
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wednesday July 30th 2019

            Although I am writing this on Tuesday, I do plan to post it on Wednesday, and that is why the title line is Wednesday, even though it is about Tuesday.
            Tuesday my spouse of 5 decades and I went to the tax office, we needed to update a title. On the way to or from the Tax office I thought of a word, “Revert”. As that work flopped around in my empty head, it came to me that I should consider writing about words. If you finish reading this posting that may mean your head is as empty as mine!
            Before I get too involved in writing about words I would like to tell you of something that happened this afternoon. I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker near the garage door when a very small brown colored lizard came out of the grass and onto the drive. This little lizard appeared to be almost transparent. Tres saw him and was going to investigate but I stopped him. The lizard was about two feet away from my feet and laying very still. From out of the sky came a sparrow landing about one foot away from the lizard. I waved my arm at the bird and he /she left. The little lizard then ran under my chair and into the flower bed. My good deed for the day!
            Back to my thoughts about words. The word revert got me to thinking, what does vert mean. You put a “Re” in front of vert and you get a verb meaning, to return to… So what does vert mean, does it have a meaning? Vert: green forest vegetation especially when forming cover or providing food for deer. Who knew!
            My empty head started flopping the word around again and I came up with the following.
Avert, to stop a green vegetation?
Covert, to hide the green vegetation?
Divert, to turn away the vegetation?
Evert, a guy who lives up the street?
Overt, help unconcealed the vegetation?
Pervert, to corrupt the vegetation?
Revert, to return to the green vegetation?
Subvert, to disrupt the green vegetation?
Vertical, help the green vegetation grow upright?

            I did use my new tool yesterday, I removed the grass from around about 15 sprinkler heads. I did learn that when inserting the new tool around the sprinkler head, one should always turn it to the right, to cut the grass.
            In the olden days when I was a first responder, there was a saying. “Righty tighty, lefty loosey! Most things tighten when turned to the right, and loosen when turned to the left. Sprinkler heads work the same way. I turned one to the left and loosened it. Yes I tightened it back down, at least I think I did. If you don’t know about the new tool, you should read the previous post.
            While working on the heads I had an accident. Yep, I know it is difficult to believe that a careful senior retired person would somehow be involved in a fall. First let me explain the situation. I was using a stool like one would use in a shower, if they want, or need to sit down while taking a shower. My first wife paid $2 for it at a garage sale. Photo to follow.

            Allow me to continue. I sit on the stool as if I were riding a horse, one of the hand holes is in front and one in the back. I don’t know if you can see it or not, but the dark spot in the grass to the left of the stool is a sprinkler head. Sitting on the stool I would lean forward and work on the head. It is much more comfortable than being on ones knees, and about 12 inches above the ground. When I would finish a head, I would secure the tools in one hand and grab the stool by the front hand hole and move to the next head.
            This all worked fine until I set the stool on a slight incline. I sat down and worked on the head, no problem. I then gathered the tools and took hold of the front hand hole as I sit up in a vertical position, a little too close to the back hand hole.
            You may have guessed, me and the stool went backwards onto the ground. When my behind hit the ground I almost did a back flip. My feet went up in the air. I started laughing and at the same time hoping none of the neighbors saw the flip.
            I got up, and gathered the tools and stool, and went to the next head. I no longer sit the stool on unleveled ground. Glad the grass and ground were soft.
            The grand kids are here today so that will likely keep us focused. The grand kids occasionally say that I annoy them. My favorite granddaughter (only granddaughter) has a new shirt, which she bought just for me. Photo to follow.

            Above is Gabi, she is 12 years old and was using her computer with the headphones. I asked if I could take a photo, I may have annoyed her, but she consented. It is really good to know that the grand kids think of their grandpa! J

May your day be filled with appreciation!

