
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Drone it 02.28.17

                NOPE!  I did not intend to say, “Darn it”! I wanted to clear that up before anyone could comment or ask a question. Part of this article is about drones. Most often we hear of the drone being used as surveillance of the enemy or to drop bombs on those same enemy’s. Sometimes we hear of a drone being flown too close to an airport, but our subject drones in today’s article, are just fun toys. 
                My first drone was big and difficult to fly. My second drone is smaller and much easier to fly. The smaller drone’s controls have three levels of flight, “Beginner, intermediate and advanced”. I enjoy playing with mine and so do the grandees.
                Alex has a birthday on the 4th and our birthday present to him will be a drone. He don’t read these posting so it does not hurt to say what we have bought him. 
                Below is a photo of my two drones.
Yes they are on the hood of the Ford’s Chevy, it made them easier to see.

                Now let’s talk about me! In the following photo one can see an image that proves that Mr. Ford (me) is just a shadow of his original self. You know when people go on diets and lose a lot of weight, they often appear skinny and sick, just a shadow of their original self!
                To explain, I have not been on a diet, but the photo is a shadow of myself. It was taken accidently when I was attempting to turn the camera, in the somewhat smart phone, off. Even my accidental photos are of a professional grade.

May your day be filled with thoughts of me!
                                                No comments from you!
Don Ford

Monday, February 27, 2017

Paparazzi 02.27.17

                Before that one smarty pants asks, yes I know what a paparazzi is. If I may continue, before you ask, “No I did not know how to spell it, I have spell check!
                Why do all my wonderfully informative writings, have to start in such a stressful manner? If you are going to always be this cynical, why do you read these pages of great literature? I do my best to inform the uninformed, not expecting to receive accolades, but it would be nice to not be questioned at every statement!

                I am going to get a cup of coffee and reflect on this unnerving and stressful situation!

            Would you believe that three hours have now passed, my coffee has been consumed, and I have been able to reduce my stress levels by going outside and setting in front of one of the Ford’s Rose Bushes? Would you also believe, as I sat there, meditating on the brightly colored rose, all my anguish disappeared and peacefulness came into my being? Rose photo below, click to enlarge.
                I would not believe it either, I just wondered if you were that gullible. No I didn’t know how to spell gullible!
                Let me get to the subject of this story before it is time for me to take a nap! I was surprised the other day as I was returning from the Ford’s green house when several paparazzi’s began taking photos of me. They were not asking any questions, just wanting to get some photos of yours truly.
                Would you believe, the Ford’s Security team confiscated their cameras and ejected them from the Homestead with a stern warning! I would not believe it either, I just wondered if you would.
                Below is one of the photos from that day.
                I must admit, I am very photogenic, and I know you will want to click to enlarge!
                Why would you comment on the security cameras? Only people with mischievous thoughts, would be looking for security cameras.

May you be believed, and not questioned, by the uninformed!

Don Ford 

Friday, February 24, 2017

02.24.17 It never changes

                I am sure some of you agree with the title of this brilliant article, while there are some that believe things do change. Obviously, one would need to understand the subject matter of this title, before one can make a judgement as to the validity of the statement.
                Let us ponder the statement, “It never changes” for a moment.             
                Hay dude, that means stop reading, and think about the statement! I try my best to present thought provoking ideas to this audience, and what happens, you read without considering what you have read!
                I should just quit writing and allow the reading public to exist with the other “Low information people”, but as with Rush, I feel the need to impart a clear understanding to one and all (that even includes liberals)!
                When I make the statement, “It never changes”, I am referring to the actions of kids (aka children). I knew I should explain that the term kid was not referring to a goat, although human kids do sometimes eat like goats.
                Kids now days have their tablets, cell phones and computers, to which they are almost permanently attached, but they do still have the mischievous nature as evident in the following photo. In this photo we see the subject, our son Patrick, posing for a photo. We also see our grandson being mischievous.
I am correct, it never changes! Kids will be kids!

Stay a kid at heart, it is more fun!

