
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Paint, grass and eye surgery 092413

               As I have previously reported, I rode to San Antonio on Saturday which means I was not painting the trim on the house.

               Sunday, my spouse of 44 years and I went to the Cracker Barrow for Brunch. The food was good as usual but the service sucked. We sat there for approx. 30 minutes waiting on the food. Finally the server came to the table an apologized for the long wait saying the food would be up in a minute. I replied that I hoped it would be out soon. She left and a manager arrived at our table saying he was sorry for the wait and I replied, “I was also”. In a very short time a female manager arrived at our table with the food also apologizing. The food was hot and good but the services sucked. They did not offer any discount.

               We arrived home about 12:00 and I change into my old painting clothes and went to work. I was able to paint all the trim along the back of the house. The chimney still need a second coat of paint and I will get to that later.

               The rain has helped the grass so I decided to cut the grass front and back because I will not be able to use the mower for a couple weeks. I must say I was very tired when I completed my work but the house and yard looked real nice.

               I needed to get a good night sleep as I am supposed to be at the hospital by 5:30am. That seemed a little early to me but I was scheduled to have the first surgery.

The doctor said the surgery went well and told Donna to take me home.

               I had the next day check up this morning and again they said everything looks good. I can see real good with the eye today but it is still somewhat dilated which makes it a little difficult to look at bright lights.

               I have three different eye drops that I use every 6 hours (that is 4 times each day). Also I have to wear an eye protector when I sleep to keep me from rubbing the eye. In 30 days I should be at whatever is normal.

We hope you have an excellent day.

Don Ford

Monday, September 23, 2013

My most magnificent ride. 092313

               Thursday and Friday we had a little rain here at the Ford Homestead. Did I say, “a little rain”? We had 6.25 inches of needed rain. Yep, that is a lot of rain and it was standing in the back yard for a couple hours then, like a sponge, the yard absorbed all the water.
               A friend and I had been talking about a ride to San Antonio for lunch if the weather ever cooled off enough. The weather people were predicting cool temperatures for Saturday. My concern was the rain; would it be gone or still hanging around.
               Saturday morning came the temp was mid 60s and the sky was clear. It was a perfect day for riding so I called a friend to see if he was ready to ride. Unfortunately he was unable to go. I had emailed another friend earlier in the week but received no response.
               What should I do? I decided to ride alone.
               The ride was cool and fun with lots of nice scenery. The rain was no problem as the roads were dry and clean. I did run into a couple places where there was road work but that was not going to lessen my fun.
               I was riding some side roads and I expected my GPS to take me more directly to the Sea Island but it didn’t. There was traffic and road work near the Sea Island but after a few reroutings I arrived.
               May I say, the food was excellent, and I enjoyed every bite.
               After eating and a short break I headed for home. The trip was a total of 390 miles and before you ask; “No I do not think that is too far to go for lunch.”
I hope your day is as good as my ride!
Don Ford
               (The eye operation this morning seems to be a success)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Painting almost complete 9.20.13

               This project has proceeded better than expected. We have had three days to paint the trim on the main house at the Ford Homestead. Donna has painted the lower areas such as the post on the porch, the bench and the door.  I have painted everything that required a ladder.
               Everything has had a single coat with about 81.6% of all the trim having two coats. The rain today has stopped the painting.
Speaking of rain, there was 1.25 inches in the rain gage at 7:00 am this morning. Since that time it has rained continually and at times super hard. At 12:00 noon today the rain gage indicated 5.10 inches. That is 3.85 inches of rain in 5 hours. We need the rain but it would have been nice if the rain would have come over several days.
               As you should know, I am a retired senior citizen who doesn’t do a lot of exercising. Envision if you will how my legs, arms, back and feet felt each day when I was allowed to stop the forced labor painting of the trim.
Try carrying, placing and climbing one of three different ladders, numerous times and each time when you get to the top you must apply the paint to the proper trim without getting the paint on other wood work or falling. I did find it interesting that I felt most secure when using the extension ladder regardless of how high I was above the ground.    
               Let me show you the difference between the trim at the Ford Homestead, “pre and post painting” (that means before and after).
My spouse of 44 years liked the color red and now I like it. It wouldn’t do any good if I didn’t like it, she said paint it and I did.
I hope you have a colorful weekend.
Don Ford

Monday, September 16, 2013

Red Chairs 9.15.13

               It is required that all who live at the Ford Homestead must do their fair share of the work. The work is not assigned; rather it is willing accepted by those who live here.