Senior highly appreciated and annoying grandpa, Don Ford


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Shopping 07/30/2019

            I didn’t have much to do Monday, the grandkids were not here and I didn’t want to work outside until I had some shade.
            My first wife had a project going where she was attempting to remove rust from and old milk bucket or barrel. Now, before I go any further, I want to acknowledge that I used the word Barrow, instead of Barrel, in a previous posting when referring to a restaurant. I found the error myself, it was not pointed out to me. Proof I can’t spell.
            This ole milk barrel has set outside for several years, and has a lot of rust. Having nothing to do, I went to one of the big box stores to purchase some rust remover. I found the rust remover, and then I ask a store employee for a tool that don’t exist. I asked if they had something that would work to cut the grass around sprinkler heads. He said they did not have said tool but they had something that might work. I followed him to the garden area and he showed me the tool. Two photos to follow of the tool.
            This tool is for planting flower bulbs, it works well for cutting the grass away from the sprinkler heads. I told the store employee he should invent a tool for cutting around the sprinkler head, he would make a bunch of money!

It is not perfect but it works.

Master tool designer; Don Ford


Monday, July 29, 2019

Sunday a day of rest 07/29/2019

            What did we do on this day of rest? That is a good question. This morning about 7:00am I went out in the back 40 and set up a sprinkler head that would provide water to the old black berry patch. I set the timer on my phone, and was advised when it was time to shut the water off.

            My spouse of 50 years and I had a special project this afternoon, we were helping a neighbor who has had a death in their family. We will be feeding and keeping an eye on their dogs. With this in mind we needed to have our usual brunch and get beck home before they needed to leave town.

            We went to the local barrow restaurant and we found no parking places. I became irritated and we headed for the other barrow restaurant. We found a parking space at the other restaurant and we ate lunch. After a nice lunch we headed back to the homestead. Arriving home I changed clothes and we went to the neighbor’s home to meet the dogs. We know where the food is so all is ready.

            Later in the day, we went to the neighbor’s home and feed the dogs. It took them a while to trust us, but eventually they did. We sat there with the dogs for a while just to help them adjust. I will go back down tomorrow morning to check on the dogs. The neighbors are supposed to be back tomorrow evening. We have another neighbor that is out of town celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

            I did had a nap today, and I have also worked in the yard. I have been cutting grass away from the sprinkler heads. The grass will keep them from popping up. As I had stated earlier, I found 5 heads that could not pop up through the grass, so I decided to clear the grass from all the heads. It is not easy work and I am tired.

            I took a break with an adult beverage in hand, and as I was sitting on the Fords ole rocker, I observed something odd. I had never seen a hummingbird chase another bird until today. I observed a sparrow fly into the tree, the sparrow is a resident of one of our bird houses, and behind him was a hummingbird. The hummingbird was chasing him the sparrow finally stopped and just sit still on the limb, but hummingbird flew around the sparrow about three or four times, then flew off. I don't know what the sparrow had done, but he did something to irritate they hummingbird.


I am observant even when I am tired.


Senior retired dog setter; Don Ford


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday July 27, 2019

               I have a photo, is it a friend or a pain in the backside?

Painless in Hewitt!
Senior photographer; Don Ford


Friday, July 26, 2019

Thursday July 25, 2019

            A day of rest and relaxation, not! We didn’t have the grandkids today so I decided to attempt to finish the reinstall of the security cameras. If one remembers, I did install two cameras that cover the front door and front of the homestead, cameras 1 and 2. I wanted to start on number 3 but I needed a couple items, so I went to the hardware store.
            I had a coupon for a discount on a haircut, so after the hardware store I headed to the clip shop. There were a couple people ahead of me so I had to wait a few minutes. One of the customers went to pay for his hair cut and he had the coupon too. They didn’t take it, it was for a different place. I had to pay full price.
            I went for a cup of real coffee and headed home to start working.
            I did get started on #3, and worked about an hour then I stopped for lunch. The lunch was ok the nap was even better.
            Nap over I returned to the work at hand. # 3 is installed but I haven’t finished hiding the wiring yet. I went to the office and tried to understand the wiring. It was a real puzzle. I was adding new wiring and trying to remove old wiring. What if I cut the wrong wire? Photo of my puzzle to follow. 
            I had already pulled the coax cable for the ham radios out into the garage, so there was a few less wires to work with. These wires along with the wires in the garage and on the outside of the house was a true puzzle. If I cut or removed the wrong wire I would be in trouble.
            Well, to make a short story longer, camera #4 has been successfully installed, I finished all the actual work at 4:45pm, not including the clean up and put away of the tools. At 5:15pm I was in the ole rocker with a large lemon aid. Yep, I needed to rehydrate before I could have an adult beverage. I have another photo showing the corner of the desk and the DVR.
            The system is working as expected and the video is excellent. My night vision is now amazing!

