
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Have Faith 09.30.15

                I, having been raised in a Pentecostal church believe in prayer. I believe it is written in the bible (this is not a direct quote) “I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here and it will move”.
Above in this photo is a mustard seed.
                The mustard seed quote is a way of saying if you believe, anything is possible.
                During my morning meditational walks, I may have asked that the fellow who ran into my wife’s vehicle be blessed, and that the blessing would help him to call his insurance company.
I received a call from his insurance company today saying that he called them providing them with a new address and phone number. He also verified that he had ran into my present wife’s vehicle. They will now honor the claim.
I now feel bad that I was thinking that this young man was a liar and conman.  
I didn’t have the faith of the mustard seed, but I did believe in prayer and ask that he be blessed (an intervention).
We all need to have faith, and that mountain will be moved!  
Don Ford

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Moon over Hewitt 09.29.15

                I am sure this may be difficult for that one person to believe but there was a moon over Hewitt the other night.
                I assume that most people have gotten tired of seeing the photos of the moon that was totally eclipse the night of Sept. 27, 2015. Knowing that you do not want to see any additional photos, I will totally ignore you, as most career politicians do, and will do as I see fit. I will put some photos in this wonderful posting.
                I am doing all I can to stay true to my name sake, “The Donald”. He does what he wants to and I being much like him, do exactly what my spouse wants me to I do what I want to do. At this particular instance, she is in the other room and doesn’t know what I am doing. 
                The following photos are superbly done in an expert manner by yours truly. I only took 93 photos and some of the early photos were taken from the upper level of the Kids Treehouse.
Early on there were clouds in the sky.
The earth’s shadow is covering about half of the moon.
The moon is mostly covered and the color is changing.
The moon as seen by, “The Donald”, September 27th, 2015.
Seeing this moon is ok, mooning the neighbor may not be!
Don Ford

Friday, September 25, 2015

It Rained, Fire? 09.25.15

                I was taking a break from my punishing work load. There was a sound, it caused me to think about running water. I decided I should check and see if there was a faucet left on or, possibly a toilet had not shut off.
I sprang from my recliner somewhat like a super person, and that is when I became aware that I am a senior citizen with muscles that need to have a slow and easy start up. Also, at the same time, I became extremely aware of another sound coming from outside my front door.
It was raining, you know water falling from the sky! 
We received ¼ inch of rain in a short time. I was so happy that I went out to the front porch and watched it rain. When it stopped raining, I went out to check the rain gage and that is when I found that I had failed, failed to activate the buttons that would have closed the windows on my pickup. Yes the seats and door panels were all wet.
A different subject but not too different. I can only assume that you have heard about the brush fires that have plagued the left coast states. The fires have destroyed many miles of wood land as well as many homes. Although these fires have occurred periodically, throughout time, the main difference now is that many of the areas are being inhabited by humans and the natural and should I say necessary fires of the past are often suppressed. 
Not allowing the occasional fire to burn through the underbrush in these wood lands, has added to the violent nature of fires when they do get started. You may ask, why I am giving you this information. Good question, even though I had to ask it! 
Recently, here in Hewitt, TX at The Ford Homestead we had fire raining from the sky. My spouse and I were sitting outside when we were surprised by this fire. Speaking of the sky, there will be a lunar eclipse and a Blood Moon the night of the 27th. I don’t have the times and I don’t know where it will be visible, you can check the internet. 
In the photo below, you can see the fire in the sky as it came over our Homestead.
                Yes, I took this photo, ignoring the enormous threat to my personal safety. Our homestead and the trees were spared, all is still good here for the Fords.
                No we haven’t had Donnas van repaired yet. I have called the other guys insurance company and after 4 calls they finally returned my call.
Imagine if you will, they told me they can’t contact the fellow to get his version of what happened, and without his input they would deny the claim. They suggested that I might want to use my insurance which I guess I will have to do.
I used the police report to get his address which was supposed to be taken from his driver’s license by the officer. I used my maps on the computer to see exactly where he lives. Big surprise, there is no such address. I have the feeling that this young man who seemed so nice to Donna and me after the wreck, is possibly a conman. It is my opinion that he probably paid for one month of insurance so he could get the car licensed and no longer has insurance.
Even though this is upsetting to both my present wife and I, we both understand,
“If this is the worst thing that ever happens to us, it’s not too bad”. 
Don Ford