This week my spouse of 44 years decided to paint the metal patio chairs and table. The set was black and had been outside in the weather for several years. She decided on red paint for one reason; she wants me to paint the trim of the house with red paint. The paint that is on the house now looks almost purple. It was supposed to be a red paint when it was applied a couple years ago.

I, not wanting to upset my lovely spouse of 44 years, agreed to paint the trim or at least try to. Part of the house trim can be reached with nothing more than a step stool. I will use my step stool, a ladder and a couple boards to make scaffolding. This should allow me to save a little time by not moving the ladder too frequently. 

I have placed a photo taken of the chairs and table when they were black so you will have a before and after photo. You can also see the trim on the house that looks purple and I will hopefully convert to red but not as red as the chairs.


Obviously the above photo was taken early this summer because the grass was still green due to large amounts of rain. Tejas appears to be enjoying the cool green grass.

Below we see my first wife’s idea of what metal chairs should look like.

I have one week to get the trim painted and I have stated that I will not work in the sun. I will attempt to work early and in the shade.

               I have talked about work too much, I need to stop now and possibly take a nap.


Have a colorful day/week.

Don Ford



Friday, September 13, 2013

What's new? 9.13.13

               Today is Friday 13th, and all is well. The temp today will max at 96 but next week we are supposed to have a cold front with afternoon highs only in the low 90s. Finally the weather is turning nice.

               I have some work I have been planning to do in the garage and my wife wants me to paint the trim around the outside of the house.

The cooler temps should make it possible for me to work outside. L

               I went to the eye doctor today for a checkup and they like me so much they dilated both of my eyes. I really do not like having my eyes dilated.

He said everything looked good (he shouldn’t expect anything less when looking into my eyes, I have always had those bed room blue eyes) and wanted to know if I had considered getting the cataract removed from the left eye. I told the doctor I was ready to get the other cataract removed.

It seems a little odd to me, I have to go to my doctor to be sure I am ok to have the surgery. Maybe I will have him look at my big toe and get a flu shot while I am there.

I am scheduled for surgery on Monday 23. The surgery isn’t so bad it is not being able to do much for 30 days after. No bending, lifting or working; I will just have to take it easy.

               Darn, I will not be able to work on the garage or paint the trim on the house until late October. J


I hope your Friday 13th was…

 Don Ford


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bugology studies at the Ford Homestead 9.12.13

               We do not receive government funding here at, “The Ford Homestead Institute of Higher Learning’s”, so our studies and findings are not widely known. If you would like a list of *published papers you should direct your requests to;
The Ford Homestead Institute of Higher Learning’s
General delivery
Hewitt, Texas
*Allow many weeks for delivery
               Today we would like to present to you a couple photos from our studies of the Cicada. Recent studies have revealed much fascinating and new information about the evolving life cycle of the Cicada. Here we see our Lead Bugologists (Alex) as he is observing a Cicada emerging from its shell.
Alex explained that the Cicada often will attach its shell to a tree but it prefers to attach to a red object if it is available. In this case it has found the recently painted red lawn chair. Alex noted that the Cicada was not attached to the chair when he examined them yesterday.
A close up photo discloses the light green part of the Cicada’s body, which is the newest portion of the Cicada, emerging from the older brown shell.
Alex noted; “you may feel as if someone is watching you when you view this photo”. That may be due to the fact, “the Cicada has very large eyes”. 
If you would like more info on the Cicada go to “Cicada life cycle” on the internet or send a self-addressed stamped envelope with a $25.00 donation for our printed material.
A question was asked; “Mr. Ford, are you a Bugologists”?
To be totally honest, I am not a Bugologists but many believe I have Bugs in my head.
Have an evolving and emerging day.
Don Ford
I probably do not need to say this but some of the above info is not factual.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trashy people. 9.11.13

               As many of you understand, I, “The Reverend Ford”, am not opinionated. I have an open mind on almost all subjects. My open mindedness allows me to “criticize anyone at any time for anything.”  

