
Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1, 2023

            What a way to start a new month! Now I am sitting here waiting for someone to ask, how did the Don start the new month. Total silence from you, the reading public.

            Well, since I have nothing to tell you other than how I started the new month, I will just stop writing and present a photo or two that I have taken. The first photo is of a pretty flower blooming due to the daily watering of the flowerpots by me!

            I think the bloom is interesting with the green parts.

            I have another photo that I took this morning as the sun was coming up. Now the photo doesn’t do justice to what I was looking at. The sun was showing through the trees.

            On the first of each month our daughter-in-law has to go to work early to do the books. On that day (aka today) she drops off the grandkids at our house and I take them to school. Today is the first of the month, and the grand kids were dropped off here about 6:30am, plus one. Yep, Gabi’s boyfriend Brice was here today.

            Since it is a very early drop off, we have gotten into the habit of going to the Star coffee store for a morning drink. So today we had an extra drink to purchase. We went to the new star coffee store and there was not a line at 7:00am. Drinks purchased, we started for home and that is when someone suggested that a burrito would be good.

            I, being a very good grandpa, drove to the burrito place and purchased 3 burritos, then we headed for home. Back at home the burritos and drinks were being enjoyed.

At the right time I loaded the kids into the Ford’s ole Chevy and head off to school. We dropped Alex off first and then Gabi and Brice were dropped off. I did make it back home where I immediately went to work watering the flowers. That work completed I came in here and started on this posting.

            My favorite wife will be going out to lunch with some friends today, I will be allowed to go depending on what time I need to pick Dave up from work. If he gets off early or on time then I should be able to go, if he gets off late then I don’t get to go. I am supposed to get Alex from school this afternoon, but if his mother gets off work early, she will get him. With the holiday the workloads can change dramatically.

            I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a good day and as always, please stay safe.

Kid hauler!

Senior person who has already had a cup of real coffee, now what do I due, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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