
Thursday, November 23, 2023

November 23, 2023

            Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, yes even you!

            We made it to Thanksgiving, and I hope each of us take time to be thankful. Even ole people like me have things to be thankful for. The fact that I can get out of bed in the morning is a good reason for me to be thankful. One might be surprised if you knew some of the things, I am thankful for, and yes, I say thanks to God and Jesus for many things, even friends and family members!

            I was thankful the other day when we found my favorite wife’s ole Midway sweat shirt. What did I find yesterday, well hang around an I will tell you. Now yesterday we were trying to get some of the decorations ready to be put in place for the Christmas celebrations. I had brought some of the items to the garage for my first wife to work on, and I started on the scrap wood manger. The ole manger consists of 4 parts. There are two ends, one back and one top. It takes a while to clean all the dirt off the boards, then I have to decide which is the back and which is the top, the ends are easy to identify.

            Now the scrap wood manger is held together with 4-inch-long screws, I think there are eight of them. I was working on cleaning up the wood for the manger when my present wife came out back and wanted all the Christmas items from the shed, brought to the garage where she was working. I stopped cleaning and began moving items to the garage. I also place several plastic people like Santa and his wife, the people and a few animals for the Manger at the fence.

My favorite wife had put together two white Christmas trees for the front yard. One we have had for a while and the other is new this year. I was able to move the trees to the front yard and properly locate them, secure them in place, while my workaholic wife was putting other things together. Later I was allowed to take empty cartons back to the shed and a couple items that my present spouse was not going to use this year. 

I still had not finished with the scrap wood manger, I did not know where the large screws were, and yes, I had looked many places twice, but did not find them.

Tired and wondering where the screws were, I sat down on the Ford’s ole swing to rest. Often when I rest, I take a little time to say thanks for the day and to ask for guidance. Yesterday at the end of my prayer I ask for help finding the screws that I had placed somewhere, but had forgotten where. After a short rest period I saw an ole tackle box on my ole rocking chair, that we now use for stakes to hold things in place. The box was open and I thought I should shut it and place it inside the garage.

I walked over to the ole rocker, and looked down at it and I saw a small paper bag that was rolled up tight. I thought it was an empty paper bag and I was going to throw it away but when I picked it up, I knew it had the screws in it. Yep, I found the screws and today I may attempt to put the scrap wood manger together. The bible says, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened,” the bible also says, “All thigs are possible if you believe”. I asked for help, I believed I would get it, and I found them.

My favorite wife not only worked on the Christmas decorations yesterday, she also worked on food for thanksgiving.

Today is Thanksgiving and my wife is working too hard to get the food prepared for today’s feast. There are all kinds of good smells coming from the kitchen.

We hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving, if you are traveling, please be extra safe.

Turkey Day is here!

Senior ole person who needs to stay out of my wife’s way, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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