
Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3, 2023

            Good morning to one and all. Let us see if the Don has anything to present to you, and the reading public from yesterday. The Don worked on his bible study homework, he also took some time, as he does every day, to read passages from the bible, that have nothing to do with the bible study homework. That being done the Don had some left-over pizza for lunch and then he took a nap.

            Now I should explain about nap time, it is no longer enjoyable. There is a Christmas tree behind my chair and I am no longer allowed to lean all the way back, so nap time is not very comfortable now days.

            The phone rang and that woke me from my nap. It was a friend wanting to use our wheelchair again. Now we have an old wheelchair that I bought at a sale years ago. Now this person has borrowed this chair before, when she had a broken bone. This time I am not sure if she has a broken bone or not but it is a foot problem. I did not know where she lived but I got instructions and was able to get the chair too her.

            Back at home I did nothing while my favorite wife was decorating that last tree, it does look nice. I decided to take some boxes out to the shed and then get the Ford’s ole walk behind mower. I used it to remove some of the leaves from the front yard and it did level off the grass. The front yard looks good now, I hope it makes the decorations look even better tonight.

            After mowing, the Tres and I did sit out on the front porch for a while, the temp was in the low 70s and the neighborhood was quiet. I assume we might sit outside this afternoon; we have been starting the happy time earlier due to the time change. Yep, it gets dark earlier now.

             Today, also known as Sunday: well, we did not sit outside yesterday, I guess we had too many things to think about inside the homestead. 

I do have a comment on the coming winter weather, as I have seen a wooly worm, and I have been told that they can predict the coming weather.

First allow me to say, the term wooly worm may or may not be the correct name for this creature, but it is what I was taught as a child back in Missouri. This worm is fuzzy, and they may be in different colors.

When my favorite wife and I lived in Missouri we had a neighbor who was about 80 years old. This ole fellow would keep us informed of things that we, as young people, may not have known, like when to plant certain items, how to cut down a tree, and many other topics.

One time as we were talking, we observed a wooly worm crawling across the ground, and he told us how to tell what the coming winter would be like by looking at the wooly worm. He said, if the wooly worm is a light color, the winter will be mild, if they are a very dark color like black, the winter will be cold and bad. I have a photo of a local wooly worm.

            In reviewing the above photo, what kind of winter do you think we will have?

            A different topic: Our dog Tres is big. Our dog Tres has a big tail. Our dog Tres is happy most of the time. Our dog Tres wags his tail when he is happy. My present wife has many decorations on trees, sitting on the fireplace, and on low tables.

You can consider that comment; what do you think?

Well, I will stop for now, we hope all is well for you, and that your day is filled with goodness. We suggest that you be safe today, we do not have another wheelchair.

Wooly worm prognosticator?

Senior old person who hopes he has nothing to do today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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