
Thursday, March 14, 2024

March 14, 2024

            We hope it is a good morning for you, it seems to be a good morning here at the Ford’s homestead. Nope the sun isn’t up, and yes, I had a good night’s sleep. In this posting I would like to talk about learning a second language, but first let’s see if the Don did any thing yesterday.

            Nope, the Don did not do anything that mattered yesterday. If memory serves, I think the Don went to the teller machine, then he went to get gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy, even though he did not get any gas. When he pulled up to the pump and tried to insert his card the machine had a message, “Low memory”, and it did not work. Well, the Don mounted the vehicle and with tears in his eyes he drove to the coffee place for a cup. By the time he returned home his disappointment was mostly gone, and the tears had subsided.

            At home he did very little, in hopes that his back would stop hurting. Later in the day he did get the kids from school and returning home from that venture we washed the dog. Yep, it was 81 degrees and the dog got washed. After washing the dog, we did sit outside to enjoy the quiet time together. I have a photo to share of a plant blooming behind where my favorite wife and I set in the afternoons.

            I almost forgot; my favorite wife is in the photo too.

            Now for today: I have a couple things I want to do, but one of them requires me to work. The back 40 needs to be mowed, which involves the riding mower, the walk behind mower and the string trimmer, all to be use by me? My yard man is in school, it is predicted to rain later today and both Friday and Saturday, so I need to get it done today. On top of that I need to get my hair cut and I still need gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy. Never any rest for the ole retired people.

            Topic change: allow me to report on learning a new language as a child. Now as we know, being from Missouri in the olden days, means we were a lot different from real people. When I was a children some 70 years ago, there was a second language that some of us spoke in an effort to keep others from knowing what we were saying. Now this language was known as “Pig Latten”, and I was good at it. When speaking Pig Latten, one would move the first letter of the word to the back and add an “A”. I will attempt to get you a short example with two sentences, one normal, one in Pig Latten.   

            The cat could run fast.                      Heta atca ouldca unra astfa.

            Now for some reason I found this easy to learn and use, heck I can still use it today. Me and some of my friend could speak it and understand what the other person was saying. It seems as if I could learn anything other than what the teacher was teaching.

            Well, I need to get going, I have things to do before the rain gets here. Have a good day and please stay safe.

Pig Latten – Igpa attenla.

Senior ole person who needs to get going, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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