
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Percolate 03.31.15

A liquid or gas filtered through a porous surface or substance.
Percolator, a device which circulates heated liquid such as water, into a chamber that holds a substance, possibly ground coffee beans. As the liquid leaches through the substance it dissolves some of that substance and finally drains into a holding container.
Liquids such as water can percolate through porous substances such as earth or sand and in this process filter out many minerals.   
If you are not familiar with the device known as a percolator, that could indicate you are a young person or an old person that never drank coffee.
Percolate, filter, drain, ooze, seep, or leach can be used as synonyms.
Now if you wonder why the old coffee pot was called a percolator, there is a simple answer. The word percolate sounds better than, “Coffee Leacher, Coffee Oozer, Coffee Seeper or Coffee Drainer”.
Imagine if you will, you are at a friend’s home and you just completed a nice candle light dinner when, he /she says, “I have a fresh pot of Coffee in the Leacher, would you like a cup? The perfect end to a perfect evening, a cup of freshly leached coffee!
Leach, sounds like something resembling a slug or snail without a shell.
What? How did I get started on this subject? I was in bed pretending to watch some silly TV show, when the word percolate oozed into my head (did you notice the play on words, oozed into my head).
On a slightly different subject:
We have the garden put in (photo below) and all I need now is one more tomato ring, then some easy rain every third day and we will be set. Ok, I don’t expect the rain every third day. We have had some nice weather, with temps in the upper 70s and lower 80s.
The onions that Alex and I planted are growing (along the right side of the photo above and below).
The blue berry garden (below) is becoming an herb garden. My spouse of almost 46 years has needed a place to plant the herbs and the berry patch seemed like a good place. The item in the containers are temporarily located there.
                The weather is about to a point, where I will need to mow every week. Spring is Springing.
                If anyone wants to donate a, “garden weasel” it would be appreciated. They cost less than $20.00, and that will take an extra couple hours of my present wife’s time picking up aluminum cans on the side of the highway. The lack of attention that some of these drivers display, causes me to be concerned for my wife’s safety. 
We hope your gardens are bountiful!
Don Ford

Monday, March 30, 2015

Anniversary time 03.31.15

                It happens about this time every year. What happens every year about this time, well it is an anniversary.
                Why do we commemorate, or even celebrate anniversaries? Yes, it is a way to remember some event that occurred, like a child’s birthday.
Let’s consider the child’s birthday for a moment. The child was born on a certain day, and that day is an annual event, so why isn’t the child’s birthday considered an anniversary? I guess it would be more difficult to sing, “Happy Anniversary day to you, Happy Anniversary day to you, Happy Anniversary day dear Billy Bob…
Ok, I see that one person, who wants to interject a thought. Allow me to address, “the thought”, before you have a chance to interrupt my teaching moment, (I should take this person off the mailing list, maybe the interruptions would cease).
I stated earlier that, “The child was born on a certain day, and that day is an annual event”. My statement is correct, unless the child was born on February 29th (aka Leap year). If the child was born on February 29th then his / her birthday only comes every 4 years.
In a recent study funded by, “The Ford Homestead Foundation” it was learned that children born on February 29th get one fourth as many gifts as do kids born on any other day. I should not need to explain why they get one fourth as many gifts, isn’t it obvious, their birthdays occur every four years!  Less birthday’s mean, less birthday parties and less gifts.
Also it was learned in that same study, the liberal United States Government, now considers anyone who was born on February 29th, as “birthday disadvantaged“ and they now may receive Obuma Fones (The “U” Fone 9), with 3 years of unlimited text and data, as birthday gifts. (Before you ask, they are government employees, they aren’t required to know how to spell, “phones”, I am not required to spell anyone’s name correctly, and the “U” fone is a knock off)
Let me get back to the subject at hand, the anniversary. March 31st, is the anniversary of my retirement. It has been 4 years since my retirement. Nope, I do not celebrate this anniversary, although I do remember it.
What? You thought I was talking about another anniversary! Yes there is another anniversary that will occur on April 5th, and that is our wedding anniversary.
Now that you have moved my thought pattern to wedding anniversaries, why are they not referred to as “Wedding-day, similar to Birthday”?
Yes we will have been married “46 years” on April 5th.
Yes, we do celebrate that day!
Yes, you may donate to the celebration by sending money!
I hope to have a retiring day!
Don Ford

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

It is finished 03.25.15

                This posting is the second part of a posting dated 3.23.15.
I think these photos, tell the story. Please view and enjoy.
Thanks to Alex, the work is completed.   Alex is a very good helper.
Have a nice day!
Don Ford

