Hello from the Ford’s to you all. Isn’t it odd, if you take the “o” off the word hello, you end up with hell. I wonder who came up with that word?
Let’s see if the Don did anything yesterday: I took it easy during the early hours as it was cold outside, I did get my bible reading completed and then at about 10:00am I put on the hooded sweatshirt due to the cold and the wind blowing outside, then I started removing the decorations from the front yard. My favorite wife had gone to purchase groceries, so the van was out of the garage. That made it possible that I could place the decorations in the garage. I was able to get the major decorations removed, there was a few small items that my present spouse removed later in the day.
I did pause for a short lunch break, there were some leftovers in the fridge. Food ingested, I headed outback to start bringing cartons and totes to the garage, and that is when I saw another limb on the ground.
Naturally, Tres had to be in the photo, I don’t know why, but he does get into most photos. Well, I removed a few items from the shed like a table saw, ladder, lawnmower, etc., so I could get to the cartons and totes, and I started taking them to the garage.
Basically, the garage was full when my favorite spouse returned home. I unloaded the grocery items and my first wife put the items away. Then she went to the garage and started disassembling things and packing them. As she would get a couple items packed, I would move them out to the shed were I placed them outside and in front of the shed. I wanted to have all the items present before I started storing them. About 2:45pm I received a call to get Dave from work and I would also need to get Alex from school before I returned home.
If was about 4:30 when I arrived back home and I finished moving items to the shed. I then began placing the items into the back of the shed one carton at a time, some cartons were very large others were medium sized. I should note that I had removed my shirt and was doing this work in my T shirt, yes, I was getting hot while I worked. From hooded sweatshirt in the morning to T-shirt in the afternoon. I was glad that I now have lights in the shed as the lighting helped. Two photos of the inside back of the shed.
From left to right, and there is still more to be placed. I still need to get the lights off the house. We have some totes that are still in the garage, I want to keep a few and get rid of a few.
I then cleaned the items out of the garage that were considered as trash and moved the Ford’s ole van into the garage. When I finished it was 5:30pm, and that is what we did yesterday.
Too much work!
Senior ole person who still has some things to do, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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