
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Worthless 06/30/2021

            What does the word in the title line mean? Basically, it means something that is not worth anything.

            What does thornless mean? When referring to black berries, does it mean without thorns? I have a suggestion, possibly thornless, when referring to black berries means. “With less thorns”.



            The two black berries that we have in the bed #3, which were said to be thornless, do have some thorns, as seen in the above photo.

            We have a thornless black berry that has no thorns in bed #2, the few berries that came from it were very small.

            Let’s change topics; it seems a neighbor is having a birthday today. As the Tres and I walked this morning we noticed a sign in a neighbor’s front yard!



                                    Happy birthday Neva!


Have a blessed day!

Senior retired person who needs a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Am I good? Yep! 06/29/2021

            Why would I think that I am good, heck you should know the answer without me telling you! Let’s discuss what I was able to accomplish yesterday, even though it rained. What? Oh, we had almost 1.5 inches of rain yesterday.

            I will be right back.

            Ok I am back. Before you ask, I went out and turned off the sprinkler system. Yes, the system was turned off automatically by the device that shuts the system down when it is raining. The device turns the system off during rain, but it will turn it back on if it isn’t raining the next day, and the system was schedule to run the next day.

            I went to our son David’s home today, to allow the garage door repairman to, “Repair the garage door”! The door is repaired. The repairman and I talked about motorcycles during the repair time.

            Later yesterday, I again decided to address my favorite spouse’s new cell phone. In other words, I decided to attempt to add her other email to the cell phone. My son Patrick, had sent me some info about installing this email. I worked at it for possibly 20 minutes before I got the info right. Maybe a little prayer helped! Now her cell phone will receive all her emails. Then I started writing this posting.

            I did not do much more, as ole people are too weak to work hard. Oh, I did get almost a quart of black berries and I have a photo of the new berry that I had dug up and replanted yesterday.


            The yellow arrow points to the newest black berry plant. The rain may be helping.

            Topic change; yesterday I watched a news program, it was a one-hour program. During the program there was 38 minutes of so-called news, and 22 minutes of commercials. The so-called news must have been interesting, if I was timing the commercials. Wow, News!

            Today Tuesday; as the Tres and I walked I had decided to take a slightly different path. I decided to walk down a street, turn and walk back up the same street and then start for home.

            Why am I telling you this? Well, it is not what we usually do, and when we got to the end of the street Tres started making the turn before I did, and without me pulling on his lead. It was as if we had the same thought or he was reading my mind.


Prayer helps with everything!

Senior retired person who prays often, I pray for you, Don the Ford

Monday, June 28, 2021

Wow, yesterday? 06/28/2021

            Let's see, where should I start. My favorite wife has a new cell phone and it will not take her primary email info. The phone operates completely different from the old phone and different from mine. She can still use her old phone to see her emails, just can't call or text on it.

            It rained off and on yesterday.

            I fashioned a couple more walking sticks yesterday, I don't need any more sticks, but it gives me something to do.

            I dug up and replanted another black berry plant. It came from #1 bed and is now in #3 bed. I hope it lives.

            I planted two flowers for my first wife.

            Our neighbor lady, her husband, and the three kids came over yesterday afternoon. They brough me some chocolate chip cookies for keeping an eye on the house while they were gone. I thought it was unusual for the husband to come over with them and then we learned, they are moving back to their home state. They will be here another 6 weeks and then they are gone. They are good neighbors; we will miss them.

            Topic change; I am waiting on a call to go to our son David's house, the garage door people are supposed to be there to replace a spring.


            That is all for now, coffee time!


Think positive and smile!


Senior retired person who is still able to smile, once in a while, Don the Ford




Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday morning post 06/27/2021

            Nothing to talk about this morning, I have watered all the flowers and black berries out back this morning. I took a photo while watering.


            Have a good day!


Nice Guys finish…!

Senior retired person who is not yet finished, Don the Ford

Saturday, June 26, 2021

No clothes 06/26/2021

            Yes, I would have thought the same thing after reading the title line, the Ford is running around the neighborhood in the nude again.

