
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March 1, 2023

            It is March 1, 2023 but I do not intend to march around the block. It seems to me, many years ago when, “I was a children”, and lived in, “The Show Me State”, that the month of March was the kite flying month. If memory serves me, and it sometimes does not serve me, March was the windy month. Also, back in the olden days, kids did not stay in the house, we went outside and played with other kids. Flying kites, playing marbles, playing cowboys on stick horses, was our method of exercise, and luckily we did not have computers and cell phones.

            At lunch or supper time, it was not unusual to hear someone’s mom come outside the house and holler their kid’s name. If one kid got called in for lunch, the other kids knew it was time and would head for home.

            Enough of the olden days, what has happened today. Well, it is the first of the month and Claire has to go to work early to work on payroll. That means she drops the kids off here at our house early morning. Then the grand kids talk me into taking them to the star coffee place and to get a burrito at the burrito place. The total cost is about $800.00, or somewhere in that range. Then we return to the homestead where I enter some more data into this ole computer, before taking the grandees to school.

            Ok, back from dropping the kids off at school, safely, and I am again attempting to enter data into this ole computer.

            Let us return to yesterday; I did not hear just how hot it was, but the car indicated 89 degrees when I was picking the Alex up from school. That was warm enough to wash the dog in the back 40, even though the water from the hose was cold. The wash job was cleansing, at least it seemed that way to us, maybe not to the Tres.

            It was warm enough for us to sit outside yesterday afternoon and discuss all things.

            No one asked, so I will not enlighten the public that I did get the stitches removed, it did not hurt, but since no one asked I am not commenting on that!

            The ice box repairman has not yet called to set a time they could be here, and since it is almost 9:00 I kind of assume that they are super busy or, will not be coming, but I could be wrong.

            My first wife went out and worked in some of the flower beds in the back yard yesterday, and I cleaned up the debris that came out of the beds this morning. There is still more clearing that needs to be done, so we will be busy for a while.

            We hope you have a safe day, filled with love and kindness.

Played outside!

Senior ole person who has played outside but not lately, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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