
Friday, April 29, 2016

Positive comments 04.29.16

            Last evening, I, along with a few other bikers, assembled at a prearranged location for clandestine various reasons. I was wearing an old long sleeved shirt, in an effort to keep the sun off my arms while riding. I explained to others that the red spots on my shirt were not red paint, instead these spots were blood, and not my blood! I don’t think anyone believed me.
            After some planning, our group gathered and began the ride. We rode for over 2 minutes prior to reaching the planned destination. Arriving at the location we dismounted the bikes and as a group we entered this establishment.
            Each of the bikers acquired their own items, and we reassembled in an area where we could conversate (conversate means to discuss, communicate in a non-public manner).
            During this period of private discussions, one of the bikers said to me, “The photos you have posted of your yard, appear to be that of a retired person”! For that one person who does not understand that comment, it means, the yard looks good and it appears to be taken care of by someone with plenty of time.
            It was a nice comment, which made me feel happy! I guess The Grounds Keeper, here at the Ford Homestead, does a good job!
            There were 3 riders, other than the Honda guys, not a very good turnout, on the ride last evening. Our ride was less than one mile, as the ride master was not feeling well. I had a turkey sandwich, coleslaw and tea. The conversation was lively. Following our evening repast, the group broke, up and I rode home.
            A non-exciting evening, for a retired person, with Biker friends!

Be safe, be nice, and enjoy friends!

Don Ford

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Table top 04.26.16

Above we see the beginnings of what should be, at some time in the future, a table top. Below we see a few boards glued together with clamps attached.
The following photo shows the frame that the table top is to be placed on.
Next we see the boards 24 hours later, they are secured together with glue.
To get the correct pattern for the top, we have placed the table upside down on the bottom of the boards. We outline the circler top.
Clamped to the workmate I needed to cut the boards into a circle.

Circle cut, we see the saw used in this venture.
The top is now cut, and the edge has been routed and sanded. 
Below, the new top is painted and attached to the table.
The maintenance supervisor here at The Ford Homestead has said it will need a couple more coats on the top and the frame should also be painted.

The handy man’s work is never done!
Don Ford

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Maintenance 04.25.16

            Here at The Ford Homestead we had a fairly work intensive weekend. It started Friday, when we had Alex for the first half of the day as he has somehow gotten a Ring Worm (on his nose near his eye) and at the same time he had Strep throat. His father Dave, picked him up about noon o’clock.
Our grounds keeper decided to purchase more blocks and attempt to finish this one side of the flower bed, shortly after lunch. The ground was damp and easy to work in, due to the rains earlier in the week. 
            The following photo will show the work our grounds keeper did on Friday afternoon.
Please do not look at the grass as our grounds keeper has plans to mow this weekend. The professionally composed photo below is of the same work, but a different view. You should have noticed, if you are observant, that there are no large blocks in front of the bench. That was intentionally done, not due to the fact that we could not afford the four blocks (even though we couldn’t), instead, it was done to help the seniors who might need to access, said bench. In other words, so they don’t have to step over a big block to get to the bench!  Why do I have to explain everything?
Saturday, what a Saturday!
            It started out as usual, but soon evolved into a labor intensive work project for The Ford Homestead’s Handy Man. It seems that the commode in the master bath, had a slight leak. This leak would require removal of the entire commode, which would allow a new wax ring to be installed.
            Our Handy Man, having worked as a plumber in his earlier life, knew how to do this work. It was decided after a lengthy debate, that we would replace the internal parts in this remodeling process.
Having worked at a Hardware Company, our Handy Man had some of the necessary parts, although others would need to be purchased from a hardware store ($22.00). The process started about 1:00 and was completed many hours later. The Handy Man was observed carrying the dismantled Commode, in and out of the back door, twice. Our Handy Man was very tired and was not sure he had stopped the leak. There was water on the floor that was wiped up and then our Cleaning Supervisor, she is a very demanding person, saw to it that the floor was scrubbed and mopped. Paper towels were lain on the floor Saturday evening, by the Handy Man. If the towels stay dry we have stopped the leak.
Sunday morning the towels were dry! But later, after the john was used a small leak occurred, The Handy Man will be on his knees Monday.
Sunday afternoon our Grounds Keeper mowed, or should I say, “Manicured the grounds” at The Ford Homestead. In the photo below one can see the manicured grass, the new flower bed border and my first wife sitting in a chair, biting fingernail polish off her nails.

