Well, today is Thursday and I have an appointment at the skin doctor today. This visit is a follow up, so I guess she will be looking at the area where she cut on me last time I was there. Yep, the surgeon was a lady, and she did a very good job. I can’t see a scar on my face.
Yesterday: I did get out in the back 40 and reconnected my hose to the faucet. I was concerned that it may have burst during the 50 plus hours below freezing, but I guess I am lucky, the hose was not leaking. I did water the black berry beds, number 2 bed needs to have all the grass and weeds removed, the other two beds are fairly clear of weeds.
Day before yesterday: I had decided to water the new Jasmin bed as I could see that it was dry. I started to get the hose and connect it to the faucet, but quickly changed my mind. I then turned area #2 of the lawn sprinklers on, which watered most of the new bed. When the #2 area had completed running, I then activated the area #1, and the entire new bed and some other things near that bed were watered.
Yesterday; I went to the Star coffee place for a free cup of coffee, and I checked the time when I got in line. I was in line for 23 minutes. Just as I was getting close to the window to get the coffee, I received a call from Dave saying he was off work. I acquired my free cup of coffee and went to DIB to get Dave. DIB and the star coffee place are fairly close to each other.
After dropping Dave off at his house, I returned to the Ford’s homestead and sat outside in the warm afternoon sun, it was 74 degrees! NICE!
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day, stay safe and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, but if you do, don’t tell anyone!
Warm days are good!
Senior ole retired person who did it, but didn’t tell, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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