Good morning to everyone, we hope you all have a good day. The day is starting off a little cool here at the Ford’s homestead with a temp of 41 according to our temperature gage. They are saying it will be a cool day and possible storms this evening.
The stranger’s car is back, it is here almost every morning. Some male parks there at night and then walks, or sometimes runs away, returning the next day, where he gets into the vehicle and drives away. We do not know why he does that, some have speculated that he has a female friend on another street and don’t want people to know he is at her house, so he parks on our street. Maybe they just don’t want that ole ugly vehicle parked on their street.
Let’s talk about me, or should I say, let me talk about me. I did very little yesterday, I did set on the front porch with a cup of homemade coffee for a while, Tres was also there. I did pull some trees from the Jasmin bed yesterday. I am wondering, should I have a container with me to put the pulled trees in, to keep them off the ground. I pull them up and drop them and they often look like they have not been pulled up. That is a lot of work for an ole senior person. I did get a photo of a rose near the Jasmin bed.
I did vacuum yesterday, and I found that I had a problem. I ended up taking the unit apart, cleaning everything, washing the filter, and wiped everything down. I did let it sit outside most of the day to dry out, yes, I wiped it down with a wet cloth. Good news, when I put it back together it worked. Bad news, I will be allowed to use it today.
I am already tired of seeing the ship take down the bridge. They talk with different people, and we hear the same thing. They said that the ship put out a distress signal a couple minutes before hitting the bridge. I predict, we will learn that the ship was having problems at least 20 minutes before impact, and that they were trying to correct the problem. They will also learn that these problems have occurred before, but not in a harbor.
Today, I need to get gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy, I might want to get a bottle of adult beverage, I need to get the clothes from the cleaners. I hope to pick the kids up from school and get them home safely. Wow that is too much for an ole senior person to attempt to do.
Well, looking at the security cameras I see that today may be recycle day, I see recycle bins sitting out on the curbs. I guess I will need to put ours out before the truck runs. You are correct, there is not much rest for ole senior retired people.
We hope you have a good day, please be safe in all you do, and try to be nice to everyone.
Tree puller.
Senior ole person who needs to get moving, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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