
Friday, December 15, 2023

December 15, 2023

            Hello from the Ford’s Homestead and from me. We hope you had a good day yesterday, and if so, we hope you have a better day today!

            I was listening to some Christmas songs on the radio and there was one which mentioned a Hula Hoop. That got me to thinking of past times. Many years ago, someone invented the Hula Hoop, and every kid wanted one. The Hula Hoop was just a piece of plastic pipe connected together making a circle, but every kid wanted one. this may be hard to believe but my parents bought me one, and they never usually wasted money on anything like that. Wow, I was kind of like the real kids, you know the ones I am talking about, their parents had some money. Yes, I could make it go around my young body but not as good as most kids.

            Yesterday, I went to town, and I bought a bag of chocolate mints at the discount store, now they are good with a cup of coffee, and should not be left in my vehicle as I might keep eating them. At the Harbor store I saw several things that I wanted to purchase, and I may go back to get at least one of the items, it is a lopping shear, or pruning shear depending on how you like to define them. I should not go to the harbor store unless I am looking for a particular item, I have a tendency to want a lot of what I see.

            I did put the new bag on my electric leaf blower / vacuum, and it worked. I did not have time to vacuum very much but I will today if the rain stays away.

            I just learned that Alex had decided on an item he wants for a Christmas present, with only 11 days till Christmas, we open presents on Christmas eve here at the Ford’s House. I now know what Alex would like to get for Christmas, and they are out of stock.

            My favorite wife and I went out to supper last night and it was very good. We had a good wait staff and she kept an eye on us and our needs. When we arrived back at home it was too dark to sit outside.

            I got a photo the other day of Christmas colors on our red oak tree, photo to follow.

            The red and green leaves are Christmas colors, so we did not need to put decorations in the yard as the tree is providing the necessary colors. For that one person, try to look closely and allow for a little imagination. Our yard is covered with leaves again and I would like to vacuum them this morning before the rain comes.

I did get my hair cut yesterday but other than that I did not do a lot.

I have another photo of a Christmas tree and it shows how poor the ole Fords are, it does not have a single present under the tree. If ole people were like you real people, we would have some presents under the tree, and not an ole rusted pickup truck.


            You probably noticed that we did not have any house lights on, electric is too expensive for ole senior retired people.

            If my present wife was able to get enough aluminum cans last night while she was out forging through the neighbor’s trash cans, I might go back to the Harbor store and get me a new lopping shear, but I need to wait and see if she will give me any money.

            I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a nice and safe day as you consider donating, (aka sending money) to us ole senior retired people as Christmas Gifts. Money is better than gifts.

Christmas is coming!

Senior ole retired person who is gift less, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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