               Today I would like to be critical of someone who has walked through our neighborhood about 7:00am, the past few days, leading a dog. In all actuality, the dog is leading the person and the person is attached to the dog via a lead. The lead is one of those that is retractable and will allow the dog to get as far as 20 feet away from the person.

               Personally, I am not sure whether this person is male or female. My spouse of 44 years has indicated that it is a female but either way trash is trash.

               The person does not attempt to restrain the dog other than keeping it on the 20 foot lead. I observed this dog walker (a somewhat thick bodied person) allow the dog to enter a neighbor’s yard to the full extent of the lead, possibly 4 feet from their house and the dog defecated on the lawn. The person was looking around during the time the dog was having a bowel movement, I assume to see if anyone was watching.

               Having seen my spouse of 44 years and I sitting on our rocking chairs near the garage door, (yes we were on our rockers and not off our rockers) this person proceeded into the yard and picked up the warm dog manure. I assume this person enjoys carrying warm, possibly aromatic dog manure.  

               Although this person did pick up the dog manure I still consider him/her as trashy for allowing the dog into the neighbor’s yard.

               Observing a person who allows their dog to defecate in someone’s yard is rather irritating but telling the story to you is rather rewarding and fulfilling. I am now relaxed and ready to face the day.


I hope your day is rewarding and fulfilling.

Don Ford


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Interesting. 9.10.13

               I was sitting in my trusty rocking chair near the garage door on the drive way as I considered my thoughts.  It would be impossible to relate all the thoughts and or ideas that flow through my head. Some may say, it is easy for an idea to flow through Ford’s head because there is nothing in his head to slow the idea down.

               Obviously that is not a true statement; if my head were empty it would not weigh as much and would not need to be as big as it is. Truthfully, it is difficult to get my T-shirt off at night due to my head being so big.

               What kind of thoughts go through my head when I am pondering? For that one person that doesn’t understand the word pondering it has nothing to do with a pond of water, it basically means thinking about something.

Darn, now I have used a word that Texans don’t understand and that word is pond. For some reason here in Texas a pond of water is referred to as a “tank”.  When we first moved here a new friend invited me to go fishing with him at his grandpa’s farm. He explained that his grandpa had a big tank on the farm and there was some big cat fish in it. In my mind a tank of water was a metal or cement circular container, used to store water for the livestock to drink from.

Back to my original thought; did I even have an original thought for this article. As I was sitting there allowing thoughts to fill my head I noticed our cat Molly-T. She is the color of an old blue haired lady.  Come on, you have seen old ladies with that blue gray hair, that is Molly’s color.

I also had a thought about “pinky swears”. As I thought about the meaning of a “pinky swear” I realized, even though I know what they are I had never made a “pinky swear”

It rained yesterday afternoon, my rain gage indicated about ¼ inch. I can’t be sure that the rain gage was empty so I am not sure of the amount.

We had fall like temperatures yesterday, it was only 94 degrees. We appreciate any cool weather that comes our way.

I guess I need to rest after all this exertion (typing) so I will stop and try to do something relaxing like driving over to the Whataburger for a breakfast sandwich.


Have a thoughtful day. 

Don Ford



Monday, September 9, 2013

Give away my ideas. 9.8.13

               Today is Sunday; it is too hot to go for a long ride on the motorcycle and way too hot to work outside. I decided I would go into town in my pickup and get some chalk for my chalk line. On the way into town I forced myself to stop at the Star Bucks coffee emporium. That is where I came up with the perfect idea for coffee lovers.

               As usual, when I come up with a money making idea I give it away. Today was no exception. When the fellow brought my coffee to the window, I told him I would give him a money making idea but I wanted a small percentage of the profit. He listened.