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Testing 032415


Testing                 03.24.10 

The test is over.
I have learned some fun options that I normally do not use when working in word. Unfortunately they do not all present on the blog sight as they do on the computer monitor here at home.  I have now deleted the test material.
Learning is less boring, than not.
On the way to school today, Gabi became quite, she appeared to be day dreaming. I asked, “What are you thinking about?” Gabi replied, “I was thinking that I need a new computer, so I can create a portal which I can go through, into another dimension.”
Needless to say, I was surprised at the comment. I asked if I would be there with her min the other dimension, and she said, “If you buy the game and put it on your computer”.
I now know she was thinking about a game and not physically going through the portal into another dimension.
Don Ford

Sunday, March 22, 2015

New Start 03.23.15

            Just a short note, we are attempting to make a raised bed for some blue berries. We have had black berries for some time and Gabi said she wanted blue berries so we are going to try to grow a few. In the photo below you will see the 4 by 8 foot, start of a bed. I need to remove the timbers and till the ground. I have took the weed eater and have cut as much grass as I could. I need to then replace the timbers and when they are in place, then I will start putting some dirt, mulch, maybe a little cow manure in it, and then get Gabi over here to help with the planting. 
            With all the rain we have had I have not been able to do much to the garden. Alex and I did plant onions the other day, but that is all thus far.
            Have a good day!
Don Ford

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fishing in the backyard 03.17.15

                Did the title of this, soon to be, well written article, get your attention?                
                You didn’t see the title? Why do I even try to share my vast observations? I am asking you to take a look at the title, and then ask yourself a few questions.
                I feel as if I must take a few of you, by the hand, and lead you to the Promised Land.
          1) Who was fishing in the back yard?
          2) How was anyone fishing in the back yard?
          3) Was there a rain storm flooding the back yard?
          4) What were they fishing for?
          5)  Did they catch anything?
Let me state truthfully, “it was a cat fish, it was alive, and it was on the line.”
As usual, I drove Gabi to school this morning and as usual, I tried to sing a song to her. She declined the offer, as usual.
When Gabi was getting out of the truck at school there was a lady walking in the cross walk with a child. I noticed that this lady had jeans on that were obviously bleached, down the front of the legs, in an effort to make them appear worn.
Why would anyone purchase jeans that were made to look used, or why would anyone purchase new jeans and then attempt to make them look used. I speak for myself on this subject, as most men are afraid to say anything for fear of offending their spouse, girlfriend, or possibly both.
I think this looks ridiculous for another wise nice looking lady to purchase and wear jeans which has been discolored or has intentional holes in them.
I dare say, these same ladies would not wear a pair of old pants that were worn out due to years of use, but they will wear new jeans that have been altered to look old.
Have you noticed that men do not participate in this fashion dilemma? Possibly, I do not observe the male population as much as I do the female.
Well, I have strayed from the subject of this article.
Fishing in the back yard happened yesterday (Monday March 16th, 2015). Alex had arrived home from school and we had moved from the house to the swing. Alex is the swingee and I am the swinger. We had completed the mandatory 5 minutes of swinging when he wanted to play pirates. Proceeding to the ship I am required to sit in the bottom while Alex climbs to the top.
Alex had a piece of ¼ inch rope which was about 10 feet long and he was fishing for our lunch. He tossed his fishing line (rope) over the side, one end in hand the other on the ground. It wasn’t long until he had a bite. It was a cat fish that weighed about 10 pounds.
You may have guessed, it was, “Sorry Charlie”, the cat that adopted us. Charlie likes to be around his humans and is willing to attack any string or rope that moves. Alex had a fun time fishing for the cat fish. 
On a different subject, I trimmed some limbs from trees in the front yard yesterday, no I am not done yet. Late in the afternoon I tilled the garden again. This is the second tilling this year the first was about 6 weeks ago. The earth in the garden spot is loose and ready to be planted. We have onions ready to plant the next time both of the grand kids are here. 
Different subject; my first wife and I will celebrate 46 years of being married on April 5th, which just happens to be Easter this year.
Enjoy the day!
Don Ford