Tired and needing an evening of rest!

May your puzzles be easier than mine!

Senior security person; Don Ford


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Habits 07/25/2019

               We all have habits, some are good some are not. One habit you have, and I doubt that you can change it, you sleep on the same side of your bed each night. Yes, I know, a person who sleeps along might roll all over the bed, but you get into bed on the same side each night. Habits, we all have them.

            This short note has nothing to do with sleeping positions. I just wanted to point out that we all have habits.

            Yesterday, after a day of work, I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker with a beverage. The work I had done was to replace one of the security cameras. I replaced said camera because I like the clarity that the new cameras provide. The old cameras work ok but the color is not good and they are not as high in definition as the new cameras.

            It took me probably an hour to decide to do this work. I reviewed all the work I would need to do, in order to replace a camera, and it was a daunting task! I put about 3 hours into the project, not counting the review process. To be honest, the camera is installed and it is working, but there is still some work that needs to be done if I am to consider this project a success.

            The most difficult part of this project is running and removing the wires. The old camera had a different connection than the new camera has, which means remove and install new wires. The new wire runs from the DVR 100 feet to the camera location.

            Before I started the project, I decided to run two sets of wires, as I also plan to replace another camera on that side of the Homestead.

            As I sat outside this morning in the cool 60 degree air (record low temp this morning), I was considering what my work load would be today. I then decided to replace another camera, this means I will have 4 new cameras. As I sat there coffee in hand I could see the wire for the 4th camera would need to be replaced. Another day of work ahead of me, no rest for the retired senior feeble minded person, me!

            Now let’s get back to the Habitual problems of mankind.

            Yesterday, after a day of work, I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker with a beverage. If that statement seems familiar, I copied it from above and pasted it there in order to save time. I was resting and watching the world go by when this pickup belonging to a male person who lives a few houses up the street, came around the corner heading for his drive way. There is usually no traffic on this street, so we residents get use to driving however we want.

            This person rounded the corner and was driving in the middle of the street, then, to turn into his drive way, he was driving on the wrong side of the street. That would all be good except there was a vehicle coming toward him on the right side of the street. The other vehicle came to a stop and the pickup proceeded into his driveway, possibly never knowing he drove in front of the vehicle.

            I believe he was so use to coming around the corner and driving in the middle or wrong side of the street (Habit) that he no longer looks for traffic.

            The only habit I am going to approve for you is, “To read my rantings”!

Get into the Habit of being nice!


Senior workaholic; Don Ford


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Directions for success 07/24/2019

                    Directions for success  07/24/2019

Be productive, safe and be cooperative!

Don’t just look, be observant!

Learn to;
                 Stop talking,
                 Ask a question, only to clarify!

This is for you.
Each statement is equally important to you.
Practice all three and you will be a success!

          Share this with others even if you are unable or unwilling to use it.

You are welcome!

Don Ford


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dumber than dog shirt 07/23/2019

               As I was working in the back 40 Monday morning, I heard water spraying. The sound came from a home behind the Ford Homestead. I was on my knees praying, please help me get this work completed soon, as my ole senior body was sweating, while I dug into the dirt.
            I did get the black berry plant successfully transplanted. Photo to follow.


            Completing the black berry transplant operation, Alex and I attempted to dig up a couple peppermint plants. He wants to take some mint plants to his house.
            Completing all the work, I was putting all the tools away when, I again noticed the sound of water spraying. This time I looked to see the 8 foot wood fence at the house (notice I did not say neighbors) behind us. At first I did not notice it. Then I stopped looking, and became observant!
            When this person moved in, she had a chain link fence removed, and a wood fence installed. The wooden fence is about 5 feet inside her property line.
            Today, as the sprinkler system was running, there are three sprinklers on the outside of the back part of the fence. Yep it is watering the outside of the wood fence and weeds that are growing there. If this was a neighbor, I would have told them of the problem. Photo to follow. 

