
Sunday, November 19, 2023

November 19, 2023

            Did you have a good day yesterday, we did. I kind of look at yesterday as a lucky day for the ole Ford’s. My favorite wife and I were going to town, we had a couple things we wanted to look for, and a couple stores to visit.

            As we were leaving the homestead we stopped and talked with a neighbor. He noted that there was a blue sweatshirt on top of My favorite wife’s van when she drove away early that morning. I said, yes, I had placed the sweatshirt on the van with part of it hanging down the side. My wife was unhappy that she has lost the sweatshirt, and the neighbor suggested we look along the road and might find it. I decided to drive the way she had driven earlier that morning, in hopes of finding the sweatshirt. We had driven about half a block, and I saw the shirt hanging on a mailbox. Someone had found it and placed it on the mailbox. Now you know why it is considered a lucky day

            Heading into town, my favorite wife went to the Christmas store, where she shopped, and bought nothing, even though she had a coupon. Then we headed off to get a sandwich for lunch, and the sandwich was good. After filling our bellies, we then headed for one of the home stores. They also had Christmas decorations and there were a lot of people reviewing these decorations. I picked up a heat lamp and then we went to the appliance area where we reviewed the freezers that were available.

            My favorite wife wants to get a new freezer, the ole freezer is too small. We have had this ole freezer for many years, it was given to us by a neighbor when they were getting a new freezer. We plan to offer if back to the neighbor when we get a new freezer.

            We reviewed the freezers at the first store, and we learned that some freezers can be used as a refrigerator or a freezer, and some are garage ready. Garage ready means they can handle the variations in temperatures. The price was not too bad. We decided to leave so we put the heat lamp back and bought nothing.

            As we were leaving the first store, we had noticed that they had real Christmas trees but no price on them. I asked one of the young men who worked there what the price might be for a real tree. He did not know, but he said the fake trees inside are a couple hundred dollars, so I assume the real trees will be more than that.

            We visited the second home store and found basically the same information as to price and availability. Yes, I did get a heat lamp from this store, it was a couple dollars cheaper than the other store. Nope we have not decided on a new freezer yet, but that will probably happen soon.

            Back at the homestead I did take a short nap. I did go out back and water the black berry beds, I did trim a few branches off the #2 berry bed. There was a large limb that had fallen from a tree in the back 40 and I had placed it on the ole trailer a few days ago. I cut the limb into smaller pieces. I trimmed a couple bushes in the front yard that usually get some Christmas lights on them. Then picked up some acorns and I again cleaned the crushed acorns and acorn caps from the street in front of our house.

            Those projects being done, I decided to sit outside for a while and enjoy the afternoon / evening. My favorite wife also sat outside with me, and a little later a friend came over to enjoy the evening outside with us. As I was listening to the enlightening conversations, I noticed that the new moon was out and I got a photo.

            There is a tree and a flagpole in the photo, just in case you did not know what you were looking at. Well, that is it for now, I need a break. We hope your day is enjoyable, that someone is nice to you, and that we all stay safe.

I was mooned!

Senior ole person who knows what being mooned means, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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