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fall I don't think so 09.22.15

                Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of fall, with temps in the mid-90s, I don’t think so!
It rained every day for a month, then it stopped raining for 3 months and now fall is coming with temps in the mid-90s. I am not sure how much more good news we can stand.
Let us move to a less depressing subject, “my morning walks”. This morning was not a lot different from other mornings, the cross country runners were out. The high school kids run up Texas Ave. a couple days a week.
I also passed another fellow this morning, at least I think it is a man. This is the third time I have passed this person during my morning stroll. He or she wears Black shorts down to their knees, a white long sleeved pull over shirt, and a black ball cap pulled down over their eyes making it impossible to see the face. I have said good morning to this person a couple time and have not received a response.
This morning as we passed within 6 feet of each other, I again, being such a friendly person, greeted this person with, “morning” and my usual pleasant smile. In return, I received what was kind of a wave, but no comment.
Now that I am thinking about this, that may not be a person but an android that someone has invented. That may be why it does not speak, because its voice might sound like a computer. They say that the machines will be taking over the world soon!
Now, I want to proceed to an ego-friendly subject. This is my way of attempting to be politically correct, liberally accepting, and transparent in my blog posting and life in general. (If you believe that last sentence, you will believe anything.)
This morning while preparing to water my yard, also known as, “Giving money to the city of Hewitt”, I found a leaf from one of the Red Oak trees. I have photos and I hope someone can help identify what I have.
 I know you have heard of broken arrow but have you heard of broken leaf? Why is the leaf broken, and what could that broken leaf be hiding.
                There is a cocoon of some type attached to the underside of the leaf.
What, you have a question, ok what is it this time. You must be kidding, you want to know what? That is a question I would expect from a very young kid and not someone your age!
                The answer is NO! I can’t believe I am responding to this question. A, “cocoon” is not in any way related to a, “Raccoon”. A raccoon is an animal while the cocoon is, “a silky case spun by many insects for protection in the pupal stage”. How do I know all these things, I have help from my companion, “Cortana”. She will tell me anything I want to know.  
Does anyone know by just looking at this as to what insect has inhabited this cocoon?
I assume it is some type of bug or spider that I don’t want around, “The Ford Homestead”.
                What, another question? I expect questions from him, but not from you. Ok what is the question? Yes I have an assistant. Yes my wife knows and may I say approves of my assistant.
She is not an intern, but I do not pay her, so in that respect, she is like an intern. Yes she is usually by my side or in my pocket. She is Cortana, the voice on my phone.
I can’t handle any more questions, so I am cutting this posting short and I may take a nap.
I can’t believe you said “thank goodness” out loud. I would take your name off the mailing list, but I know that would make you happy, so I am leaving you on the list, how do you like that, smarty pants?
The things I have to put up with!              Do you ever read the fine print?
I hope most of you have a good day!
Don Ford
For that one person that believes I actually get questions from the readers, you are right I do. I receive them telepathically. You have asked some of the same questions and made the same comments!