            Shirt happens:
            The topic of sprinkler systems was not something I had thought I would continue with but, here we go. I was working on a different project when I noticed a sprinkler that was located in our Jasmine. The sprinkler head is one that is not in the ground, instead it is above the ground, as it needs to pop up, above the jasmine.
            Well, I looked down and there was a sprinkler head laying there, broken off the pipe that is in the ground. I decided I need to attempt to repair this head, as the sprinklers will run in the morning. Yes I could shut that group of heads off, but as dry as it is I want them all to spray water. I got my ole sprinkler tool box and found the needed parts. Then I dug down to the broken part and removed the broken parts.
            I was able to put everything together and replace the head. In the photo, the white fittings are the parts I replaced.
            I then decided to check the head to be sure it was working properly. I turned the water on and it worked as it should, but I found another head that wasn’t. The problem is the grass. It will grow over a head and not allow it to pop up. I checked all 7 systems and found 5 heads that needed my attention due to the grass.
            When the system runs tomorrow, it should water everything properly. We were supposed to get rain today, we didn’t!

Be productive, safe and be cooperative, it is appreciated!
Senior plumber and transplant expert; Don Ford    


Monday, July 22, 2019

Surprise, surprise 07/22/2019

            Saturday morning I left the house about 15 till 7:00 heading out to the city dump area. One Saturday each month they have a, “Bring you limbs and trash to us day”. In truth, I gave it that name, the city may not use the same terminology for, “trash and limb day”.
            I assumed that by getting there before they begin to take the limbs and trash, about 10 minutes to 7:00, would allow me to one of the first in line. I rounded the corner and I saw my first surprise for the day. There must have been 35 to 40 vehicles parked alongside the road in line waiting. Time waiting along with the time it took them to unload my trailer was about 40 minutes.
            Back at home I back the trailer into its parking space on the back 40 and came to the Homesteads garage, where I continued working on my project. This project was suggested by the lady of the Homestead, and it is a device to hold the dogs food bowl high enough above the floor so he can easily eat standing up. We had a unit that was given to us by our oldest son, but it was so big that I kept tripping on it or hitting it with my feet.
            The new homemade unit is wood, and does not take up much floor space. In fact it is only 6 inches wide and ten inches tall, not counting the blue bowl. It has a heavy base which is larger, to keep it from moving. Photo to follow, click the photo for your enlightenment. 
            Tres had food in his bowl that he had not eaten. I set the food bowl on top of the wooden stand and he began eating.

            Another surprise that occurred this afternoon, I was watering the flowers in pots in the back yard, when I saw a plant growing in a flower pot were there was supposed to be nothing. The leaf looked like a black berry plant leaf so, I took a closer look, and there are thorns on the small plant. I will transplant this when I can do the work out of the sun. I don’t know why it is there but I will transplant it. Photo to follow.
The third surprise of the day is a new surprise lily popping up. We had one a week or so back and now there is another getting ready to open. Photo to follow, surprise!
            It is that happy time again, got to go and get an adult beverage. C U L see you later

Well Sunday is all but over now as I sit here in front of the ole computer entering these few, to many, words. We had brunch as usual today and upon returning home I did take a nap. Following the nap I went out to the back 40 and prepared to mow. The prep work was trimming the weeds along the fence and flower beds and other structures. I have sprayed weed killer along part of the fence and it worked very well. I plan to get the spray out and finish all the area I had left, as soon as it isn’t windy.
            I mowed the back yard and manicured the front yard. Every other neighbor had mowed in the last two days, so I was forced to work even though I would have rather rested.
            I have said it before. “There are things I don’t like to do, but I and very happy that I have been blessed with good health, so I can still do them”!
            We also washed Tres this afternoon, and I still need to finish watering the flowers as soon as the sun gets down.
            Another photo I took after the final watering for the day. It is difficult to believe that Black berries are still growing.

            Yes that is my handsome finger in the photo. It is there to give you some perspective of the size of the berries. 

I hope this week you are, Productive, Safe and Cooperative!

