
Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30, 2023

            Good morning to my favorite person in this reading group. Thank you for being such a contemporary reviewer of my words!

            Let us see what happened yesterday; I had another round of vertigo, so I went to the human vet (aka doctor) for a checkup. He looked me over and cleaned out my ears. Did not come up with anything new. When I roll around on the bed like they have suggested, the vertigo usually goes away after a few minutes.

            I did mow the front yard yesterday and I trimmed a little in the back yard. I hope to mow the back 40 today. I did not need to go get Alex or Gabi from school yesterday.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday, and we were joined by neighbors from across the street. It is always nice to have friends to talk with. One of our neighbors starts Chemotherapy next week, he is in our prayers.

            Today: Alex and the Boy scouts are supposed to be out trying to sell popcorn again. The price per bag is very high, I find it hard to believe that anyone not associated with the scouts, or the kids in the scouts, would pay the price. We get two bags, and it is $40.

            Tres and I did go for a morning walk and the interesting thing was the Crows. As we walked down the street, I could hear one crow off in the distance calling out loud and clear. It sounded as if he was flying from the east to the west. As we walked his sound became quieter and then was gone. We continued our walk and a couple blocks later I was surprised as several crows flew over us and it seemed as if they were all making noise at us.

            We continued our walk, and when we turned around, we could see crows down on the street. The sight of the crows in the street made me think of buzzards on a street eating something dead. As we approached the crows, they begin to fly away from the street and landed on a house top where they appeared to be watching us. One crow stayed on the street until we were about 50 feet away then he also flew to the house top.

            As we walked past the area where the crows had gathered on the street, I could see something that might had been smashed by a car and that is what they were attempting to eat. When we had gone past, I looked back and the first crow was back on the street, I did not look back anymore. Once we were back at home I went outside and as usual watered the flowers in pots. We have a flower that we were not expecting to develop any more blooms, but it has.

            The photo was taken today, yesterday the bloom was even larger.

            All the morning chores done, I came in here and began to compose this almost interesting blog posting. I did have a glass of milk and a sausage, egg and cheese sandwich as I composed.

            Not sure what we will do today, as I inferred earlier, I would like to mow the back 40 today, we will likely go and buy some popcorn from the scouts, and I do not know what else we might do. We hope your day is good, productive, safe and full of rest.

Crow watcher

Senior ole person who needs to get started at something, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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