
Monday, October 2, 2023

October 2, 2023

            Hello to one and all, we hope all is well with you, family and friends. My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon, I think the temp was 90 degrees and there was a slight breeze. We did not have any visitors as we sat outside, so we enjoyed our own private thoughts which occasionally turned into conversation. Even without comments from others, we enjoyed some brisk conversations.

            As we were outside enjoying the afternoon, our pot hound Tres was providing security for the two of us. He is an observant watch dog.

            For that one person who looked at the photo, yes, his foot does have the star on it, and yes, I have commented on that in the past.

let’s swap topics: the kids arrived at our homestead early this morning, as Claire has to report to work early on the first of the month. It has become a thing that the kids and I go to the star coffee company and get a drink when they come over early. A newer part of the early drop off is breakfast burritos. The entire cost of this early morning rendezvous is almost $40. My star coffee card now has zero dollars on it, so I guess all my coffee will be homemade.

I did get them to school on time, I dropped Alex off first and then Gabi and Brice. I am not going to comment on the school traffic.

Different subject: I need to get outside and water the flowers in pots. Now that the weather is somewhat cooler, I am providing a little less water per pot and we are supposed to get a decent amount of rain this week. I did sit out on the front porch for a while yesterday with a cup of homemade coffee, and during that rest period I noticed that the Jasmine is looking better and even growing after the last rain event.

If all goes well, I might take the Tres for a walk after the watering is complete.

On another theme: we do have bible study tonight and we are supposed to get there early as there will be a fellowship with pizza, before we start the studying.

I guess that is all for now, have a good day and stay safe.

Water then walks.

Senior ole person who must get started, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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