
Friday, December 8, 2023

December 8, 2023

            Wow, this ole person made it to Friday again! I wonder how many Fridays have occurred during my life time? I am not sure of an exact number but I know there have been more then 4,000.

            Yesterday was a normal day for me, I did nothing again, NICE. My favorite wife did get outside and put a few more decorations in the front of the house, and I will hopefully attempt to provide some electricity to them today.

            I did get Dave home from work yesterday and I was told that I would need to get Alex from school but not Gabi. Getting Alex and not Gabi makes the process a lot quicker. I dropped Alex off at their home and as I was leaving, I received a call from Gabi’s phone, but it was her boyfriend calling. They now need a ride home from school. This means I will need to drive all the way back to the school, hopefully they will be waiting out in the open so I can find them easy, and then I would need to drive all the way back to Gabi’s boy friend’s house, and then to Gabi’s house.

            I was able to provide the needed transportation for the grand kids, and I did get home later than usual. My favorite wife allowed me to take her to the Cracker store for supper. Supper was good, but it was too late for us to sit outside when we returned home.

            Let’s change the subject to the word: nail, a nail is a device that when driven into two pieces of wood, will hold the two pieces of wood together. Hammer, a device used to drive a nail into a piece of wood. Now you may be wondering why I have provided this interesting information, please allow me to explain.

            This morning as I was starting the day, the word nail came to me out of the blue. It was as if I was supposed to provide a question to you, the reading public, which might get you to begin thinking about something other that your normal daily tasks.

            Let us consider why the term nail, is used, when referring to the end of our fingers and our toes? I don’t think you can drive a finger nail into a piece of wood, wow that would hurt, so why do they refer to these as finger nails and toe nails. Who comes up with these words?

Dogs and cats have claws but we have nails, odd!

            Let me continue a little further and then I will quit. Let’s consider Hammer Toe. I do not believe that anyone can drive a nail with their toe, so why are these called hammer toe? You are probably going to tell me that the toe when it becomes deformed it looks like a hammer, and you think that is a good reason for hammer toe? What kind of hammer does the toe look like, yes, there are different types of hammers.

            Well, I think I nailed it today and I have you thinking new thoughts. We hope you have a good day and as always be safe.

Nails or nails?

Senior ole person that has too much to do, and not enough time, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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