Monday, March 16, 2015

Universe / Universe's

 Theory by Donald R. Ford
Infinity, a vastness that is never ending.
In our universe, (I use the words, “our universe”, in an effort to point out that there are countless universes throughout infinity) there are paths to other universes.  
Black holes are taking matter from one universe and sending it into infinity producing other universes.  
There are an unknown number of universes, which exist in infinity.
There are black holes in all universes which are moving matter into infinity creating other universes.
Does the black hole gather the matter and distribute it all at once, as in a big Bang, or just spew it out as it gathers it in?                      Allow me to explain.
There are two types of black holes:
The first type black hole gathers in all matter, compressing the matter to unmeasurable pressures, eventually joining with other black holes until the entire universe is consumed. Then suddenly, in a big bang, the black hole expels all the super compressed matter into infinity starting a new universe eventually forming galaxies, solar systems and new life formsInformation about this type of black hole was previously presented in my article on The Theory of Time and How Time Begins, Feb. 27th, 2015.
The second type of black hole, gathers in all matter and compresses it to unmeasurable pressures (as with the first), but instead of expelling it with a, “onetime big bang”, it continually spews the crushed elements of matter and gasses at super velocities, into infinity.
The gasses and elements being spewed into this area of infinity, may with time, start a new universe, which will eventually form galaxies, solar systems and new life forms.
Think of it like a water hose. The water goes in and through the hose unrestricted until you place a nozzle on it. With the nozzle attached the pressure of the water being forced through a small opening in the nozzle sprays the water, with much increased pressure, out into the air. That is how the second type black hole spews out the compressed gasses and elements into infinity.
You can time travel through a black hole if you are an energy force, not consisting of solid matter, but why would you want to? If you were to travel through either type of black hole, you would be going to a place that has only gasses and widely dispersed matter, which will take millions if not billions of human years, to create galaxies, solar systems and life forms.   
                My theory on the universe and black holes, explains that there is an unknown number of universes.
Rebuttals will be entertained.
Don Ford

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Me, an Amateur? 03.16.15

                I have been called a lot of things during my life, some of them were in an effort to insult me. When I was younger, one could say I had thin skin and would take offence at some comments very quickly. Being older and somewhat wiser, even if I do have to say so myself, I have learned to react much slower to comments that are meant to be hurtful.
                It is true, I was a professional for many years. Being a professional just means I was getting paid for what I did. Being a professional manager I would say that one third of the staff members hated me, one third liked me and one third didn’t have an opinion, either way.
                Of the many titles that have been bestowed upon me, being an amateur is one that I approve of. As an amateur I do not get paid, and being on a fixed income, getting paid would be nice.
The title amateur, when used in, “amateur radio operator”, is a good title. I have been accused of being a ham in more than one way, but being a ham radio operator is ok.
                I have recently taken a couple radios out of storage, one of which is an HF rig, and reconnected an antenna. HF stands for High Frequency, and these are the frequencies that allow an amateur to talk long distances.
                I have been listening to transmissions (conversations) of other hams in an effort to remember the jargon used by hams. A lot of it is coming back.
                This morning (Sunday) I decided to see if my 20 plus year old radio, would do anything other than receive. There was a fellow calling CQ, which means, he is wanting to make contact with other hams. There was a contest going on to see which ham could make the most contacts in a prescribed period of time.
I decided to attempt to talk with the fellow. I keyed the mike and said, “This is KJ5OD”. I was happily surprised when the other ham came back to me with a good morning KJ5OD. He was located in Denver Colorado and we exchanged names, locations, signal strength and the equipment we were using. Then he thanked me for the contact and he began calling for his next contact.
I changed frequencies and heard another ham calling CQ. I made my call to him, he was located in Ohio. We exchanged basically the same info as the first contact.
I am a happy amateur, the radio and antenna works.
Pro or amateur, enjoy what you are doing.
Don Ford   

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Saturday night bath 03.10.15

