Hello to one and all, we hope all is well for you and your family, we are doing good here at the Ford’s homestead. I hope to post a couple photos today and I hope you find them interesting.
Let’s start with the mowing of the front yard. Now for that one person who read yesterday’s posting, you know that I have a bandage on my hand, and I am not allowed to wash dishes. I did get my shower and I had my favorite wife tape a plastic bag on my hand to keep the bandages dry. It worked, and I have a photo.
Have you ever tried to wash with a plastic bag on your hand, it isn’t easy.
Let’s get back to mowing of the front yard; since my hand is bandaged, I am attempting to not do any manual labor, so I hired my favorite grandson to mow. He did a good job of mowing and I have a photo.
He also used the leaf blower to remove grass from the neighbor’s drive, the street, and our driveway. Alex got a little time in using the string trimmer. Depending on weather, we may have Alex back over here Saturday to mow the back 40. Yes, I paid him more than $1.50 for the work.
I was in David’s yard yesterday when I looked down and saw this very small flower, it is a weed, but it looked like a flower, which I thought was very pretty. Two photos to follow.
First photo is standing looking down and the little blew flower is difficult to see, second photo is a closer look of the two flowers (weeds).
Actually, I guess my hand is doing ok, it hurts when I do certain things like, picking up my cell phone. I know that sounds silly, but it happens, now holding it in my left hand does not hurt. My thumb on that same hand has arthritis, and it hurts more than the incision.
Well, I wish I had more than that to write about, but I don’t, so please have a good day, smile at least once today, and be safe.
wounded senior person.
Senior ole person who misses working in the yard, believe it or not, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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