
Friday, December 22, 2023

December 22, 2023

            Hello from me to you, and that other person too. I know you do not know that other person, but we here at the homestead know who she is. 

            I am starting this posting on Thursday afternoon, since it is raining and we can’t sit outside, so the Don is writing, or I mean entering data into the Ford’s ole computer. When I arrived home a little while ago after dropping Alex off at his home, I checked the free rain gage and it indicated we had .25 inch of rain. Now today’s rain is what I consider, “One of those ole Missouri type rains”!

In the olden days when we lived in Missouri, we would get a rain that was light rain, it rained on and off all day, and at the end of the day you would wish that it would stop raining, but it would continue. That is the fine, slow, and useful rain which we were receiving yesterday. (Thursday). We are supposed to get more rain Saturday and into Sunday morning. They are predicting that Christmas day will be a dry day, and since we are here in Hewitt Texas, we do not expect to see a white Christmas.

My favorite wife had a very enjoyable time when she had lunch with her friends. She said they talked about many topics, and they caught up on what was going on in each person’s life. My present wife was happy when she returned home, so I know she had a good time.

I told Alex when I dropped him off at home, we would see him on Christmas eve. Alex and his family are going to their other grandmother’s home for the weekend, and should be here at the Ford Homestead Sunday evening, aka Christmas Eve.

We here at the Fords Homestead usually have a bunch of food to eat on Christmas eve and then if there are any presents, we open them that evening. I think Dave and Claire wait until Christmas morning to open presents at their homestead.

Well, I just looked at the security monitors and it must be 5:30pm as the outside Christmas decoration lights are all on. It is bright out front of the Fords Homestead.

I will stop for now and see if I have anything to add tomorrow morning, Friday.


Friday is here: it is Friday morning and I have nothing to add to this posting. I could say it is still dark outside this morning, it isn’t raining right now, and the day is supposed to be without rain. I do have a small plan for today, the rain has washed some of the leaves that were along the curb down the street, but there are some that are further away from the curb that are still there. I will take a broom and sweep these leaves closer to the curb and maybe they will also be washed away in the rain tomorrow.

My favorite wife usually goes to town on Friday, but she doesn’t usually let me go with her. I am thinking she might let me go today, as the traffic will be crazy, and if I went and did the driving, I could drop her off in front of the stores, she could shop and when she was done she could call me and I could pick her up at the door in front of the store. That is a lot easier than attempting to find a parking space with all the people who will be doing last minute shopping, park a half mile from the store and then do it again when you are finished shopping. If she leaves me here all alone, I will just sit around, be lonely and cry.

I guess that will be it for now, please have a safe day, please be nice to at least one person, please wrap my I mean all your Christmas presents.

Is The Don On the bad list?

Senior ole person who tries to be nice but messes up at times, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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