           Click on photo to enlarge.
We want to give a special thanks to our Grounds Keeper, Handy Man and Cleaning Supervisor for their valiant efforts this weekend;


May all your staff,
provide as good service, 
as those at The Ford Homestead! 

Don Ford

Friday, April 22, 2016

It stopped for a while 04.22.16

            It stopped yesterday before noon and we are now expected to have some days without it! One hates to even comment on this, as we will likely be begging for it in the near future. Why, are humans like that? It seems that we are never satisfied, for very long.
            As many of you may know, I am one of the few humans, that does not vacillate between being satisfied for a while and then not! I just refuse to be happy about something one week and the next week be complaining about the exact thing.
            Staying focused on one subject, and being true to that one subject regardless of how it might change, is at the core of my being! To be honest, I can teach you how to not waver in your thought process, if you would desire it.
            The rain, here at The Ford Homestead totaled 5.3 inches, according to the official rain gage, over the last 5 days.
            Today is supposed to be a very nice day with lots of sun shine and temps in the high 70s. I have even gave some thought to working on the flower bed border. It would cost about $35.00 (including tax, title, and license) and I am not sure whether my present spouse, would be willing to work longer hours picking up the aluminum cans, to pay for the blocks.

                Anyway, I hope the weather is good today where you live.

                What? You have a question? OK, what is it? Oh, ok, yes I will explain, thanks for reminding me!    Let’s see if I understand your question, how do I stay satisfied all the time, especially when things change to a complete opposite?
            OK, first you need to understand that I did not say, I was satisfied all the time! What I said was, “I do not vacillate between being satisfied for a while, and then not”. To explain, I am never satisfied, so I do not change my opinions. See, it is easy to not change, never being satisfied is known as being a pessimist, or if you must be satisfied all the time you are an optimists. You can decide.

May your day be one, or the other!

Don Ford

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A tale from The Don 04.20.16

                Would you believe that when I was a boy scout, a couple years ago (1950s) that these mean people treated me, the new boy in the group, this way?
Some stories are easy to believe like the previous story about Noah, while others are not, even though the information may be true.
As I remember this event, I was the new boy in the Boy Scout troop. There was a campout for our group and we were all excited. The location of the camping trip was some farm a little ways out of town. The troop leader and a couple other adults took about 20 boys camping. We were in a field not too far from the farm house. Downhill from the camp site was a tank, for the northern reader, a pond.
We set up all the tents and put our sleeping bags inside the tents. We built a fire so we could all sit around it and tell ghost stories after dark. The leader put a large pot of chili on the gas camp stove.
A little before dark we all had chili for supper. Then we lit the fire and everyone gathered around for stories. I know there were several stories told but the one I remember was about a creature named, “Red Eye”. This creature had one big red eye in the center of his head. I may have been a kid but stories about Red Eye did not scare me.
At some point after the story telling was over, all the boys, including me, went down to the pond / tank. Since I was the new boy I was to be initiated into the group. We climbed over the fence to get to the pond. One of the boys had a rope and I was tied up and left there.
The group of boys all left me alone and tied up on the levy of the pond /tank. I was able to easily remove the ropes. I decided to stay there and see what they had planned for me.
It was a few minutes later when two of the boys, one was riding on the shoulders of the other, came walking toward me. The boy on the shoulders of the other had a flash light with a red lens, pretending to be “Red Eye”. They did not know that I had untied myself, and they hoped I would be scared to death.
They were getting close to me when they stepped into a hole and fell down. I was laughing at them and not scared. They were upset that I did not stay tied and that I was laughing at them.
We all made it back to the tents and had a good night’s sleep.
The next day we had breakfast and then went on a hike. We were walking through the woods and I needed to take a leak. When I had finished my nature break, I found that the group was out of sight. Now I needed to catch up but which way had they gone? After about 20 minutes of not seeing another human I had tears running down my face.
I had noticed that there were several buzzards circling overhead which means they were looking for something dead to have for lunch.
Lonely and crying I walked past several cows. I climbed over several fences but still no other scouts. I even tried hollering for help and that did not work either. Alone, left behind by the scout troop, no one caring whether I was alive or not, I reached for my handkerchief.
As I tried to unfold this clean white hankie, I shook it a few times to get it open so I could wipe the tears from my eyes. Taking time to stop and wipe my eyes, was putting me further and further behind the group.
As I stood there with my handkerchief in hand, suddenly the Buzzards began to land all around me. I can only assume, they had seen the white handkerchief I was using to wipe the tears from my eyes, and they may have thought it was a sign of surrender on my part. 
One buzzard said to the other, how long before he is dead? The second buzzard said, who knows, I am not waiting, let’s kill him and eat.
Before you ask, no, the buzzards did not eat me! If they had ate me, I could not write this wonderful exaggeration. Some of your questions are just silly!