               I explained that there is a very strong, “coffee aroma” that greets the customer when they open the window to serve you. I then suggested that Star Bucks should make an “aroma enhancer” (air fresheners) with that wonderful coffee aroma. He seemed to like the idea but, they are paid to be nice to paying customers.

               As I see it, the “aroma enhancer” would come in at least 3 versions.

               One version is a spray bottle; when sprayed on a carpet in a vehicle or on a cloth placed in a vehicle or room, the aroma should last about 30 minutes to an hour.

               Second version would be an aroma enhancerthat could be placed on an air conditioner vent. In this version the aroma would last a week or so. 

               My third version would be a paper type aroma enhancerthat could be hung on a mirror or any place. In this version the aroma would last a few hours.

               To get customers interested in the “aroma enhancer” they would give the third version (smallest and least expensive) away to customers over a several week period of time with an advertisement to purchase.

               Think how many positive comments you might get when someone gets into your vehicle or comes into your office when the “aroma enhancer” is being used. This product could be used in a man cave or just about anywhere. Think about this; next time you are on a flight and the fellow sitting in the seat next to you smells as if he hasn’t ever had a bath, you could deploy an “aroma enhancer” and the situation may not be perfect, but it would be better. 

I hope you have an “aroma enhanced” day.

Don Ford


Friday, September 6, 2013

Not on schedule. 090613

               First I would like to say thank you to everyone who has inquired about making donations toward the, “foundation repair at the Ford Homestead”.

               Below are three photos of the repairs to the foundation. The work was supposed to have begun on Wednesday morning and complete on Thursday. I received a call Wednesday morning saying they would be arriving about noon; they were having some difficulties at another job site.  When they arrived there was a couple hours of work and unloaded some supplies on to our yard.

               The next day they arrived on time and went to work. These fellows are hard workers and must be paid by the job as they do not waste much time.

               They are very careful with anything that you designate as fragile or a flower that you don’t want killed. Past that, they don’t much care where they walk sit or stand, including areas that are flower beds. 


Above they are digging holes in the drive way.

Two holes were dug in the porch. They reopened holes along the outside of the porch.

They were careful to lay down plastic to place the dirt on and the dirt was covered when they stopped work for the day. 

               Today is Friday and they should finish today. They are all laying in the front yard on some plywood taking a nap while they wait for the engineer to arrive. The engineer must be here when the house is being leveled. He checks for level and also to verify that the work is completed properly.

               A neighbor down the street is having their house leveled by another company.





Changing the subject a little;

Seniors, Schedules, Rules and Laws

Seniors may not acknowledge how important schedules are to them but...


You probably know that I have studied human behavior for years and with this vast amount of information, I will attempt to help you understand seniors.

If you were to go to a nursing home a few minutes before a meal and observe those people that live there, you would see it does not matter who is visiting, when it is time to go to the cafeteria to eat, they go. These seniors have adapted to their schedule and if you attempt to alter their schedule in any way you will meet with resistance and irritation.

The appearance of irritation is what we will focus on. When you see an older person that seems to be upset it may very well be that something has put them off their schedule.

One can lessen the irritation by notifying the seniors involved of a canceled or postponed event. If possible, one should not wait until the last minute to notify others.

You want to know what type of event will possibly cause a senior to become irritated. It could be for almost any reason, cleaning, shopping, visiting someone, a TV show, meal time, taking a shower, etc.  

The lesson here is, “Be mindful of others schedules, especially seniors”.


A slightly different subject;

Seniors most often see Rules and Laws as black and white. No not a race thing, rules and laws too many seniors do not have a gray area (yes their hair may have a gray area)

When was the last time you rode in a vehicle with a senior, they do not have to be the driver. The senior will most often comment on drivers who do anything which is even slightly outside the law.

Example; that car passed me and I am doing the speed limit, where is a cop when you need them.

Example; look at the woman, she is texting while she is driving; where is a cop when you need them.

Example: the traffic light has just turned yellow and a driver goes through it; where is a cop when you need them.