Don Ford

Thursday, February 23, 2017

02.23.17 Mowed down

                This morning was unlike any other of recent history. The sky was gray with winter like clouds swirling violently, the frigid winds caused a horrible chill to go through my body. My entire body was shivering and my teeth were chattering as the ice pellets fell all around me.  I tried to work my almost frozen body, back to the Homestead...
                Now that I think of it, it may have been somewhat different. I had, a few days earlier, sprayed weed killer on the weeds that were abundant in the shady parts of the back 40. Since a few days had passed I thought I would attempt to start one of my two weed trimmers. I knew the one I like to use, was leaking gas, so I would not be able to use it. The other is a dual use unit, which may be used as a pole saw, or a weed trimer.
                I started with the dual use unit, but it would not start. I cleaned the spark plug, heated the plug, put new gas in the unit, and I made my arm sore trying to start the unit! Where is the Grounds Manager when you need him?
                Giving up, I went to the other unit and tried to find the leak. It would start but only run a couple seconds and then stop. I could not stop the leak.
                Discouraged and tired I was ready to give up. Being on a fixed income I knew our budget would be blown to heck if I was forced to purchase another weed trimmer. I did not want to see my present spouse putting in extra hours on the side of the highways picking up aluminum cans. Have you looked at the road sides lately? Too many people have stopped littering, that said, there are not as many aluminum cans to be found.  
                I tried one more time with the dual purpose unit and it sprang to life. I attached the grass trimmer and began knocking down those weeds that had been previously sprayed. As I worked I decided to trim along the fence and around all the structures in the yard. It now takes longer to trim the back 40, than it does to mow the back 40.
                I stopped working, swept the grass off me, so I would not litter the Fords Chevy, when I went to go get the grandees from school.
                Returning home I climbed aboard the Fords riding mower and mowed the back 40. It looks somewhat better but not perfect as the good grass hasn’t started growing. There are leaves that I should have picked up but are now just chopped up. The following photos show the enormity of the back 40. Click to enlarge.
                Before that one person asks, yes the fort is bullet proof and can be used as a defensive structure in the case of an invasion!
Donations in the amounts of $25 or more, for a new weed eater will be accepted at our web site!

Lawn mowers are more fun than, snow blowers!

Don Ford

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

02.22.17 Cactus

                This article is a follow up to the 02.15.17 posting.
                Luckily, our grounds Manager was back at the Homestead when it was decided to try and move the cactus. The weather prognosticators had predicted rain for that evening. The cactus would need to be moved now or wait several days. This time they were correct, we received an inch of rain.
                The grounds manager quickly found that it is difficult to work with a cactus that had sharp needles, along with the rose bush that was next to the cactus which has numerous thorns. Needles and thorns were awaiting their opportunity to penetrate the grounds manager’s body. We now know he bleeds red!
                He carefully pushed the shovel into the ground at various points around the cactus, attempting to loosen the ground without damaging the roots. This work wasn’t easy for the old grounds manager, but after many minutes the cactus was loosened. Our grounds Manager then called the head chef to come outside and help him. She, using a long handled shovel, was able to leverage the plant with a large amount of dirt attached, high enough for the Grounds Manager to get two hand holds.  He was able to lift it from its place in the ground and place it in the wagon. Would you believe the cactus and attached dirt ball weighed 80 pounds? Me neither, but in truth, it was heavy. He carefully transported the cactus to its new home.
The cactus can grow as large as it would like in this new location. We have seen this type cactus locally, as tall as 6 foot and also that wide. Finally our grounds manager seems to have done something right.
                A rare photo of our Grounds Manager. He has his hat and sun glasses on and he is wearing his Best Shirt, street gangster style. For that one person who does not see it, he has only one button activated and it is the top button. Click to enlarge the photos.

Be careful in sticky situations!