                In the olden days, when I was a kid, it was required that I take a bath on Saturday night, need it or not. As I think about this, the mandatory bath was probably due to going to church on Sunday.
During the week I did wash using a wash cloth, as it was known to families that had more resources than us, we called them “wash rags”. I still often refer to the wash cloth as a wash rag. I occasionally refer to the refrigerator as and “Ice Box”. Old habits!
I am not sure why I wasn’t forced into the tub more often, heaven knows I got very dirty playing outside. I was the last of seven kids, maybe mom had enough arguing, she may have just gotten tired of riding herd on kids. I can remember playing outside on a hot summer day and when I finally went into the house someone would comment that I had a dirt necklace on. That was due to the dirt all around my neck.
When I was eight or nine years old we lived on South Benton Street. It might be hard to believe but we didn’t have computer games to play, and there were only three channels on the TV. The drive ways were all gravel and dirt and that is where we played cars, sitting and crawling on the ground. We played Cowboys and Indians (it wasn’t illegal to shoot your friends with a play gun or your finger in the olden days). When it rained we had board games to play such as Checkers and Monopoly. I also remember playing pickup sticks, not an easy game, and old maids or crazy eights.
There was an old tire swing at the neighbor’s house, and there was an enormous Johnson grass field behind our houses. At the edge of the field was an old worn out abandoned combine. We would crawl inside and all over that old machine. It was at times a fort, a tank, a battle ship and anything else a kid could imagine.
 There was a tree line along the field and one of the tall trees was a wild cherry tree. I am here to tell you those so called wild cherries were bitter. We would climb that tree and when we got up near the top we could see the top of the old bridge over the Mississippi River.
The old bridge is now gone and a new suspension bridge was built about half a mile south of where the old one was.
Certain times of the year we would fly kites. I know they weren’t as high as I remember them but memory says we could hardly see them, they were that high. Our kites would fly high and would stay up for long periods of time.
In those days our house was just three blocks from May Green School. We were allowed to walk or ride our bikes to and from school (age 8 and 9). There had to be bad people in those days but as a kid, I was unaware of them.
One Halloween the school had a party and I dressed up as an old woman, yes in an old dress. I rode my bike to school, dressed as an old woman, and no one told me to keep the dress pulled up while riding. Yes I had jeans on under the dress, get your mind out of the gutter! Why do you always have to bring up this type of questions?
On the way to school, my dress got caught in the chain and it was ripped. I was able to get it out of the chain, and being afraid that the dress would get caught again, I ended up pushing the bike the last block to school.
There was a long ripped part of the dress dragging behind me. All the students walked across the stage in front of the judges, and I must have been very funny looking, I was one of the winners for best costume. I think I got a candy bar as my prize.
In those days there were winners and losers, everyone did not receive a trophy.
I tried out for the basketball team when I was in the 3rd grade. My parents bought me a pair of tennis shoes as they were called, you know white canvas high top shoes. No, I did not make the team. I can’t remember being upset, I was happy that I had the new shoes.
It seems as if I got off the subject of Saturday night baths. I have stopped taking baths altogether, now, I take showers but not just on Saturday nights, although old habits are hard to break.
I hope your memories are all good,
And your baths are all warm!
Don Ford 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Vacuuming explained 03.07.15

            This is one of those stories that may be hard to believe, so I say, believe it or not.
            First a little background.
1.    In the beginning there was the crazy neighbor and friend, who was observed vacuuming his yard.
2.    Then I was observed vacuuming my yard and also considered crazy.
C.   Then a younger man, possibly in his late 30s, was observed with a vacuum in his yard attempting to replicate the actions of the two crazy retired man.
The above history lesson should bring you up to date, allowing you to follow the rest of what will undoubtedly be another outstanding, informative and interesting document.
I was looking for something to do, following my after lunch nap. The sun was shining brightly and weather was beginning to warm. I decided to go outside and possibly trim some tree limbs. After careful consideration I decided that trimming tree limbs was not a good idea as the ground was too damp to safely stand a ladder.
Change of plans, I decided to vacuum the yard. It should be known that even though I have removed millions of acorns from the yard during the fall months, there are still millions hiding, deep in the grass.
I removed the vacuum from the garage wall mount and took it to the front yard. I laid out the extension cord and pulled the wagon from the back to the front yard. With all the needed tools in place I began vacuuming.
The acorns and caps make a distinct noise when they impact the insides of the vacuum. Also, if you vacuum a cap there will be an acorn hiding in the grass and vice versa. Most of the time you will see neither but the vacuum still finds them.
I had almost filled the wagon with acorns when a brown truck, driven by a man with a brown uniform, stopped across the street. This delivery man came over to where I was, and asked what I was doing.
I explained that I was vacuuming the grass. He said I can see that but why are you vacuuming? I explained that it is a new process which will help improve the flow of oxygen to the roots of the grass, causing it to grow quicker and greener. I explained that you do not need to use fertilizer when using this oxygenating method.
I was grinning like a possum eating briars, as I spread this extremely tall tale (aka lie).
The driver, still dressed in brown said, that what I had told him was interesting, and asked where I had learned about this. I said, “On the internet”.
He said, “well I better get back to work’, and left without me telling him that I was really vacuuming up acorns.
I wonder what he will find when he goes on line looking for oxygenated grass roots.
Believe it or not, that is my story.
Never believe the crazy retired man,
Vacuuming his yard.
Don Ford

