I had the outside faucet covered but evidently it was not covered that good. I have had the doors to the cabinet under the sink open but I guess that was not good enough, I now have a portable heater blowing hot air under the sink.

            News, the cold water is once again working in the sink, now if we can get the pipes warm enough that the outside faucet gets unfrozen.

            It is 10:15 am and our Wi-Fi came back on, so the house phone now works, and I guess the computer can send and receive emails. I just looked outside and the sun is shining, there is one set of tracks on the street and it was our neighbor who is a doctor. He has a 4-wheel drive pickup and I guess he was heading for work.

            I have a couple photos of the snow. I have swept the snow away from the front and back doors and moved some from the garage door.  



            The above two photos were taken from the Ford’s ole garage, you can see the snow fall. It is a warm 8 degrees outside so I doubt any snow will melt.

            My phone still isn’t working I need to call the vendor and ask why.

Stay home stay safe, please!

Senior retired person who hopes the outside faucets do not burst, Don the Ford

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ice on the grass 02/14/2021

            Yesterday morning I decided to feed the birds, since it is excessively cold. I normally take food out to them every other day, but with this cold weather I assume they will need the extra food. I don’t know where they are getting their water, since most everything is frozen.

            As I walked across the grass, it is obvious that the grass has ice frozen to each blade. With the ice on the grass, when the coming snow fall occurs, the snow will not melt due to the ice. Wow, slick roads and the snow will hang around for a while. The snow will obviously help keep the temperature down.

            During my venture out to the shed the temp yesterday morning was a mild 23 degrees, that temp was so cold it is difficult to imagine the coming temp of 5 degrees!

            I need to go back out in the cold shed and see if I can find an ole tarp. I would like to have something over my windshield of the Ford’s ole Chevy before this next ice and snow arrives.

            Today is Sunday; When the Tres and I went out to get the newspaper I was careful due to possible ice. Yesterday I took a scraper and a broom out to the front walk, and cleaned the ice off. It was safe to walk on but I assumed it could freeze over during the night. Well, I was correct. There is a very light drizzle falling, it is so light I could not see it when looking out the window, but when I walked outside, I could feel it on my face.

            The side walk looked clear but it was slick, I guess it is like black ice. You can’t see the ice, but you can slip and slide on it. I have been walking in the Jasmin to avoid the sidewalk, and even though it isn’t slick, I may be doing harm to the plants as they are frozen, and they sound as if the are breaking at each step.

            Wow, we get to do winter this year like our friends up north due!

            Today is, “Flowers for the love of your life day”. I have a photo of the flowers that someone sent to my favorite wife.


Stay home stay warm!

Senior retired person with another reason to stay home, Don the Ford

Saturday, February 13, 2021

We got shot 02/13/2021

            My favorite wife ad I went to get our COVID-19 shot down at the convention center in Waco yesterday. A friend, Bobby, told us he had gotten his first shot there, and they were not crowded, the entire process took him and his spouse about 30 minutes total, which included sitting for 15 minutes to be sure there were no side effects. He was lucky!

            We arrived 15 minutes early, which was what they had asked us to do, and we stood in line, outside the building in the freezing cold weather for about 10 minutes before we got inside the building. We conservatively estimated 300 people in line in front of us to get the shot.

            The people like us, who had scheduled appointments for Friday were there, and those from the day before were there. Those who were scheduled for Thursday were canceled due to weather, and told to come on Friday. It took us and hour and half to get the shot, and 15 minutes sitting after the shot. As we were leaving a man fell face down on the cement floor, and he did not move. I assume he had a reaction due to the vaccine.

            We drove home and so far, have had no ill effects, other than a sore spot on our arms. May I say, there are slick spots on the roads, please be careful if you are driving.

            Again today, Friday, the temp did not get above freezing. I have a photo of more ice here at the Ford homestead. I wanted to sit outside on the swing, but changed my mind.


            The prognosticators are telling us, "You aint seen nothing yet"! Tomorrow may be a good day, by good we mean no freezing rain, sleet, or snow, but get ready the real bad weather is coming. Super cold weather and snow.

            I am getting tired of being in the house all the time, but I am glad I have a house to be in.

Don't drive unless you have to!

Wear the mask please!

Senior retired person who got shot today, 😊 Don the Ford