Senior water boy at the homestead; Don Ford


Friday, July 19, 2019

Supper out 07/19/2019

            On Tuesday this week we went out to supper in celebration of Donna’s birthday. Yep, her birthday was celebrated with three different days, three different meals, and the last one was with me, so it had to be the best. The food was excellent and we enjoyed a nice quite evening. When we returned home, our bellies were full, we both got a cold drink, went outside, and sat on the new swing to enjoy a nice quite end to the day.
            My favorite spouse and I find it difficult to believe we have been married 50 years, that she is 70 and I will be 72 next month. We have sons who are 48 and 44 years old.
            How did all that time go by, without us noticing?

            This Thursday and I woke up a little earlier than usual. It was 5:00 and as I lay there in the Ford’s ole bed, the need to visit the privy became apparent (google it if you don’t know what a privy is). Once I had gotten out of bed, I didn’t see a need to return so I headed into the kitchen to make a cup of instant coffee.
            After two cups of fake coffee I got dressed and headed out into the back yard. First I went to the old black berries and cleaned out an area so I could transplant a plant. After I finished preparing the dirt, I went to the new black berry patch and dug up a new plant that was growing outside of the other plants. The transplant seems successful, but we will not know for certain for a week or two.
            Completing the transplant, I watered all the flowers and berries in the back yard. I filled the bird bath with water. The birds are thankful, as a matter of fact they sometimes fight over the water.
            Finishing the above, I went to the ditch behind the house and began cutting the weeds. It was very hot and the sun was now up and shining. I completed the ditch work, put the tools away then I headed for the house and a shower. It was a little after 9:00 when I hit the shower.
            After cleaning the old senior body, I headed to the Ford’s ole computer where I procured a 25% off coupon for the Harbor store. The morning was passing fairly quickly when I headed out of the Homestead. I stopped at the coffee place and got a cup of real coffee. By the way, they have increased the price of a cup of coffee by 15 cents. L
            Once I had my coffee I headed to the cleaners where I picked up some shirts and pants. Finally I am now on my way to the freight company where I used my 25% off coupon to get a new wood working vise.
            I made it home at 11:00 which is lunch time at the Fords Homestead. We prepared lunch for the grand kids and ourselves.
            Lunch finished I took a well-deserved nap!
            Nap completed, I headed out into the Ford’s ole hot garage and installed the new vice. I had just completed the install when the garage door opened, and it was my present spouse returning from the Grocery store. I helped carry the goodies into the Homestead. Groceries in the house, I then took a little time for myself and came to the computer and entered the above.
            After a short rest period in front of the ole computer, I decided that I should get started on a small wood project that was recommended by my first wife. First, I had to get some scrap wood from the shed, being on a fixed income seniors can’t afford new wood.
            Then I had to bring the table saw out of its resting place in the back corner of the garage. My spouse of 5 decades stores some items on the table saw, (is that why they call them table saws) so it isn’t an easy task to get it out and ready for use.
            After careful planning, I cut the needed wood for the project. Once the wooden parts were cut, I then clean the table saw, moved it back into the corner, replaced all the items that are normally stored on the saw. I swept the floor and disposed of the saw dust. Then I began the creating process, you know, putting the pieces together. I will hopefully finish the rest of the project tomorrow.
            I then procured an adult beverage, a neighbor came over and we sat there talking about everyone and everything! If you weren’t there, we probably discussed you!
 Once again we see, retired people have nothing to keep them busy!

Different subject;
In the above photo we see a candle holder I made from an old piece of tree limb. There are several holes in it which I assume were put there by bugs. I was working on something in the garage when I noticed a wasp go into the hole that the white arrow is pointing at. I shook the piece of wood but the wasp would not come out, now I wonder how much room there is inside that piece of old limb.
            Different subject; everything is not bigger here in Texas. In the following photo you might be able to see the three very small rose blooms at the bottom of the rose bush. Click on the photos to enjoy.

No rest for the retired senior person.