Don Ford

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

02.21.17 Hot and sweaty

                As I look at the title of this article, I now realize that some of you have gotten the wrong idea. The words, “Hot and sweaty”, do not apply to some bed room activity. Some of you have minds that are always somewhere they don’t need to be! You should read more of the article before you develop a hypothesis of what the story is about!
(I find it amazing that I can spell hypothesis, but I only get the word dosen’t doesn’t right less than half the time.)
                Today’s tale has to do with me doing the grounds manager’s work, again! Yes we allowed him to have the weekend off so I had to do any necessary work. Necessary work can be defined as, “work designated by the Homestead CEO and financial officer, Mrs. Ford”!
                Mrs. Ford had work she wanted to do inside the Homestead, so she assigned me work to do outside. Do you think this was her way of telling me to get out of the house? She dosen’t doesn’t have to be subtle with me, she could have just said, “Get out”, and I would have obeyed went outside.
                I was assigned to trim the bushes behind the homestead, as we do every year. We attempt to keep them at about a 10 foot level and away from the roof shingles. I put my long sleeved white shirt on, which has many signs of injuries from the thorns here at the homestead. I also put the gloves on and my old western straw hat, which has been shaped into a work hat. The old hat does keep the sun off me but it gets caught on limbs and other obstacles quite often.
                Happily, about half of this work could be done from ground level, but I had to work from a ladder on the upper half. It took maybe 1.5 hours to complete said project, including the cleanup of the clippings. Later as I was considering the work I had completed, I thought this work could have been completed much easier and probably neater, if I had a hedge trimer. Maybe my first wife can find one at a yard sell, at a price that someone on a fixed income, can afford.
                Later that afternoon, I watered the flowers in the Ford’s Green house. The green house is so packed with plants that it is a very difficult job to water each plant.
In the photos one can see the closeness of the flora. I do remove the heat lamp when watering the plants. Yes there have been blooms on some of the plants all winter. When I first open the door and window of the greenhouse the temp in side was over 100 degrees. With the door and windows shut and a little sun light it gets very warm inside. Click on photos to enlarge.

If spring isn’t here, it is coming soon!

Don Ford

Monday, February 20, 2017

Dilated 02.20.17

                I went to the eye doctor on Friday and one of the things they did to me was to dilate both of my eyes. I really do not like having my eyes dilated! Then, after your eyes are wide open they start shining lights into your eyes which is in no way a nice thing to do. I assume the doctor was looking through my open eyes to see if I had a brain.
                Then they tell you to go home. Have you ever tried to walk outside into the Texas sun light with your eyes dilated? Well, I am here to tell you it is terrible!
                Past encounters with this doctor has taught me to bring sun glasses with me. This time I brought two sets of sun glasses, one that clip onto my regular glasses and a pair that will fit over my regular glasses. With both pairs of sun glasses on, I could see fairly well and was able to drive home safely. I stayed inside the house with the doors and windows closed for several hours. I actually watched TV with one pair of sun glasses on for about an hour.
                Something surprising happened while I was writing this wonderful article. The following is a truthful account of that event.
                Many of you know that I have a somewhat smart phone, aka a windows phone. As I was writing the above article there was a word that I was having trouble spelling. I can’t spell and I don’t care who knows it.
                Not being able to spell, I gave my somewhat smart phone a word, knowing it would spell it for me. The phone then displayed how to spell the word and said, “Maybe a nanosecond nap would help, Ok, much better now.” To which, I being somewhat surprised said, “Thank you”, and the phone responded with, “Any time”! 
                Now I see why some people are always looking at, or talking to their phones, they don’t need real people or friends around when their phone talks to them!

Computers and robutts robots will take over, and humans will no longer exist on the planet earth.

Find a human to discuss this with!

Don Ford

Friday, February 17, 2017

Am I exceptional 02.17.17

                We all know the answer to that question, yes, I am exceptional! I know many of you have thought that I must be exceptional for several years now.
                What has brought this thought to the forefront, it was a comment by a technician on Wednesday of this week. I have an eye doctor’s appointment for today (Friday) and they called to ask if I could come in on Wednesday for the technician’s part of the exam, as she would be off on Friday. Being the cooperative person that I am, I agreed.
                My Wednesday appointment was for 9:00am, and I was seen at 9:25am. It is a good thing I found someone to talk to in the waiting room. Before you ask, no I did not get a discount for the extended waiting period!
                The technician took me into the room and began to explain the process to which I replied, “I have been through this process several times”. She was happy that we both knew what was going to happen.
                This is a test where the patient (me) puts their chin and forehead against a machine and stare at a green dot with one eye. Then the machine will flash very dim little lights at various locations, and each time you see a flash you push a button.
                When we completed the test, the technician was surprised at the time it took. It took about 10 minutes for both eyes and she said they allow 40 minutes for this process. That makes me exceptional!
                As all of you have known, I am exceptional and have been for years!

