
Friday, March 24, 2023

March 24, 2023

            Yesterday was a little odd for this ole senior person. Things did not occur on schedule. Dave, while at work broke a tooth. No, he wasn’t in a fight, he was eating and it broke. So at 9:00 I went and picked him up at work and we headed for the dentist. The dentist scheduled him an appointment for noon, so I took Dave home.

            At about 11:30 I picked Dave up again and took him back to the dentist. After an hour he was done and I took him back home, he goes back next week to get the tooth repaired.

            I went back to the homestead where I wanted to take a nap but that did not happen, I guess I was trying too hard. I then got up and went out to the back 40 where I pulled some of the dead weeds from the #2 bed. After the strenuous work I returned to the house where I rested for a few minutes before heading out to get the kids from school. 

            I was number two in line at the school yesterday, I must have gotten there a few minutes early. I was able to get the Alex and the Gabi along with the boy friend from school, and home safely.

            Back at home I was allowed to take my favorite wife out for supper, which we enjoyed. Soon after we arrived at the restaurant an old friend came over to the table and talked with us. This lady use to work at DIB and we had not seen her in a long time. It is always nice to see ole friends.

Returning home, it was suggested that we wash the dog. We think he enjoyed it, and we like the way he smells after a bath, so I guess we all enjoyed the wash job.

            Since I had the hose in hand, I was allowed to water the berry beds. I more or less assume that the predicted rain for this morning would not be enough for the berries, if we get any at all, so I watered. It is 7:30 as I am writing this, and we have not received any of the predicted rain yet.

            After the dog wash and watering, my first wife then forced me to get a cold drink and sit outside with her for almost an hour. Wow, sitting, cold drink, peace and quiet, with my present spouse, what could be better. Oh, I have a photo taken while we were sitting outside.

            It was hot out yesterday afternoon, and I assume that Molly was attempting to cool her belly off laying there on her back with her legs spread apart. Tres was keeping an eye on her. They get along ok, as long as Tres doesn’t think Molly is getting too much attention, then he will get involved.

            Well, I guess I will stop this process of creating wonderful things for you to read, and go get a cup of homemade coffee. Heck, yesterday I didn’t even have a cup of real coffee. We hope your day is safe, fun and we hope you have some real coffee.

Senior doer of nothing

Senior person with nothing to do and nowhere to go, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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