
Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 29, 2024

            A nice cool morning to one and all, it is another cool morning with the possibility of rain. Tomorrow we are supposed to have a warm up so that ole people can go back outside and act like they are working in their yards.

            Speaking of ole people: a neighbor was on his knees yesterday morning pulling weeds in the cold wind. Now I do not know if it was by choice, or if his spouse strongly suggested that he get to work, whatever the reason, it was cold and windy when he was on his knees.

Did I do anything yesterday: I did my daily bible reading and I worked on the bible study homework. I am not a good homework person, but I try. After my reading I was allowed to drive to the teller machine and get the $5.00 stipend, also since I was out and about, I got a cup of real coffee. Did I do any outside work yesterday, well I put the recycle bin out at the curb and brought it back in after the recycle truck had emptied it. It was too cool for me to want to be outside. Yesterday and again today. I did get the kids from school yesterday and if memory serves me, I think I had a nap.

I might be able to get Alex to do some yard work Saturday, the front yard needs to be fertilized and parts of the back 40 needs to be mowed, along with a flower bed that needs to be cleaned out.

Different topic: the first of the month is coming Friday, (that is tomorrow) the grand kids will be at the homestead early, and before going to school they allow me to take them to the star coffee place for a morning cup, and they often allow me to get them a breakfast burrito.

Wow, speaking of breakfast, my favorite wife and I plan to go to the George restaurant for breakfast this morning, instead of going out for supper this evening. They have a very good and big omelet, and their coffee isn’t bad.

Well, I guess I will close and wish everyone a good day, lots of happiness and as always be safe.

Winter’s here.

Senior ole person who is ready for breakfast, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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