Example; a person mows their lawn and during the process blows grass cuttings into the street. This person does not clean the grass up when he finishes. To seniors, that rule or ordnance does not have a gray area. (That is one of my bug a boos).

As a senior, I believe non-seniors should pay more attention to me Seniors.       

“Respect Thyn Senior”.

There should be many more discounts for me Seniors.


I hope your schedule is uninterrupted.

Don Ford

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A definition explained. 09/02/13

On a recent Saturday morning as I sat in my chair sipping coffee from a cup (it was a glass Starbucks cup that had been donated a few years ago) while watching Sponge Bob (the grandkids had stayed overnight) my nimble mine was moving at light speed. When your mind moves as fast as mine, things are often a blur. Some people think this blur is cause by old age, possibly a slowing of the brain, but it is actually due to the brain speeding up.

A word popped into my head and I began to think of its use and definition.

Fan  1. Any device for producing a current of air by the movement of a broad surface or a number of such surfaces:  2. An implement of feathers, leaves, paper, cloth, etc., often in the shape of a long triangle or of a semicircle, for waving lightly in the hand to create a cooling current of air about a person:

               There is another definition of the word fan. I was surprised, as you will be, at its origin. A fan can also be a person that likes something or someone. It is a common misconception to assume that the word fan when used in the admiration of someone or something is a contraction of the word fascination.

It seems, back in the olden days before there was air-conditioning, people would use hand held fans to provide some cooling air when attending an event or service. When reporters, looking at the those in attendance at an event, saw these fans waving they began to comment that X-number of fans were present… and that is how the word fan began to be used when referring to the devotees and or followers.


I hope you have a fantastic day.


Don Ford


For those of you who might believe the above, it was made up from my fertile mind. I have no idea how the word fan began to be used.



September 1st, how do I know? 09/01/13

               In the olden day, and I do mean olden, when I was a little person, the first of September was a holiday (yes I know it is still a holiday) and it also meant school would be starting soon.

The fair would be coming to town about the second week of September. School was let out for half a day to attend the fair. We were usually taken to the fair, dropped off, yes basically turned loose.  If we were lucky we would have $1.50 to $2.00 to spend at the fair. That amount of money was for rides and food.

Now day’s school has already started when the September holiday arrives.  $2.00 wouldn’t get you a coke. I guess that is why retired people on a fixed income don’t go to fairs.

Sunday morning September the 1st, I was up before daylight. Occasionally I can find an old TV show (reruns from years ago) to watch as I indulge in my morning coffee. Mind you, I was in the house with the back door open as the sun began to rise. I was able to know the date due to the sound I heard outside.

Our house is about a mile from the city limit as the crow flies but the sounds were easily heard. To me, it sounded as if there was a war going on. Yep, it is dove season again and the hunters were out in force. There was times when I would hear 50 plus shots in a minute. I wish I had sold these hunters all the ammo they were shooting, I would be rich. 

On a totally different subject; I had walked out to the shed and Tejas was at my side. Upon returning from the shed Tejas stopped at a flower bed and was smelling the flowers. Possibly he was smelling the rabbit that jumped out the opposite side of the flower bed and startled me. The odd thing about that incident, Tejas never saw the rabbit.

Switching subjects again; I have a medical problem. Well it is more like a broken toe and if not broken it is sure is bruised and hurts. Now you know that I am always calm and cool, almost never getting upset or in a hurry. Saturday may have been an exception to that fact. I was attempting to repair my first wife’s sweeper. I was in the office area and I went in and out of the office to the garage to get tools several times. The door from the office to the garage doesn’t open very easily due to the house being unleveled.  (The foundation people are coming out on the 3rd and 4th to level the house. Half of the work is warrantee and the other half is new work.)

To open the door I was lightly kicking the bottom of the door as I turned the door knob. It is possible that I may have become upset about something and kicked the door too often or too hard. My big toe is now a bigger toe and it is blue. Ice has helped but it still hurts when I walk.


May all your doors open easily.

Don Ford