
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Re-working 11/30/2021

            Wow, this is the last day of November, the month went past quickly, or did it?

             I know that all I write about is what happens here at the Ford homestead, yep it is a blog, that seems to be my journal. I just thought, you are able to read my journal, does that make you feel a little nosy?

            I just got up from the desk and went to get a bowl of cereal. Think about that for a moment, a bowl of cereal is more important than my journal. Anytime a bowl of cereal is more important than something you are doing, then what you are doing may not be very important!

            Allow me to address the title line; I just took a couple bites of the cereal, before entering any data into the daily journal, so the title line may not be that important. Let’s see, Re-working would indicate that someone, me, was working on something, decorations, that had already been worked on, and now needs to be re-worked.

            Allow me to provide a little history, starting yesterday morning, which will lead us to what must have been a devastating blow, to the senior Christmas decorator, the Don.

            It was a cool November morning as I waited for the grand kids to arrive here at the homestead. I was surveying the areas that still needs more decorations. As I saw it, most of my work was going to be done from a ladder. Now before you say it, yes, I am old, and I should not be climbing on a ladder. This ladder is very sturdy and most of my work can be done from the second rung. I do take my time, and I do hold on tight, I do not get on an unstable ladder.

            The grand kids arrived and we headed off to the schools, we dropped Alex off first, and then took Gabi to her school. Heading back home I was wondering if it was too cool to start the decorating? When I arrived at home, I decided to get a cup of coffee and sit on the Ford’s ole recliner as I consumed the coffee.

            After about 30 minutes of careful consideration, I decided it was not too cold to go outside and work. I then was able to make my way to the shed where I procured the Ford’s, safe ole ladder. The most difficult part of putting the lights on the house was, positioning the ladder. There are places where a bush or other object would be in the way.

            It took about 1.5 hours to get the lights across the front of the house on the edge of the roof, and around the flower bed over to the side walk. I then went in and ask my supervisor to come out and review the work. I was instructed to move the lights that I had previously positioned the day before, along the flower bed starting at the garage and ending about 8 feet from the walk. My supervisor noted that the lights need to end at the side walk, that would balance the lighting. 

            With tears in my eyes, I was able to drag my ole body back into the homestead. I sat here at my desk considering all the work I had completed, and all the work I am now required to do.

            When I returned from getting Alex at school, I pulled each of the light stakes out of the ground, move the entire string of lights (which is 60 feet long) and then, starting at the walk way, reinsert the light stakes with the lights on them back into the ground. That means I was on my knees, and yes, I was praying during this work period. I was able to get the light stakes pulled, then moved, and reinstalled into the ground. That was yesterday.

            Today; I still need to get on my knees again, and after praying for guidance, I will install the light stakes with lights, on the other side of the walk, around that flower bed, and all the way to the house. Who knows if my supervisor has more for me to do?

            As one can see, this is another page for my blog, AKA, my journal!

Thank you, is nice to hear!

Senior retired person who doesn’t feel retired this week, Don the Ford

Monday, November 29, 2021

Forced, nope allowed 11/29/2021

            I want you all to know, I was not forced this time, I was allowed to help install some Christmas decorations yesterday. I do have some photos which shows what the Ford’s did yesterday. But first, I will verbalize some of what I did.

            Sitting in the garage I repaired a couple trees that had some of the lights out. Knowing that when one light burns out, that will not cause a bunch of lights to go out. I presumed that one of the many lights which were out, may have been loose or a light missing. I checked each of the lights that were out and I did find one that was broken, I fixed it, and on the other tree there was a loose light, I fixed that. Both trees were installed yesterday.

            Also, I hooked the wires from the homestead to the various displays. I installed one string of lights around the flower bed, another is needed. No lights along the roof yet.



            The photos were taken before it was dark, they appear much brighter after dark. 4 photos equal 4,000 words.

            My favorite wife is installing some decorations in the house at this time, I am not totally sure what I will do today, but I am sure it will be after the temperature warms up a little.


Whatever you do, stay safe!