Senior non-rested person; Don Ford


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

You don't believe 07/16/2019

            I have watched many of those TV programs about Aliens, the ones from outer space, not those coming into our country illegally. Now that I think of it, is it legal for space aliens to come to earth? Do they need to register? Can a space alien get a green card? If you don’t know what a green card is, you can Google it. Ok, now I have you thinking.
            The TV programs are always saying perhaps this, and perhaps that, but never do they have proof of anything. Would you believe, I am here today to give you proof that they are real, they visited me near the Homestead and I have a photo.
            When you look at the photo you should know that the flying saucer was about 100 feet above the ground. There was a white light coming down from the craft, and there was a red glow, which I am not sure where it was coming from.
            As I stood there on the driveway, I was in total amazement that I could see a real space ship. Then without warning, there was a small being standing there. The alien signaled me to come to where he was. There was no way that I was going to walk over there, I knew if I did I would be taken up into the space ship.
            I pulled my cell phone out and took a photo. It was dark so the photo wasn’t that good, but you should be able to see most everything. I did not go to the little being on the other side of the street, even though I felt as if I was being pulled that way.
            Just a few seconds after I took the photo, I could see the light from a car coming down the street. As the lights from the car increased the little being disappeared and the space ship also disappeared.

            Click on the photo to enlarge it, and then look between the tree and mail box to see the small alien standing near the other side of the street. You can see the white light in some of the tree leaves and you can see the red glow all along the street.
            Now you know, they are real.
Believe it or not, you decide!             Don Ford


Monday, July 15, 2019

Information requested 07/15/2019

            We, here at the Ford homestead, have had black berries for many years. We have never had black berries act as these have. FYI, these are the same black berry plants that we have had for years. These plants normally have the berries late spring but not in July! A couple of the plants are producing berries now. Photo to follow.
            It is July 15 and there are berries on this plant. I know someone is going to say it is due to the fertilizer that we use (also known as BS) but that isn’t the case. I do not fertilize these plants and I do not provide them with, very much of my BS.
            Could it be climate change that is causing this?
            Now that I think of it, I have been putting old coffee grounds on the dirt around the berries. Could the coffee grounds have an effect?         Caffeine is a stimulant. Things are becoming clearer now.     I need a cup of coffee!            C U L (see you later)

Only master gardeners should respond!

Senior uninformed gardener; Don Ford


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Gourd 07/14/2019

            I have a photo taken in the back 40 here at the Ford Homestead. The photo is of a gourd, the gourd is hanging in the tree. Who knew Live Oak trees had gourds.
            Now that I have reviewed this photo, I am reminded something that my brother Jack use to say to me, when I was a kid. “Donnie Ray Ford with a head like a gourd”! Yep they use to call me Donnie.
            Something that just popped into my head via my memory, my first wife’s family use to call her Donnie also. When we were at her home and someone referred to her as Donnie, we would both respond.
Changing the subject;
            If you had read previous postings you might know that we had purchased a defective swing set. We called the manufacture and they sent a replacement part. It was the wrong part. We called again and they have now sent the part again and we now have the right part. I have put the swing together in the garage, we will move it outside this afternoon, but first I will need to move the wishing well flower pot which weighs about 100 pounds. I am hoping to be able to set the swing set next to the flag pole. Photos to follow, click to enhance or enlarge.
            An early morning shot of the swing, yes I sit on it and it did not break. I knew someone would make an ugly comment, so I beat them to the punch. That cement wishing well is very heavy, but we got it moved. This may not be the final resting place of the swing set, we will advise if it is moved.

            On a different subject, there was a birthday party yesterday (Saturday) for my spouse of many decades. It was a surprise party, and Donna was unaware, until I got her to the restaurant. One of our friends and a neighbor did all the work of getting it together. There was family and friends in attendance. A good time was had by those in attendance. The guys and me that came, all went to the sports bar so we would be out of the female party goers’ way. The actual birthdate is next Tuesday, July 16th.
            Speaking of a surprise, there is a surprise Lilly that popped up, which may be the flower beds way of saying happy birthday to Donna. Photo to follow. It isn’t sweating, it rained a little yesterday.
            Again changing the subject; my first wife and I went to Brunch Sunday a little before noon. I had considered stopping at a couple stores on the way home but I decided to skip the stores, and head for the Homestead, in favor of a nap.
            Waking from the nap, I decided to go get some gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy and then head to the freight store for a couple items. Returning home I headed to the back 40 and began to mow. Completing the mowing project I procured a cold adult beverage. Then I headed in the homestead main building and started writing this somewhat interesting article. 

Be nice, listen to others, you will learn!
Senior non-listener; Don Ford
