
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Could not decide 01/22/2022

            My first wife went to town yesterday, she had $50.00 store money to spend, and she could not decide on anything she needed, or wanted. She must spend this store money by the 29th. She has said I can go with her to the store, and maybe I might get something.

            Since you did not ask, I will tell you; I did not do anything yesterday other than stay inside. Wait a minute, I did go out and put some water in the bird bath and also put some more bird seeds out. Then after all that work, I was still able to get my ole body back into the house for a short nap.

            After dropping both of the grand kids off at their schools, I decide to try the teller machine, and I was surprised that they were not working on the machine. I was able to get our $5.00 stipend. 

            Yes, I went to the star coffee place after my visit to the teller machine, and wasted 15 minutes in the drive through to get a small cup of coffee. I have a request on my computer, to tell the star coffee people what I thought about yesterday's visit, I might just do it. 😐

            I must take a potty break and get a cup of coffee; you can do the same.

            Ok, I am back and yes, "everything came out ok," and the coffee is also, ok.

            Bat Man is on the old black and white TV shows this morning, I don't usually like Bat Man. A Popeye cartoon usually comes on after Bat Man, and I watch Popeye.

            I just looked up at the security monitors, and the birds are enjoying the bird food, aka seeds, that I put out yesterday. The squirrels also share in this bird food. On another monitor, the birds are either fighting over, or having fun at a bird house on the front porch.

            The sun is now shining, I can turn the heat lamp off in the old flower cold house.

            Well, the coffee cup is empty, so I need to stop entering data.


A sunny day just for you!

Senior retired person whose wife might buy him something today, Don the Ford

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