Believe it or not, it’s your choice!

Don Ford

Monday, April 18, 2016

Was it that bad 04.18.16

            As I sit here, acting as if I am enjoying my oatmeal with raisins, and a cup of instant coffee, can’t afford the good stuff being retired and on a fixed income. I began to wonder why?
            Yes it has rained a lot over the last two days, but not too bad here at The Ford Homestead. We received just a little over 2.5 inches of rain while others just a few miles away received 6 inches.
            I am attempting to keep everything in this posting truthful, honest, no fibs! Yes in the past there may have been a posting or two that had some non-factual information in them. This posting is totally factual.
            Next door to the Ford Homestead there is a young man whose name is, “Noah”. Ya, his name is “Noah”, no kidding!
            Adding to that, there is a boat in their yard!
            I have observed various animals and numerous birds in and around their yard!
            It started raining yesterday, and is expected to rain almost every day this week!
            All that being true, I am now wondering, should I be worried?

Look around, there are interesting things happening!

Don Ford

Friday, April 15, 2016

Part way there 04.15.16

            I am now part way there. The rumor that I was seen on my knees, in front of The Ford Homestead, crawling on the ground, wishing someone would help me, is true! To anyone who may have driven down our street yesterday, and just laughed at this poor old person, on his knees needing help, I forgive you.
            Even though I receive no help from anyone, I was able to do the assigned work, and later I was able to crawl on my knees to the old rocker where I sat, trying to get enough strength to put the tools away.
            The following photo was taken at the beginning of this forced labor, showing the blocks that needed to be removed, prior to installing the newly purchased blocks.
The yellow string was used to insure the new blocks would be in a straight line. Before you comment, yes the string was later tied tightly to stakes.
            Next we see the recently installed blocks. I did not weigh these blocks, would you believe they weigh over 60 pounds each? Maybe they just felt as if they weighed that much to a senior citizen, on his knees, crawling around in the dirt, not wanting to be punished for less than perfect work.
            Later in the day, I was again forced back on my knees to install more of these hugely heavy blocks. The following photo shows the additional work.
            This project is not yet complete, I will need to install about the same number of blocks to complete this project. If you would like to volunteer to work on this project, send your resume to my website, and my assistant will contact those qualified applicants.
            If you would like to purchase some, are all of the used blocks, go to my web site click on the button “Used Bricks” and make a bid.

            If anyone cares, my elderly body is not hurting too bad today.

            Gabi got As and Bs on her report card (3rd grade), Alex got all Ss on his (kindergarten).
In the olden days I got mostly Ds on my report cards. My parents thought D stood for Don, but it really meant Dumb

May the time on your knees be in prayer, not in work!
If you are on your knees working, pray for help!

Don Ford

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Should it be legal 04.14.16

            I have commented on this subject in the past, but no actions have yet been taken by your elected government servants, even though they do read my postings and email.

            My subject today is cross walks for pedestrians, and those safety challenged pedestrians who use, said cross walks. Also in this topic we have those who are equal to, the north end of a south bound horse. These are the pedestrians that do not use and do not know what a cross walk is for, along with those who ass/u/me, that the drivers sees them!
            Yesterday, as I dropped my grandkids off at school, I was again face with pedestrians who haven’t a clue, and or, don’t care.
First there is the woman (I assume a mother) with two kids who walked into moving traffic and not even close to the cross walk. This female pedestrian, likely assumed that the drivers saw her, and would not run over her. She was also setting a very good example for her children, who probably have never been told, “use the cross walk and look both ways before crossing a street”.
Next was the elderly woman who came from the school and walked in front of my stopped vehicle (she was in the cross walk) and she never once looked at me or my vehicle to see if I saw her. The danger here was the pickup truck that was attempting to drive past me and had to stop suddenly for this senior female pedestrian!  Again this female pedestrian likely assumed that drivers knew she was crossing.
Possibly we could have a vote to see if it should be legal, to run over these safety challenged pedestrians who, do not look, and do not care.

Always look both ways, even in a cross walk!