Senior person who knows how to decorate, Don the Ford


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Today is Sunday 11/28/2021

            Yes, today is Sunday and we hope it is a, “Sun day, as we had rain almost all day yesterday.

            My favorite wife is wanting to get the Christmas decorations put in place, both outside and inside. I did replace some of those very small Christmas lights on a white rain deer yesterday. I would remove a light bulb that did not work from one deer, and then take a light from a deer on which half the lights did work. Let me just say, that changing these little lights was a lot more difficult than one might expect. Very small bulbs, and very small wires, are difficult for very ole eyes to see, and very ole fingers to manipulate.

            I know that my present wife wants to get some wire ran and connected to the outside decorations today, we may get some of that done even though the grass and ground is wet. A problem in working outside, is the mud that is there due to the cement work. You get it on your shoes and then track it everywhere you go. If you need to go inside; you must remove your shoes. Do you know how hard it is for an ole senior person to remove their shoes? Well, it is difficult!

            Speaking of shoes, I had complained about the length of shoe strings for several years. For some reason they put strings in the shoes that are way too long. I took a string out of a shoe and it was 48 inches long. I asked my present wife to get me some strings that were 36 inches long, the next time she was to go to town.

            Yesterday I received shoe strings that are 36 inches long and they fit perfectly. NICE!

            That is pretty much all I did yesterday. I just thought, I didn’t even watch the 3 stooges yesterday, I watched Christmas Vacation instead of the 3 stooges. Now, as with many people, I have seen this movie on TV many times. Yesterday just seemed like a good day to watch it again. There is a part when he is trapped in the attic and he watches some ole movies of past Christmas’. It did remind me to watch some ole videos from the olden days, which I have on an SD card, and some of them have Christmas times in them. Videos from over 65 years ago, do bring back some ole memories.

            My dad had an 8-millimeter camera, he also had a movie projector and a screen. Heck, I just thought, in today’s world my dad would be a techie! We did not know anyone else who had a movie camera. Well, if I have some time today I will watch some of the ole family movies. It is neet to see your mom, dad, and family members and events from years past, and most are no longer alive.     

May your Sun Day be nice!

Senior ole retired person who needs a cup, Don the Ford

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Step up 11/27/2021

            I guess we all should step up, in some manner, hopefully helping others in some positive method. I stepped up yesterday morning, but it wasn’t intentional.

            Now I see, that you want to know how anyone could step up, in a positive manner, and do it, unintentionally? Well, that depends, if you are an ole senior retired person, your past habits may be the reason for, “Stepping up”.

            Yesterday morning early, the Tres and I went out to get the newspaper. Newspaper in mouth, that is in the Tres’ mouth, not mine, we turned and started back for the front door, and that is when I noticed a bird fly out of one of the bird houses on the front porch. I was looking at the bird house as I walked toward the door and when I reached the front porch I stepped up.

            Immediately, I began to laugh at how silly this ole grandpa (that’s me) is. Looking at the bird house, I stepped up to get from the walkway to the porch, but there is no step there anymore. The new walkway is handicapped accessible, no step. It is good to be silly grandpa, as long as I don’t get to be crazy grandpa!

            Please allow me to alter the topic to, what did the Don do yesterday?

            First, he took the present wife’s van to get gas in it, so she did not need to stop and put gas in it when she went to town, see how nice I am.

            Second, I also went to the teller machine and got our $5.00 stipend for the week.

            Third, I moved the shelter to the grass area in the front yard and found a way to secure it from the wind.

            Fourth, I moved many Christmas decorations from the Ford’s ole shed to the Ford’s ole garage, where I segregated them. The boxes with white trees and white deer were placed together, then the wires, stakes, and strings of clear lights were placed together. The green trees had an area of their own. The miscellaneous items were then placed together. There were walk ways between these areas for easy access.

            Fifth, I helped fasten some of the decorations to the ground, hopefully making them stable if there is wind.

            Sixth, I stopped helping and went inside. Heck, I was so tired I didn’t even have an adult beverage.

            What will I do today? Well, I might attempt to repair a deer and or a white tree, some of the lights do not work. The rain will likely keep us inside today.