            Well, it is not about me being nude while mowing the yard again, I have a different subject for today soon to be wonderful posting.

            Now you do not need to believe in aliens from other planets, and that is ok. I am here to explain a few things from the future. Below we see a representation of possible so-called Gray Aliens. You may have noticed they have no clothes on, and that is a part of their, and our, soon to be political evolution.  


            The Gray Aliens use to be a lot like us in appearance, and they wore clothes, although their clothes were somewhat different from what we wear.

            As the Grays evolved, they went through many political changes, and some of those changes are the reason that they do not have, or need clothes. Now you may wonder how political changes influenced the Grays to give up clothes.

            The big changes came through equality of the sexes and races. Basically, male Grays were not to be any stronger than the female, and the female was to be as strong as the males. All Grays were to be equal, the politicians decided that the terms male or female, should not be used.

            The government established the gene-pool, that was used in the birthing machine, in which all future Grays would look alike. As time passed, they got to a point where artificial insemination was the norm, and there was no longer the need to have sex. This gene-pool created Grays with out sex organs. All Grays are now alike, there is no male / female, and as you can see, they look and are, equals.      

                                    Is equality Great?

          The Government also established the color of their skin! There was to be only one race and it was decided that Gray would be the color.


            Once this gene-pool and birthing machine was put in place, the Grays realized they did not need to wear clothes. Now you know why they all look alike and why they are clothes-less.

            Now let’s consider, you and I.

            We are in the beginning stages of sexual equality. There are those who want there to be no sexual difference. We are heading down the same path as the Grays.

            Think about this, you don’t need to worry about your spouse flirting with someone else, when every one is the same. Heck there is no male or female, who would they flirt with? You want a child; you ask the government for permission to have a child.

            Did I tell you, if you wanted a child, they would only provide one that was at least half grown, you did not get a baby! The government and the robots took care of the babies and younglings until they were half grown, then if you wanted one, you could choose one from the governments collection. 

                                    The End or is it the beginning?


            As I sat outside yesterday, I was enjoying an adult beverage. I often look up at the clouds to see if there are any interesting shapes, and I often see jets flying over.

            Yesterday, I saw my first UFO. Now before you think that I have went off the deep end, allow me to explain.

            I saw what was possibly a jet plane, but I could not see any wings. This thing was as high or higher than the usual jets, it was shiny and moving much faster than the usual jets

            If this was a jet it moved across the sky two or three times faster than other jets.

            Since I could not see wings, it was a UFO.


May you have as much fun as me!


Senior person who has seen his first UFO, Don the Ford.

Friday, June 25, 2021

I am only OK 06/25/2021

            As the Tres and I walked this morning, a lady up the street who was watering flowers said, “Your dog is beautiful”, to which I asked, “What about me”, and she said, “You are ok but, he is extra special”!         Wow, I am ok, and Tres is extra special! With tears in my eyes I proceeded to continue, walking the dog.

            Subject change; I may not have received the acclamation that Tres did, but in the following photo you will see a handsome senior person with new sun glasses.


            As you can see, this photo is worth a thousand words.


With nothing else to say, I proceed to the coffee pot for a cup.


May Your day be blessed!


Senior retired person with new glasses, Don the Ford

            What, you say the glasses make my nose look bigger!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Saving energy 06/24/2021

            For that one person who read the title line, "Saving energy", has nothing to do with electric. The title line has to do with, old people who try to save their energy.

            I was listening to either the radio or TV when someone who was making fun of ole people said, "When an ole person bends down to pick something up from the floor, they look around to see if there is anything else, they need to do while they are down there"!

            Well, you know how I listen to comments, and then evaluate the information to see whether it is correct or just BS. The fellow who was making fun of ole people was actually correct. When I start to do something, I try to evaluate the situation and see if I can save a step or two.

            Example; I went out to bring the recycle bin back in from the street. When I arrived at our recycle bin, I started to bring it back to the house but then I thought, I can save steps if I go get the neighbors recycle bin and put it up first, then when I return to my bin, I can take it off the street. Otherwise I would have walked down our drive, got the bin and taken it back to the house, then walk back down the drive, and then walk to the neighbors. I saved a trip up and down our drive way!