The Don”!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

School clock 04.13.16

A History of an old school clock, as told by Jess Bolen, in the 1970s. 
            Jess Bolen was my step father. 
            The clock was originally used in a hardware store in Cape Girardeau Missouri. The store name was Suedekums Hardware and they were located on Good Hope Street in Cape Girardeau, Mo.
The clock was in the office area of the store. As time passed and electric clocks became the standard Suedekums replaced the windup school clock with and electric clock.
Jess Bolen acquired the clock from the hardware store and used it in his home for many years.
In the 1970s Jess sold the clock to my wife Donna Ford. Over the years the clock had been painted a couple times. Donna removed all the old green paint and restored the clock. It did not run and she had it repaired.
In 1979 we brought it to Texas when we moved here.

Winding up in Texas is not bad!

Don Ford                  (Did you get that play on words, winding up…)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Looked like Diamonds 04.12.16

            In real life, these rain drops looked like stupendous diamonds, so I took a photo.

For the blog worms, yes that is the first time I have typed the word stupendous. (A good friend asked if I had ever used the word stupendous in a posting and I had not. Now I have used it three times.)
Unfortunately, the photo did not capture the sparkling appearance that the human eye could see. I am sure that at least one of you want to know where I had observed these water drops on these leafs. I was sitting in the Ford’s Chevy in the drive through at Star Bucks coffee emporium (a place of trade: a commercial center). Yep, that is the first time I remember using the word emporium, two firsts in one day!
Different subject:
            Our cat Molly, walked up to me yesterday afternoon with a bird in her mouth. I did not get a photo of the cat and bird but I did get a photo of a drop of blood. The drop of blood is one of several around my chair, I hope these drops are all from the bird and not me.
            You may click on the photos to see a larger view.


Have a “stupendous” day!

Don Ford

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday 04.10.16

            I will not put too many words into this wonderful posting, hope you enjoy.
I have about 42,000 pounds on this trailer, all limbs that I have cut from the vast forest at the Ford Homestead.
For the one reader who admonished me (incorrectly I should say) for trimming the roses while in bloom (they were not in bloom the photo of them blooming was taken at a different time), those roses are now starting to bloom as seen in the following.
The black berries are in bloom and there are green black berries on the bushes.
The following are photos of things in the back yard.

I hope your weekend has been good!
Don Ford

Friday, April 8, 2016

Silly 04.08.16

            I keep telling the grand kids I am silly and I may now have proof. In the amazing photo below we see, “The Don” sitting at his desk working his poor fingers to the bone. If you want to see larger photos just click on the photo.

I have tried to explain to a northern reader what a Grackle looks like, and how the male grows the large tail during the spring time to impresses the female. This northern Blog Worm, knows what the starling looks like, but there are big differences. I have enclosed a photo of the Grackle on one of the many bird baths at the Ford Homestead.
I have planted gourds, another cherry tomato and carrots in the main garden an in the raised garden today. I also built a short fence for the gourds to climb on (photo to follow).
All that work has tired me out so I am on the front porch putting this soon to be magnificent Blog article together.  

May you day and weekend be as good as this day is to me!