Come on rain, we need it!

The Don will get his knee pads before he gets back on the ground, Don the Ford

Friday, November 26, 2021

A nice Thanksgiving 11/26/2021

            We hear at the Ford's Homestead had a very nice Thanksgiving. The food was good and the families were here. Yes, there are left overs which I will enjoy for a while. We hope your Thanksgiving was as good, or even better, than ours!

            We did get the Nativity shelter moved to the drive way yesterday, Dave and Patrick did the work and I supervised. Wow, I got to supervise someone working, now I know how my first wife feels when she supervises my ole body working!

            I need to remember how I secured this shelter from the wind last year, before I can put it in place. I know I used and earth anchor and a cable, but I am not sure how I attached the cable, out of site.

            I may also go to the shed and bring the Christmas decorations to the garage. One year I used the Ford's ole trailer, loading it with the decorations I made only one trip from the shed to the garage. If I don't use the trailer, I will use the Fords ole red wagon, and make approximately 317 trips!

            The grand kids will be here today, until their dad gets off work. Holiday weeks often make the work load at DIB get super heavy.

            I need to get some gas in the wife's van, as Friday is usually her day to go to town, I do want her to be able to make it back home for, my supper. 😊

            Cement work comment; I really like the new walk that no longer has a step from the porch to the side walk. I guess you can say it is handicap accessible, I am not yet on wheels, but it is nice to not have a step down. (Ole people like odd things.)

            I have a nephew who has a birthday today, (I am not going to put Paul's name in this posting) he turns 74 years old today. We are both getting older, and we both have been blessed our entire lives!  😊

           A light in the sky, what was it? Was it a satellite? Look up, you may see!

Be nice to ole people!

That means, be nice to the Paul and to the Don, says Don the Ford  

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thankful for what? 11/25/2021

            Heck, what do we have to be thankful for? Prices are going up, the virus is still around, and it seems like people don’t what to work anymore.

            Let me think for a moment, there may be something to be thankful for. Ok, here is something, I am thankful for my Mom and Dad, for the way they raised me, for my favorite wife, for our sons and their wives, for the grand kids, for our friends and neighbors, and so many other things, they are too numerous to list.

            We can look at anything and be thankful, or not, it is up to us to see the positive side of things and be thankful!   

            I lost my billfold, it had over $300 in it, along with credit cards, driver’s license and other things. At first, I was upset at the loss, then I considered the possibility, the person who found it may have needed the money, and if so, it was a blessing to that person and possibly their family. They were thankful!

            Three months later the wallet was returned to me, intact, and everything except the money was in it. I was, and am thankful, for its return!

            I am old, and I can still get around and do things, I am thankful. My favorite wife still feeds me, if I do the assigned work, and I am thankful. Heck, simple little things like Donna and me sitting outside in the afternoon, I am very thankful

            I think that we all have things to be thankful for, not everything will be perfect, not everything will be the way we think they should be, but we should take a positive approach and be thankful for what we have, and what we had in the past.

            Topic change or not; I had to work yesterday, I was allowed to do some painting, move some heavy cement blocks, move chairs and the ole church bench to the front porch, take totes with fall decorations out to the shed, and clean out the garage, and sweep it, so my first wife’s van could go in. I am thankful I was able to do all that, even though it was work!


            We hope your Thanksgiving will be safe and happy.

            Please take a little time to be thankful.


Senior thankful retired person, Don the Ford

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Worked too hard 11/24/2021

            Yesterday was shall we say, interesting. I started out by raking along the edges of the flower beds, walkway and drive way, in an effort to get the leaves in places where the mower could access them easier (access = vacuum). Then I brought the Ford’s ole mower to the front yard and vacuumed the yard. It did look nice for a short while, before the winds blew more leaves down from the trees.

            Then my favorite wife allowed me to go to the Wally world store where she purchased a couple needed items for cooking, and we also purchased a new microwave.