            The neighbor is on vacation and I am keeping an eye on their house. I did learn yesterday from a neighbor lady, that I am a good neighbor. I had told her, I was checking the doors and windows of their house while they are gone, and she said, "You are a good neighbor!" 😊 Wow, I am Good!

            Yes, we got the new refrigerator yesterday. The delivery lady called and asked if she could deliver it earlier than scheduled. I told her she could if she would pay me $25.00 for an early delivery. She could not understand why I wanted money for an early delivery. They got it in safely. They did not take all the tape and plastic sheets off the refrigerator.

            Our son David helped us level the unit. Now we have to wait until it gets cool throughout before we can begin to put items inside. I have a photo but the van was in the garage when the photo was taken, reducing room for a good photo. 


            I have some walking sticks that I would be happy to give away. I gave several to a friend who was holing a garage sale for foster dogs. This person sold the walking sticks for .50 cents each. Now I know the walking sticks are just limbs, that I have converted into a walking stick, and selling them for .50 cents was irritating to me. One walking stick would take a couple hours to complete. If they would have sold them for 4 or 5 dollars, I would have been happy.

            My walking sticks, I will not sell for .50 cents, but I will give them away, free! Yep, ole people are odd!


            When Tres and I walked yesterday, I forgot to put my ear buds in, so I thought I could not listen to the radio from my cell phone while walking. Then I decided to just use the cell phone speaker, putting the phone in my shirt pocket. It worked but others could hear it also.


            Today is Thursday, we can now begin putting items in the new refrigerator, Yay!


May your day be blessed with much kindness!


Senior retired person who is adjusting a little, to the heat, Don the Ford

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Delivery day 06/23/2021

            Yesterday I decided to see if I could do some maintenance on the Ford's ole riding mower. I had noticed that it seemed to be cutting on an angle, one side lower than the other. I also want to grease anything that needed to be greased.

            After some review of the mower and some grease, I decided to check the air in the tires. The tires did not appear to be low on air but, one of the tires had such a small amount of air in it, that it would not register on the gage. I filled the tires with the proper air pressure, and the mower deck was then level to the garage floor.

            Yep, I am a good mower mechanic! Well, I know how to put air in the tires!

            As you should know, we here at the Ford homestead are scheduled to get a new refrigerator today, replacing the ole ice box in the garage. (I believe, most of you are too young to have an idea what an ice box was. I remember in the olden days, seeing the ice man delivering blocks of ice.) We now understand the new refrigerator will arrive between 1:00 and 5:00pm today.

            I have a couple photos of flowers to brighten up your day.

   I have taken photos of the roses on that bush several times in the past, and again this morning, I could not resist. The roses on that bush are much prettier than what you see in the photo. The Hibiscus is pretty and a little dark, as the clouds have the sun blocked this morning.


            Well, I need to go and get the garage ready for the, "Delivery"! Coffee may be consumed prior to any work! 😊

Be nice to someone,

you will feel good!


Senior retired person who may get rid of an Ice Box today, Don the Ford

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

What did I do 06/22/2021

            Tres and I went for an early morning walk, you know, it is supposed to be much cooler today than yesterday. There was less heat in today's walk, but I was still hot and sweaty when we arrived home, but not as hot as yesterday!   

            Yesterday, I had a list of several things that I wanted or needed to do. Let's see how well an ole retired senior person did.

            Water the flowers in the back yard, Done, Black berries too

            Try to find a cooler in the Ford's ole shed, Done, did not find

            Look for any empty totes in the shed, Done, did not find, went to store and purchased.

            Mow the front yard, Done, Mowed my front yard;

                                                Done, mowed it a second time;

                                                Done, mowed the neighbors front yard!


           Paint a piece of ply wood, Done

            Topic change; While watering the flowers, I found a frog in a flower pot, green arrow marks the spot.

      Wow, an ole retired senior person was able to do more than he had planned to do, and he is still able to sit around and complain about everything! What could be better?

