
Monday, March 11, 2024

March 11, 2024

            It isn’t a bright good morning here at the Ford Homestead, cause the sun isn’t up yet. The time change has changed a lot for ole people and for our animals. We normally feed ourselves and our livestock on a schedule, and now that the schedule has changed, both me and the animals must make a change. Heck, just going to bed and getting up in the morning has changed. I don’t know who makes these crazy decisions on time change, but they should consider us ole people and leave the time alone.

            Wow, I am glad I got that out of my system, I almost feel better now. I really do not have anything to present to you today, we did not do anything interesting yesterday, and I have no real plans for today. We did go to the cracker store for a meal yesterday. I called it a meal cause it was lunch time, but we had breakfast.

When we arrived and walked inside the building there was a young lady who was taking names for those who wanted to eat and she said to me, “do you want to be put on the wait list?” I looked at her and I said, “I may be a little overweight, but I do not need to be put on a weight list”. She looked at me and tried to explain, “the wait list is a list for those waiting to be seated”. My wife said to the young lady, “just ignore him”. The young lady knew I was kidding, and we were placed on the wait list. When we finally got a table, the place was crowded, the food was good the service was fair. 

Back at home I did nothing but sit around and my favorite wife washed some clothes. I did take a nap or two as I was trying to adjust to the new time, I went out on the front porch and sit for a while, I went out into the garage and cleared an area around the ole work bench. When the items were moved (items were flowers in pots) I saw the need to clean the floor of debris, dirt and dead leaves. So, I swept the area, even under the work bench, and finally got to a point that it was clean enough that I could mess around without seeing stuff on the floor.

I had wanted to try and make a small wooden cross that could be carried on a key chain or on a neckless. Well, the small pieces of scrap wood that I have, are too soft. I can make a small cross, nothing fancy, but I am sure the wood would not hold together for a small hole to be drilled through it. I might someday get a small piece of hard wood and try again. I have a photo which shows the second try, the first one broke, and the cross needs a lot of detailing.

            I did sit outside for a while yesterday and I got a photo of a cloud that I found interesting. When I first observed the cloud, I was thinking that it may be an “X” marking the spot. Later, using my imagination I could see an outline of an airplane. What do you see?

            Ole people have nothing better to do then look at clouds. Wow I keep thinking today is Sunday but it is Monday. We are back on a normal schedule now, getting Dave and the kids from work and school, we do have bible study tonight.

            We hope you have a good day, please stay safe and if you can, be nice to at least one person, even if they are old, try to be nice.

Clouds and imagination.

Senior ole person who has a cloudy mind, and an odd imagination, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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