            Back at the homestead, my first wife supervised my moving of flower bed border blocks. With the new side walk we decided to make some changes. For about an hour I was on my knees in the front yard not only doing what I was told, I was praying that I would get it done right, which would allow me to get up from the kneeling position. Do you know what acorns feel like under your knees, well I do! We also repositioned the red metal bench, it will be in a flower bed. It seldom if ever gets sat on, I guess it is more for looks than anything.

            The grand kids were here and that was good because, Alex helped me do some work in the front yard, moving the heavy blocks. He also took the Ford’s ole electric bike for a ride.

            After all that, I was then allowed to do some painting on the front porch. First, I went around looking for areas that needed a touch up, then I started painting the areas that were close to where the ole post were attached to the house. I then started painting the new post. I did get one coat of paint on the post, and I will put a second coat on today, or in the near future, if I have enough paint.

            That little bit of work completed, I was then allowed to open the new micro wave and remove it from the carton. I then went into the homestead and removed a small oven that sits on top of the micro wave, (yes, we have a stove with a big oven too). After that I was able to remove the ole micro wave, and then install the new micro wave. That seemed to work ok, so I reinstalled the small oven on top of the micro wave. 

            I then put the tools and other items away, and was able to drag my ole body back into the house. I was able to make a drink an had just sat down at the ford’s ole desk when my favorite spouse asked, “are we going to sit outside?” I thought I was going to need help to get out of my desk chair and walk outside, but I was able to do that on my own.

            Sitting outside with your favorite wife, is much more fun than working outside!

            Today I will attempt the get items back onto the front porch.

May your outside time be fun!

Senior person who still has work to do, Don the Ford

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What the heck? 11/23/2021

            The title line has never been more correct than, “What the heck”! Can you have both good and not so good things happen in the same day? Well, we have.

            let’s see, where should I begin? The contractor stopped by and they removed the forms from the cement, that was expected and that seemed to be good news (I may have a photo or two later). Then, unexpectedly more contractors arrived, and they installed the posts on the porch, they look nice, and that is also good news.

            I went to the micro wave to warm something, and it had stopped working! No, I don’t know what happened, I went to put something in it and it was dead! We will now be forced to either do without, or see if we can find enough aluminum cans to pay for a new micro wave. That is bad news.

            We ran a one-minute check on each of the lawn sprinkler areas, after the contractor finished working on them, and they all seemed to work as expected, that is good news. I left the sprinkler control in manual position after running the test, and the system ran this morning. That is bad news, because now the grass and leaves are wet and I wanted to get the leaves out of the yard today.

            Alex and I went and looked at mountain bikes yesterday. Alex wants a mountain bike for Christmas, and one store had 40% off. We purchased a mountain bike for Alex’s Christmas, that is good news.

            Last night Molly wanted a drink as she often does, so we closed the drain in the sink and turned the water on. The water was left on a little too long and we had water on the floor. That is bad news, we had to wipe it up. In the olden days, sinks had a secondary drain, if the water got too deep it would just drain out. Our somewhat new sinks, do not have the secondary drain

            I have learned that I will be allowed to paint the new posts on the porch, and do any touch up painting as needed, today. I guess that is good, and bad, news, depending on whose perspective it is seen through.

            My favorite wife wants to get started with the outside Christmas decorations. That isn’t news, that is an order!

            Photos to follow.


  Some of the flower beds will need to be adjusted, and that is both good and bad news. Good because it will look better after all the work, bad because this ole senior person has to do the work!

Good or Bad, you decide!

Ole senior retired men should not be required to work this hard, Don the Ford

Monday, November 22, 2021

No title line 11/22/2021

            Good morning to anyone who is up early in this wonder filled day. We hope you have a nice day, and hope you are nice to others today.

            Well, I decided to attempt to see if I could remember how to put the scrap wood nativity shelter together. There are four pieces, two side walls, one top and one back. Easy enough, right?  Nope, it isn't that easy. The sides were easy, as I can still tell the difference between left and right.

            Then, I attempt to attach the back to one side. The problem there is which end of the back goes up. I was matching holes where the large 4-inch screws should go. After getting the back attached to both sides, I placed the top on the sides and back. It took a couple try's before I decided which position was correct.