            I thought I needed a cooler to put items from the ole ice box in, while they install the new refrigerator tomorrow, and allow it time to get cool on the inside. My favorite wife moved a couple items from the ice box, and what is left is mostly soda, water and gator aid, which don't need to be refrigerated. I think we are ok.

            I need to bring the ole riding mower to the garage, where I can pretend to work on it. I think it might need some adjustments and some lubrication.

            Comment on lubrication and then I will shut up: when I put fresh oil in a lawn mower, I find it almost impossible to see where it is, on the dip stick. Clean oil is clear!


Enjoy the cool day, it will not last!  


Senior retired person enjoying the cooler day, Don the Ford

Monday, June 21, 2021

Beginning again 06/21/2021

            What is beginning again, the week is beginning again. As the Tres and I walked this morning a male subject exited his home and walked out to the street to get in his vehicle. This male subject said, “Good morning”, to which I replied, “Good morning”. He then said, “I Guess it is good, it is Monday”, to which I replied, “Is it Monday again, us ole people often don’t know what day it is”. He laughed and entered his vehicle as we walked on down the street.

            I have several things I need to do today;

            Water the flowers in the back yard,

            Try to find a cooler in the Ford’s ole shed,

            Look for any empty totes in the shed,

            Mow the front yard,

            Paint a piece of ply wood, 


            I went to get a couple burritos this morning and the Mexican restaurant was closed.

            I have a photo of the rack / shelf with the van parked in the garage. The photo is not that good but one can see the unit, and that the van will still fit in the garage. 


            I have put a bunch of stuff on the rack temporarily, still more to do.


May your day be blessed!


Senior person with a full day ahead of him, Don the Ford

Sunday, June 20, 2021

What, I missed... 06/20/2021

            Heck, when you are an ole senior retired person on a fixed income, you miss a lot of things. In truth, I did not realize that I had missed out until we had finished picking the black berries, a little after 7:00pm. The berries are still producing but not as many as a few days ago.

            I was able to water the flower beds along the back of the homestead during the time we were at the berry beds. I guess I need to get out back this morning and water the #3 bed before the sun gets too hot.

            What, you want to know what I missed? I was out eating supper with Patrick and Karla, then when we arrived home, they left and went to their own home. That is when we picked the black berries, and I realized, “I had missed the Three Stooges”! 

            Changing sons; David, Claire, Gabi and Alex will be here later today, and yes Alex made it home from Boy Scout Camp yesterday!

            Another subject; the front yard looks very good, but the grass is too tall and needs to be cut again. I mowed it Thursday and it needs it again. A neighbor is on vacation and his yard needs to be mowed. I might get the rider out and see if it will mow their front yard. Speaking of the rider, I checked the gas filter and gas line to the carburetor, they were clear. I then started the mower and rode it around for a while. I did not have any problems. Will it mow the yard or will it stop under a load?

            I need to get the ole ice box ready to be removed, the new refrigerator should be here on Wednesday. I also need to get some wood to use for the shelves on the new rack. As usual, a lot of work for the ole senior retired person!


Happy Father’s Day!


Senior father who is proud of his sons, Don the Ford

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Yesterday / Today 06/19/2021

            Yes, I do understand, you are getting tired of me telling you what I have or have not done. That being the situation, just stop reading this posting now. During the day, do not wonder what I had to say or what photos I have included. No one, not even you, should have to put up with my rantings!

            Let see, for the rest of you, where should I begin? I bought some very expensive lumber Thursday, hoping to be physically fit enough to build a rack in the garage.

            Friday, I drug my ole body out in the super-hot garage, (I did have a fan) where I began to mark the boards for the sawing that would take place. It is difficult for ole retired senior people to make all those cuts with the hand saw, so I walked all the way out to the ole shed and secured my chop saw, which is on a folding rack with wheels. I was able to pull the chop saw from the back 40 up to the garage door.

            Looking around, it was decided that I should place the chop saw in the shade in the front yard. I then reviewed and remeasured all the markings that I had placed on the wood, measure twice cut once!

            I had to do several adjustments to the chop saw as the cuts I wanted to make, would only cut half way through the boards. These cuts allowed me to insert other boards onto the cut which help make the rack stronger. You may be able to see one of the cuts in the photo below.

