I wish I had something interesting to write about but I don’t. All the stuff I put on these postings are, just basically things I want to do, have done or should do. I know these are of no interests to you all, so just let me know if you want to stop receiving these emails, and I will take your name off the email list. I don’t want to be a bother to you.
Yesterday not a lot happened, I did pull weeds from part of the back 40, yes, I was on my knees both in prayer and work. I did get some of them pulled but when one pulls these weeds, they should do it after a rain. It is very annoying when you attempt to pull said weed and you do not get the roots, you know it will be back soon.
During the walking of the dog yesterday, I did again notice the faded blue rag laying against the curb, but in approximately the same location as it has been for a couple months now. The weather people are saying we have chances for rain almost every day next week, if we were to get a good rain the rag (aka litter) will likely be washed down the street.
Tres and I did come close to an orange and white young cat yesterday. Now we have seen this young cat before, but this time he /she was laying against a bush not more than 5 feet away from the curb. I assume the cat thought laying still we would not see it, but Tres got happy and started jumping around, so the young cat ran across the yard and up a tree. We then saw two other cats in the same yard but further away, the big cat may have been mom, and there was a multi colored young cat next to her.
I text my neighbor who has been gathering acorns for a friend and told him I had a container for the acorns, when did he want me to get them. He said let me put my shoes on, so I headed that way. I went to his side door and sat down on the bench. After a few seconds I got a notice that someone was at my front door, so I got up and look to see who was at my house. Yep, it was my friend, he had carried the two 5-gallon buckets of acorns up to my house. I then proceed to pull my ole red wagon back home to get the acorns. The acorns are now in the container waiting for the other friend to come and get them.
My favorite wife and I did go to the George restaurant yesterday afternoon, the food was good, the service was also good. When we returned home, we sat outside and enjoyed the quiet neighborhood and nice weather for more than an hour.
Today, I think I will be allowed to follow my first wife to a home store this morning, as she wants to get a new outside Christmas tree, and it is in a big box. After we get the tree, I will bring it home and she will do her Friday store hopping, I mean she will go shopping.
Back home I need to tie down the limbs on the trailer, check the air in the tires replace a tail / break light on the trailer, pull the trailer up out of the back 40 to the drive way, that way it will be ready for tomorrow morning, going to dump the limbs.
I will need to get the Alex and the Gabi from school today, I have learned that next week’s eight grade football game has been canceled, as many of the opposing team members failed some classes.
I guess I will stop for now, Tres is in here and is wanting to go for our walk, he also needs to get a bath today, he stinks.
We hope your day is interesting and safe, try to be nice to at least one ole person.
Uninteresting post
Senior person who need to get moving, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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