            Looking at the top I felt that it should be altered just a little. I procured a ruler and a saw from the Ford's ole shed, and decided to remove ¾ inch from two of the supporting boards that hold the top together and attach to the sides.

            That mission accomplished, I place the top, on the sides and back. I then drilled a couple pilot holes for the large screws in the boards I had cut. I installed the four large screws, and the unit was together.

            I have considered, possibly I should get some good wood and make a new shelter for next year, the ole scrap wood is just that, scrap. I hope to get help from family this Thursday in moving the shelter from the back 40 to the front yard.

            My spouse will start installing the outside Christmas decorations after thanksgiving. We cannot decorate as we have in the past, due to the changes made by the contractor. We will find a way to decorate.

            Subject change; we will have the grand kids here today and tomorrow, as school is out this week. My favorite wife is making her chicken noodle soup this morning, as the grand kids and me like her chicken noodle soup. 😊

            A cool front came through yesterday afternoon and my first wife and I got a cup of coffee and sat outside enjoying the day. A neighbor came over and sat with us for a while, we were gossiping about all things.

            The contractor is supposed to be here today and remove the forms. Then tomorrow, they are to install the post that support the roof from the porch. I don't know when they will fix the sprinklers, but I will run a test when they say it is done, and before we pay.

Get the shot, please!

Senior ole person who needs to put the trash out to the curb, Don the Ford

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday morning post 11/21/2021

            Yesterday was nice, we didn’t do a lot but, we didn’t need to do a lot. We gave a friend a happy birthday card, and we went to a birthday party for another friend. When we arrived at the birthday party, I was the only male there! One fellow and 12 ladies, I didn’t get to talk very much with all those ladies. We all had a good time, the food was good, heck we had some left-over food so we brought it home and we now have something for lunch.

            I did go outside to watered the areas that the contractors had trampled during their work. I found that the short hose that connected the hose reel to the faucet was broken. I was able to water the areas with the hose as I removed it from the hose reel. We have a small chance of rain this morning, that would also help the trampled areas.

            I found one of my first wife’s large cement flower containers with a broken corner. I assume one of the workers damaged it.  

            I have found several small tree branches in the yard, even though the tree trimmers cleared many of them out of the trees I guess we never get rid of all the dead wood.

Who said that? I heard what you said! You called me dead wood; you are now off the email list!

            Tres and I went out to get the paper this morning, and we both walked on the new cement. Neither of us sank into the cement, thank goodness! The cats seem to like the new walkway, as they don’t need to walk on the grass when it is wet. Now my favorite wife and I need to come up with a plan as to what changes we will make to the flower beds when the contractor is out of our way.

            Normally, when Thanksgiving is over, we put the outside Christmas decorations up. We are not sure what changes will need to be made. I need to try to put the nativity shelter together, I hope I remember how. I made the shelter last year, and when I took it apart to store it, I place the large bolts and screws somewhere, but I don’t know where.

            We are getting a few leaves in the yard but there are more to come. I have encouraged my grandson to come over and use the walk-be-hind mower to vacuumed the leaves, you know, less work for this senior ole fellow.

            Well, I guess I will get off here and get that 2nd cup of coffee.


Nap, eat, and enjoy the day!

Senior retired person who will try to follow that advice, Don the Ford

Saturday, November 20, 2021

What’s next 11/20/2021

            Here at the Ford Homestead, there seems to be something happening all the time. Yesterday they poured the cement and did the finishing work. We were told they would return on Monday to remove the forms, and Tuesday to install the posts.

            As I sit here at the computer a truck pulled up out front and two guys got out. I went out to see what was their intent. They were here to remove the forms, I explained that their boss had told me they would be here Monday. They said they would call the boss. I came back into the homestead, they drove away.

            Our cat Charlie, tried to leave his mark on the cement yesterday, photo to follow.