Friday, March 6, 2015

Follow-up to Charlie 03.06.15

                As a follow up to that wonderful article, written by yours truly, about Charlie the Gato, I found the following photo of the subject. You may judge for yourself whether any of the names from the previous article fits this feline.
You may notice Charlie’s eyes, the fact he is licking his chops as he surveys the room. Is he about to kill something, or has he just killed something and devoured it?
                Yes this is the same cat that kills snakes.
May your day be warm and furry!
Don Ford

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sir Charles 03.05.15

                The title of the article, may give you the idea that this, “soon to be, well written story”, is about the gato (cat) that adopted us. 
Charlie, aka Lazy Cat, aka Fat Charlie, aka Crazy Cat, aka Sorry Charlie, has many titles, one of which is, “Sir Charles”.
Now Charlie spends his days in the house sleeping on a blanket that has been appropriately placed on the couch. Charlie and Molly do not get along so at night Charlie is banished to the garage.
The garage at, “The Ford Homestead” is where this story begins. We, here at the homestead, like to provide proper sleeping arrangements for visitors and residents. That being the case, we have two sleeping areas in the garage for, “The Charlie”. There is one basket with a blanket in the window, and we place a second basket on top of my present spouse’s vehicle. Charlie seems to prefer the basket on top of the vehicle. It is believed that Charlie thinks, he is getting up in the world, being on top.
The other morning, as I was working my fingers to the bone, trying to enter data into this computer, I happened to look up at the security cameras display, when I noticed that my first wife was attempting to back out of the garage with the gato’s basket on top of the vehicle.
I sprang from my seat, ran through the garage stopping her before she left the property. I saved the cats bed!  I did my good deed for the day.
Yesterday, the weather was wet with light rain, and a warming temperature. I think it warmed up to about 55 but it was windy. My present wife had a doctor’s appointment for her annual physical. She learned that she had lost 22 pounds since her last visit.
No she isn’t on a diet, she has, for some unknown reason, can’t taste most foods. Not being able to taste most foods she doesn’t enjoy eating. When she returned home from the doctor’s office I walked outside to greet her. It was still raining so she pulled about half way into the garage. I asked her how the doctor’s visit went and as we were talking I, being observant, noticed that the cat’s bed was not where it usually is.
I asked, where did you put the cat’s bed? She replied, I don’t know. 
I asked if she had removed it from the roof of the vehicle prior to leaving this morning.
No response, indicated that she had not.
A short time later she decided to go to the grocery store and I suggested that she may want to take the same route that she took this morning. I also suggested, she could keep her eyes open for the basket. I assumed that it has blown off the vehicle and is destroyed.
Taking my sage advice, she left The Ford Homestead. It was about two minutes later when she called and reported that she had found the basket and blanket, intact, lying in someone’s yard.
We were glad to have Charlie’s basket back, being on a fixed income it would be difficult to come up with the money to purchase another basket. We would not want my present spouse to spend more time out on the roads picking up aluminum cans than she does now.
I hope you have a warm and pleasant day.
Don Ford

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Oh Great! 03.04.15

            It’s that time again!
No, it is not break time. I knew that would be your first thought. You don’t want to work but you do want to be on break.
Why do I even try to keep this group informed?       
What? Yes we are supposed to have some bad weather tonight and tomorrow. What does that have to do with my story? You can watch TV if you want to know about the weather.
Now I have forgot what I was going to tell you.
Forget it, I am going to get a cup of coffee…
            Ok, I am back now. I have had my coffee and have got my thoughts back together.
The title, “Oh Great” is in reference to the fact that for most of us, daylight saving time will start this weekend. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed Saturday night.
            I have done my civic duty for the day, now I can go back to being me.
Spring forward, fall back is the reminder for daylight savings time. It also applies to many who live in the northeast, especially those in Boston. It is a reference to the snow, and the fact that they are probably slipping and sliding (springing forward and falling back).
Spring forward, or just move forward, which ever fits you.
Don Ford

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The beginning of time 02.27.15