Don Ford

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 5th 2016 04.06.16

            It was a Tuesday unlike any other, early in the spring of 2016. I had slept in, refusing to bounce out of bed at 5:00am as I usually do, instead I slept in until 5:30am, nice!
            On this particular day I did not get on that stationary bike and ride for 30 minutes, instead, opting to wait until day light and walk for my morning exercise.
            I had accepted an invitation to go on a ride with some friends and others that was to begin at 10:00am. We were to meet at a certain gas station / quick shop and begin the ride from there. About 9:30am my spouse of now 47 years, came into my study (aka office) and asked what time I was supposed to meet the group. I am glad she asked, because I had lost track of time, as I was again involved in writing my story.
            I sprang into action, and got dressed appropriately for the ride. As I moved the wing out of the garage I noticed how dirty it was, especially the windshield, but I did not have time to clean anything now, I am almost late. For those who know me, I am almost always one of the early arrivers to any event.
            There was a Harley, an Indian, a Yamaha, two of those three wheeled Polaris machines and then there were several Gold Wings. Arriving at the meeting point, I filled the tank with gas and joined the group.
            The ride left Waco at about 10:00am. The weather was great with clear skies and starting temps in the mid-60s. All the roads we took were roads I was familiar with. After about an hour and a half we took a break at a gas station / quick shop on the west side of Gatesville, TX.
            Most of us checked our phones to see if there was any important messages, while others went to potty, and still others bought a soda. I stayed in the shade and talked to a couple of the riders. We had been there about 10 minutes when the leader of the ride signaled, “Kick stands up”. For those of you who do not ride, kick stands up means lets ride.
            The leader and others from the group formed a line out near the street as I sat there in the shade. There was a bike with no rider which meant he was still inside the quick shop. I, using the CB on my wing, called to another rider and told him I would wait on this person, as I knew the way to Lampasas, TX. The group, assuming that everyone was ready took off down the road.
            It was about 5 minutes before this person came out of the quick shop with a soda in his hand. I assume this fellow may have been on the pot as it would not take that long to get a soda.
            He looked around as if he was confused and I said they took off already. I said I know the route to Lampasas and we can ride together. This fellow, took about another 5 minutes getting ready to ride. I felt like riding off and leaving him there, surely he had no idea of what the word “hurry” means.
            Finally he was ready and we started our attempt to, if not catch up with the group at least find them in Lampasas. I set the cruise control on 70, and the Yamaha kept up. We had ridden about 10 miles when I began to hear Wayne on the CB. As we topped a big hill I was able to understand that he was riding slowly, in an effort to allow us to catch up. He had let the group go on ahead of him. 
            The next transmission from Wayne said, he was turning on highway 580, and I knew we were getting close to that turn. It was a few more minutes when we caught up to Wayne. Now there were three of us riding together.
            Unknown to us the group took a side road off of 580 which took them to Kempner, TX and not Lampasas as we thought. We rode to Lampasas and made a trip through town hoping to find the restaurant where they were heading. When we rode out of the other side of Lampasas, we stopped and the fellow on the Yamaha called the leader of the group. We learned they were in Kempner at a restaurant.
            We decided to head that way, it would be about a 15 minute ride. The restaurant was small and we would have ridden past it, if one of the riders had not been standing on the side of the road waving us in.
            Lunch was good and we had some lively conversations, very enjoyable.
            The ride continued after lunch for another couple hours. The roads we were on after lunch, were mostly new to me. A very enjoyable ride. I made it home a little before 4:00pm, in time for a short nap, shower and then my lovely wife and I went out to supper to celebrate our 47th wedding anniversary.
            The food was excellent, the service was very good and our wait staff person liked to kid with us, which to me, always makes a meal better. We received a free dessert due to our anniversary and I must say, it was also very nice.
            What better way to top off a day than a lovely quiet meal, with your first, and only wife!

May all anniversaries be as nice as this one was!

Don Ford

Monday, April 4, 2016

Wow, quick request 04.04.16

            Receiving a quick request from a blog worm, I have attached a photo of some flower beds and a portion of the front yard.
It was taken this morning in the shade, sorry that there is not a lot of sun light.

If there are no other requests, I will sign off for now.

Have a nice day!

Don Ford

Labor, forced or not 04.04.16

            No one asked, “What is tomorrow”, it is April 5th. No one asked, “Why is that date important”, it is the date that Don and Donna got married a few years ago, back in 1969! For that one mathematically challenged blog worm, that is 47 years ago.
Time flies when you are having fun!
            Speaking of fun, there was no fun at the Ford Homestead this weekend as the ground keepers worked both Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The flower beds have been weeded and new flowers have been planted as needed. The blackberries have been weeded, a broken limb was cut down along with about ten other limbs and all were loaded on the trailer. The planting of the garden is complete with some additional space now available. The grounds have been manicured to a point that some neighbors will no longer talk to us. It is difficult to keep up with The Ford Homestead bunch.
            We would like to say a special thank you to the Grounds keepers as they have done some exceptional work, Thank You!
As you may be able to see in the above photo, which is of part of The Ford Homesteads back 40, it is well groumed!
In the following photo there was a red bird (Cardinal) sitting atop the tree with no leaves, which is centered in the photo, highlighted by the sun, as the sun was setting. This red bird wasn’t singing, but it was sounding off its call over and over, loud and clear.
I am not sure whether he just found himself a new girl friend, or if he was just enjoying the parting sun light. What ever the reason, it was pretty and enjoyable at first, but after about 10 minutes it was annoying! (The bird photo was taken with my phone, it would have required me to get up from my rocker, expending too much energy, to proceed into the house to get a camera with a zoom lens.)

If you are interested, the grounds keepers (my present spouse of almost 47 years and I) are recuperating nicely from the weekend activities.

May your day be blessed with nice weather!

Don Ford