Accept the exceptional!
Don Ford   

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Forgetful 02.16.17

                Who could this soon to be, “well written article”, be about? Well, if you continue to read this article, you may learn the subject of this article.
                First let’s consider the word, “forgetful”. I have checked the big book of, “Word Definitions”, and I find that forgetful simply means, “full of forget”. That seems a little odd to me. I have been full of many things, such as food and well, let’s just say full of it! How can anyone be full of forget? As I have said many times in the past, why don’t they check with me before they make these words?
                I have two puters going right now (some people call them computers but I like to save time by shortening the word) along with a two meter ham radio, and the TV is on. Now I do occasionally get distracted from what I am doing by something that occurs on another device. That isn’t forgetfulness, it is just a distraction. Unfortunately I have always had a short attention span, but that doesn’t’ mean I forgot what I was doing I just changed focus and began doing something else.
                As an example, let’s say someone was going to clean off and straighten up their work bench. Let’s also say that there was a Goldwing motorcycle parked in front of the bench. If the person moves the motorcycle away from the bench and then notices that there are leaves on the floor, so he decided to sweep the leaves up, that isn’t being forgetful, it is just changing ones focus. 
                I just looked at the non-cellular phone on my desk and I see that there is a flashing number, indicating a message is waiting. Now you see, I did not stop writing to check the message, so I do have the ability to focus when necessary. 
                Ok, I will tell you what a non-cellular phone is. It is a phone that is basically tied to the home, it does not work wirelessly, and it use to be something that everyone had in their home. I find it odd to think that some young people may have never lived in a home that had a home phone. Who knows what a party line was?
                Yesterday I pulled weeds from the flower bed near the Ford’s Old Rocker. Yes I was on my knees where anyone driving by could see me. It was difficult as I was working with some ferns that had both dead and live branches. I was removing the dead branches along with the leaves and acorns, while leaving the live ferns. As I worked on this project I began to round the corner and that is when I felt the blusterous north wind. That was the end of the work.
                I put the tools away and checked the time. It was close to time to get the grand kids at school. I gathered up my tablet, a drink and a peanut bar and headed for the Ford’s Chevy. My first wife was not at home, so I did not need to sign out before leaving.
                When I go to pick up the grandees I prepare to wait about 30 minutes. I do this so I will not be last in line. The line of cars picking up the kids is about a half mile long and that is just the front of the school, the same thing happens behind the school.
                I played solitaire on the tablet until the kids got out. As I pulled up to get the grandees the kids and the teacher noted that there was another vehicle that they thought was there to pick up the kids.
                Now we are at the forgetful part of this article. I had been told that I would not need to get the grandees yesterday, as their mother would be off work celebrating her 21st birthday and she would pick them up. I guess you might say I forgot!
                In truth, it is my first wife’s fault! Had she have been home I would have had to sign out before leaving the homestead and she would have reminded me that I did not need to retrieve the grandees from school.
                Wives, they are never there when you need them.

May you remember the good things!

Don Ford  

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Would you believe 02.15.17

                It rained yesterday and we received almost 2 inches of needed precipitation. I could hear the yard saying thank you to the sky as the precipitation fell. No, that is not a believe it or not, that is the truth!
                Yesterday, after the rain stopped, I ventured out to the Ford’s green house to close the door, as it was going to get chilly during the night. Before that one person asks, I did not go out while it was raining because, “sugar will melt in the rain”, and no I do not float!
                While I was venturing through the back 40 I looked at the hole in the ground that was left from my removal of the fence post. This first photo has been posted earlier.
                The post has a blue ribbon on it in an effort to be sure our grounds keeper, who seems to be gone more than here, would remove the correct post. The following photo shows the hole which was fill to the top with water yesterday. 
                Now in this photo the water has receded somewhat. Would you believe the hole is almost 3 foot deep and also would you believe the post that has cement on the bottom weighs almost 200 pounds? I was able to remove that oversized post alone, as our grounds manager was on vacation again.
                It seems as if we can’t get good help anymore!
                Now I must attempt to dig up the cactus and transplant it into that hole. It seems as if the work never ends here at the Ford Homestead. If you are interested in applying for the grounds managers job, send your resume to my web site, and our team will consider. 

Work not, lest ye get tired!
                                No it isn’t from the bible, I just made it up!
Don Ford  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

More evidence 02.14.17

                I have two photos that prove my hypothesis, “spring has sprung”. Please review the photos and you may decide for yourself.
Easter lilies, one is all yellow and the other yellow and white.
Spring has sprung, fall has fell winter is still here and it is warmer than, well!

