
Sunday, March 17, 2024

March 17, 2024

            Another good morning from us here at the Ford Homestead. We hope your Sunday is off to a good start, even though the sun isn’t up yet, and it is still sprinkling rain, as I attempt to create this informative document. We have a little over ½ inch of water in the rain gage this morning.   

Let’s see what happened yesterday: as usual on Saturday, we went into Waco for a lunch sandwich. Now we do usually get a sandwich for lunch on Saturday, and we often go to the same place, but occasionally we try the more expensive place. Yesterday we went to the usual place. The sandwich was good, and we always like to visit with the lady who takes the orders.

After lunch we went to the cheap store looking for an item, but we did not find what I was looking for, my favorite wife did find an item to purchase. Leaving the store, we headed for home and did nothing for a while. While I say nothing, we had the TV on, and we were both dozing off to sleep. After about an hour or so I decided I should get up and do something.

            Since it still had not rained at that time, I decided to go out back and get the limbs that were in the yard, cut them up and put them on the trailer. I accomplished that task and put the tools away. Before returning to the house, I decided to check the berry beds to see if we had any berry buds, photo to follow. Different color bloom, different berry bush.

            After reviewing the berry beds and getting a couple photos, I decided to get a cup of homemade coffee and a cookie then go out on the front porch and rest my ole bones. Coffee, cookie, and Tres in hand, I headed out to the porch. I sat down got comfortable in the chair took a sip of coffee and then it happened. No, the tree limb did not fall out of the neighbor’s tree, why do you always try to get ahead of what I am attempting to present. Please, just let me tell the story and you enjoy it.

            Now where was I? I sat down, got comfortable in the chair, took a sip of coffee, and then it happened. It began to sprinkle rain. Now think about it, I took a nap, I picked up limbs, I checked the berry beds, I got the coffee, and when I was in the chair at rest, only then, would the rain start. You might say I am lucky; I say I am Blessed.

            My favorite wife came out to sit with us, and she had her cup of coffee in hand. We sat there for a short while enjoying the afternoon. The rain had stopped but we were hearing thunder off in the distance. Then there was a very loud thunder that seemed to go from the north to the south. Tres was looking at the door as he does not like lightning and thunder. A short while later there was a flash of lightning and it was close, so we headed into the house. I told my first wife that the cat was probably wanting to come into the house, as she doesn’t like thunder. Molly was at the door to the office, and she came in. I put her on my desk, and she seemed to be satisfied.

            Dog under the desk and a cat on the desk, could it be any better. Well, there was a ole time movie on TV, and I was actually watching it. I sat there actually interested in the movie, which is often unusual for me. My favorite wife was preparing some food for my evening repast. I was able to enjoy the meal at the ole desk as I continued watching the movie.

            Movie complete and food eaten, I was allowed to wash the dishes. With all the evening chores complete I headed off to the bedroom to see if I could get my ole body into the bed. You guessed it, there was another ole time movie that caught my attention, so I watched it. I do not usually stay awake to long after entering the bed even if the TV is on, but last night was different.

            At some point before sleep caught up with me, I realized that I had been so interested in the movie at happy hour, I forgot to have an adult beverage. Wow, I am a forgetful ole person.

Well now you know how our Saturday went. I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a pleasant Sunday, be safe and think nice thoughts all day long.

Berry beds getting ready.

Senior ole person who needs to do something, but what, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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