
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

January 3, 2024

            Let’s see what happened here at the Ford homestead yesterday. First, we went to the rehab for my favorite wife and while she was there, I went to the coffee shop to get a cup. I returned the rehab location, and as I waited on my present spouse, I read from the bible.

We made it back home and I was doing nothing while my favorite wife was removing a second Christmas tree from the front room. This tree was behind my ole chair, now that it is gone, I can lean back all the way when I am napping. While she was working inside the house I went outside, and I decided to remove the acorns that I had raked up yesterday and put them in the trash. These acorns had been raked to the edge of the driveway, so I got a rake and pulled them onto the driveway. Then I swept them into a container and carried them to the trash can.

Later I had nothing to do so I decided to use the acorn picker upper and pick up some of the easy acorns that are in the flower beds. I picked up about a half a 5-gallon bucket in about 20 minutes.

Later, I saw a large pile of acorns that I had raked up the day before, that were next to the manger, and I had failed to see them when I was taking the other acorns to the trash cart. The trash cart had been emptied, so I collected them and put them in the bucket with the acorns that I had recovered from the flower beds, the 5-gallon bucket is now full.

Molly the cat is now in the garage, and I was able to talk to her without her hiding, and also pet her. After interacting with her for a while I walked away, and she came out of the garage and defecated in the neighbor’s yard. We did not see her return to the garage, but she did. Later it began to rain, and I went out to see if Molly was still in the garage, and she was curled up on a towel that I had placed on the chair. She may be getting to be more accepting of people, aka friendly. Photo to follow.

            Later in the day: we went to the dollar store (it is now a dollar twenty-five store, $1.25) and got nothing. I get my mints that I keep in the Fords’ ole Chevy pickup truck there, and they were out.  We then went to the drug store, aka pharmacy, to get my prescription eye drops and they were “free. I asked why, and they did not know. Wow, “free is good!

My first wife and I did not sit outside yesterday evening, it had rained a little and things were wet, also, it was very cool outside. The rain had been lite during the day, and during the night we got some heavier rains. The free rain gage now shows one inch of needed rain! There is water standing in the back 40.

Well, I guess I can stop for now, we hope you have a nice day, stay safe, and think at least one positive thought today. You might be surprised how a positive thought can improve your day.

Cat councilor!

Senior retired person who must stay inside today (I don’t want to melt) Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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