In case you have not received my valentine that I placed in the snail mail to you, here is an emailed valentine! Have a great day!
Enjoy the spring and Valentine’s Day!

Don Ford

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Safety first 02.13.17

                It wasn’t a bad day, as matter of fact, it was a fairly nice day. This day started as many others start, I have my coffee while reviewing the so called TV news, all the while becoming irritated that there isn’t something interesting on the so called news.
                The temperature was considerably warmer than the day prior, and we had planned a ride to the Bunk House for lunch. The female subject who takes your order at the Bunk House likes to joke with those patrons like me, who start the joking. Lunch was good and not so expensive. This retired person on a fixed income can afford to eat there and not worry about paying the bills each month.
                Our ride was nice especially after the sun began to shine and we did find a fresh road killed deer. I am sure the blood stains will come off the back seat where I placed the hind leg of the deer for the ride home. 
                This story today is not about the nice ride, good food, lively conversation or road kill. This story today is about events that occurred later in the afternoon.
                Arriving home after the nice ride, I felt obligated to indulge in a nap. After all I had eaten lunch and it is customary for this senior citizen to recline for a short period of time, in an effort to (metaphorically speaking) recharge the batteries.
                When I awoke from the sleep session, I felt the need to work! I must say that seemed a little out of character for me but I gave into the desire and proceeded outside. What should I do, was the thought that was stuck in my almost perfect brain. As I sat there in the old Ford’s rocking chair, located on the driveway near the garage door, I observed a police SUV drive past. Normally the police do not drive through our neighborhood, so seeing one is odd.
                A couple minutes later there was a second police car drive through. Even odder, two cops in one day, were they watching me? I dropped that thought and began considering the possibility that I might want to dig up an old fence post in the back yard. This post is located where I want to place a cactus that I am going to attempt to transplant.
                I acquired a shovel and began the work. I knew removing a post like this is not an easy job.
                I had not been working on this project very long when I decided to take this photo. As I stood there determining what angle would provide you with the best image of this project, something caught my eye. There was a cop car drive through again following the same path as the previous two vehicles. Now I know there is something going on so I, shovel in hand, walked to the front yard and looked up the avenue. I was wondering if there was some type of ongoing problem and if so, which house was this occurring at.
                Arriving at the front of the drive way and looking up the street there were no cop vehicles to be seen. Whatever is going on must be further up the avenue.
                I returned to my work and I put an additional 20 minutes or so in on this project. I was able to get the post somewhat loose but not out of the hole. The cement on the bottom two feet of the post make it difficult for one old person to extract.
                Worn out and feeling like a failure, I returned the shovel to its resting place and walked slowly to the old Ford’s rocker. I was considering my options for removing this post when it occurred to me that I had used a chain and the Ford’s pickup truck to remove the last post. Now I have a plan for tomorrow!
                Pay attention, this is where the story gets interesting!
                As I sat there resting after the brutal work period, as the warm rays of the sun shined on my back, (in my opinion) an unsafe event occurred. 
                A marked police car came down Arkansas Street at a high rate of speed. By high rate of speed it was (in my opinion) travelling much faster than the posted speed limit of 30 mph. The police vehicle came around the corner way too fast and was increasing speed rapidly, as it went up Oklahoma Avenue. There was no doubt in my mind, this officer was heading to some type of incident.
                I thought to myself, I do understand the need for police to respond quickly but why wasn’t this vehicle running his lights and siren. Lights and siren do offer an alert to the public. Continuing my thought on this subject, what would have happened if the kids that live two houses up the block were out in the street playing? Would the vehicle have been able to stop or avoid them? Those two kids play in the street a lot.
                I had no more than thought about the kids and the police car, when one of the kids came down their drive way riding a push scooter, and out into the street. She rode up and down the street several times and not at the edge of the street, she was in the middle of the street. What if she had been in the street a minute earlier?

Safety first, Please!

Don Ford

Friday, February 10, 2017

How do I know 02.10.17

                I Listen!
                What else do you need to know? If you want to know something try listening and you just might learn.
                What is it that I know? I know spring is here!
                The other morning, shortly after popping out of bed and performing my morning duties, I sauntered into the Ford’s living room. Even though I had just woken from a deep sleep, I became aware of a sound. This was a familiar sound from my past. There was no doubt what the sound was, as I have heard this sound at various times throughout my life. 
                There was a cricket making its chirping noise. When crickets are singing, spring is here.
(We may not have had enough cold weather to get rid of the bugs, it might be a buggy spring and summer)

Enjoy your spring day!