            I made a few cuts and then went to lunch. I rested my poor ole body after a quick lunch then I returned to the heat and heavy work load. It took a while to make all the cuts, then I began putting the puzzle together. Photo to follow, front and back ready to be attached.


            Yes, my supervisor Tres, was taking a nap when this photo was taken.

            I procured some clamps from the shed, which I used to hold the front and back together so I could attach the connecting boards. I know it all sounds easy but it wasn’t, and even though I had a fan it was very hot.

            I had started working about 9:00am, and had the unit together about 3:00.


            After all that work, I went into the house for a 20-minute rest break. Rest over, I went into the ole office and read the bible for a while.

            I then decided to go out and mow the back yard. It was very hot in the back yard but there was some shade in a few spots. The grass in the back yard was much taller than I thought. In the next to last pass through the yard, the lawn mower quit running. It did start again and as I was mowing the last strip of grass the mower stopped again. It started again and I finished the yard and the mower stopped again. Something else that needs my attention!

            All the work completed we picked the black berries.

            The day was mostly over when my favorite spouse told me that I would be allowed to paint the rack before it is put into use.

            Saturday: I painted the rack. Photo to follow, there is one spot that I missed.

            The above was two days reviewed of an ole person’s work.

Tired but still moving!

Senior retired person with more work in the garage and on the mower, Don the Ford

Friday, June 18, 2021

Change is difficult 06/18/2021

            Change, even small changes are difficult for this ole senior retired person. Yes, I have brought this subject up in past posts, and will likely bring it up in the future. This morning as I was preparing to brush my teeth, and before that one smarty comments, yes, I do brush my teeth.

            Let’s see, what was I saying? Oh ok, I was preparing to brush my teeth this morning, but I had the tooth brush in my left hand and the tooth paste my right hand. I noticed that it seemed so odd that I had to change the tooth brush and tooth paste to the other hands, then I could put the tooth paste on the tooth brush. A habit that small and insignificant, yet it is one of those things that I would need to concentrate on if I was going to attempt to change it. 

            Speaking of change, I am watching less and less of the so-called TV news. Now that I think of it, do they even refer to those programs as news? One of the morning programs is known as “Good Morning America”, not morning news.

            Topic change; I have a photo that speaks for itself.


            Nap time at the Ford Homestead.

            Subject modification: I went to the Home store yesterday and purchased 9 each 2 X 4s. I have decided to fight the heat and get to work on the second shelf rack in the garages. You don’t want to know how much I paid for these boards. I reviewed my plans for this rack and found that I will need to modify them. Part of what I had originally wanted to do, will not work, so changes will be made to the plans, Darn it!

            I guess I should get started an beat some of the heat, that is after a cup of coffee.


Work not, accomplish not!

                        Words of wisdom from the Don!


Senior retired person who is heading for the hot garage, Don the Ford

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Late night snack 06/17/2021

            What is your favorite late-night snack? My late nights usually involve sleeping, but if I am awake, would likely involve going to the little boy’s room and not eating food. My favorite spouse stays up later than I do, and she sometimes has ice cream for the late-night snack.

            Last evening as usual, my wife and Tres went outside to encourage the cats to get into the homestead before the doors were all shut and locked. Molley was cooperating but Charlie was not. Charlie was having a late-night snack near one of the flower beds in the front yard. He refused to come into the house and continued snacking. I guess having, “baby rabbit for a late-night snack”, is better than going into the house for a good night’s sleep.

            Let’s change the topic; My favorite wife got her glass table top for the patio table yesterday. I was allowed to help her install the glass table top, remove and ole rug, install a new rug, and install a new table umbrella. The new items are very colorful, I have photos.



            Yep, it is colorful and my favorite wife is happy! I might get a hug for helping.

            Change of focus; I did mow the front yard yesterday, and it looks good. I raised the mower to the highest level before mowing. I have a photo in which I was trying to show the height of the grass prior to mowing. In the photo the grass in front of the mower has not been cut, at the side it has been cut.


May your day be filled with kindness!


Senior person who took Tres for a walk early today, Don the Ford