
Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27, 2023

            Friday has arrived and it is not raining, yet. Yesterday’s rain in my free rain gage showed 1.5 inch, prior to that we had .75 inch, that is a total so far of 2.25 inch. They are predicting more rain today, with some good chances about the time I pick the kids up from school.

            I have no big plans for today, I do hope to get the big flower pot into the ole green house, that is with Daves help. They are also predicting some temps down into the upper 30s next week.

            We have a neighbor who has cancer, I did get to talk with him yesterday to see how he is doing, and we are keeping him in our prayers.

            I do believe that people can be healed due to prayers, and even though it is not biblical, this is my way of looking at healings. There can be an immediate healing, (instant miracle) like we read about in the bible, I think these type healings happens infrequently. Then I think there are the healings that occur days or even weeks after the prayer. I like to think that God flips a few switches in the person’s brain, and the body begins to repair itself. God created the body, and a way for the body to repair (heal) itself.

Mark 9:23       “All things are possible to him who believes!”

Consider for a moment, if you believe, also known as having faith, anything is possible! You could say to a rock, turn into bread, and it would. Now the question is, where do you get this much faith, or belief?

Mathew 17:20 “If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move, nothing is impossible to you…”

The ability to do anything may be built into humans, if we just had the faith, if we could believe.

            A person tries to use faith and it does not work; they then say I knew it would not work! They did not have the faith; they did not believe, and that is evident by the word tries.

            Ok I will get off the subject and get back to normal schedule. Tres wants to go for a walk while it is not raining. I have already had my cup of homemade coffee so I guess I will say, “have a good day, be nice to all, and be safe”.

Faith and belief!

Senior ole person who has some and needs more, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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