Don Ford

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Ships that pass in the night 02.09.17

                Well I do not know any stories about ships passing in the night or even in the day for that matter. But I do have a photo of two cats that passed this morning. I originally reached for the Ford’s kinda smart phone (windows phone) to get a photo of Charlie and Molly as the door was partially open, Charlie was on the outside looking in, while Molly was on the inside looking out. Before I could get the photo, Charlie had entered and was heading for the food!
                Each cat has taught us (the humans in this plot) to open the door to let them in or out, upon demand.
Changing the story:
                We just received a call saying the midway schools have been shut down today. We don’t know why but it was said that there are fire trucks, police and ambulances on seen at a couple of the schools. When the grandees are here it makes it more difficult for me to get my after lunch nap.
                I was going to ride out to the Bunk House for lunch today with a friend or two (yes I have friends)! Having the grandees here is a good reason for me to not ride today. Did I tell you that the high today is to be about 60? We have rescheduled the ride and will go tomorrow, when it will be a warmer, mid 70s! J
                Also, I have not been able to execute the needed repair on the weed eater. I did work on it but so far I am unsuccessful. L
May your day be filled with Grandees!
Don Ford

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Always working 02.08.17

                Yes the title is a definition that applies to me, “Always working”! Seldom do I get to take a break here at the Ford Homestead. On Tuesday of this week, I was required to fill in for the Grounds Manager, again! It seems as if every time there is any hard work for the Grounds Manager, he always has a reason to be gone.
                All the flower beds here at the Homestead need to be cleaned out so we assigned him the work, he responded with, “I have to go out of town for a week”. Since the weather was extremely good on Tuesday I stepped in and began the work. Consider, I was on my hands and knees removing leaves and dead flowers plus weeds from the flower bed. This particular bed is about 30 feet long and about 3 foot deep. There are rose bushes, cacti and other bushes that I had to work around.
                I was impelled several times even though I was working with gloves on. I was required to transplant four of the cacti. These cacti are very pretty but get real big, and having them in a flower bed close to the house is not good. I am going to try to move the large cactus too, and hope that I can get enough of the roots so it doesn’t die.
                Can you understand how demeaning it is when one of your neighbors sees you doing the Grounds Managers work? The neighbor might ask why you are on your knees in the yard again. Can’t you afford to have someone do this dirty work? It must be terrible to be so poor! How embarrassing!
                Well, the good thing about this situation, if there is a good thing, the flower bed was at the back side of the house so few, if anyone would, see me.  Click to enlarge.
                The next day, after working my old senior body to a point of near exhaustion, I decided that I should do less strenuous work, allowing my body to recover. I checked out the old tiller considering replacing the old motor. After reviewing specifications I found that I could not change the motors in a manner that would not directly affect our meager food budget. That idea went out the window.
                I then decided to try and replace fuel lines on the string trimmer. If you haven’t attempted to do this you will not understand the challenges that one would face in taking the trimmer apart, finding and replacing the gas lines and then putting said unit back together, all in hopes it will run.
                I went to brand X hardware store as it is closer to my homestead than the DIB store. One of their knowledgeable persons helped me find the vinyl tubing’s for the job. I purchased 12 inches of each. On my way out of the store I noticed that they had the gas lines in a prepackaged form. Why didn’t he show me this before he cut the other tubing?
                 I replaced the tubing’s, which was not an easy task, and I was skeptical that one of the vinyl tubes was going to seal properly, and not leak. I reassembled the gas take and carburetor, then, before putting the unit completely back together I added some gas. In a very short time there was a leak. I was correct, the one tube was too small in diameter. 
                The above photo is of the unit minus the tank with the old gas lines in place, click to enlarge.
                Today I must go back to the X hardware store, (the name of the store is kind of like playing cards) and get the correct vinyl tube and again work my fingers to the bone trying to repair the trimer. It would be so nice if I weren’t on a fixed income, then I could purchase new equipment and not have to try and repair the old!

May your day be filled with new equipment!

Don Ford