I just got back home from the auto dealer. This visit was interesting. I am an early arriver so they asked when I scheduled the appointment if I wanted a 7:00 or 8:00 appointment. Now I thought that meant they would start on my project at 7:00. What they meant was I could arrive and get checked in with others at 7:00 and then wait.
I arrived a few minutes before 7:00 and the gates were closed. I waited for them to open the gates then I pulled in. It took them a while but they did get my info and then I went to the waiting room. It was 34 minutes later that they moved my vehicle. I had the oil changed, new motor and cabin air filters, tires rotated and they said the battery needed to be replaced.
Yep, it cost several dollars but I got 25% off on the parts, and on the way home I noticed that everything on the video screen was not working properly. One thing it was showing 32 degrees temp, and the time was off a couple hours. As I drove home the temp increased to 94 degrees so I guess that is working. At home I tried to set the time but could not. I was not happy so I went out back and watered the flower pots, my favorite wife said those pots out front did not need to be watered.
The watering finished, I went back to the vehicle and again attempted to set the time. I was able to set the time, so I guess everything may be getting back to normal.
Bad news for Tres, we did not get to go for a walk this morning.
Yesterday’s football game: it was an interesting game but we lost 18 to 25. It was 104 at game time yesterday, and it will be hotter today.
I know this is a short posting but I am stopping for now, we hope you have a very good day, and please stay safe.
Need my lunch!
Senior ole person who could use a bite to eat and a nap, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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