
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Is it cold? It is! 01/20/2022

            It was so warm yesterday, that I was working outside, and I took my shirt off. Yes, I also had a T shirt on, and I did not take it off. Before you ask, I was replacing a sprinkler head.

            I did go into the Home Store and purchased a 90-degree sprinkler head, which cost $4.95. You are correct if you are thinking, he spent all their stipends for the week.

            I also worked on the device that shuts the sprinklers off in freezing weather or raining weather. I had never worked on this, the contractor installed it and I had no idea how it worked. I took the unit apart and found I needed two batteries. My present spouse got a couple new quarter sized batteries when she was in town yesterday. As I took the unit apart, I found a bunch of very small spiders inside.

            I was able to clean the unit, install the two batteries, and put it back together. For some reason, it would not connect to the receiver which controls the sprinklers. I even read the instructions and they were not a lot of help. I took it back apart, I took the batteries out, turned them over, and replaced them. Guess what, it now works, the batteries were in backwards. The instruction book did not state how to put the batteries in.

            The device is on the utility pole, don’t look at the dog, and there is a close up of the unit.

            Note: I just checked the sprinkler system, and it is automatically turned off, due to freezing weather, the control on the utility pole actually works!

            Before you ask, I did feed the birds yesterday, knowing they will need all they can get, to get through this freezing weather. My favorite wife purchased another bag of bird food yesterday! We try to help them as much as we can.

            Topic change: I have a question for you, “Which is heavier, a pound of cotton, or a pound of Gold?” Take a minute and consider what you were taught in grade school.

            Back in Missouri, while in grade school, I learned that a pound of cotton is heavier than a pound of Gold. For that one person, a pound of Gold is 12 ounces, and a pound of cotton is 16 ounces. Who knew that ole people from Missouri were that smart? 

            I will go out into the freezing weather and start the Ford’s ole Chevy. I will attempt to get it warmed up before we head for school.

            I have a sweater on that has been in my closet un-use for many years. No one but me would wear a good-looking sweater like this, from the olden days. I also have a pair of red long underwear, that I use to wear when riding the motorcycle in the winter months, no I don’t have them on now.  Photo of me in sweater to follow.

           You may be right; I make anything look good!


Stay inside today!

Senior retired person who is an “Insider today”, Don the Ford

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