“Yes, we had a good day yesterday”, oh, sorry, I thought you were going to ask if we had a good day yesterday. I just thought you would want two ole people to have a good day, but I guess I was wrong.
Let’s see if we did anything yesterday. We did go and purchase a couple bags of popcorn from Alex’ boy scout group. Then we found a place to get a couple cheap sandwiches, they had to be cheap after buying the popcorn!
Lunch over we went to the Ollies store, hoping to find something good and cheap. They have some good stuff, and it is usually cheap. When we arrived, it had begun to thunder, we assumed it would be raining when we came out. Inside the store they had some umbrellas setting near the entrance. There was an older fella looking at the umbrellas, so I open my mouth and said, you don’t need that until you are ready to leave the store., thinking I was being funny. He kind of grinned, and we walked away. I have been told, I need to think before I comment, especially to strangers.
Now let’s talk about the Saturday walk with the Tres. as we walked up the street, we observed that blue rag still laying in the street. It is now against the curb and smashed flat as it appears vehicles have driven over it. It seems to me that it has been on the road for about a month now, why would the perpetrator, that is the person who owned the pickup truck that it seemed to have come from, and this person owns the house that the blue rag lays in front of, has not picked the litter up. It has been there so long that it is now fading.
I again will not comment on the amount of rain we have received, but I do have a photo.
I think I have commented about the squirrels and the way they are trying to ingest (for that one person ingest means, they are eating our cons) all the pecans before they become ripe! I, and my present wife now have another complaint about these varmints.
During the day Saturday, I had made a cup of homemade coffee and went out to the front porch to enjoy the nice weather and coffee. The Tres had come out with me, and he found a comfortable location on the front porch to recline and nap.
As I sat there looking around, I noticed this squirrel who was looking at me, he might have been looking at the sleeping Tres, but he was looking in our direction, as he slowly came down the tree. He slowly ventured from the tree to the red metal bench where my present spouse has placed the scarecrow as a part of the Fall decorations. This squirrel went to the scarecrow and began pulling the stuffing out. The squirrel got a big mouth full and headed back up the tree.
From where I was setting, I could see that the squirrel had made a couple holes in the shirt and was pulling the stuffing out. Finishing my cup of homemade coffee, I got up and walked over to the scarecrow and was surprised at what I observed, photo to follow.
These are called scarecrows because they were used to scare crows and birds away from the fields, why don’t they scare squirrels? The scarecrow is no longer on the bench.
My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon, after we removed the scarecrow, and enjoyed the nice weather. Our conversations vary, and the good thing about being outside, we don’t have the distractions of the TV.
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope your day is filled with love and kindness and safety.
Squirrels bad!
Senior ole person who don’t need to water the pots today, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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