
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September 27, 2023

            Tres and I did a mid-week walk this morning; I should say it was uneventful. The temp felt cool when we stated the walk, but I was sweating at the end of the walk. I assume that the humidity was high. I did water the flowerpots this morning and a neighbor lady said it rained so you don’t need to water. I explained that water in a flowerpot drains down and out while the water in the ground doesn’t.

We did go to Alex’ Football game yesterday, my favorite wife and I together went to pick up Gabi from school. Now when I say went to pick up, I mean, we go about 45 minutes before school gets out so we can get a good parking space. When I arrive daily there are many vehicles there ahead of me. I assume those who get there before me are also grandparents, who have the time to sit and wait on the kids to get out.

Gabi and Brice came out and we headed to Brice’ home to drop him off, but on the way, he called his mother to see if he could go to the ball game with us, she approved. We still took him to his home so he could drop off his backpack and get a different shirt.

Then we headed to the ball game which was I think 28 miles away and a 30-minute drive according to the GPS. The drive down was slower than expected as the vehicle in front of us was driving below the speed limit, it must have been and ole senior person who wasn’t a fast driver.

We arrived at the stadium and the game had started. When we got to the ticket booth, I noted that we were old and the game had started, did we get a discount? Ticket price was four dollar each, for a total of eight dollars, we got one dollar off. Why do they charge us to see our kids and grandkids play. I thought tax money paid for the school and stadiums. I have a photo to share of a cloud that we observed as the game was going on. Our team was in blue uniforms.


The game was close, but we did win 18 to 12. The drive home was uneventful and fairly fast, there was no slow drivers in front of us. Back in Hewitt we decided to get some chicken tenders for supper, the food was good, but it cost too much.

And that is what the Ford’s did yesterday, and I have no plans for today. I have noticed that due to the rain the back 40 will need to be mowed possibly Saturday. I will see if our yard man has plans for Saturday, if not maybe I can persuade him to mow the back 40.

Well, I guess that will be it for today we hope your day is interesting and more importantly be safe.

A clouded mind

Senior ole person who has not had a cup of real coffee in a long time, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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