
Monday, September 4, 2023

September 4, 2023

            What can I say to you this morning. I should say it rained last night, or it seemed to be raining. We had watched an area of rain moving toward our location via the smart phone as we sat outside. Later when we were secured in the ford’s fortress, I mean homestead, it began to rain. I walked to the back door and I could hear the rain drops on the metal roof over the back patio. Heck I could see the rain dripping off the metal roof to the ground.

            This morning I wanted to know how much rain we may have received over night, so I checked the free rain gage and it had, “no water in it! We did however have three small limbs down in the back 40 this morning, these limbs were about 6 or 7 feet long. More debris to pick up in the front and back 40 due to the wind last night.

            Tres an I did go for an early morning walk today, it was 6:30 and dark when we left the homestead. I do not fear someone trying to mug me as long as I have that big ole dog with me. I did carry a flash light as it was very dark this morning. There was a nice breeze when we were walking southbound, but the breeze was with us when we turned and started northbound, so we could not enjoy the breeze unless we stood still.

As my favorite wife and I sat outside yesterday evening, the neighbor lady’s son came over for a visit. Now he is probably in the second grade, and when he comes over, we get hold of Tres and ask the boy who is full of energy, to slow down and let Tres smell of you for a minute. Once Tres has smelled of the boy, then the boy can do what ever he wants. Tres does like it when the boy sits down on the ground and rubs Tres’ back.

After a few minutes the boy’s mom came over, we offered her a seat but she said that they need to go back home as the food is getting cold. This boy is a live wire, talking about everything and very active.

Also, yesterday I got another photo of the Cons. Now I do not know if there are any eatable pecans inside the shells, that are on the tree, but the shells look promising. Photo to follow. 

            Most of the day yesterday, after Alex left and until the neighbor boy came over, was boring, we just sat around doing nothing all day. Well, I guess I will quit for now, we hope your holiday is fun, we hope you have some good food, and we hope you stay safe.

Ole boring person!

Senior ole person who has nothing to do on this holiday, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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