           We were told we could walk on the cement today; the walkway seems to be drying, but the porch still appears to need to dry more. Portions of the porch are 2 feet deep. We will be glad when their work is complete, but then we will need to start, our work! The walkway has changed where some things can be set, we will likely do several things that require me to work. 😐

            My favorite wife said that the outside Christmas decorations will be placed differently this year do to all this work and changes.

            The bird houses that hang on the front porch have been removed until the work is completed. Yesterday, I saw several birds flying around where the bird houses should be, they seem irritated that their homes were missing. I guess I can't blame them.

            The lawn sprinklers need repair and some were removed, they need replacing. When they say the sprinklers are fixed, I will do a test run to see if they all work.

            We were told that they would be walking through the Jasmine and they have. They also drove a cement hauler, it is like a very large wheelbarrow but with a motor, they run over a bunch of the grass and Jasmine, we hope the grass and Jasmine will survive. I may get the hose out and water the grass and the Jasmine today.

            Tres and I went for a short walk yesterday, and we found several nails, a screw, and some short pieces of rebar along the curb, in the leaves where their trailers were parked. I have picked things up out of the grass and who knows what else we will find.

            Even though I will need to work when they are done, I will be glad when it is over.

When do we get back to normal?

                        What is normal?

Senior retired person who doesn't know how we will pay for this work, Don the Ford

Friday, November 19, 2021

Topic is still porch 11/19/2021

            Yesterday they put rebar in and I have a couple photos. When you see the amount of rebar you might be surprised. They need to do one thing before they can pour the cement, and that is to insulate the drain pipe. Our poor yard and flower beds have been crushed by feet, tools and wheelbarrows, and they will be punished more today. they have broken a couple sprinklers that we know of, there may be more. They were splashing cement on the newly painted wall of the porch and now that have a tarp against the wall to stop the splashes.


            We can see the rebar on the top, but it goes down almost 2 feet. They did wrap the drain pipe with some insulation, not sure why.

            A view of the soon to be walk way from the porch to the driveway. At the cement truck they have lain a tarp down to keep any cement from getting on the walkway or grass. 

            We will have a bunch of rearranging when this is all done. I hope it turns out better than expected.

            I need coffee and a bite of something to eat, so long!


It’s cold, stay warm!


Senior person with nothing to do but watch the cement, Don the Ford

Thursday, November 18, 2021

What happened 11/18/2021

            Well not a lot yesterday, the contractor did arrive and did make a lot of noise. I have a photo showing what the noise caused.

           Later in the day they had removed the broken cement and have forms setup and ready for cement.


        They will return today and place the forms for the walk way around to the drive way. I assume they will possibly poor the cement today.

            I will try to get photos when, or if, they get it completed.

            That is all that happened yesterday, just a normal day at the Ford’s Homestead.

            I hope to get my hair cut today, you know, so I will look good for Thanksgiving.


Sooner or later…!

Senior retired person who can’t use the front door, Don the Ford

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What’s next 11/17/2021

            Who the heck knows, but it always means more work for this ole senior person, and often means less funding in the Ford's ole checking account!

            What's next seems to be, a contractor showing up at the Ford's homestead to demolish the cement portion of the front porch. Yep, they called yesterday and asked if we would be ok with them starting today (Wednesday). We hope they will replace the cement porch and add a walkway from the porch to the drive way.

            Why would that cause the Don to work more? I had to help remove all the items that were on the front porch, and now the garage is full. I even requested help from the Ford to move and ole church type bench. Also, for the next few days we will not be able to use the front door, wow, how will we get to the mail box?

            Not using the front door brought back some ole memories. In the olden days, when we lived on Big Bend Road, just outside of Cape, the front door was almost never used. This house had several steps (made of wood) to get up on the front porch, so it was much easier to enter at the back door.

            I remember taken a magnifying glass and burning the words, "Not Welcome" on one of the wooden steps. Since no one used the front steps, I did not get punished for this. 😊

            Another thought, we lived in this house for a year or two and then moved back into town. Our family moved a lot so in a year or two we moved again, and that time we moved into the house next door, to the house that I burned Not Welcome on the steps. That even seems odd to me now that I think of it.

