
Friday, December 1, 2023

December 1, 2023

            The first day of December is here, that means Christmas can’t be too far away. I did nothing yesterday that would be interesting. What? You want to know one thing I did, and you will decide if it is interesting. Ok smartie pants, I will tell you of one thing I did, I went to the drug store (at least that is what they use to be called), now they have anything you can think of. I purchased a container of Vaseline.

            Let’s alter the topic: the grandkids and a boy friend will be here at the Ford’s homestead in a few minutes. They are dropped off here on the first of each month since Claire has to be at work early due to month end reports.

            The kids allow me to take them to the star coffee place to get them a morning cup, and sometimes they also want a burrito. This usually cost me over $40. Then I get to drop them off at school.

            We did get some rain yesterday but I had not emptied the free rain gage so I can’t say how much. Speaking of rain, I plan to water the flowers in the so-call hot house today and I may add some water to the black berries.

            We are starting to see leaves fall from the trees and that means we will need to be mulching leaves before long. Both yards front and back need to be mowed, but it is too wet for me to be mowing. 

            Ok, we are back from the star coffee place and the burrito bar, now I need to get the kids to school on time and safe. My favorite wife wants to get the last tree put together today, she did not say it needed to be decorated today, and she usually goes to town on Fridays. So, I will be left here all alone for a while. Could that be nap time?

            The weather was nice yesterday afternoon so Tres and I sat out on the front porch for a while. Nothing exciting happened, I did get the lights on the mail box post turned on, now they will come on and off automatically. As we sat there waiting for the other lights to come on, of which there are 4 timers, all four sections came on within 90 seconds of each other.

            My ole face and arms are itching due to the medicine that has been applied intentionally and accidently. I called the doctor again to see what I could do to help my situation. The nurse said, it will get worse before it gets better. She told me to use Vaseline on my face to help with the dryness. It does help, but I still do not want to be out in public with this red face, I know my face was never pretty but it wasn’t red and spotted either.

            I guess I will let Tres take me for a walk later this morning, after it warms up some. Well, that is it for now, may you have a lovely day and please be safe in everything you do.


Senior ole person who will need to do something today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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