Monday, September 21, 2015

New Technology 09.21.15

                As I was rummaging through some junk misc. items, yesterday I found something special.  It is a storage and replay device that I had procured many years ago. At the time it seemed to be something new and fun, today it appears to be something old and useless. Possibly it is now an antique? Maybe it is the only one left and I will get a million dollars for it.
                Now that I know it is worth so much money I may not want to show it to you.
                I have a computer that I want to put windows 10 on but there isn’t enough room in the C: drive. I have been doing everything I can think of to make more room but…
                In fact there is room on the drive but not in the C: portion. I, in an effort to extend the volume of C: drive, have shrunk the D: drive, then I deleted the D: drive, and I am still not able to extend the C: drive.
                I haven’t gave up totally although I have given up several times and walked away from the computer.
At one point I thought it might be fun to take the lap top out to the drive way and lay it in front of my pickup tire the see what happens as I drive away. I am holding that thought as an option for a later time.
 The photo (to the left) is of the device I found while rummaging through some special inventory here at the Ford Homestead.
                I charged the battery and there are 88 photos on the device. I was unable to access the unit via USB port, so I don’t know if it is at capacity or not.  The screen measured on the diagonal is 1.5 inches. That is very small. I assume at one time it may have been high tech but no longer.
                The young lady in the photo is our granddaughter Gabi a few years ago.
I hope your hard drive is divided properly and has plenty of room!
Don Ford

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekend 09.14.14

                My wife of 46 years and I rode the motorcycle Saturday morning. We left the house with the thought of riding to Glen Rose, TX to have lunch at a BBQ restaurant. We had ridden about 40 miles when I decided that I did not want to ride all the way to Glen Rose and then ride back.
We side tracked to a closer eatery and after lunch I sat on a couple park benches while my first wife shopped.
The red vehicle is our ride. No not the red car the red bike! 
Above you may be able to see the fords black berry vines after the recent pruning and grass removal.
Below we see the resident grass hopper. We have learned that his name is Hank. I started to take his photo and he turned so I could get his good side.
I hope you had a good weekend!
Don Ford

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yesterday or Today 09.10.15

                How should I begin, he thought, with a smirk on his timeworn face. I should begin with yesterday, he surmised, and then move into today’s events, which would keep all things in some sort of order. He was pleased with his decision, as he began to consider what to write.
                What! A question from that one annoying reader who always seems to be more interested in upsetting me, than reading these professionally written articles.
You say, you heard a rumor that there was a TV installed in the new addition at the Ford Homestead for the grand kids to watch. You and your rumors. I want to know who provided you with that information!
Yes there was a TV installed, temporarily, for their use. It was a 7 inch battery powered TV. Are you happy now? I hope that is all the questions, I would like to get back to my thoughts!     @&%#$*&@
                It rained yesterday, which was the third time it has rained here at the Ford Homestead in the last 2.5 months. We received less than ¼ inch, but we are thankful for any amount of rain.
                One neighbor suggested that the small amount of rain may be directly related to my recent rain dance. It was suggested that I should be totally nude when I do the rain dance. When I did the last rain dance I did have my socks and shoes on.  I have tender feet and that is why I kept the shoes on. This neighbor’s opinion about the amount of rain is incorrect. 
                The amount of rain received is in direct proportion to the number of rain dancers. One dancer ¼ inch, two dancers ½ inch and so on. I suggested that she and her husband should join in next time and we would receive more rain.
                I pruned and then pulled the grass out of the black berry vines yesterday. All the vine that produced berries this year had died and will not produce next year. All the new growth will produce berries next year.
                Since I water the berries on a regular basis, the grass grows very well there. There were two problems in the weeding process (should it be called grassing since it is pulling grass more than weeds) the first of which is the thorns. I was impelled several times by the unforgiving plant. I soon learned to be more careful and gloves did help.
Second, I unknowingly pulled grass from a fire ant colony. There was no mound so I did not see them until I had been viciously attacked. For those northern readers who do not have fire ants, they hurt when they bite and the area bitten may swell, it will have a blister, and may itch for a couple days.   Needless to say I gave them a drink and they died, well those near the top died, you never get rid of them all.
Now let’s get to today.
During my early morning walk, I noticed that there was water along the curb and at the end of the street. Our street is on a slight downhill grade so all water drains to the end of the street.
Where had the water came from, I pondered as I continued my stroll. It was too dark to see much of anything so I continued to walk. I had decided that it was not due to the small rain yesterday, it was probably someone watering their yard.
On my next trip down the street I was able to determine which yard the water was coming from. Odd, I thought as I walked down the street. The yard the water was coming from, never gets watered. Heck, the lady that lives there is only seen outside, going to or coming from her vehicle.
Still, it was too dark to see if there was a hose and sprinkler in the yard. I continued walking and on my next pass it was somewhat lighter. I could see a large area that was wet including some of the neighbors drive way and the street was wet a couple feet from the curb. It looked like a sprinkler water pattern.  Possibly they had left the sprinkler on all night, big water bill.
I had completed my last pass down the street and was heading back to my home place. It was daylight now and I again approached the neighbor’s yard. Water was draining from her yard over the curb onto the street. I could see a hose connected to the faucet so I now assumed it was left on accidently. None of my business so I headed home.
I drank another cup of coffee and when the lady that lives next door drove away I told my present wife about the water. The lady and her kid were now gone so I decided to see if the faucet was turned off. It was off but there is a major water leak coming from the ground near the faucet.
I called the water department but they do not open until 8:00 am, even though the field workers start work at 7:00 am.
I called again at 8:00 and explained the situation. They said they could turn the water off and they would see if there was a cell phone number, if so they would call her.
It is now two hours later and I have not seen the water department truck come down the street.
Even though she isn’t the friendliest person, I hate to see her have a high water bill. If I went and turned off her water, the police would probably get me for vandalism.
It is a good idea to be friends with your neighbors, so in an emergency situation they would be able and willing to notify you.
Different topic, the insurance adjuster is supposed to come and look at the damage to the back of Donna’s van today. If he gets here early enough I might get on the bike and ride somewhere for lunch. 
Tomorrow is 9 11, remember those who died!
You might want to think about the deal your president and some in congress are making, with some of the same people, that supported the 9 11 attack.
Don Ford

