
Sunday, March 3, 2024

March 3, 2024

            Good Sunday morning to you all, my main plan for today would be to celebrate our favorite grandson’s 14th birthday, one day early. Other than that, we should have a day filled with rest, but my favorite wife has been putting out some easter decorations and that might lead to something known as, “work”.

In truth, it led to a bunch of work for me yesterday. Now the day started off with some discussion about the possibility of me getting some of the decorations out of the Ford’s ole shed later in the day, after we had gone to town for a quick lunch. So, about lunch time we headed out and we got the 2 for 6 special. That is two sandwiches for $6.00. now I assume they make their money on the drinks and fries.

            Lunch was good, then we headed to the cheap store, but on the way, I stopped at the adult beverage store and was able to procure a bottle of liquid refreshment. Finally, we made it to the cheap store where we discovered some items that we either needed or wanted.

            Back at the homestead we began the almost overwhelming amount of work that lay in front of us. My favorite wife was finishing the decorations at the three crosses, while I ventured forth to the Ford’s ole shed. I was able to get some Easter decorations (plastic easter eggs) out of the shed and carried to the drive way where my present spouse was at.

            I had to remove several items from the shed to get to the decorations so I decided to try and get rid of some stuff, and reposition other items. This project went on for close to three hours. I can say there is a little more room in the shed and it is better organized at this time, and some items went to the trash.

            My favorite wife and I started to shut down the work about 4:30 in preparation for a time of relaxation, that is sitting outside. When I had acquired an adult beverage and had made myself comfortable in a chair, I was looking through my cell phone for a phone number, which I did not find, but I came across one of my nephew’s number, so I called him. I wished him a happy birthday and I learned that he is 72 years old today. I always have thought I was a lot older than he is but I was wrong.

A little while later a friend came over to sit with us and she brought a pizza. Wow, time to relax and pizza to eat. We talked about many things and as we usually do, the conversation went to religion. I have a tendency to bring up something that I have read or at least thought about during these rest periods. 

            At about 6:30 it was getting a little cool outside so our time of relaxing came to a halt, our friend headed for home and we went inside the homestead. Now you have a good idea of what we did yesterday.

            We hope you have a good Sunday, and we want everyone to stay safe and be nice again today.

Shed organizer.

Senior ole person who might take it easy all day today, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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