                Is it possible, that in the process of learning something new, one may have a tendency to consider other topics more systematically than they would have, prior to rejoining the student population?
                Another approach to this question could be, does learning affect the mind in some way, which will cause the person (me) to question or consider any subject with curiosity and in more detail?
                               Read this article and decide for yourself.  
                There was a comment on the TV, about a discovery of a Black hole of enormous size. For some reason, unknown to me, the Big Bang Theory, which is considered to be the origin of the universe, may now be in question, due to the discovery of this black hole.
                The above statement caused me to begin to consider, our universe, how many universes are there, size of infinite space, or the fact there is no size to infinite, and how did it all begin? 
                Before you stop reading this superbly written and fact filled article, I dare you to take a minute and consider, “how did it all begin, and why”.
King James Version of the bible, John 1, states:
                In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
                A different interpretation of the above biblical statement might be;
In the beginning was the data, and the data was with God, and the data was God.
I am not trying to change the bible, I am just offering an explanation of comments and events.
                My, “Theory of Time” will explain, “Time’s beginning and, possibly God”.
          I have no doubt that God was there in the beginning of time, as we know it. Time as we know it, may be only one of many periods, known as time.
Days, weeks, months or years mean almost nothing when discussing my theory.
How did time start and when? I don’t know that answer and neither does anyone else. The Big Bang Theory, is as good as any theory. My, “Theory of Time”, will explain that there has been and will be, other Big Bangs.
Read on, to be enlightened.
Theory of time                           by Don Ford        February 27, 2015          
Let us assume that time began with an event such as the Big Bang. That was a beginning of time, let us refer to it as, “time #1”.
Gasses and elements began to attach themselves together. Galaxies began to form. There were solar systems with various types of life forms.
As billions of our years passed the universe matured with many galaxies, solar systems, and planets being formed, while at the same time there were black holes consuming all that came close.
There were innumerable life forms existing throughout the universe. These life forms were at various levels of intelligence, during time #1
Some of the many forms of intelligent life which had evolved over millennia, had advanced to a point where they were able to transfer knowledge from a living organism into the electronic storage device (computers as we know them today), and knowledge from the electronic storage device to a living organism. It should be noted that scientists today, are working on the process of transferring information from a human to a machine, and vice versa.  
These life forms (possibly humanoid in form) were able to increase their knowledge to the point that some were seen as all knowing, due to their access to data (knowledge).
 One of these life forms began to communicate with the electronic devices through telekinetic communication. This being, was able to be anywhere on the planet and access any information, including information from other life forms (mind reading).
As time passed this one life form became the, Supreme Being, ruler of the entire planet. With age, this Being’s body began to fail.
When the body failed, the spirit from the body lived on. This Being’s spirit had become a, “Force”, an energy field for lack of a better terminology.
This Force was able to influence other beings on this planet, with or without them knowing. The force would provide certain beings with data and withhold from others. In this way the force was still in control. 
As all these advancements were occurring, the numerous black holes were pulling in enormous areas of the universe. One black hole would pull in another and another until this one massive black hole, was so enormous that it was swallowing entire galaxies. This black hole continued until it had pulled the entire universe in.
Then, this Mega Black Hole, collapsed in on itself.
For a moment, there was nothing!
Suddenly there was a Big Bang. It had happen, the second Big Bang!
Time began again. This time period we will call, “Time #2”. 
Being a force, and not a physical being, the force survived the black hole and the second Big Bang. You may ask how this force was able to survive the black hole and Big Bang. Think of gravity, it is a force, and it survived.
Dust and gasses spread and were the building blocks of a new universe. Over millions of years, Galaxies, solar systems and planets were again forming.
The force was able to expand through space at will. The only affect that time had on the force was, an increase in knowledge and size.
The force was able to access information from anywhere it had been. This happened because the force, as it expanded through the universe, continued to grow in knowledge and size.
To explain, anywhere the force went, it stayed. In other words, the force is not a blob of energy that has a dimension, it exists where it is, where it has been, and expands into areas where it has not been.
The force is not alone, there are those who exist to serve this force, one might call them aliens, or even angels. The force would at times interact with others, including lower life forms.
As solar systems formed, the force would visit various planets, viewing the life forms and occasionally influencing them.
Imagine if you will, the force using lower life forms to accomplish physical processes.  The force provides data to life forms, which will advance their civilization, enabling them to do amazing things, like build a pyramid. 
The force will continue to expand, learn and influence. While at some point in time, black holes will again start to consume each other until a mega black hole again consumes the universe, taking the force with it, only to start again in time #3.   
You may interpret my Theory, any way you like.
Some may consider the force to be God.
The, “Ford Theory of Time”, would explain how God is all knowing and everywhere. Others may believe that this is just another tall tale from an old Ford’s mind.
You now have the opportunity to prove me wrong.
Theorist,              Don Ford