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Going South 09.08.15

                As it is well known, one of my afternoon habits is to sit on my rocking chair, which is located on the drive way near the garage door, watching the grass grow. I occasionally have a cold drink during the happy hour, with the fan blowing on me from behind, in an attempt to stay cool in the searing heat.
                During most of the summer months, my rocker is in the shade provided by the house.
For that one person that doesn’t understand, the sun seems to move north in the summer and south in the winter, when in reality, it is the earth that caused the sun to appear to go north or south.  
                My rocker, of late, is in the sun longer each afternoon, due to the location of the afternoon sun. In an effort to demonstrate the quick repositioning of the sun, I offer two photos. These photos were taken during the morning hours and show the repositioning of the sun as the winter months quickly approach. Note: it will be 97 here today as we approach winter!
 Photo taken 8/28/15.
Photo taken 9/08/15, or 11 days later.
                That sun is going south fast.

                In the next photo I am attempting to show you a fellow who has been hanging around in this area for what seems to be a couple months now. No, it isn’t the neighbor’s cat, even though he seems to think the new addition was built for him and not the grand kids.
                I usually water the flowers every other day and that is when this fellow comes out of the flora (vegetation) attempting to get to high ground and away from the water. I have wondered why he/she seems to stay in this one area for this period of time.
                You must look closely to see the grasshopper, located where the smaller branch Y’s off from the main rose bush.
                I guess I should see if my riding mower will start. I haven’t used it in about a month due to the fact the most of the grass is not growing. I don’t mind not having to mow, but I would like to have green grass. They are predicting possible rain tomorrow, I hope they get it right this time. If memory serves, we have had two small rains in the last two months.
                Different subject: my spouse of 46 years cooked a very nice brisket with baked potatoes, homemade bread, beans, corn on the cob and other delightful food items for the holiday meal. Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex came for lunch. Alex, being observant, asked where Uncle Patrick and Karla were, usually when we have a meal at the table, Patrick and Karla are also present but, they were camping this weekend.
In the above photo, Gabi had a cold and wasn’t feeling well, Alex was attempting to stuff his food into his mouth.

