
Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25, 2023

            Let me start with a couple photos and maybe I will end with a couple comments.

            The above photo was taken while I was waiting on the Alex to get out of school. I like to get photos of some clouds.

            No longer looking up, this time I am looking down. Yesterday I was on my knees in the front yard pulling weeds from the new Jasmine bed. I was working from the outside of the blocks which surround the bed, and it you look at the photo you can see how far I could reach. I went around the outside with a plan to do the inner parts today. I forgot that the sprinkler system was going to run this morning, so the bed is too wet to work in.

            I thought I would have Alex here to do some yard work today, but he has a scout camp out which means if any work gets done, it will be the ole senior person who does it. I have a photo of part of the back 40 which needs to be mowed, along with the ditch behind the house. I may be able to get part of the work done but likely not all the work.

            A friend came over yesterday afternoon at Happy time, and we all sat outside enjoying the nice weather and some adult beverage. Eventually, we enter the homestead and had pizza for supper, it was really good.

            I guess that is it for now, we hope your day is really good with some friends and fun, please be safe.

Yard maintenance person

Senior person who may get started when the grass is dry, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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