
Saturday, January 6, 2024

January 6, 2024

              It is a chilly morning here at the Ford homestead, 36 degrees. I have a couple things I might start to do today, or not, it depends on how this ole senior person feels as the day warms up. We are supposed to get a lot of sun and some decent temps as the day progresses.

              Yesterday: the Don only left the homestead to go get Dave from work, and then he, the Don was back at home. Now the Don decided to see if he could safely remove the electrical cords from the Christmas decorations in the front yard. If you had been paying attention you would have known that the Don unplugged the electrical cords from the power source, aka the house, previously. Yesterday, the Don was attempting to unplug each decoration from the unplugged extension cords, without missing with the decoration itself. There is a lot of tape and plastic bags used when these decorations are placed in the yard. Electricians tape and plastic bags help keep the rainwater out of the connections.

              I was successful at removing the cords and they are now ready to be stored until next year.

              The weather yesterday afternoon was warm and sunny, so my favorite wife and I did sit outside and enjoyed the nice afternoon. We noticed that the birds were talking to each other a lot, and the sparrows are still flying in and out of the bird houses and I am not sure why. Maybe they know that we are going to have an early spring.

              Today I might go back over the areas where I raked the other day and using the pecan roller pick up the acorns that have again dropped from that tree. If the weather warms up enough, I might rake more of the front yard to try and remove more acorns.

              When we start to remove the decorations, we will need to put a full day into the process. Bring all the continuers from the shed to the garage, (that is a major project) remove each decoration, take apart and pack each decoration, carry all the items back to the shed, stack the Christmas decorations to the back, fall decorations next, spring / easter items in front for easy access.

              As you can see, that is too much work for this ole senior person, but a real person would probably not have the ability to sort and stack the decorations correctly.

              Allow me to alter the conversation, ok it isn’t a conversation, it is a presentation: the other morning as I was sitting in the Ford’s ole recliner, I happen to notice that the Ford’s ole pot hound Tres, was laying on the couch, next to a Christmas decoration. Photo to follow.   

            I think Tres was comfortable laying there. I guess that will be it for now, I guess I will attempt to drag my ole body back into the TV room where my favorite wife is setting and see if she has anything for me to do.

            We hope everyone has a good day, please stay safe, and think positive thoughts.

Warm day coming?

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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