            I have a photo what a title, "Whose bed is it?" You decide.

            Well, the concrete people are here so I better go outside and talk with them.

Workers are making noise!

            No naps today, darn it!

Senior retired person who can watch the work from my desk, Don the Ford

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Another day 11/16/2021

            Another day and another dollar that has gone away. Yep, the tree trimmers were here and they trimmed the two trees. They got a bunch of the dead limbs out of the trees, and the dead limb that was over the house is also removed. They trimmed back some of the other limbs that are over the house. They did pick up a lot of the limbs, but I will need to work today picking up the smaller pieces, that I do not want to hit with my mower. The trees look good, and today will be a test as the wind is supposed to gust to 30 mph.

            I had talked with the tree trimming fellow prior to starting the work, and I noted that I had been on the roof of the house a couple days ago, and I could seem more limbs that needed to be removed from that vantage point. When he completed the work, he asked my wife to come out and see what they had trimmed. While speaking with my wife he asked, was your husband really on the house? I guess he thought this ole senior retired person should not climb on a roof. 

            Yesterday, I checked with the financial company to asks some questions about our account. I found that there were some things that were not correct. We are in the process of correcting those documents. Glad I checked.

            I guess I will need to check all important documents, you know, I aint getting any younger, Darn it!  

            Topic alteration; yesterday, I asked my present wife for permission to go to the #2 black berry bed and pull some weeds. She gladly, I mean reluctantly gave me permission. I noted that if I get stuck by any of those thorns, I was going to stop pulling weeds. My favorite wife said, “You might as well not start then, you will get stuck”!

            I had my good ole leather gloves on, and I cleared a lot of weeds. I also removed a bunch of the black berry vines, as they were growing too close to the shed and I could not get between the shed and the berry vines to pick the berries last season. I had put the weeds and vines I had removed into the trash cart, and I was putting my tools away, when I saw this little piece of the black berry vine laying on the ground. You guessed it, I did not have my gloves on and that was the only time I got stuck! 

            I have a cup and I need to get to work, so, see you later!

Review all important documents!

Senior stick picker upper, Don the Ford

Monday, November 15, 2021

What to do 11/15/2021

            I think today is Monday again. The tree trimming people have contacted us after about three weeks of hearing nothing, wanting to come today and finish the work they had started. I told the owner that I assumed he had a lot of work and put us off until the work had reduced. He apologized and said they had some equipment problems.

            David (the Ford) and I looked at some of the needed work and had determined that we could do the trimming over the house, and the limb all the way back to the tree.

            I have decided to let the tree trimming people do the work. That will help me to not need to do the most difficult part of the work, picking up the trimmings, and hauling them off. There are dead limbs in the tree that they will also remove.

            We are back on the normal schedule of taking the grand kids to school. Hay, next week is Thanksgiving, the grand kids will be out of school for a week, and who knows, we may have some food to eat here at the Ford’s homestead on the 25th.      

            Speaking of schedules, I have not been watching the Fox news for the last couple weeks. In truth, I will turn it on and they will be talking about something I am not interested in, so I turn the sound off and enter data into this ole computer. Then in a few minutes I notice the TV is still on, and I turn the TV off.  Some changes are good, and that is a good change.

            I have a photo from the roof of the Homestead, I just thought I would post.

            I also have an ole item that is 35 years old, photo to follow.

            It is an ole hunting guide from back in the day when I use to hunt. Would you believe, this item will be offered for sale in the annual auction here at the Homestead, one week before Christmas. You will be able to view the item by appointment only!

            What? I think that comment is not very nice! You should not make remarks like that! I wish everyone could hear what you said.

            What? Now the rest of you also want to know what he said. OK, he said, “Everything at the Ford Homestead is old”!

            I will take him off the email list. What? Now he says he has my blog site in his favorite file, and he don’t need my emails to see my blog. He’s right, you can put my blog site, or any web site in your favorite folder, and see them any time.

            After all that, I guess I need to go get a cup of coffee, see you later.


Be nice to ole people!

Senior retired person who tries to be nice, sometimes, Don the Ford