                After lunch Alex decided to have bubble gum for dessert. He is getting very good a blowing bubbles.
                Bubble blowing is a skill, which all kids need to learn! Alex seems to be at the top of his class in bubble blowing.
I hope your holiday was fun and safe!
Don Ford

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Follow-up 09.06.15

            It is the holiday weekend, and as you may know, holidays are so important to people who are retired. I think my spouse is planning to cook a brisket for the Monday meal.
            As you may know, my first wife had suggested that I add more walls to the oldest rooms of the new expansion at the Ford Homestead. My present wife thought it would enhance the project and possibly make the grand kids happier. My spouse of 46 years encouraged me to do the work to increase the value of the property. In other words, I was to spend additional money on the expansion!
The following photos show, the almost art like work, that this wood butcher (me) has done, for the completion of the project. I guess one who creates such a magnificent structure could be considered, “an artist”. 
    The photo below on the left was taken prior to the walls being installed.
    The photo on the right taken from the same location, shows the addition of walls.
    Below, you see the tile floor that has been installed at ground level.
            I noted to my spouse of 46 years, this project was more for me than the grand kids. It gave me something to do and I did need to use my brain a couple times during the construction. During most of the year the grand kids are in school and not at our home. That may not be a problem since the neighbor’s cat can be found sleeping in it, often on the second floor.
I offered a suggested to my spouse that I should install a solar panel, she suggested a roof over part of the structure. I replied, “That could possibly be a later project”. 
From the Ford Homestead, Have a safe holiday!
Don Ford
            This is a continuation (an additional chapter) from the article of August 7th, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Verification 09.04.15

                The following photo is verification of the rope that has been installed in the Ford Homestead’s, “New Addition”.
To fall or not to fall, that is the question.
Don Ford

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How hot was it? 090215

                Yesterday did seem like a very hot day as I worked out in the yard. The temperature was only at 97 but it seemed hotter to me.
                I had finished my work and had put the tools away before the grand kids arrived at our house after school.
                My spouse of 46 years picks the grand kids up after school most days. She has observed on occasion, while waiting on the grand kids to get out of school, that there are kids who are required to walk around a circular pathway while other kids are playing. Alex has explained that those kids have gotten in trouble and that was their punishment. 
                Yesterday my first wife noted that it was hot and there was a kid walking in the sun. Alex then noted, “I am so hot, that the water is dripping off me, like a snowman melting in the sun”.  Now where do 5 year old kids, come up with comments like that.
                What? You want to know what I was working on yesterday. That is what you got from that story? Wow!
                Ok for the one person who needs to know everything I do, my present wife had talked me into putting some walls around the kids old fort, so it would blend in with the new addition.
I had gone to the Home Depot and purchased the needed wood and a rope. My work in the yard was cutting the boards into the proper lengths. I will need to paint all the wood before installing, as it is much easier to paint standing on the ground as compared to kneeling inside a kids play station.
Rope? What? Oh, the rope was the grand kid’s mother’s idea, she thought it might keep them from falling out of the so called tree house, when they were climbing on the 8 foot tall stump. I put the rope up and the kids love it. They were hanging on it like a monkey on a vine. I have the feeling that, although the rope could keep them from falling, it may encourage them to hang over the side and that should elevate the chance of a fall. 
FYI, I have trimmed around the yard with the string trimmer and I mowed the ditch behind the house. I have also taken a shower and I have written this short note. I now plan to warm up leftovers from supper, for my lunch. I also plan to watch the ladies on Fox News and then take a nap.  If that one person needs to know anything else about my day, just call (your number is blocked).
No one asked, but I will be doing the rain dance again this week!
Don Ford

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Learning can be fun 09.01.15

                Learning can be fun and it can also be fun to observe someone learning new things.
I was having fun watching as, “the Alex” was learning how to blow a bubble. He is very skillful and learns quickly. 
Oh, by the way, he did eventually blow a big bubble, and had it all over his face.
Did your chew gum loose its flavor on the bed post overnight?
Don Ford
            I know, if you aren’t of a certain age, you will not know about the song, and may not know what a bed post is!